Sermons by David Gilliland

Sermons by David Gilliland

96 sermons per page
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How to Speak: How to Hear (26 min)

David Gilliland preaches on two expressions in the Bible. “How to speak” and “how you hear”, from Isaiah 50 and Luke 8 respectively. He gives guidance on “how to speak a word to the weary”, speaking scripturally, sensitively and seasonably, as well as how to hear with a discerning interested ear. Readings: Isa 50:4-6, Luke 8:4, 11, 16-21. (Recorded at the Bridgewater Bible Conference, Nova Scotia, Canada, on 29th Mar 2024)

Christ in the Present Tense – “He is” (62 min)

David Gilliland preaches on a number of “He is” statements in the New Testament. What Peter says of Christ, what Paul says of Christ, what John says of Christ and what the writer to the Hebrews says of Christ. Readings: Psa 45:1-2, Mark 1:4-5, 9-12, 3:7-12, John 1:45, 47-51, Heb 1:10-13, Rev 5:1-10. (Recorded in Roseisle Gospel Hall, MB, Canada, in Sept 2024) Complete series “Enjoying Christ in the Present Tense”: “I am” – The claim of His word (Statements…

Christ in the Present Tense – “Thou art” (55 min)

David Gilliland preaches on nine of the “Thou art” statements made to the Lord Jesus. “Thou art My beloved Son”, “Thou art the Son of God”, “Thou art worthy” etc. Readings: Acts 10:36, Eph 2:13-17, Col 1:14-18, Heb 8:1-2, 6, 9:15, 1 Pet 2:6-7, 1 John 2:1-2, 3:1-3, 4:17-19. (Recorded in Roseisle Gospel Hall, MB, Canada, in Sept 2024) Complete series “Enjoying Christ in the Present Tense”: “I am” – The claim of His word (Statements made by the Lord…

Christ in the Present Tense – “I am” (57 min)

David Gilliland preaches on numerous of the “I am” statements of the Lord Jesus from the Gospel of John – their background, their breadth, and their bearing. Readings: John 4:25-26, 8:12, 24-25, 57-58, 18:3-9. (Recorded in Roseisle Gospel Hall, MB, Canada, in Sept 2024) Complete series “Enjoying Christ in the Present Tense”: “I am” – The claim of His word (Statements made by the Lord Jesus) “Thou art” – The confession of His worth (Statements made to the Lord Jesus)…

The 4 Symbols in 1 Corinthians 11 (16 min)

David Gilliland introduces the two sections of 1 Corinthians 11, the first about the symbols of headship and the second about the symbols for remembering the Lord’s death. He outlines the analysis, approach and abuse of each section. (Recorded in Lurgan Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland, May 2012)

Making a Clean Break (33 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the need to keep a safe distance from, to give a wide berth to, and to make a clean break from three types of things – moral, doctrinal and social contagion. From these the Bible tells us to “abstain”. Readings: 1 Thess 4:2-8, 5:19-22, 1 Pet 2:11-12. (Recorded at the Belfast Christmas Conference, Dec 2015)

Are You at Ground Zero? (35 min)

David Gilliland preaches on Psalm 74 which he likens to someone being at “ground zero” in their life. He outlines the hurt, hinge, heart, hope and heading of this encouraging Psalm. Reading: Psalm 75. (Recorded at the Pamber Heath Gospel Hall annual conference, Hampshire, UK, 31st Aug 2009)

The Relevance of the Scriptures (51 min)

David Gilliland gives insights into how to bring the Bible into our every day lives. As you read the Bible, 1. investigate the text, 2. interrogate the text (ask questions), and 3. incorporate the text into your day to day walk with God. Reading: 2 Tim 2:1-7. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete series on “How the Bible came to us”: The Revelation of the Scriptures The Reading of the Scriptures The Relevance of the Scriptures  

The Reading of the Scriptures (43 min)

David Gilliland preaches on how to profitably read and study the Bible. He explains the tools, the techniques and the target of Bible reading and study. Reading: 2 Tim 2:14-18. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete series on “How the Bible came to us”: The Revelation of the Scriptures The Reading of the Scriptures The Relevance of the Scriptures

The Revelation of the Scriptures (66 min)

David Gilliland preaches on how the Bible came to us from God, taking up a list of issues including revelation, inspiration, canonisation, preservation, translation, illumination and personalisation. He discusses issues such as the gnostic gospels, the Apocrypha, manuscriptology and archaeology. Reading: 2 Tim 3:14-4:4. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete series on “How the Bible came to us”: The Revelation of the Scriptures The Reading of the Scriptures The Relevance of the Scriptures

Standing for God in a Hostile Academic Environment (32 min)

David Gilliland preaches on standing for God as a Christian in a secular educational setting. He preaches on the expression “Then Paul stood” from Acts 17:16-34. Where Paul stood, how he stood, what he stood for, and the results. (Recorded in the Ulster Hall, Belfast – Easter Conference)

In the School of Sinai (43 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the 5 institutions God gave Israel in “the School of Sinai”: the stones, the sanctuary, the sacrifices, the seasons, and the signals. Reading: Exod 19:1-6, 20:1-3, Num 10:1-2, 11-14. (Recorded at Midland Park Gospel Hall, NJ, USA, 16th Sept 2023)

