Sermons on Gospel Sermons

Sermons on Gospel Sermons

The Most Gracious Prayer in the Bible (24 min)

Brandon Doll preaches on the prayer of the Lord Jesus when He was being nailed to the cross: “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do” – a prayer that reveals the incredible heart of God and the grace of Christ towards humanity. Readings: Isa 53:12, Luke 23:32-34. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 14th July 2024)

Why is Jesus the Only Way? (17 min)

Joseph Baker preaches the exclusive way to God. Why does there need to be a way at all? Why is Jesus the only way? How can I get on the way? Reading: John 14:5-6. (Recorded in Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 9th June 2024)

The Greatest Love, Loss, Lament and Longing (36 min)

Willie Fenton preaches the gospel and highlights four “greatest things” in the Bible – the greatest love of all, the greatest loss of all, the greatest lament of all and the greatest longing of all. Readings: John 3:14-16, Mark 8:36, Jer 8:20, Luke 16:19-31. (Recorded at the Belfast Easter Conference, 2002)

God’s Great Salvation (33 min)

John Fleck preaches on God’s great salvation. Why do I need salvation? Why can I have salvation? How can I receive salvation? Can I really know I have salvation? When can I have salvation? Readings: Rom 4:24-25, 5:1, 6-9. (Recorded at the Belfast Easter Conference, 3rd April 2013)

Alarm to the Unconverted (16 min)

Jonathan Procopio preaches on “a man and his lifetime”, “a man in the flame”, and “a man and his message” from Luke Ch 16:19-31. (Recorded at Sussex Gospel Hall conference, NB, Canada, 30th Sept 2023)

Christ is the End of Your Own Efforts (44 min)

Michael Penfold explains that it is possible to be active in your religion, to have religious status, and even to be a religious enthusiast, but still not be a Christian. How come? Because without Christ, it’s all just “your own righteousness”. You need to see Christ, in His death and resurrection for sinners, as the end of all your own efforts to find acceptance with God. Reading: Romans 10:1-4. (Recorded at Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 25th Feb 2024) Contact…

The Most Inclusive Message in the World (38 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on 4 Bible expressions that outline the intent and extent of the hope of the gospel through the Lord Jesus. “Christ died for all”, “Christ died for the ungodly”, “Christ died for our sins”, and “Christ died for us”. Readings: 2 Cor 5:14-15, Rom 5:6-8, 1 Cor 15:3-5. (Recorded at Chalfont St Peter Gospel hall, 18th Feb 2024)

You Must Be Born Again (25 min)

David Gilliland preaches from the Gospel of John Chapter 3 on two births in one life, two natures in one Person, two parts in one book, two destinies in one eternity, and two categories in one meeting. (Recorded in Midland Park Gospel Hall, NJ, USA, 17th Sept 2023)

The Greatest Blessing, at Chinese New Year (17 min)

At Chinese New Year, Harry Chen (speaking in English and Mandarin) explains how the greatest blessing of having everlasting life can be yours. (Presentation given on 11th Feb 2024 in Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, Vancouver, Canada) Click here for Mr Chen’s Greatest Blessing PowerPoint slides.

How to Obtain Righteousness from God (23 min)

The key issue between God and you is righteousness. In your natural human condition, you are unrighteous. Says the Bible, “There is none righteous, no not one.” Religion cannot change this basic fact. Righteousness is not obtainable by law, works or human effort. However, as Frank Sona explains, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God can declare you righteous, without works on your part. Place your faith for salvation in Jesus Christ alone and God will credit righteousness…

The Sinner’s Vital Five (47 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches from Hebrews 9:27-28. on “the sinner’s vital five”: Man is mortal Sin is fatal The soul is immortal Judgment is unavoidable Salvation is essential (Message preached in Chalfont St Peter, 16th Apr 2023)

The Disease of Sin (22 min)

Peter Orasuk preaches on “the disease of sin”. He gives a thorough and sound exposition of the sinner’s need, followed by a setting forth of the cure through Christ. Readings: Jas 1:15, John 19:30.

