

My Salvation Was More Important Than My Job (5 min)

Ken Netti grew up in Massachusetts, USA, and heard powerful gospel preaching in his youth from men like Albert Hull and Bill Bingham. His “Uncle Pat” had a keen interest in Ken’s salvation and would often ask him “Are you saved?” Moving to Ohio, Ken found work at a Country Club during his high School years. But when he finally faced his need to get right with God, salvation had to come first. Reading: John 3.16. (Recorded in Stark Road…

I’m Not Brainwashed – I’m Saved! (41 min)

Paul Thomas grew up in a Christian family. He went to church meetings every week. But Paul wasn’t the type to just blindly follow his parents. He experimented. First cigarettes, then drink, then drugs…eventually the rave scene and the Glastonbury Festival (see photo above). But God pursued him. A near heroin overdose…his two brothers becoming saved…and finally, his beloved grandfather’s passing, whose funeral brought Paul to a crisis. Then it happened. He was saved by the amazing grace of God.…

How God Saved an Orphan Boy (26 min)

Albert Graham tells how he was saved as an 11 1/2 year old orphan boy in Buckna, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland, under the preaching of David Craig. It happened on 23rd January 1952, but 73 years later it is as fresh as ever. (Recorded in Broughshane Gospel Hall, 1st Dec 2024). (Photo above: Buckna in 1938 with Slemish in the background. From Facebook)

From the Confessional to Christ (21 min)

Denis LaVallee grew up in a devoutly religious family. The rosary was said daily in his home, and he was expected to go to confession regularly. He always believed he was in the only right religion, but in a remarkable turn of events in his life, in his mid-thirties, Dennis was brought face to face with his sin and his need for salvation through Christ alone, not through a priest or a church. Watch to find out how he came…

I Never Drank or Smoked or Swore But… (17 min)

Dan Kember grew up in a Christian family and knew the Bible well. He never drank or smoked or swore…but he still had to learn his need of forgiveness and salvation. In this testimony, 60 years on, he tells how he discovered the truth that “there is no difference for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God”, and how he was saved. (Recorded in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Summer 2024)

I Thought I Was My Own God (29 min)

Amid the posters of numerous heavy metal heroes on his bedroom wall, one poster stood out: “I am my own god”. John See was a Christian-mocking atheist with a passion for the rock lifestyle. Yet every now and then he would wonder to himself, “What is life all about?”. Watch to find out how his life was transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. (Recorded in Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, 6th Oct 2024)

It Says It Right Here (24 min)

Dana Starratt grew up In Nova Scotia, Canada, a good-living church-going young man who knew nothing about being “saved”. A friend got his attention with some straight talking, but he had a hard time accepting he was a sinner in need of salvation. When Dana finally got saved he struggled with assurance, until he discovered “It says it right here in the Bible”. Reading: Matt 1:23, John 3:15, 2 Cor 4:3-5. (Recorded in Parkview Gospel Hall, Abbotsford, BC, Canada 5th…

I Spent 44 Years in the Darkness of Sin (23 min)

Scott Smith had a troubled childhood, marked by confusion and violence. He never felt like he belonged. As he hit the party scene in adulthood, he soon found himself lost and empty. He tried to find answers on an online forum, only to receive death threats! Then a Gospel Tent – featuring preaching from the Bible – came to his neighbourhood, and he and his wife Jenn plucked up the courage to attend. That’s when the light of the gospel…

I Read a Lot of Self-Help Books (32 min)

Walter Junger was searching for three things in life: peace, purpose and passion. He tried meditation, Judaism, self-help, and travel, but nothing satisfied. Contact with John Miller and his family, formerly members of the Amish, introduced Walter to the gospel and ultimately salvation in 2018. (Recorded in Crandon Gospel Hall, Virginia, USA)

It’s a Dark Moment When You Find Out You’re Lost (16 min)

Sherman MacDonald grew up in Prince Edward Island, Canada, and knew the truth of the gospel from childhood. He turned away from the gospel in his teens, to live a life enjoying “the pleasures of sin”…until God intervened in his life at the age of 25. Listen to find our how he was saved. (Recorded in Pope Road Gospel Hall, PEI, Canada, 23rd June 2024)