Epaphroditus – The Honourable Servant (68 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the life and service of Epaphroditus, the dedicated servant of the Lord and companion of Paul. Readings: Phil 2:19-30, 4:18. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete series on “Honourable Men in Scripture”: Jabez – The Honourable Supplicant Mordecai – The Honourable Statesman Samuel – The Honourable Seer Joseph of Arimathea – The Honourable Senator Epaphroditus – The Honourable Servant

Joseph of Arimathea – The Honourable Senator (55 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the life and service of Joseph of Arimathea, who was an “honourable counsellor” and who lent his own new tomb to the Lord Jesus for 3 days. Reading: Matt 27:57-61, Mark 15:42-47, Luke 23:50-54, John 19:38-42. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete series on “Honourable Men in Scripture”: Jabez – The Honourable Supplicant Mordecai – The Honourable Statesman Samuel – The Honourable Seer Joseph of Arimathea – The Honourable Senator Epaphroditus – The Honourable Servant

Samuel – The Honourable Seer (61 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the life and times of the man of God, Samuel, of whom it says in the Bible, “He is an honourable man”. This sermon contains biblical advice for leaders. Reading: 1 Sam 9:1-10. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete series on “Honourable Men in Scripture”: Jabez – The Honourable Supplicant Mordecai – The Honourable Statesman Samuel – The Honourable Seer Joseph of Arimathea – The Honourable Senator Epaphroditus – The Honourable Servant

Mordecai – The Honourable Statesman (59 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the life and times of the honoured Mordecai and the extraordinary events recorded in the book of Esther that demonstrate the providence and sovereignty of God in remarkable ways. Readings: Est 2:5-7, 21-23, 3:1-4, 4:12-14, 6:1, 3-10, 8:2, 15 9:1, 23, 10:1-3. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete series on “Honourable Men in Scripture”: Jabez – The Honourable Supplicant Mordecai – The Honourable Statesman Samuel – The Honourable Seer Joseph of Arimathea – The Honourable Senator Epaphroditus…

Jabez – The Honourable Supplicant (43 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the first of 5 “honourable men” in the Bible. Jabez – most well known for his prayer: his brethren, his birth, his burden and his blessing. Reading: 1 Chron 4:9-10. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete series on “Honourable Men in Scripture”: Jabez – The Honourable Supplicant Mordecai – The Honourable Statesman Samuel – The Honourable Seer Joseph of Arimathea – The Honourable Senator Epaphroditus – The Honourable Servant

All This Was Done (14 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the 3 mentions of the fascinating expression “all this was done” in the Gospel of Matthew. Readings: Matt 1:20-23, 21:2-5, 26:51-56. (Recorded in Mount Sterling Gospel Hall, WI, USA)

The Entrance Hallway to the Gospel of John (25 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the first 18 verses of John Chapter 1, which he calls the “entrance hallway” to the 21 rooms of the Gospel of John. He outlines the designations, the divisions, the diction, the distinctions, the doctrine and the denials of this pivotal section of Holy Scripture. (Recorded at the Belfast Christmas Conference)

Away, Apart and Alone (43 min)

David Gilliland preaches on “away”, “apart” and “alone” from Matthew 14:23 as a pattern set by Christ for believers to find a deeper spiritual life in Him. Readings: Matt 14:1, 10-14, 19-20, 22-24. (Recorded in Midland Park Gospel Hall, NJ, USA, 17th Sept 2023)

The Ordinances of the Universe (45 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the ordinances of the physical universe – heaven, earth and sea – and how God regulates it all by His wisdom and power. Readings: Job 38:1, 8-11, 31-35, 37, Psa 119:89-96, Jer 31:31, 35-38a, 33:20-21, 23-26. (Recorded in Ballymena, 5th Jan 2009)

What is the Blessing of the Lord? (40 min)

David Gilliland examines what the blessing of the Lord involved in the life of Abraham. God promised to bless him, but there were many twist and turns along the way. Readings: Isa 29:22, 51:1-3. (Recorded in London, Ontario, Canada)

You Must Be Born Again (25 min)

David Gilliland preaches from the Gospel of John Chapter 3 on two births in one life, two natures in one Person, two parts in one book, two destinies in one eternity, and two categories in one meeting. (Recorded in Midland Park Gospel Hall, NJ, USA, 17th Sept 2023)

With Christ in the Storms of Life (46 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the storms through which the disciples passed in the Gospel of Mark, and draws lessons for us in the storms of life through which we pass. Readings: Mark 4:37-41, 5:1-2, 6:45-52, 8:13-18, 21.