God Sent His Son (22 min)

John Dennison preaches on the reason why God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world: because humanity is dead, in debt and lost, and can do nothing to save itself. Are you saved? Readings: 1 John 4:9-10, 14. (Sermon preached at the Jackson Gospel Hall annual conference, Michigan, USA, Feb 2023)

Don’t be Scammed (24 min)

Joseph Baker highlights three of the most effective scams Satan uses to prevent people being saved from their sins. Don’t be scammed. Readings: Prov 3;5-6, Gen 3:1-6 (Message preached in the Gospel Hall, Jackson, MI, USA, 15th Jan 2023)

It is written. It is appointed. It is finished. (28 min)

Michael Penfold preaches the gospel from three biblical statements: “it is written” – my condemnation (Rom 3:10); “it is appointed” – my destination (Heb 9:27); and “it is finished” – my salvation (John 19:30). (Message preached in Chalfont St Peter, 1st Jan 2023)

The Whole Head is Sick (31 min)

Tom West preaches on the greatest problem facing humanity – the sickness of sin. From Isaiah 1:18 he proclaims the only remedy available: not good works and religion, but the person and work of Christ. (Message preached in Chalfont St Peter, 27th Nov 2022)

Why So Many People are Religious But Lost (29 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on Christ’s words about the “many” people who will, to their great surprise, be shut out of heaven despite a profession of salvation, and despite a lifetime of religious activity (Matt 7:21-23). Then from Romans 10:1-4 there’s a principle such people need to learn, a performance they need to stop, and a Person they need to trust (Message preached in Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 13th Nov 2022)

Christ Died for Our Sins (32 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on the text “Christ died for our sins” (1 Cor 15:1-8). The death of Christ was “recorded in history”, “predicted in prophecy”, “verified by personal testimony”, “on behalf of humanity” and “on account of iniquity”. (Message preached in Chalfont St Peter 16th Oct 2022)

The Gospel in 5G (33 min)

Michael Penfold preaches the gospel and explains the Bible’s way of salvation from 5 words beginning with “G” in Romans Chs 3-6 (Message preached in Chalfont St Peter, 9th Oct 2022)

The Crowd’s Choice at the Cross (23 min)

Peter Orasuk preaches on the choice of the crowd on the day Christ was crucified. He highlights the crowd’s denial of Christ, its doubt of Christ and its dishonour of Christ. Be sure to listen to the end to hear Peter tell the story of a man who took a chance he didn’t need to take. Reading: Luke 23:33-43. (Preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, Michigan, USA, 5th Nov 1998)

The Experience of Two Men (27 min)

Peter Orasuk preaches the gospel from “the experience of two men” in Luke 23:39-43. The thieves on the crosses stand for all of humanity – those who receive Christ and those who reject Him. Peter highlights 3 things the thieves had in common and 3 things that distinguish them. (Sermon preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, Michigan, USA, Nov 4, 1998)

Atonement – “Received” not “Achieved” (25 min)

David Gilliland preaches the gospel on the subject of “the atonement” – its meaning, cost, reception, effect and urgency of atonement. The blessings from Christ’s atonement are received not achieved: obtained not attained. Reading Rom 5:6-11 (Preached in Northern Ireland).

You Must Be Born Again (26 min)

Peter Orasuk preaches on the key Bible verse, “You must be born again”. The Lord Jesus said these words to a leading religious leader called Nicodemus. Listen as Peter speaks about a man who was shocked, silenced and saved. If Nicodemus needed to be born again, so do you. Reading: John 3:1-14, 30 (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, Michigan, USA, November 1998) Other messages by Peter Orasuk

Let God Be True! (28 min)

Joseph Baker (Jackson, MI, USA) preaches on the two human responses to divine truth: “faith”, which says “Let God be true“, and “unbelief”, that “makes God a liar“. When it comes to “then”, when it comes to “sin” and when it comes to “Him” – how will you respond? A helpful message giving clarity on the all-important matter of personal salvation. Reading: 1 John 5:9-11, Rom 3:3-4 (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall 14th Mar 2021)

Are you waiting for a feeling? (19 min)

Many people are not saved because, consciously or unconsciously, they are waiting for some kind of feeling. Until they get this feeling, they think they can’t know they are saved. Peter Orasuk (1948-2005) preaches helpfully on this topic from the story of a man in the Bible who trusted his feelings instead of a spoken word. What are you going to go with: your feelings, or God’s word? Readings: Gen 27:5-10, 18-23, John 5:24.