I Sincerely Thought I Was Saved (27 min)

Jason Wahls thought he was a Christian. But while he said he was a follower of Jesus Christ, his life didn’t match his claim. Watch to hear how the Lord got his attention and brought him to true faith at the age of 24. (Recorded in Marion, Iowa, USA, 17th June 2024)

How a Zealous Hutterite Man Found Peace in Christ (36 min)

Cody Waldner grew up on a Hutterite colony in Manitoba, Canada. He kept all the rules, went to church regularly, got sprinkled, took communion, and even studied the Bible in German – but he could find no peace. His sins troubled him and his efforts to make himself acceptable to God weren’t working. At one point he even turned to alcohol just to soothe his pain. Listen to find out how Cody finally found true and lasting peace in Jesus…

I Lived Like The Devil (6 min)

Ted Larson relates how God saved him as a Policeman in Wisconsin, USA, who had grown up knowing the gospel but got away from its influence in his life. (Recorded at Cedar Falls Gospel Hall Conference, Iowa, USA, April 2024).

I Had a Pagan Altar in My Bedroom (26 min)

As a teenager, Ken Biddington got into heavy darkness. He was a drummer in a heavy metal band, lived a drugs-and-party lifestyle and even had an altar in his bedroom. But in 1993 God intervened in his life. The transformation shook his entire neighbourhood. Listen to find out how it happened. Reading: Acts 26:17-18, John 3:16. (Recorded in Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, Vancouver, BC, Canada, on 5th May 2024)

There’s Something Very Wrong with This Place: What Am I Doing Here? (14 min)

Steve Faviere started taking drugs at the tender age of 12. He soon became a party-loving young man with a fast lifestyle. Every now and then he was given pause for thought, by the premature death of a friend, or by people sharing the gospel with him. Watch to find out how Steve finally became saved. Readings: Rom 3:19, John 3:16, Rev 20:11-15. (Recorded in Newmarket Gospel Hall, Ontario, Canada, on 21st April 2024) To listen to Steve preaching in…

I Don’t Like Your Rules Dad. See You Later. (20 min)

Jim McCandless relates the story of the grace of God in his life after he rebelled against his Christian upbringing and headed off on his motorbike to experience what the world had to offer. But God always goes after prodigals. 2,000 miles away in Mexico, the gospel crossed Jim’s path. Then his girlfriend got saved. Watch to find out the rest of the story. (Recorded in Jackson, MI, USA, 7th April 2024)

You’re Only A Christian Because Your Family is Christian (30 min)

Dan Shutt relates the story of his father and mother’s conversion to Christ, which happened just before he was born. The gospel transformed the Shutt home. Listen to hear how Dan, one of 9 children, also came to trust in Christ for salvation. Reading: Eph 2:8-9. (Recorded in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, on 9th Feb 2024)

What I Discovered at My Lowest Point (20 min)

Isaiah Frazier relates the story of his conversion to Christ. Isaiah’s family were first impacted by the gospel in Blue River, Wisconsin, USA, in his great-grandfather’s time. His own parents influenced him in two different directions. He says he could easily have ended up an alcoholic, but by the grace of God he was spared that tragedy and came to know the Lord Jesus through the preaching of the gospel, but only after discovering he was “helpless but not helpless”.…

In The Church I Grew Up In, Everything Had to be Earned (18 min)

J.R. Andujar grew up going to church, but he didn’t understand biblical salvation. All he was hearing was that acceptance with God is something that has to be earned; it was something HE had to do. Then he finally heard the truth: though he was a lost sinner, he could be saved by grace, through faith in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Readings: Eph 2:8-9, Rom 5:6, 8. (Recorded in Barrington Gospel Hall, NJ, USA, 6th…

My Doubts Would Never Really Completely Go Away (6 min)

Luke Dennison thought he was a Christian, but he was regularly troubled by doubts. “Maybe you’re not saved”, he would sometimes think, before dismissing the thought and moving on. But his doubts would never completely go away. Listen to find out how he eventually came into the peace of knowing he had eternal life. Readings: John 5:24, 1 John 5:13, 1 Tim 2:5-6. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 21st Jan 2024)