What Moses Learned at the Burning Bush (35 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the revelation of the character of God given to Moses at the burning bush. A God who comes close, a God who makes claims, a God who keeps His promises etc. Moses’s God is “the I am that I am”. Reading: Exod 3:1-15. (Message preached at Midland Park Gospel Hall, NJ, USA, 16th Sept 2023)

You Will Hear a Voice Behind You (31 min)

David Gilliland preaches on people in the Bible who heard the voice of the Lord behind them. From Isaiah 30 “a voice for your ears”, from John 20 “a voice for your tears”, and from Revelation 1 “a voice for your fears”. Readings: Isa 30:18-21, John 20:11-17, Rev 1:9-13, 17-19. (Message preached in Lurgan, Northern Ireland, May 2023)

The Saviour’s Friends (49 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the words of Christ about His friends and friendship in His teaching and parables. Then he homes in on the expression of Christ to His disciples “You are My friends”. Reading: John 15:12-27. (Message preached in Newtownbreda Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series “The Bible Society of Friends”: The Stranger’s Friend The Shepherd’s Friend The Student’s Friends The Sufferer’s Friends The Saviour’s Friends

The Sufferer’s Friends (37 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the interaction Job had with his three friends Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar, who tried to comfort Job and explain his suffering. How do we react to the suffering of others? Readings: Job 2:11-3:1, 6:14-17, 19:1-3, 17-27, 32:2-10, 42:7-12. (Message preached in Newtownbreda Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series “The Bible Society of Friends”: The Stranger’s Friend The Shepherd’s Friend The Student’s Friends The Sufferer’s Friends The Saviour’s Friends  

The Student’s Friends (54 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the advice of Solomon to his son Rehoboam about the subject of friends. Good lasting friendships are scarce, and one needs to understand biblical principles to realise and enjoy them. Readings: Various verses in Proverbs and Song of Solomon about friends. (Message preached in Newtownbreda Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series “The Bible Society of Friends”: The Stranger’s Friend The Shepherd’s Friend The Student’s Friends The Sufferer’s Friends The Saviour’s Friends

The Shepherd’s Friend (52 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the covenant friendship between David and Jonathan. It was a surprising friendship, a strong friendship etc. Readings: 1 Sam 18:1-5, 19:1-2, 4-7, 20:1-2, 8-9, 11-17, 41-42, 23:14-18, 2 Sam 1:25-27, 9:1-3. (Message preached in Newtownbreda Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series “The Bible Society of Friends”: The Stranger’s Friend The Shepherd’s Friend The Student’s Friends The Sufferer’s Friends The Saviour’s Friends

The Stranger’s Friend (52 min)

David Gilliland preaches on Abraham, the friend of God. The commencement, the comfort, the communication and the commitment of the friendship. Readings: James 2:20-24, Gen 18:1-9, 17-19, 22-23, 33. (Message preached in Newtownbreda Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series “The Bible Society of Friends”: The Stranger’s Friend The Shepherd’s Friend The Student’s Friends The Sufferer’s Friends The Saviour’s Friends  

Beneficial Things (30 min)

David Gilliland preaches on three things described as good or beneficial in Scripture: “It is good to be here” (a summit worth remembering), “It is good to bear the yoke in one’s youth” (a shoulder worth yielding), and “It is good to draw near to the Lord” (a sanctuary worth visiting). Readings: Matt 17:1-5, Lam 3:22-32, Psa 73:1-3, 16-19, 28 (Message preached at Midland Park Gospel Hall, NJ, USA, 15th Sept 2023)

Jacob’s Well Compared to the Lord Jesus’s Well (59 min)

“Drawing Water from Bible Wells” – Part 6 – David Gilliland preaches on the story of the Lord Jesus, weary with His journey, sitting on Jacob’s well and revealing Himself to the woman of Samaria. After a look at the theme of water in the Gospel of John. Mr Gilliland draws contrasts between Jacob’s well and “Jesus’s well” – the living water that springs up on the inside of believers in Christ. Reading: John 4:1-7. (Message preached in Portavogie, Northern…

A Refreshing Well in the Wilderness (53 min)

“Drawing Water from Bible Wells” – Part 5 – David Gilliland preaches on well at Beer, where Israel drank refreshing water on their way to the land of promise. Israel’s hinderances included death, defeat, discouragement, and dearth. The dearth was overcome by the well at Beer; a well connected with a gift, a gathering, a getting, and a gladness. Readings: Num 20:22, 28-29, 21:1-3, 10-13, 16-20, 24, 33, 35, 22:1. (Message preached in Portavogie, Northern Ireland) Complete Series: The well…

The Royal Significance of the Gihon Spring (50 min)

“Drawing Water from Bible Wells” – Part 4 – David Gilliland preaches on the topic of the Gihon Spring and items connected with it – a gutter, a conduit, a tunnel (Hezekiah’s) and a pool (Siloam). Gihon: the area of it, the abundance of it and the royal associations of it. Readings: 2 Sam 5:6-8, 1 Kings 1:33-39, 45, 2 Chron 32:1-6, 30, Isa 7:1-4, 14, 8:5-8, John 9:10-11. (Message preached in Portavogie, Northern Ireland) Complete Series: The well of…

The Vital Work of Digging Wells (55 min)

“Drawing Water from Bible Wells” – Part 3 – David Gilliland preaches on the story of the digging of wells in the days of Isaac. He outlines the essentials, enemies, example, environment and enthusiasm of digging wells. Pilgrims have tents of witness, priest have altars of worship and pastors have wells of water. Are you willing to do the hard work of digging to bring refreshment for the people of God? Reading: Genesis 26. (Message preached in Portavogie, Northern Ireland)…