The Death of the Cross (20 min)

Andrew Steele preaches the gospel from Philippians 2:5-11, and in particular the expression in v8 “the death of the cross”. The preaching of the cross, though foolishness to the world, is central to the gospel of the Bible and it is precious to those who know Christ as their Saviour. The cross showed the extent of man’s hatred; is the exhibition of God’s heart; and is the essence of the believer’s hope. Do you know the Christ of the cross?…

“If Only I Could Feel Saved” (6 min)

Norman Crawford (1927-2013), an evangelist and Bible teacher with decades of experience in dealing with souls, tackles an issue that troubles a lot of people: “How can I know for sure that I am really saved?” They set about trying to believe, and trying to “feel saved” by examining this experience and that experience for assurance, but to no avail. None of this is the basis of true Biblical assurance. So, what is? Mr Crawford explains simply and powerfully how…

Every Mouth Stopped (52 min)

In a powerful gospel meeting, Peter Orasuk opens by describing the court scene in the epistle to the Romans that culminates in “every mouth being stopped” as the sentence of condemnation rings out. Mr Murray McCandless follows with a second message in which he preaches on Christ as the door to heaven. Messages preached in Feb 2001 in Ballymena.

What is Your Spiritual Geography? (24 min)

Peter Orasuk (1948-2005) preaches on the “spiritual geography” of every man or woman “in Adam”. The following 4 things describe the spiritual position of human beings in their natural state outside of Christ. They have: “Wrath above” them (John 3:36) “Hell beneath” them (Isa 14:9) “Sin behind” them (Num 32:23) “Judgment ahead” of them (Heb 9:27) But, when a person becomes saved, everything changes. All things become new for those who are “in Christ” (2 Cor 15:22). In this message…

An Awakening and a Quickening (38 min)

Peter Orasuk preaches on “an awakening and a quickening”. How long have you known the gospel, yet you are still not saved? It is time to wake up before it is too late. Reading: Eph 5:14 (Message preached in June 2003)

Coleraine 20th Anniversary – One Thing (36 min)

As the Coleraine meetings continued through the 19th week, further blessing came and the meetings were extended until Sunday June 4th. On Wednesday 31st May Peter Orasuk went first and preached on 4 trumpets. A trumpet of warning (Eze 33:1-8), a trumpet of waiting (1 Thess 4:15-18), a trumpet of awakening (1 Cor 15:51-52) and trumpets of wrath (Rev 8:2-11). Murray McCandless followed with a message centred around three mentions in the Bible of “one thing”. One thing neglected, one thing…

Coleraine 20th Anniversary – “Remember” (48 min)

As the Coleraine meetings continued into their 19th and last week, on Sunday 28th May 2000 Mr Murray McCandless announced that the final meeting would be Wednesday 31st May. The meeting then began with a hymn that had become a favourite in the meetings, “It’s all taken away”. Murray then preached on the man who went down from Jerusalem to Jericho (Lu 10:30-36) as a picture of someone on the broad road to destruction. Peter Orasuk followed with a mighty message…

Coleraine 20th Anniversary – The Scriptures (48 min)

As the Coleraine meetings continued back in the Milburn Centre (pictured above), on the Monday of week 18 (22nd May 2000) it was announced that “this is the last week”; the meetings will conclude on Sunday 28th May. Murray McCandless preached on “the Scriptures”. The unbreakable, unbendable, undeniable Scriptures are also “understandable”. Some of you have known them since childhood, but have you obeyed the gospel they contain? (Readings: 2 Tim 3:15, John 10:35, 5:39, 1 Cor 15:3-3). Peter Orasuk continued…

Coleraine 20th Anniversary – Conscience (48 min)

As the Coleraine meetings continued in the Tent, on the Thursday of week 17 (18th May 2000) Murray McCandless preached from John 8:3-12 on the subject of “conscience” under 4 headings: 1. convicted by conscience, 2. controlled by conscience, 3. condemned by conscience, and finally 4. a conscience cleared. Peter Orasuk followed with a mighty word on the value of a soul. He used three examples of people who “sold their souls” cheaply: Esau for pleasure, Judas for possessions, and Pilate…