I Just Assumed I Would Get Saved One Day (5 min)

Andrew Dennison grew up hearing the gospel and always just assumed he would get saved one day. But he reached 17 years old and found himself still without Christ. Then a series of gospel meetings took place where on one particular evening  Mr Jim Smith took the time to speak on the reality of hell. Listen to hear how that led to Andy’s salvation. Readings: 1 Pet 3:18, John 5:24. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 21st…

The Last Person I Wanted to Talk to Was a Preacher (7 min)

Jeff Joyce grew up hearing and knowing the gospel, but he was too stubborn and proud to admit he needed salvation. The last person he wanted to talk to was a preacher, especially one like Mr Surgenor. Listen to find out how Jeff was saved. Reading: Rom 10:1-13. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Jan 2024)

Two Vietnamese Brothers Make the Same Discovery (44 min)

Kenny Lam and Steven Hua are brothers. Kenny was born in Vietnam into a Buddhist family and culture. Steven was born in Canada after the family emigrated there. In Canada, the boys were enrolled in a Sunday School in a Gospel Hall in Vancouver. There they made the same discovery from the Word of God, the Bible, that Jesus Christ is God’s Son and that He died and rose again to save Kenny and Steven from their sins and give…

Could I Have Been Taught Wrong for 33 Years? (20 min)

Bill Van Morsel tells the story of how he was saved at the age of 33, after being “taught wrong” all of his life. He always believed forgiveness and heaven were gained by something he had to do, but he learned from the Bible that salvation is “through faith alone, not by works”. Readings John 3:1-7, Acts 16:30-31. (Recorded in London, Ontario, Canada, 9th July 2023)

I Grew Up in Gabon, Africa, With No Knowledge of the Gospel (18 min)

Salim Kandedi grew up in Gabon, on the Atlantic coast of Central Africa. Life was about education and getting the best grades in School, but he knew nothing of the gospel of Christ. However, by the grace of God, Salim and his sister came to Canada, where they heard the gospel. Salim only pretended to be a Christian at first, but sitting under the frequent preaching of the gospel he finally found true salvation and peace with God. (Testimony given…

A Family of 5, Saved In 8 Months (32 min)

The miraculous story of how God saved all 5 members of the Labbe family in 8 months. As Don Labbe relates how it happened, your hope and faith in the power of God will be revived and your prayers for your own family and friends will be filled with fresh hope. Reading: John 10:27-28. (Recorded in Barrington Gospel Hall, NJ, USA, on 28th Jan 2024)

I Was a Proud Teenager Who Knew All The Verses (9 min)

Graham McKinley was very familiar with John 3:16 and many other of the Bible’s “salvation verses”. He had grown up hearing them and memorising them. Yet in his late teens, having decided he wanted to get saved, as he tried to logically think it all through and make it happen, he was shocked to discover he wasn’t in control of his own salvation. He was lost! Only then did he understand that Christ had done for him what he could…

I Prayed Countless Sinner’s Prayers (10 min)

Samuel McKinley struggled for a long time with assurance of salvation. Every time he had a doubt, he prayed another sinner’s prayer hoping to get peace. But no matter how many time he prayed, he never felt sure he was saved. Is that you? Listen to find out how he finally found true peace. (Testimony given in Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, Vancouver, Canada, 8th Jan 2024) Contact us: contact@gospelhallaudio.org

I Was Restricted, But They Had Freedom (18 min)

Eric Bell was the oldest of 5 children, but was the last of the 5 to be saved. In a Christian family he felt restricted and longed for “freedom”, only to find emptiness when he tried it. Listen to find out how Eric was saved and found peace and joy in Christ. Readings: John 1:10-13, 3:1-3, 9, 14-16. (Message preached in Highbury Ave Gospel Hall, London, Ontario, Canada)

The More He Preached The More I Smoked (9 min)

Joe Bennett attended Sunday School as a boy, but drifted away through lack of interest. 15 years later he went back to the Gospel Hall with his own child, looking for a change in his life. There he discovered that what he needed was a Saviour. The first thing that spoke to him was the “Two Roads Chart” on the wall of the Hall (see below). Listen to hear how Joe found peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ.…