The Well of Him that Liveth and Seeth Me (56 min)

“Drawing Water from Bible Wells” – Part 2 – David Gilliland preaches on the well Lahai-roi – “the well of Him that liveth and seeth me.” He outlines the territory, terms and titles of the well where God revealed Himself to Hagar. She found Him to be a seeking, searching, sensitive, sovereign, seeing and speaking God. Readings: Gen 16:6-14, 25:7-11. (Message preached in Portavogie Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete Series: The well of Bethlehem (Soldiers at the well) The well…

The Well of Bethlehem (43 min)

“Drawing Water from Bible Wells” – Part 1 – David Gilliland preaches on the story of three of David’s mighty men breaking through the army of the Philistines to fetch David a drink from the well of Bethlehem, and draws out lessons therefrom. Reading: 2 Sam  23:13-17. (Message preached in Portavogie, Northern Ireland) Complete Series: The well of Bethlehem (Soldiers at the well) The well of Him that liveth and seeth me (Slave-girl at the well) The vital work of…

Stewardship in Corinthians (54 min)

David Gilliland takes up the subject of stewardship in Paul’s epistle to the Corinthians. Each of us are stewards of all that the Lord has given us. How are we carrying out that stewardship? Reading: 1 Cor 4:1-5 (Message preached in Northern Ireland in January 2002) Complete series: Lordship in Corinthians Fellowship in Corinthians Headship in Corinthians Membership in Corinthians Stewardship in Corinthians

Membership in Corinthians (61 min)

David Gilliland takes up the subject of membership in Paul’s epistle to the Corinthians. Membership in relation to morality in Ch 6, and membership in relation to ministry in Ch 12. Readings: 1 Cor 6:15-18, 1 Cor 12:12-27 (Message preached in Northern Ireland in January 2002) Complete series: Lordship in Corinthians Fellowship in Corinthians Headship in Corinthians Membership in Corinthians Stewardship in Corinthians

Headship in Corinthians (66 min)

David Gilliland takes up the subject of headship in Paul’s epistle to the Corinthians. Headship in relation to the godhead, genders, glories and gatherings. He expounds what the Bible has to say on the issue of head coverings. Reading: 1 Cor 11:1-16 (Message preached in Northern Ireland in January 2002) Complete series: Lordship in Corinthians Fellowship in Corinthians Headship in Corinthians Membership in Corinthians Stewardship in Corinthians

Fellowship in Corinthians (57 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the topic of “fellowship” from Paul’s letters to the Corinthians. Mr Gilliland explains the perspective, preciousness, participants, prohibitions, and permanence of assembly fellowship. Readings: 1 Cor 1:9-12, 10:15-24, 2 Cor 6:14-16, 13:14. (Message preached in Northern Ireland in January 2002) Complete series: Lordship in Corinthians Fellowship in Corinthians Headship in Corinthians Membership in Corinthians Stewardship in Corinthians

Lordship in Corinthians (54 min)

David Gilliland begins a series on some of the “ships” in Corinth, by looking at the topic of “lordship”. After giving some background on the city of Corinth, Mr Gilliland describes how the apostle Paul emphasises the lordship of Christ in his first epistle to “the church of God in Corinth”. Reading: 1 Cor 1:1-10 (Message preached in Northern Ireland in January 2002) Complete series: Lordship in Corinthians Fellowship in Corinthians Headship in Corinthians Membership in Corinthians Stewardship in Corinthians

Philemon and Apphia (56 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the life and character of a married couple who made their home in Colossae and were friends of the apostle Paul – Philemon and Apphia. He looks at the family in their home, the features of the home, the focus of the home, the fugitive from the home (Onesimus) etc. Readings: Philemon, Col 4:15-18. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series of “Couples that Count in Christianity”: Zacharias and Elizabeth Zebedee and Salome Ananias and Sapphira…

Aquila and Priscilla (54 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the life and character of Aquila and Priscilla, a godly New Testament couple who were friends of the apostle Paul. He follows their history from Corinth, to Ephesus, to Rome and back to Ephesus again. Readings: Acts 18:1-6, 18-21, 24-28, Rom 16:3-4, 1 Cor 16:19-20, 2 Tim 4:19-21a. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) (Photo: Corinth canal) Complete series of “Couples that Count in Christianity”: Zacharias and Elizabeth Zebedee and Salome Ananias and Sapphira Aquila and Priscilla…

Ananias and Sapphira (53 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the story of a couple in the book of Acts called Ananias and Sapphira. He looks at them in relation to their names, the church in Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit, the devil and the young men who buried them. Reading: Acts 4:31-5:14. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series of “Couples that Count in Christianity”: Zacharias and Elizabeth Zebedee and Salome Ananias and Sapphira Aquila and Priscilla Philemon and Apphia

Zebedee and Salome (48 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the life and character of Zebedee and Salome, the parents of James and John. He highlights Salome’s husband, her sons, her sister (Mary the Lord’s mother) and her Lord. Readings: Matt 4:18-22, 20:17-28, 27:55-56, Mark 15:40-41, John 19:25-27. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) (Photo: Sea of Galilee) Complete series of “Couples that Count in Christianity”: Zacharias and Elizabeth Zebedee and Salome Ananias and Sapphira Aquila and Priscilla Philemon and Apphia