Coleraine 20th Anniversary – God’s Standard (44 min)

As the Coleraine meetings continued, a Gospel Tent had to be erected on Sidney Scott’s land because the Community Centre was not available for three weeks. This was the third location that had been used over the months, but the blessing continued. On the Tuesday of week 17 (16th May 2000), under the canvas, Murray McCandless preached on “God’s standard” from Romans 3:10-23. God is a holy God of inflexible righteousness. We come short of his measurement; we are found wanting…

Coleraine 20th Anniversary – Three Musts (43 min)

As the Coleraine meetings continued, on the Wednesday of week 13 (19th April 2000) Peter Orasuk preached on the three “musts” in John Ch 3. Nicodemus was first of all shocked, then silenced (because he didn’t know how to be born again), and finally saved. Murray McCandless followed with a striking message marked by unusual power and pathos based on Luke 13:29 “They shall come from the East, and from the West, and from the North, and from the South.”…

Coleraine 20th Anniversary – The Cup (40 min)

As the Coleraine meetings continued, on the Monday of week 12 (Mon 10th April 2000) Murray McCandless preached an unusal but solemn message on Bible cups. A cup being filled (Gen 15:16); a cup over-filled (Luke 3:18-20) and a cup emptied (John 18:11, 19:29-30). You are filing a cup every day you live without Christ – a cup that will overflow one day and bring judgment. Look at the lives of Belshazzar, Saul, Herod, Judas and Pilate and remember: there’s…

Coleraine 20th Anniversary – When, Where and How (45 min)

With blessing in weeks 10 and 11, the Coleraine meetings were extended. On Sunday 9th April 2000, at the start of week 12, Peter Orasuk read about the “second death” and the “second birth” (Rev 20:11-15, John 3:3-7). You must have the second birth to avoid the second death. So: when, where and how were you born again? Peter told with warmth and fondness of the spot in house of Albert Ramsay in Prince Edward Island where he was saved.…

Coleraine 20th Anniversary – “The Way of Cain” (48 min)

As the Coleraine meetings continued, the evangelist Peter Orasuk from Prince Edward Island, Canada, arrived in late Feb 2000 to join Murray McCandless and help in the meetings. Soon after, Murray’s dear and godly mother, Ruth McCandless, was suddenly called home to heaven. Peter continued the meetings while Murray went home to Canada for the funeral. With Murray back from Canada, both evangelists preached away nightly through the month of March and a number of souls were saved. Then on…

Coleraine 20th Anniversary – The Value of a Soul (40 min)

On Tuesday 15th Feb 2000, as te 4th week of the Coleraine meetings continued, Murray McCandless preached on “the value of a soul” from Mark 8:36-27. In light of the fact that you will live forever either in heaven or hell, what is your soul worth? What would you be willing to risk losing it for? Mr McCandless looked at a number of people in the Bible who played the fool and lost their souls, like Abner and Esau. But…

Coleraine 20th Anniversary – “I am the Door” (41 min)

On Sunday 13th Feb 2000, as the Coleraine meetings commended their 4th week, Murray McCandless preached on the great gospel text “I am the door, by Me is any man enter in, he shall be saved” (John 10:9). Hanging on the wall behind the pulpit throughout this series of meeting was the “Two Roads Chart”. There’s only one door and we’re all born outside of it! To be saved you must enter the door. When did you enter the door?…

Coleraine 20th Anniversary – The Great Supper (37 min)

As the Coleraine meetings continued in their second week, on Tuesday 1st Feb 2000 Murray McCandless preached on “the great supper” from Luke 14:16-24. He drew simple yet powerful lessons from the fact that the supper of which the Lord spoke had been financed by another, that the banqueting house was going to be filled, and that acceptance of the invitation to the supper had to come first, above every other consideration. He applies this to the “gospel supper” and…

Coleraine 20th Anniversary – The Prodigal Son (38 min)

2020 was the 20th anniversary year of a much blessed series of gospel meetings in Coleraine, Northern Ireland, with Canadian evangelists Murray McCandless and Peter Orasuk. The meetings commenced on Sunday 23rd January 2000 and were expected to run for perhaps 6-8 weeks. In the end, due to the interest and the ongoing blessing, the meetings kept being extended “one more week” and didn’t eventually finish until May. Every night for 19 weeks, including Saturdays, the gospel was preached, first…

