Sermons from May 2024
I Lived Like The Devil (6 min)
Ted Larson relates how God saved him as a Policeman in Wisconsin, USA, who had grown up knowing the gospel but got away from its influence in his life. (Recorded at Cedar Falls Gospel Hall Conference, Iowa, USA, April 2024).
God Wants Your Heart (41 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on “God wants your heart”, based on the direct and powerful challenge of God to the people of Israel in Isaiah 66:1-5. (Recorded in Sarnia Gospel Hall, 27th May 2018) Get in touch:
Behaving Yourself Wisely in Difficult Circumstances (21 min)
Murray McCandless preaches on David’s wise behaviour when one jealous man detained, despised, discredited, dreaded, and demoted him. Readings: 1 Sam 18:1-18, 27-30. (Recorded in North America)
7 Things That Are Better Than Other Things (39 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the 7 counterintuitive comparisons outlined by Solomon in Ecclesiastes 7:1-13, dealing with reputation, reward, reality, reflection, rebuke, resolution and restraint. (Recorded in Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 26th May 2024)
James McClelland – Three Musts in John Ch 3 (20 min)
James McClelland (1949-2016) was born in Northern Ireland and saved as a boy of 11 in 1960. Later in life, he went into the furniture and carpet business with his two brothers. However, his interest in the preaching of the gospel eventually led him into full time service for the Lord. He and his wife Amy moved to Nova Scotia, Canada, in 1981 where, from his base in Clementsvale, Mr. McClelland preached the gospel far and wide for 35 years.…
I Discovered Clean Living Wasn’t Enough to Get me to Heaven (21 min)
Ian Anderson relates the story of his religious upbringing and how through the conversion of a friend, who shared the gospel with him, he discovered that good living wasn’t enough to get him to heaven. Readings: Acts 26:4-5, 13-15, 19-23. (Recorded in Ballykeel Gospel Hall, 7th Apr 2024)
Aquila and Priscilla’s Finest Hour (57 min)
John Fleck preaches on the lives of a married couple in the New Testament called Aquila and Priscilla. Their mentions, merchandise, movements, marriage and ministry. (Recorded in Ahoghill Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland). (Photo above: Ancient Corinth) Complete series: Abraham’s finest hour Ruth’s finest hour David’s finest hour Peter’s finest hour Aquila and Priscilla’s finest hour
Peter’s Finest Hour (54 min)
John Fleck preaches on the events of Acts 2, when Peter preached the gospel on the Day of Pentecost in Jerusalem and 3,000 people were saved. The Spirit, the speaker, the sermon and the sequel. (Recorded in Ahoghill Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series: Abraham’s finest hour Ruth’s finest hour David’s finest hour Peter’s finest hour Aquila and Priscilla’s finest hour
David’s Finest Hour (53 min)
John Fleck preaches on the biblical record of the day when David took up the challenge of Goliath the Philistine and overcame him in the name of the God of Israel. Readings: 1 Sam 16:11-17:58. (Recorded in Ahoghill Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series: Abraham’s finest hour Ruth’s finest hour David’s finest hour Peter’s finest hour Aquila and Priscilla’s finest hour
Ruth’s Finest Hour (55 min)
John Fleck preaches on the choice Ruth made to trust in Naomi’s God and take shelter under the wings of the God of Israel. Reading: Ruth 1. (Recorded in Ahoghill Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series: Abraham’s finest hour Ruth’s finest hour David’s finest hour Peter’s finest hour Aquila and Priscilla’s finest hour
Abraham’s Finest Hour (52 min)
John Fleck preaches on the experience of Abraham as he ascended Mount Moriah to offer Isaac on the altar. Reading: Gen 22. (Recorded in Ahoghill Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series: Abraham’s finest hour Ruth’s finest hour David’s finest hour Peter’s finest hour Aquila and Priscilla’s finest hour
I Had a Pagan Altar in My Bedroom (26 min)
As a teenager, Ken Biddington got into heavy darkness. He was a drummer in a heavy metal band, lived a drugs-and-party lifestyle and even had an altar in his bedroom. But in 1993 God intervened in his life. The transformation shook his entire neighbourhood. Listen to find out how it happened. Reading: Acts 26:17-18, John 3:16. (Recorded in Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, Vancouver, BC, Canada, on 5th May 2024)
The Importance of A Good Foundation for Life (27 min)
Jonathan Procopio preaches on the need to dig deep and build a solid foundation for your Christian life. Reading: Luke 6:46-49. (Recorded at Sussex Gospel Hall conference, Canada, 1st Oct 2023)
It’s Not My Body, It’s The Lord’s (34 min)
John Dennison preaches on the biblical view of the nature and purpose of the believer’s body. Reading: 1 Cor 6:9-20. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, Nov 2013)
There’s Something Very Wrong with This Place: What Am I Doing Here? (14 min)