Zacharias and Elizabeth (52 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the life and character of Zacharias and Elizabeth, the parents of John the Baptist. He highlights their piety, their patience and their poetry. Readings: Luke 1:5-13, 39-45, 67-80. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series of “Couples that Count in Christianity”: Zacharias and Elizabeth Zebedee and Salome Ananias and Sapphira Aquila and Priscilla Philemon and Apphia

The Spirit Himself (59 min)

In the last of a 3 part series on “Resources in the Trinity”, David Gilliland preaches on “the Spirit Himself”. From the epistle to the Romans chapter 8 he looks at seven of the ministries of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the people of God. Readings: Rom 8:1-4, 8-17, 22-23. (Message preached in Ontario, Canada) Complete series: The Father Himself Jesus Himself The Spirit Himself

Jesus Himself (46 min)

In the second of a 3 part series on “Resources in the Trinity”, David Gilliland preaches on “Jesus Himself”. From Luke’s Gospel he links “Jesus Himself” with 1. the dignity of His person, 2. the dependence of His prayer life, 3. the drawing near of His presence and 4. the declaration of His peace. Readings: Luke 3:21-23, 38, 5:15-17, 24:13-17, 30-48. (Message preached in Ontario, Canada) Complete series: The Father Himself Jesus Himself The Spirit Himself

The Father Himself (48 min)

In the first of a 3 part series on “Resources in the Trinity”, David Gilliland preaches on “the Father Himself”. From John’s Gospel he shows that the Father has resources for our every need. The Father’s heart, house, hearing, hands, husbandry, helper, holiness, hedge and honour. Readings: John 12:26, 14:2-3, 16-17, 25-26, 15:1-3, 8, 16:23-24, 26-28, 17:11-13. (Message preached in Ontario, Canada) Complete series: The Father Himself Jesus Himself The Spirit Himself

The Reality of the Local Assembly (49 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the reality of assembly fellowship, and reminds his audience of a number of features of an assembly from 1 Corinthians Ch 14; completeness, composition, convocations, concord, contribution and consideration. Readings: 1 Cor 14:23-26, 32-34, 39-40. (Message preached at Cork Conference, Ireland)

Enjoying What We Have (43 min)

David Gilliland preaches on “possessing our possessions”, Christians enjoying the things “we have”. We have forgiveness, peace, a great high priest, an anchor, access, a more sure Word of prophecy, a treasure in earthen vessels, and a building of God a house not made with hands. Reading: Obadiah 1:17-22. (Message preached in Ballymena, 31st Dec 2019)

The Old Testament in John (63 min)

David Gilliland preaches on how the Lord Jesus expounds the Old Testament Scripture in the Gospel of John. He highlights the finality of Scripture, the function of Scripture and the fulness of Scripture in this Gospel. Readings: John 2:20-22, 7:37-39, 10:33-36, 12:14-16, 20:8-10. (Message preached in North America) Complete series: How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Matthew How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Mark How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Luke How the Lord…

The Old Testament in Luke (60 min)

David Gilliland preaches on how the Lord Jesus expounds the Old Testament Scripture in the Gospel of Luke. He who fulfils Scripture in Matthew, and applies it in Mark, expounds it in Luke. Readings: Luke 4:3-4, 16-21, 5:1, 5-6, 6:47-48, 7:2, 6-7, 8:11, 15, 9:35, 10:38-39, 24:25-27, 44-49 (Message preached in North America) Complete series: How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Matthew How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Mark How the Lord uses the Old Testament…

The Old Testament in Mark (57 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the beginning, the boundaries and the breadth of the Lord’s ministry in the gospel of Mark as it relates to the Old Testament. Readings: Mark 1:1-4, 9-11, 7:10-3, 5-8, 10:1-9, 11:15-18, 12:10-12, 24-27, 35-37. (Message preached in North America) Complete series: How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Matthew How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Mark How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Luke How the Lord uses the Old Testament in…

The Old Testament in Matthew (59 min)

David Gilliland preaches on allusions to Old Testament Scripture, and accomplishments of OT Scripture, and answers to OT Scripture in the Gospel of Matthew. Readings: Matt 1:1, 21-23, 21:1-7, 26:47-48, 51-56. (Message preached in North America) Complete series: How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Matthew How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Mark How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Luke How the Lord uses the Old Testament in John

Postures of Christ in the Book of Daniel (43 min)

David Gilliland preaches on three postures of Christ in the book of Daniel: walking in the fire (Ch 3), sitting on the cloud (Ch 7) and standing above the river (Chs 10-12). Readings: Dan 3:24-26, 7:1-14, 10:4-9, 11:27, 35, 40, 12:4-13. (Message preached at the Vancouver Fall Conference, Canada, 2012)

The Cross and My Relationship to the Saviour (51 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the cross’s effect on my relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ my Saviour. Christ “gave Himself” to redeem “to Himself” a special people. The paragraphs, the Person and the purpose of Titus 2:11-15 are expounded. (Message preached in the Gospel Hall, Newry, Northern Ireland) Complete Series “Crucial Christianity” – The cross affects my relationship to: To sinners – He gave Himself a ransom for all (1 Tim 2:6) – Gospel preaching To my self – He gave…