Jim Hutchinson – What Must I Do to Be Saved? (30 min)

On the last night of a series of gospel meetings in Buckinghamshire, England, in 1980, Mr Jim Hutchinson (1920-2011) preached a message on the Philippian jailer who started off asleep, was then awakened, became anxious and was finally assured of his salvation through the person and work of Christ, about which he heard from Paul and Silas in the prison. In over 500 series of gospel meetings, Mr Hutchinson was always the same – steady, simple and earnest in the…

“Christ Suffered” (48 min)

John Dennison preaches on 1 Pet 3:18 (“Christ has once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that He might bring us to God”), and emphasises the two words “Christ suffered”. The sufferings of Christ were unmatched, were necessary, and accomplished what they were designed for – meeting the claims of God against sin and providing salvation for sinners (Message preached 1st Mar 2020)

Surprised by Salvation (33 min)

“Salvation was completely different to how I imagined it would be.” Eugene Higgins explains the way of salvation from the last verse of John’s Gospel chapter 3, which reads: “He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him” (Jn 3.36). He develops his presentation of the gospel around 4 contrasts in this verse: “Whom”, not “How” “Him”, not “you” “Having”,…

3 Gospel Object Lessons from Luke 13 (33 min)

Andrew Steele preaches from Luke Ch 13 on three object lessons that illustrate gospel truth. A tower that collapsed (“Except you repent you will all likewise perish”); a door that closed (Don’t be left outside); and a hen that called (“I would…but you would not”). The Lord Jesus is seen as the “prince of preachers” in this powerful chapter of the Bible (Message preached 6th July 2019)

“Salvator Mundi” (48 min)

John Fleck preaches from John 4, and in particular v42, on Christ as “the Saviour of the world”, a title used by Leonardo da Vinci in 1500AD for one of his famous paintings. Andrew Steele follows with a contrast between heaven and hell, the two destinies that lie before humanity. Quote: “The worst thing about hell is to have missed heaven.” (Messages preached 28th June 2019)

Resting on Christ (45 min)

John Fleck preaches on the topic of “rest”. The Requirement, Expense, Simplicity and Time of rest, from Isa 57:20-21, Matt 11:28, Heb 3:3 and Rev 14:9-11. Andrew Steele follows with a look at three “unexpected happenings”: someone privileged who perished; Someone perfect but pierced, and someone poor but pardoned. Note especially the three things the man in hell learnt in Luke Ch 16 (Recorded 25th June 2019)

Salvation, the Gift of God (46 min)

John Fleck preaches from Acts 16 – the narrative of the Philippian jailer – on the subject of salvation. What we need to be saved from, why we need to be saved and how we can be saved. Andrew Steele follows with a message on “the gift of God” from Romans 6:23. The opposite of the gift, the origin of the gift and the offer of the gift (Messages preached in Bicester 22nd June 2019)

Are You Saved? (51 min)

Tom Armstrong preaches on the great matter of being “saved”. The Bible says you must be saved (Acts 4:12); it says you can be saved (John 3:17), and it tells you how to be saved (Acts 16:31). David Vallance continues with a look at salvation “in the Son” from the last few verses of John Ch 3 (Messages preached 3rd Mar 2019)

You Must Be Born Again (21 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on the Bible text: “You must be born again” (John 3:7). “You” – it’s personal; “must” – it’s essential; “be” – it’s real; “born again”; it’s spiritual. (Recorded 22nd July 2018)

Hudson Taylor – “The Finished Work of Christ” (40 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on “the finished work of Christ”. That is to say, when the Lord Jesus died, He offered to God a full, final and faultless sacrifice for sins…and in so doing “finished the work” that His Father gave Him to do. Now salvation is available “without works” to the person who trusts in Christ. Mr Higgins uses the life story of Hudson Taylor as the springboard for this message. Click here for the handout (Message preached July 2nd…