They Never Told Us There Was a God (18 min)

Harry Chen was born the year the cultural revolution started in China. He grew up chanting “Long live the Communist Party” and “Long live Chairman Mao”. He had zero knowledge of the Bible or God. Here is the incredible story of how he heard about eternal life and how he found it in the Lord Jesus Christ through the Bible. (Testimony given in Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, Vancouver, Canada, 8th Jan 2024)

I Never Really Had Peace About My Salvation (45 min)

When he was a young boy Mervyn Hall said and thought he was saved, but he lived for a decade or so afterwards with no real peace. Listen to hear how, in the sovereign providence of God, he was eventually saved while singing a hymn at the Lord’s Supper. Isa 57:20-21, Rom 5:1-2. (Testimony given in Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 14th Jan 2024)

I Ran Away from a Hutterite Colony (37 min)

Derek Hofer was raised on a Hutterite Colony in Manitoba, Canada. He ran away from the Colony in his teens to enjoy the pleasures of the world, but the Lord intervened in his life to bring him to salvation. Derek grew up believing a person can never truly know they are saved – but he learned differently through the preaching of the gospel from the Bible. Reading: John 19:30. (Recorded in Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 7th Jan 2024)

Don’t Go There, They’re Holy Rollers! (15 min)

Cliff Rutledge went off for the summer to Army Cadet camp, only to return and find both his parents had been saved during his absence. He witnessed a tremendous change in the home and it wasn’t long before Cliff to wanted to be saved and indeed was saved. A fascinating story of how the gospel made inroads into a small Northern Ontario town in the early 1980’s. (Recorded in Canada, 4th June 2022)

Street Preaching Impacted Me (24 min)

Hamish Lawrence’s conversion to Christ proves the value of preaching the gospel on the streets. Hamish repeatedly heard the gospel in downtown Toronto, Canada, being preached in the “open air”. Even though he thought he was too big a sinner to be saved, the rich grace of God brought him into the blessing of salvation. Readings: Psa 102:28, John 3:18. (Recorded in Canada, 7th Mar 2021)

That’s Why Jesus Died! (25 min)

Shawn Markle relates the story of his salvation. As a child growing up in Canada, Shawn was greatly troubled both about the Lord’s coming and the possibility of going to hell. One day in desperation he said to himself “I’ll just have to go to hell, because that’s what I deserve.” Then the Lord opened his heart to the gospel! Readings; Heb 9:27, 1Isa 53:5-6. (Testimony given in Highbury Ave Gospel Hal, London, Ontario, Canada, 30th Oct 2023)

I Hated All the Restrictions Put On Me (28 min)

Tommy Kyle had a childhood “profession of salvation” but in teenage years he hated the restrictions he felt were being imposed on him, and wanted nothing to do with the gospel. Yet underneath he was deeply unhappy. Listen to find out how God spoke to Tommy and how he was saved as an 18 year old fisherman, on Remembrance Sunday in 1984. Readings: Psa 40:1-3, 1 Pet 3:18, 1 John 3:1-3. (Testimony given at a Drive-In in Portavogie, Northern Ireland,…

Don’t Talk to Me About Religion (41 min)

Terry Halpin grew up nominally Roman Catholic but gave up religion in his youth to enjoy himself in the pleasures of the world. In his early 30’s, a close friend of Terry’s became a Christian. Terry set out to convince him that he had been deceived…only to become convinced from the Bible that evolution is a lie and that the gospel is the truth! (Testimony given in Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 31st Dec 2023)

You’re Saving Others, But You’re Not Saving Me. How Come? (11 min)

Jim Smith was raised Roman Catholic. He drifted from the church to enjoy the pleasure of youth culture. When the true gospel finally crossed his path he found it irritating. He stormed out of a meeting once when he found out the Bible viewed him as a sinner on his way to hell. Listen to find out how Jim was saved by the grace of God at the age of 27. (Testimony given in Ontario, Canada, in 2020)

A Christian Background, but as Dark as Midnight (47 min)