The Cross and My Relationship to My Spouse (71 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the cross’s effect on my relationship to my spouse. In Ephesians 5:22-33 the Bible teaches that the model for marriage is the relationship between Christ and the church, which means that the cross must positively impact my marriage. (Message preached in the Gospel Hall, Newry, Northern Ireland) Complete Series “Crucial Christianity” – The cross affects my relationship to: To sinners – He gave Himself a ransom for all (1 Tim 2:6) – Gospel preaching To my self…

The Cross and My Relationship the Saints (63 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the cross’s effect on my relationship with other Christians. The love expressed to me in the cross of Christ, must affect my attitude to others who also belong to the Lord. Reading: Eph 4:31-5:6. (Message preached in the Gospel Hall, Newry, Northern Ireland) Complete Series “Crucial Christianity” – The cross affects my relationship to: To sinners – He gave Himself a ransom for all (1 Tim 2:6) – Gospel preaching To my self – He gave Himself…

The Cross and My Relationship to Society (56 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the cross’s effect on my relationship to society, or what the Bible calls “this present evil world”. The blood of Christ fits me for heaven; the cross of Christ finishes me for this world. Readings: Gal 1:3-5, 6:14. (Message preached in the Gospel Hall, Newry, Northern Ireland) Complete Series “Crucial Christianity” – The cross affects my relationship to: To sinners – He gave Himself a ransom for all (1 Tim 2:6) – Gospel preaching To my self…

The Cross and My Relationship to Self (53 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the cross’s effect on my “self”. The Christian has been crucified with Christ, which means the life he or she now lives is “no longer I, but Christ”. The cross properly understood is the end of self. Readings: Gal 1:13-16, 21-24, 2:8, 11-14, 19-21. (Message preached in the Gospel Hall, Newry, Northern Ireland) Complete Series “Crucial Christianity” – The cross affects my relationship to: To sinners – He gave Himself a ransom for all (1 Tim 2:6)…

The Cross and Sinners (44 min)

David Gilliland preaches the gospel from 1 Tim 2:5-6, in particular highlighting the phrase “He gave Himself a ransom for all” and proclaiming the freeness, fulness, function and fruit of the cross of Christ. (Message preached in the Gospel Hall, Newry, Northern Ireland) Complete Series “Crucial Christianity” – The cross affects my relationship to: To sinners – He gave Himself a ransom for all (1 Tim 2:6) – Gospel preaching To my self – He gave Himself for me [not…

How Should We Then Live? (23 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the question in Ezekiel 33:10, “How should we then live?” He answers it from three verses in the New Testament: we should live “unto righteousness”, “unto the will of God” and “unto Him”. Readings: 1 Pet 2:24-25, 4:1-4, 2 Cor 5:10, 14-15, Titus 2:11-13, Eze 33:10. (Message preached in North America).

The ‘Arch’ Titles of Christ (27 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the 6 ‘arch’ titles of Christ in the New Testament, revealing Him as the President, the Pledge, the Pioneer, the Priest, the Pastor and the Prince. Readings: 1 Cor 15:20, Col 1:18, Heb 4:14, 12:2, 1 Pet 5:5, Rev 1:5-6. (Message preached in Belfast, 2005)

A Nation Unique Among Peoples (58 min)

David Gilliland preaches on “a nation unique among peoples”. In an easy to follow and comprehensive panoramic view of the past, present and future of the nation of Israel, Mr Gilliland shows their uniqueness as a nation, and their place in God’s plan for the ages. Readings: Exod 19:1-7, Rom 9:1-7, 11:12, 25-26a, 29. (Recorded in Northern Ireland in 2005). Photo above: Jaffa, Israel. Complete series: A species unique among creatures A period unique among the ages A gathering unique…

A Book Unique Among Volumes (60 min)

In the fourth message of a series entitled “Distinctive doctrines that divide and decide”, David Gilliland preaches on “a book unique among volumes”. The Bible is unique in a number of ways: its source, its survival, its scrolls, its subject, its similes, its sufficiency, its Saviour, its supernatural prophecies. and its study. Readings: 2 Tim 3:13-5:3a. (Message preached in Northern Ireland in 2005) Complete series: A species unique among creatures A period unique among the ages A gathering unique among…

A Gathering Unique Among Meetings (57 min)

In the third message of a series entitled “Distinctive doctrines that divide and decide”, David Gilliland preaches on “a gathering unique among meetings”. The Lord’s Supper is unique in a number of ways: it is a remembrance, a proclamation, an ordinance, a communion, a supper, a table, a celebration, a foretaste, a test and a gospel. Readings: 1 Cor 10:14-17, 21-22, 11:20-32. (Message preached in Northern Ireland in 2005) Complete series: A species unique among creatures A period unique among…

A Period Unique Among the Ages (58 min)

In the second of a series of messages on “Distinctive doctrines that divide and decide”, David Gilliland preaches on “a period unique among the ages”. The present age, between the first and second coming of Christ, sometimes called “the dispensation of the grace of God”, is unique in many ways connected with the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the church, the preaching of the gospel and prayer. Readings: 2 Thess 2:6-8a, 1 Tim 1:17, 2:6-7, 6:14-16, Titus 2:11-15. (Message preached…