William Tyndale – God’s Trustworthy Word (40 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on “God’s faithful and trustworthy Word”, the Bible (Rev 22:6, 1 Tim 1:15). You can be sure of an eternal destiny in heaven by believing what God says in His word! Mr Higgins emphasises three characteristics of God’s trustworthy Word – its simplicity, its immediacy and its certainty. He uses the life story of William Tyndale as the springboard for this message, Click here for the handout (Message preached July 1st 2017)

C.H. Spurgeon – “Look and Live” (41 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on Isaiah 45:22. There’s a very helpful section in this message where Mr Higgins runs through typical objections to salvation and provides insightful Biblical answers. Mr Higgins uses the life story and conversion of C.H. Spurgeon as the springboard for this message. Click here for the handout (Message preached June 30th 2017)

Jim Elliot – God’s Love for His Enemies (40 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on “God’s love for His enemies” from Rom 5:6-10. When Christ came to earth He was “hated without a cause”, rejected and slain. All of us, from birth, are at enmity with God due to the miserable and sinful state we find ourselves in by nature – a nature that manifests itself in wicked words, thoughts and deeds. Yet, God loved us even when we were enemies! Mr Higgins uses the story of Jim Elliot as the…

Fanny Crosby – Words of a Wonderful Saviour (39 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on the loving, living and lasting words of Christ – the wonderful Saviour. The words of Christ teach us what is of ultimate value, what is life’s ultimate peril, and provide – to those who rest on them by faith – ultimate assurance. Mr Higgins uses the life story of Fanny Crosby as the springboard for this message. Click here for the handout (Message preached June 26th 2017)

John Bunyan – Barriers and Burdens (37 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on the barriers a sinner faces in coming to Christ (deterrents, despair, deception, death), and “the burdens that Calvary removes”. He uses the life story of John Bunyan and his book Pilgrim’s Progress as the springboard for this message. The challenge? “Will you leave your sin and go to heaven; or will you have your sin and go to hell?” Click here for the handout (Message preached 23rd June 2017)

John Wesley – A Brand from the Burning (40 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches a soul-searching message based on an expression in the Bible (from Zech 3:2) which he applies to people who have been saved – they are “brands plucked from the burning”. Have you ever been saved from going to hell? Ending up in hell is a real danger, an imminent danger, an extreme danger and an irreversible danger. Mr Higgins uses the life story of John Wesley as the springboard for this message. Click here for the handout…

F.S. Arnot – “Whosoever” (36 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on 4 mentions of “whosoever” in the Bible. The whosoever that once meant me (John 8:34); the whosoever that would have been me (Rev 20:15); the whosoever that now means me (John 3:16), and the whosoever that still means you (Rev 22:17). He uses the life story of F.S. Arnot as the springboard for this message. Click here for the handout (Message preached June 18th 2017)

Isaac Watts – The Wondrous Cross (40 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches about the death of Christ at “the wondrous cross” – an event which provided both the greatest revelation of our ruin as sinners, and the strongest repudiation of our own righteous efforts to save ourselves. Why did Christ have to suffer and die if we could get to heaven by our own efforts? He uses the life story of Isaac Watts as the springboard for this message. Click here for the handout (Message preached Jun 17th 2017)

Hugh Latimer – “Believe in the Light” (36 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on “Christ as the light of the world” and urges his audience to “believe in the light” while they have the light (John 12:36). In a searching message Mr Higgins describes the light of God’s holiness exposing the corrupt heart of man, both in time and at the final judgment. He uses the life story of Hugh Latimer as the springboard for this message. Click here for the handout (Message preached June 16th 2017)

Martin Luther – “Jesus Only” (36 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on salvation through “Jesus only” (Matt 17:8), through “faith only” (Luke 8:50), resting on God’s “word only” (Matt 8:8). He presses the uniqueness of Christ as the only Saviour and the importance of resting on what God says – not on your own personal feelings – for the possession and assurance of salvation. Mr Higgins uses the conversion of Martin Luther as the springboard for this message. Click here for the handout (Message preached June 12th 2017)

Charles Wesley – Immense Mercy (37 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on God’s immense mercy, His amazing love and His infinite grace (from Gal 2:20). He ponders how much we all deserve wrath, how little we deserve mercy, but how greatly indebted we are to the mercy of God in Christ. Mr Higgins uses the life story of Charles Wesley, author of the hymn And Can It Be, as the springboard for this message. Click here for the handout (Message preached June 11th 2017)