Michael Penfold grew up familiar with the Bible and the gospel, but when it actually came to getting saved, he found he was as dark as midnight. Listen to discover how the preaching of the gospel brought light and salvation to him. It will bring the same to you too. Reading: 1 Pet 3:22-24. (Recorded in Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 17th Dec 2023)

I Kept Trying to Believe But Nothing Was Happening (9 min)

Phil Warren’s parents were saved just before he was born. As he grew up, the death of people close to him caused him to want to be sure he was right with God. He tired and tried to believe, but nothing happened. Listen to find out how Phil found salvation through a verse in Isaiah that speaks about a cloud. (Testimony given in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 22nd May 2020)

I Was Taught That God Didn’t Love the Whole World (10 min)

Jim Bergsma grew up in a Christian church. Going through Catechism at the age of 12, he was taught that Christ did not die for the whole world, and God did not love the whole world. For years he was stumbled by this teaching, until Jim Beattie showed him from the Bible that Christ did indeed die for the whole world. Listen to find out how that truth led to Jim’s salvation. (Testimony given in Ontario, Canada, 19th May 2020)

Zen Buddhism Didn’t Satisfy Me (14 min)

Larry Perkins was a jazz band player who looked for peace and happiness in drink, drugs and the party lifestyle. Feeling a certain emptiness, Larry took a look at some of the world’s religions. He embraced Zen Buddhism, and even taught it to others, but still he was empty. An older lady for whom he did odd jobs got Larry’s confidence and shared the Bible with him. Listen to find out how 25-year-old Larry Perkins finally found peace in Christ.…

How a Head Choir Boy Was Saved (15 min)

Malcolm Stanley grew up in Birmingham, England, in a devoutly religious home. At his church he became a head choir boy and a server to the priest. He thought he was going to heaven. However, one day at a Christian youth meeting in a nondescript Nissen hut, he learned for the first time, from Romans 3:23, that he was a sinner. Malcolm was shocked. Listen to find out how he found forgiveness through Jesus Christ. (Testimony given in Manitoba, Canada,…

I Was Just Living a Big Pretence (43 min)

Tom West saw the reality of God’s life-changing salvation in his parents’ lives – and he wanted what they had. So one day he knelt down and asked God to save him, and presumed everything was alright. But deep down nothing had changed. Despite later being baptised and even “breaking bread”, Tom says “it was all just an outward show for everyone else to see”. But Tom now has what his parents have. Listen to find out how he became…

I Ripped the Door of the Meeting House Off Its Hinges! (25 min)

Wallace Buckle was born in Forteau, Labrador, Canada, into a poor fishing family. He left home at 16 and got a job in Seven Islands (Sept-Îles), Quebec, at 80 cents an hour. That’s where this recording, made in New Jersey, USA, in 1984, begins. He began gambling and drinking and living it up in the world. However, a near scrape with death, and the tragic loss of a friend and a work colleague led Wallace to return home. At that…

I’ve Always Believed, Yet I Cannot Say I’m Saved (23 min)

Thomas Francey grew up on a farm on the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. He heard the way of salvation from childhood. As a youth, the premature deaths of a number of acquaintances spoke to him loudly about the fact of eternity. He wanted to be right with God, but though he “always believed” he could not say “I am saved”. Is that you? Readings: John 3:16, 36, Acts 16:30-31. (Testimony given in Ballykeel Gospel Hall,…

I Don’t Believe in Being Born Again (42 min)

Bert Snippe didn’t like being told he needed to be born again. An ambitious businessman who liked to have a good time, Bert had grown up going to church and saying his prayers. He was a good person, and was definitely not going to hell, so he thought. But at 25 years of age the unthinkable happened – Bert became born again by the grace of God. Listen or watch to find out how. (Recorded in Windsor Gospel Hall, Ontario,…

I Kept Putting Salvation Off (19 min)

Brody Thibodeau had opportunity after opportunity to be saved, but at each point he always found a reason to put it off. Whether as a sports following teen, or a partying University student, or a busy married man, there was always something made him kick the issue of salvation down the road. But God in grace pursued him and Brody was eventually saved at 23 years of age through reading the book Safety Certainty and Enjoyment (Testimony given in Canada…

I Had a Sense of Emptiness (13 min)