A Species Unique Among Creatures (54 min)

Opening a series of messages entitled “Distinctive doctrines that divide and decide”, David Gilliland preaches on “a species unique among creatures”. The creation of man was deliberate, divine, dignified, designed, dual and double. Readings: Gen 1:24-31, 2:7, 9, 19-20. (Message preached in Northern Ireland in 2005) Complete series: A species unique among creatures A period unique among the ages A gathering unique among meetings A book unique among volumes A nation unique among peoples

The Manhood of Christ Typically (54 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the manhood of Christ typically, from the meal or grain offering Leviticus chapter 2. He speaks of the meal offering’s substance (what it was made of), its shape (how it was presented), and the sustenance that it provided to the priests. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series: The manhood of Christ historically (Luke 2) The manhood of Christ practically (Phil 2) The manhood of Christ doctrinally (Heb 2) The manhood of Christ typically (Lev 2)…

The Manhood of Christ Pictorially (54 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the manhood of Christ pictorially, from the book of Ruth, in particular Ruth Ch 2. He outlines 10 ways in which Boaz is a picture of Christ. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series: The manhood of Christ historically (Luke 2) The manhood of Christ practically (Phil 2) The manhood of Christ doctrinally (Heb 2) The manhood of Christ pictorially (Ruth 2) The manhood of Christ typically (Lev 2)

The Manhood of Christ Doctrinally (57 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the manhood of Christ doctrinally, from Hebrews chapter 2, a passage that brings before the reader the three anointed offices of Christ, prophet, priest and king, all of which are tied to His humanity. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series: The manhood of Christ historically (Luke 2) The manhood of Christ practically (Phil 2) The manhood of Christ doctrinally (Heb 2) The manhood of Christ pictorially (Ruth 2) The manhood of Christ typically (Lev 2)

The Manhood of Christ Practically (55 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the manhood of Christ practically, from Philippians Ch 2:1-11, a passage about the attitude, action and award of Christ’s humility. Mr Gilliland highlights numerous features of the perfect character of Christ – His courage, His convictions, His commitment, His considerateness, His compassion, His calmness and His cheerfulness. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series: The manhood of Christ historically (Luke 2) The manhood of Christ practically (Phil 2) The manhood of Christ doctrinally (Heb 2) The…

The Manhood of Christ Historically (54 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the manhood of Christ historically from Luke Ch 2. The chapter outlines the place, purpose, programme and perfection of Christ’s manhood. Topics covered include the virgin birth, the incarnation, and the meaning of the ‘inn’ and the ‘manger’. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series: The manhood of Christ historically (Luke 2) The manhood of Christ practically (Phil 2) The manhood of Christ doctrinally (Heb 2) The manhood of Christ pictorially (Ruth 2) The manhood of…

The Truth of Election (35 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the subject of election, highlighting the references in the Bible to the expression “the elect of God” and outlining their definition, their description and their destination. Will help in understanding the issues surrounding Calvinism. Readings: Rom 8:31-39, Col 3:12-14, Titus 1:1-4. (Recorded in Glenburn Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland).

The Temptation in the Wilderness (33 min)

PART 3 – David Gilliland preaches on the temptation of Christ in the wilderness, and explains how Satan works to tempt us today as he did in the past, both with our Lord Jesus and with our first parents in Eden. Readings: Mark 1:1-4a, 12-13, 35-39. (Message preached in Midland Park Gospel Hall, New Jersey, USA, Sept 2019). Complete series: A table in the wilderness A Tabernacle in the wilderness The temptation in the wilderness

A Tabernacle in the Wilderness (37 min)

PART 2 – David Gilliland preaches on the “Tabernacle of testimony” in the wilderness and likens numerous features of that Tabernacle to the local assembly of God in the New Testament. Reading: Acts 7:43-44. (Message preached in Midland Park Gospel Hall, New Jersey, USA, Sept 2019). Complete series: A table in the wilderness A Tabernacle in the wilderness The temptation in the wilderness

A Table in the Wilderness (33 min)

PART 1 – David Gilliland preaches on the question in Psalm 78 “Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?” He looks at the lives of men like David and Elijah and shows how God always provides for His people in the wilderness experiences of life. Readings: Psa 78:14-16, 19-20, 23-29. (Message preached in Midland Park Gospel Hall, New Jersey, USA, Sept 2019). Complete series: A table in the wilderness A Tabernacle in the wilderness The temptation in the wilderness

Bird Watching: “O That I Had the Wings of a Dove” (50 min)

PART 5 – David Gilliland closes his series looking at “Lessons for living from the birds of the air” by preaching on the sentiments of David in Psalm 55 “O that I had the wings of a dove! For then would I fly away and be at rest.” Reading: Psalm 55 (Message preached in Portrush Gospel Hall, 2002) Complete series: Lessons from birds’ nests Lessons from birds’ character Lessons from birds’ wings Birds in the ministry of Christ “O that…

Bird Watching: Birds in the Ministry of Christ (61 min)