John Newton – “Christ – A Great Saviour” (36 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on “Christ a great Saviour”. Reading in 1 Chron 17:16-17 and 1 Tim 1:12-15, Mr Higgins expounds the grace of God to sinners. He weaves his comments around the words of the aged John Newton (author of “Amazing Grace“) who said “I remember two things – I am a great sinner; but Christ is a great Saviour”. The free grace gospel is objectionable to self-righteous people, but it is the only way to heaven! Click here for…

Polycarp – No Friend Like Christ (28 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on greatest friend you can know. The Lord Jesus “loveth at all times” (Prov 17:17). Christ loved sinners from heaven, and during His life, and in His death at the cross. He loves sinners now, in their need and in their danger of perishing in hell. Mr Higgins uses the life story of the martyr Polycarp as the springboard for this message. Click here for the handout (Message preached June 9th 2017)

Adoniran Judson – The Reality of Being Lost (40 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches a searching and solemn message on a number of “pressing realities” that you need to face. The reality of death, of being deceived, of being lost, of being awakened to your danger…and of being saved (based on 2 Cor 4:3-6). In addition to telling parts of his own testimony of salvation, Mr Higgins uses the life story of Adoniram Judson as the springboard for his message. Click here for the handout (Message preached June 6th 2017)

Sir James Simpson – Christ My Substitute (42 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches a powerful message on Christ – a substitute required, provided and received. The hopelessness and helplessness of the sinner’s situation is laid bare; then Christ is introduced as the substitute who experiences and accomplishes what the sinner never could. Mr Higgins uses the life story of Sir James Simpson as the springboard for his message. Click here for the handout (Message preached June 5th 2017)

Eternal Salvation in Christ (52 min)

Tom Armstrong preaches on “eternal salvation” and “eternal judgment” – you need one to avoid the other. Ian Jackson follows with a message called “Jesus saves”. You don’t need “help”, or “education” or “religion”…you need to be saved! (Messages preached 19th Feb 2017)

The Unrepentant Man in Hell (48 min)

Frank Sona preaches on three voices. The voice of creation (Rom 8:22), the voice of the law (Rom 3:19) and the voice of the blood of Christ (Heb 12:24-25), each of which have a notable message to tell us. Andrew Steele continues with a solemn look at the narrative of “the unrepentant man in hell” from Luke Ch 16 (Messages preached in Bicester 11th July 2016)

Where will you spend eternity? (19 min)

Andrew Steele preaches on the ultimate question: heaven or hell for eternity? In the fog of daily life, news coverage and social media feeds, it’s easy to lose sight of the greatest reality of all – where will I be 5 seconds after I die? Where will I be a billion centuries from now? Readings: Luke 16:19-31, 18:9-14 (Recorded in June 2016)

Salvation is Free (51 min)

Tom Armstrong preaches on a ransom “for all” (1 Tim 2:6), “for free” (Eph 2:8-9) and for ever (Isa 51:6). John Rogers continues with a look at the story of Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 22 and draws pertinent lessons about salvation from the passage (Messages preached in Bicester 14th July 2015)

The Everlasting Burnings (48 min)

John Rogers takes up a solemn and searching text from Isaiah 33:14 – “Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?” Tom Armstrong closes by pointing to Jesus Christ, the one and only Saviour of sinners, who humbled Himself to suffer the death of the cross that we might be saved (Messages preached in Bicester 13th July 2015)

The Hard Journey Home (50 min)

Ian Jackson preaches on the thief on the cross, who was “saved at the last minute”. Mervyn Hall continues the theme with a look at a rebel son who took “a long outbound journey further and further into sin” but repented and began the “hard inbound journey home”. (Message preached 18th July 2014)

The Danger of Perishing (42 min)

David Gilliland preaches a powerful and pointed warning message on the danger of perishing and the divine rescue provided in Christ. John Grant closes with a fresh look at John 3:16, assuring sinners of a welcome for the whosoever will (Messages preached in Ambrosden 31st Mar 2013)

Life’s Greatest Issues (39 min)