Growing up in Nova Scotia, Canada, Rick Morse had a sense of emptiness. Early on he researched the philosophies of the world looking for the answer to life. He tried looking at various religions and cults. Then he turned to atheism, and finally to drugs, but nothing satisfied. Nothing made any sense. Until he heard the gospel. Reading the first 5 chapters of the book of Romans twice over brought him to repentance and faith. (Testimony given in Canada, 12th…

Which Part of the Verse Are You In? (21 min)

Gary Good’s grandfather spent 10 years trying to disprove the Bible, but found out he couldn’t! Then God saved him, and so the gospel came into the Good family. His grandson Gary grew up hearing the gospel but his head knowledge didn’t save him. The Lord used John 3:36, a verse with two clear parts, to enlighten him to the way of salvation. (Testimony given in Canada on 9th Aug 2021)

I Fooled Everyone…Except God (16 min)

Phil Collicutt passed off as a Christian for 7 years, but he wasn’t really saved. He said he was, and he even got baptised and took part in the Lord’s Supper, but he had no peace, and he found meetings and conferences boring. Then he heard Marvin Derksen telling his story of salvation and it shook Phil up because of its similarity with his own situation. Finally Phil admitted it to himself: “Phil Collicutt, you are not saved and you…

I Wanted to Have a Very Exciting Testimony (15 min)

Ross Swan grew up in a large family. Being the last child, by the time he grew up all of his family had been saved except him. In 1977 his father had a heart attack and went home to heaven, which was a powerful voice to Ross. Then John McCracken and Bill Bingham came with a Tent and held gospel meetings. Ross had always wanted to have an exciting testimony to be able to tell, but in the end he…

I Don’t Need Jesus; I Don’t Want Jesus (19 min)

Richard Pardy hated Sunday School and thought Christians were hypocrites. As a young man he lived the party lifestyle. He told his Christian friend “I don’t need Jesus, I don’t want Jesus and if you’re going to talk to me about Jesus I’m leaving.” Years later a work colleague asked a 27-year-old Richard, “If you were to die today where would you be?” Listen to hear how this led to Richard and his wife Pauline being saved. (Recorded in Canada…

My Life Was a Broken Mess (32 min)

Dave Chisolm grew up going to church, but as a young man he got into drink, drugs and fighting. By the age of 33 his life was a broken mess, living daily on the edge of suicide. He kept crying out to God for help, and God answered his prayer through the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ. Dave was saved by the grace and power of God on 16th Jan 1983. 40 years later, he told his life story in…

You Cannot Run from God (21 min)

Allan Quigley resented his Christian upbringing in Nova Scotia, and having to constantly go to gospel meetings. He left home at 17 to head to Ontario, causing heartbreak to his parents. But he soon discovered you cannot run from God. The following Sunday, to his own astonishment and with great reluctance, he found himself in yet another gospel meeting 1,800 km from home! Follow the story as the Lord worked in Allan’s life to bring him back to Nova Scotia…

Household Baptism Didn’t Save Me (29 min)

Dave Smith (1928-2022) grew up in a single parent family in Devizes, Wiltshire, England. His household baptism didn’t make him a child of God, but he didn’t know that till years later. Emigrating to British Columbia, Canada, he eventually started his own construction business. On the verge of going bankrupt, a Christian lady told him of his need of Christ, a name Dave Smith was blaspheming dozens of times a day. But Dave’s wife had been saved for a while…

How Would YOU Answer This Question? (25 min)

John Tolsma was born into a religious home in the Netherlands in 1947. Emigrating as a young lad to British Columbia, Canada, John continued his respectable ‘Christian’ lifestyle. Then one day a preacher by the name of Lou Swaan asked him if he had ever been born again. John said “Yes”, and related a story from his life where God had healed him in answer to prayer. Lou Swaan followed up with a devastating question that completely stunned good-living Mr…

What If That Was Your Last Chance? (24 min)

Jonathan Howard grew up hearing the gospel. He knew he was a sinner and he knew that Jesus died for sinners. He thought, “I believe it all, so why am I not saved?” One night in a gospel meeting a preacher set off an alarm clock that woke Jonathan up physically and spiritually! That very night, 5th Oct 1986, he understood for the first time that “Jesus died for me”. (Recorded in Canada on 25th April 2021)

