Sermons by Albert Hull

Sermons by Albert Hull

Four Outstanding Bible Women (29 min)

Albert Hull (1936-2015) preaches on 4 outstanding women in the Bible and the principle that each of them exhibits: Ruth and the principle of choice, Hannah and the principle of commitment, Deborah and the principle of consecration, and Esther and the principle of concern. Readings: Ruth 1:14-18, 1 Sam 1:10-11, Judg 4:4-5, 8-9, 5:1-2, 7, Est 4:14-17. (Recorded in North America)

What Are You Bringing to Christ? (27 min)

Albert Hull (1936-2015) preaches on “bringing sheaves to Christ” in gospel service, on bringing ourselves to Christ in consecration, and on God bringing sons to glory through it all. Readings: Psa 126.1-6, Rom 12.1-2, Heb 2.8-10. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel hall, Livonia, Michigan, USA, 21 Oct 1995).

What Legacy Are You Leaving Behind? (29 min)

Albert Hull (1936-2015) preaches on the challenging topic of legacy. In his final epistle, written in jail to Timothy, Paul urges him to be a devoted soldier, a disciplined athlete, a diligent farmer and a dedicated workman. What legacy are you leaving behind? Readings: 2 Tim 2:1-15, 19-26. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel hall, Livonia, Michigan, USA, 21 Oct 1995).

The Love of God (5 min)

Albert Hull (1936-2015), from Northern Ireland, preached the gospel and taught the truth of God for several decades mainly in Nova Scotia and other parts of Canada and North America. He was a warm-hearted, earnest and much loved servant of the Lord, who was never happier than when he was preaching the gospel of Christ to perishing sinners. Here he is, preaching on “the love of God”, in a video produced by his family soon after his home-call. More about…

VIDEO – Albert’s Hull’s Testimony of Salvation (34 min)

In November 2000, Albert Hull (1936-2015) told the story of his conversion, during a gospel message he preached at the Stark Road Gospel hall annual conference in Livonia, Michigan U.SA. Saved in 1957, listening to the Word preached through the open windows of a small and struggling series of gospel meetings, Albert ever after revelled in the grace of God, and rarely missed an opportunity to tell of it with enthusiasm and joy.  

Old-Time Gospel Preaching (76 min)

Albert Hull (1936-2015) and Harold Paisley (1924-2015) preach the gospel in November 1997 at the Stark Road Gospel Hall annual conference, in Livonia, Michigan, USA. For related recordings, see: Albert Hull’s story of conversion “God wants your heart” message by Albert Hull Harold Paisley’s testimony of salvation Harold Paisley – 50 years in the Lord’s work    

Albert Hull – Pugwash Conference gospel message (25 min)

In 2002, in the big Tent in Pugwash Junction conference in Nova Scotia, Canada, Albert Hull (1936-2015) preached the gospel powerfully, majoring on the theme of “the precious blood of Christ”. He read 4 scriptures and heralded the gospel to those who are “without strength” (Rom 5:6), “without excuse” (Rom 1:20), who will die “without mercy” (Heb 10:28-29), unless the are saved through the precious blood of Christ, for “without the shedding of blood” is no remission of sins (Heb…

Assembly Personalities (16 min)

Albert Hull sets out the problem of personalities in an assembly. How can we cope with all the other personalities, and how do we need to adjust our own? The critical, the cold, the contagious, the commanding, the calm and the colourful; Mr Hull analyses them all! He urges us to all have “Christ-like” personalities, and thus bring glory to God in local testimony. A challenging and often amusing message, full of insight, warmth and conviction. Readings: 1 Cor 1:12-16,…

“We’re only playing at church” (54 min)

Albert Hull (1936-2015) preaches an urgent message on the character and cost of discipleship, taking up the subject under 7 headings: the meaning of it, the magnetism of it, the molding of it, the making of it, the mandate of it, the marks of it, and the manifestation of it. Mr Hull presses home the concept of following, pursuing and imitating Christ in a message that will stir your soul and refocus your mind. At the time this message was…

God Wants your Heart (29 min)

In 2011 at the age of 74, 54 years saved, Albert Hull (1936-2015) preached at the Toronto Easter Conference on “God wants your heart”. In a world of deception, darkness and division, God has called us in salvation to be dedicated and devoted to him for the rest of our lives. Mr Hull used selfless, sacrificial actions of the mighty men who brought water for David to drink to illustrate his point. A challenging message from a warm-hearted earnest preacher.…

“I Chose Never To Attend Another Gospel meeting” (38 min)

Albert Hull (1936-2015) tells the thrilling and heart-warming story of how God saved him “on the roadside” in 1957 listening to the gospel through the open window of a gospel meeting. As a preacher’s son, Albert knew the gospel well, but a point came in his teens when he made a choice never to attend another gospel meeting. Off he went to enjoy the pleasures of the world. Yet, even when he was drunk, he was still able to preach…

Albert Hull – “One Unique Unrivalled Man” (22 min)

Albert Hull (1936-2015) preached the gospel and taught the truth of God for several decades mainly in Nova Scotia and other parts of Canada and North America. He was a warm-hearted, earnest and much loved servant of the Lord, who was never happier than when he was preaching the gospel of Christ to perishing sinners. Here he is, just 2 years before his homecall, preaching the gospel to a large audience at the “Island Conference” (in Prince Edward Island, Canada)…

Christ and His Coming (41 min)

Albert Hull preaches on “Christ and His compassion” and “Christ and His coming” in a devotionally rich message on the person of Christ, delivered with warmth and freshness (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 13th April 2009)

Only One Life: Christ and His Claims (40 min)

Albert Hull (1936-2015) had a unique delivery, full of earnestness and warmth. Speaking on the life and testimony of Enoch as he presses “Christ and His claims” upon his hearers. We have only one life, it will soon be passed; only what’s done for Christ will last. (Message preached 13th April 2009)

Christ and His Church (27 min)

Albert Hull preaches a powerful message on “Christ and His Control” and “Christ and His Church”. Mr Hull had a unique gift for devotional heart-warming ministry on the person of Christ (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 12th April 2009)

Christ & His Creation (31 min)

Albert Hull preaches on “Christ and His Creation” and “Christ and His Cross”, a message delivered with joy and power. Enjoy! (Message preached at Bicester, Easter 11th April 2009)

“Lord: Send Revival” (44 min)

Albert Hull (1936-2015) from Canada, preaches on a restoring, reviving and rejoicing God who can bring the refreshing dew of heaven to our hearts, our homes and to our nation. Mr Hull delivers a stirring call for revival that will warm and challenge your soul (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 9th April 2009).