Steve Faviere started taking drugs at the tender age of 12. He soon became a party-loving young man with a fast lifestyle. Every now and then he was given pause for thought, by the premature death of a friend, or by people sharing the gospel with him. Watch to find out how Steve finally became saved. Readings: Rom 3:19, John 3:16, Rev 20:11-15. (Recorded in Newmarket Gospel Hall, Ontario, Canada, on 21st April 2024) To listen to Steve preaching in…
Be Still and Know That I Am God (27 min)
Phil Coulson preaches on peace in the soul, peace in the sanctuary and peace in the storm. “Be silent before the Lord Thy God, and let Him mould thee.” Reading: Psalm 46. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Nov 2007)
Questions and Answers on the Family (24 min)
Sandy Higgins answers 10 questions submitted by his audience during his 9 sessions on the family and relationships. Dr. Higgins, a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Readings: Rom 12:9-16, Col 3:13, 17. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 19th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the Family Courtship and the Search for a Spouse Understanding Roles in Marriage Overcoming Problems in Marriage Child Rearing – the…
Four Keys to Happy Fellowship (35 min)
Sandy Higgins preaches on 4 keys to living in harmony with other Christians. 1. Focussing on the worth of others, 2. Fostering the welfare of others, 3. Forbearing with the weakness of others, and 4. Forgiving the wounds of others. Dr. Higgins, a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Readings: Rom 12:9-16, Col 3:13, 17. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 19th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance…
Interpersonal Relationships Between Believers (22 min)
Having dealt with the husband and wife relationship, and the parent child relationship, Sandy Higgins preaches on interpersonal relationships between believers in general. Dr. Higgins, a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Reading: Col 3:9-17. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 19th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the Family Courtship and the Search for a Spouse Understanding Roles in Marriage Overcoming Problems in Marriage Child Rearing…
Equipping Parents to Handle Three Present Dangers (41 min)
Society is self-obsessed, sex-saturated, and screen-orientated. Dr. Higgins, a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA, advises parents how to raise a family in the middle of such a culture. Readings: 1 Cor 6:13-20, Eph 4:25, 29-32, 5:8-12, 14-17, Phil 2:3-5. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 18th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the Family Courtship and the Search for a Spouse Understanding Roles in Marriage Overcoming…
Child Rearing – The Teen Years (39 min)
Dr. Sandy Higgins gives a history of how “teen culture” emerged and provides much needed advice for parents to help them maintain a good relationship with their teenagers as they raise them in the fear of God. Dr. Higgins is a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Readings: Eph 3:14, 6:4, Col 3:21. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 18th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the…
Child Rearing – the Early Years (33 min)
Dr. Sandy Higgins gives biblical advice about raising children in their early years, from the story of Hannah and Samuel. Setting an example, how to discipline etc. Dr. Higgins is a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Reading: 1 Sam Chs 1-3. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 18th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the Family Courtship and the Search for a Spouse Understanding Roles in…
Overcoming Problems in Marriage (36 min)
Dr. Sandy Higgins gives counsel for handling problems in a marriage – problems from within, from outside, from beneath, problems allowed from above, and problems that need to be faced. Dr. Higgins is a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Readings: Gen 3:16, 1 Cor 7:28, Luke 8:15. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 18th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the Family Courtship and the Search…
Understanding Roles in Marriage (38 min)
Dr. Sandy Higgins outlines the role of a wife, the role of a husband and their united work to leave, cleave, weave and believe together, resulting in a union that glorifies the Lord. Dr. Higgins is a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Reading: 1 Pet 3:1-7. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 18th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the Family Courtship and the Search for…
Courtship and the Search for a Spouse (28 min)
Dr. Sandy Higgins gives biblical advice on courtship and dating. Where to look for a spouse, what to look for in a spouse, and how to be guided by God in the process. Dr. Higgins is a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Reading: Genesis Ch 24. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 18th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the Family Courtship and the Search for…