Daddy, If You Don’t Get Saved You’re Going to Hell (35 min)

Ralph Bunch didn’t know he needed to be saved until he was 24 years old. Growing up in Cold Harbour, Newfoundland, Canada, he took up a career in the military. Serving in Ontario, his daughter started attending Sunday School. Coming home from Sunday School one day she announced “Daddy, if you don’t get saved you’re going to hell”. Listen to hear how Ralph eventually got saved on 19th Feb 1981. (Testimony given in Canada 6th April 2021)

Three Brothers Saved in One Night (22 min)

In a much-blessed month of gospel meetings in an old Schoolhouse in Millbrook, Nova Scotia, Canada, in the 1960’s, the Lord saved three brothers in one night. A few days later their mother and sister got saved. David Swan relates the fascinating story, which began when a preacher called Fred Holder sent a telegram to another preacher called Doug Howard, saying “I am free for the month of August. How about some gospel meetings?” Readings: John 3:16, 16:7-8, Luke 19:9-10.…

From Rags to Riches (32 min)

Bob Stairs grew up in difficult circumstances in New Brunswick, Canada. No modern conveniences, and all the kids in the large family sleeping in one bed. His family broke up when he was a small boy, and he ended up in a “poor farm”, a home for children and adults in need. He was moved around quite a bit but, by the grace of God, one foster home in which he stayed was run by a couple who knew the…

Give That Man A Boat! (24 min)

Just before David Flynn was born in 1962, his mother was saved (1957) and his father shortly after (1959). They were converted as a result of the labours of Herb Harris and George Campbell, who sailed on the “Missionary Gospel Messenger” boat around Newfoundland and preached the gospel in port after port. One day a man opposed to their efforts shot at the boat with a high-powered rifle and ruined the loud speaker that was broadcasting the gospel. David tells…

Saved While Preparing for a Children’s Meeting! (15 min)

Neil Morton relates the fascinating story of his conversion to Christ while preparing to take a children’s meeting. Neil had a profession when he was younger, but had never actually been saved. Years of anxiety and trouble came to an end in early 1993 as he studied how he would explain Acts 4:12 to a group of children. God works in mysterious ways. (Testimony given in Canada on 5th Mar 2021)

How A Country Boy Was Saved (30 min)

Steve Budd grew up in rural Eastern Canada. The gospel first impacted his family about 1930 when Isaac McMullan brought gospel meetings to one room School house in a country area just north of Moncton, New Brunswick, called “New Scotland”. Steve was a thoughtful, observant and serious-minded young child who, despite his tender age, experienced a real conversion to Christ in July 1960. (Testimony given in Canada in 8th Aug 2020). (Photo: Magnetic Hill, Moncton, NB, Canada)  

Never to Come Back Anymore (38 min)

Steve Howard was a preacher’s son. But that didn’t make him a Christian. Born in 1949, he grew up on the East coast of Canada during the days when men like Herb Harris, Fred Holder, John McCracken and his own father Doug Howard, were pioneering gospel work in Newfoundland and the Maritimes. The prayers and tears of Herb Harris made a deep impression on young Steve, as did the “Two Roads Chart”. Another voice to Steve was the phrase John…

Football Got a Tremendous Grip on Me (40 min)

Born in Belfast, Sammy Maze was good with his feet as a young lad. He progressed well and knew the thrill of playing in front of 60,000 people at Old Trafford in Manchester. But the Lord worked in his life to bring the reality of eternity before his mind through early influences in Sunday School, and through a cousin who prayed for him and took him to gospel meetings. By the grace of God, Sammy was saved at an open…

All Hope Seemed to Have Gone (19 min)

Albert McShane (1914-2002) grew up in Kilmore, Co Armagh, Northern Ireland. Deep impressions of eternal matters were made on his mind in Sunday School. As a child he lost a brother, and event which, with other family bereavements, weighed heavily on his heart. As a youngster he heard both Hawthorne Baillie and Frank Knox in series of gospel meetings. Troubled over many months, he was finally awakened to his urgent need of salvation in a prayer meeting in 3rd January…