PART 4 – David Gilliland continues his series on “Lessons for living from the birds of the air” by looking at the birds that the Lord Jesus spoke about and that featured in his life, drawing practical teaching therefrom. (Message preached in Portrush Gospel Hall, 2002) Complete series: Lessons from birds’ nests Lessons from birds’ character Lessons from birds’ wings Birds in the ministry of Christ “O that I had the wings of a dove”

Bird Watching: The Wings of Birds (59 min)

PART 3 – David Gilliland continues his series on “Lessons for living from the birds of the air” by looking at the wings of various birds in the Bible, drawing practical teaching therefrom. (Message preached in Portrush Gospel Hall, 2002) Complete series: Lessons from birds’ nests Lessons from birds’ character Lessons from birds’ wings Birds in the ministry of Christ “O that I had the wings of a dove”

Bird Watching: The Character of Birds (58 min)

PART 2 – David Gilliland continues his series on “Lessons for living from the birds of the air” by looking at the character of various birds in the Bible; the unclean birds of Leviticus 11, and other individual birds mentioned in Job and Psalms (owl, pelican, sparrow, cuckoo etc), drawing practical teaching therefrom. (Message preached in Portrush Gospel Hall, 2002) Complete series: Lessons from birds’ nests Lessons from birds’ character Lessons from birds’ wings Birds in the ministry of Christ…

Bird Watching: The Nests of Birds (52 min)

PART 1 – David Gilliland opens a series on “Lessons for living from the birds of the air” by looking at a number of references in Scripture to birds’ nests, and drawing practical teaching therefrom. Readings: Job 12:7-9, Gen 8:6-12, Psa 84:1-4, Prov 7:8 (Recorded in Portrush Gospel Hall, 2002) Complete series: Lessons from birds’ nests Lessons from birds’ character Lessons from birds’ wings Birds in the ministry of Christ “O that I had the wings of a dove”

The Nature and Characteristics of Righteousness (30 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the vital but seldom expounded topic of “righteousness” – what it is and what marks it in its various manifestations in Scripture, and its practical implications. Reading: Psalm 11:4-7 (Message preached at the Belfast Christmas Conference 2004)

Great Gospel Words – Adoption (52 min)

In the last of a series of 6 messages on “great gospel words”, David Gilliland preaches on the topic of adoption and expounds what is involved in the sonship of believers in Christ. Readings: Rom 8:14-23, Gal 4:1-7, Eph 1:1-6 (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series: Remission of sin Justification Regeneration Redemption Reconciliation Adoption

Great Gospel Words – Reconciliation (55 min)

In the fifth of a series of 6 messages on “great gospel words”, David Gilliland preaches on the topic of reconciliation including; sinners being reconciled to God, Jew and Gentile reconciled through the cross, and the reconciliation of all things. Readings: Col 1:19-22, 3:15, Eph 2:13-18, 2 Cor 5:17-21 (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series: Remission of sin Justification Regeneration Redemption Reconciliation Adoption

Great Gospel Words – Redemption (56 min)

In the fourth of a series of 6 messages on “great gospel words”, David Gilliland preaches on the topic of redemption. He outlines the parties in the process, plus the price paid and the wideness of the doctrine of redemption. Readings: Rom 3:23-24, 1 Pet 1:14-21 (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series: Remission of sin Justification Regeneration Redemption Reconciliation Adoption

Great Gospel Words – Regeneration (51 min)

In the third of a series of 6 messages on “great gospel words”, David Gilliland preaches on the topic of regeneration. In contrast to the objective legal work of justification that deals with the sentence of our guilt, regeneration is a subjective inward work that deals with our self, bringing new life and enabling us to live for God. Readings: Matt 19:28, Titus 3:1-7 (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series: Remission of sin Justification Regeneration Redemption Reconciliation Adoption

Great Gospel Words – Justification (52 min)

In the second of a series of 6 messages on “great gospel words”, David Gilliland preaches on the topic of the justification. Its platform, its principle, its purpose etc. Readings: Rom 3:19-28, 5:1-2 (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series: Remission of sin Justification Regeneration Redemption Reconciliation Adoption  

Great Gospel Words – Remission (43 min)

In the first of a series of 6 messages on “great gospel words”, David Gilliland preaches on the topic of the remission, pardon and forgiveness of sins. Readings: Matt 26:26-28, Heb 10:12-18 (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series: Remission of sin Justification Regeneration Redemption Reconciliation Adoption

Never, Never, Never Give Up (50 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the need for perseverance in the Christian life and the need for believers in Christ to press on rather than give in. Readings: Heb 1:10-12, 6:18-20, 12:2, 12-13, 27-29, 13:7-9. (Message preached in Northern Ireland).

PROVERBS: The Senseless Man and His Ignorance (47 min)

PART 1 – David Gilliland introduces the book of Proverbs (nature, name, need, nobility and navigation). He then looks at Proverbs Chapter 9 and takes up the theme of “the senseless man and his ignorance”. (Message preached in Cameron Highlands Conference, Malaysia 2004) Full series: The senseless man and his ignorance (David Gilliland) The slothful man and his indolence (Tom Bentley) The simple man and his innocence (John Grant) The scornful man and his impudence (Walter Boyd)
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