Wesley Martin preaches on “Life’s greatest issues” under 3 headings: “Life’s Greatest Necessity” (Acts 4:12), “Life’s Greatest Certainty” (Acts 16:31) and “Life’s Greatest Tragedy” (Jer 8:20). If you’re not saved nothing else matters. (Message preached 16th July 2012)

One Sin, One Soul and One Sacrifice (38 min)

Wesley Martin preaches on “One sin and its verdict” (Jas 2:10); “One soul and its value” (Luke 15:7), and “One sacrifice and its virtue” (Heb 10:12). In the course of his message he gives a sound, weighty and thoroughgoing exposition of the guilt of mankind (Message preached in Bicester 12th July 2012)

The Gospel Message (25 min)

Ian Jackson preaches a “back to basics” gospel message giving a clear, straightforward and challenging presentation of three key Bible texts: 1 Timothy 1:15 – “Christ Jesus Came into the World to Save Sinners” Isaiah 53:5 – “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed.” John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten…

Ho! Everyone That Thirsteth (46 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the gospel sound, settlement, supper, sureness and season, from Isaiah 55. He announces the free offer of salvation in the words of the prophet: “Ho, everyone that thirsteth…come, buy…without money and without price” (Message preached 15th May 2011)

The Cross: The Answer (49 min)

Ian Jackson preaches on how the cross answers the problem raised by the issue of God’s unutterable holiness versus man’s total ruin. Wesley Martin continues with the value of man’s soul, Calvary’s sacrifice and the precious Saviour (Messages preached in Bicester, Easter 24th April 2011)

When I See the Blood (40 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on the Passover as a picture of salvation. The blood of the lamb made the people safe; the word of the Lord made them sure. A clear gospel presentation (Message preached in Bicester 15th Apr 2011)

Run and Live, or Delay and Die (48 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches an earnest message of warning and entreaty, based on the “cities of refuge” in the Old Testament. He urges his audience to “run and live” or “delay and die” (Message preached 14th April 2011)

The Son of Man Lifted Up (37 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on the “serpent lifted up in the wilderness” as a picture of Christ on the cross. He explains why the dying people needed to look, what they looked at and how they looked. A helpful gospel message (Message preached 13th April 2011)

The Struggle to be Saved (38 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on the two sons and the one Son in the parables of Matthew 21. He delivers a message ideally suited to children of believers who struggle to find salvation (Message preached 9th April 2011)

The Stronger than the Strong Man (38 min)

In a weighty message about the deceptive power of the evil one to delude and damn souls, Gene Higgins preaches on Christ as the One “stronger than the strong one” (Satan) from Luke 11:21 (Message preached in Bicester 7th April 2011)

Greatest Need, Name and Night (40 min)

Crawford Brown preaches on a need above every other need (the new birth), a name above every other name (the Lord Jesus), and a night above every other night (salvation) (Message preached Sun 23rd Jan 2011)

The Forgiveness of Sins (34 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the fact and the forgiveness of sins, using Ephesians 1:7 as his text – “In Whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins.” (Message preached Sunday 17th Oct 2010)

Almost Persuaded (47 min)

Ian Jackson preaches a stirring message on the text Acts 26:28, “Almost persuaded to be a Christian”. He explains the tragic fact that it is possible to ‘believe’ the whole Bible yet still be lost and go to hell (Message preached in Ambrosden 4th Mar 2010).

Enter in at the Strait Gate (47 min)

Ian Jackson preaches on the text – Matt 7:13 – “Enter in at the strait gate”. A searching message on eternity, and the broad and narrow way. Which road are you on? (Message preached in Ambrosden 23rd Feb 2010).

He That Believeth Hath (48 min)

Ian Jackson preaches on the text – John 3:36 – and the contrast “believeth” or “believeth not”? A challenging message that urges sinners to face up to where they stand. Where do you stand? (Message preached in Ambrosden 21st Feb 2010)

The Cross (38 min)

Stan Wells preaches the gospel on the Cross of Christ under the headings: the weight, the women, the writing, the work, the wonder and the words of “the Cross” (Message preached 30th August 2009)

Heaven and Hell (45 min)

Wesley Martin preaches on “A Place called Heaven” and Tommy Wright closes with a message from Luke Ch 16 on “A Place Called Hell” (Messages preached in Bicester 17th Aug 2009).
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