I Wasn’t Sure If God Was Satisfied With My Believing (20 min)

Phil Howard grew up in a Christian family. His father was a travelling evangelist. As a 4-year-old young Phil was coaxed into a profession of faith which wasn’t real. Over the years he had doubts and struggles, especially when one persistent and perceptive preacher, Mr Fred Holder, kept asking him if he was saved. The Lord eventually used the parable of the two foundations in Matthew Ch 7 to reveal Phil’s true situation, which led to Him finding true rest…

What Wilt Thou Say When He Shall Punish Thee? (25 min)

Peter Smyth grew up in an area of Northern Ireland that was greatly impacted by “the troubles”, yet as he tells his conversion story, it is “soul trouble” that impacted him for eternity. Sitting under earnest gospel preaching, a verse from Jeremiah deeply concerned him: “What wilt thou say when He shall punish thee?” (Jer 13:21). Readings: Gen 28:10-21, 47:7-10, 48:1-4, 49:33. (Testimony given in Chalfont St Peter, 9th Apr 2023)

I Hit Absolute Rock Bottom (41 min)

Born in Iraq, Bachar Mouchi’s persecuted family fled to Lebanon and finally ended up in Canada. There young Bachar became involved in drugs and crime, hitting rock bottom in prison. Out on parole and working in a metal factory, Bachar’s boss invited him to the Gospel Hall in Richmond, British Columbia, where he heard a message that transformed his life. (Recorded in Parkview Gospel Hall, Abbotsford, BC, Canada, 11th June 2023)

Why Pray to Pictures on the Wall? (9 min)

Kevin Doskocil grew up in Wisconsin, USA, sometimes going to Mass in the Roman Catholic Church, and sometimes attending the gospel meeting in the Gospel Hall, depending on which parent or relative he was with. As a child, he couldn’t understand why people he knew would pray to pictures of saints on the wall, rather than praying to God. Mercifully God worked in His life to show him the truth of the finished work of Christ through Romans 5:6-9. (Testimony…

“Wounded for Me” (26 min)

Phil Coulson tells how the Lord saved him. An early childhood experience taught him that “God is real”. Later the preaching of the gospel from Isaiah 53 opened the eyes of his understanding to the fact that “Christ died for me”. (Recorded in Highland, WI, USA, March 2023)

I Heard the Gospel Nearly Every Day for 5 Years (21 min)

William Gribben relates the story of his conversion in Northern Ireland in 1968. William was privileged to hear many experienced preachers in his youth: Harold Paisley, Frank Knox, Thomas Campbell, Joe Milne, and Thomas Wallace among them. He went 5 years hearing the gospel almost daily. Listen to hear how he finally got his eyes opened to salvation. Readings: Psa 66:16, Matt 11:28, John 3:7, 6:37, 2 Tim 3:14-15. (Testimony given in Ballykeel Gospel Hall, 20th Nov 2022) (Photo: Belfast)

Saved in Lockdown (23 min)

Austin Graham tells how he was saved during the global Covid lockdown of Spring 2020. Austin had played the part of a Christian for 10 years or more, but his life was really just about fun and football – he had no interest in the Lord or in the Bible. Listen to find out how God opened his eyes to his real situation, and to the truth of salvation through John 3:36. (Recorded in Ballymena, 26th April 2023) See also…

“I prayed the prayer. I made my commitment.” (13 min)

Stephen Moffitt grew up going to church 3 times a week, but knew nothing about salvation. At college he met fellow students who invited him to gospel meetings. Moving over to the USA he finally came to understand he did not have eternal life, but that Christ had finished the work of salvation on the cross. Readings: John 5:24, 19:28-30. (Testimony given in Blue River, Wisconsin, USA, in 2005).

My mother came running with a broken foot! (27 min)

Brandon Doll (Wisconsin, USA) tells how he came to Christ for salvation in his late teens after quite a struggle with how to know for sure he was saved. The reaction of his overjoyed parents reflects the priority they put on his salvation. Readings: 1 John 5:9-13, Titus 3:4-5a. (Recorded in Ballymena 27th Jan 2023)

“I looked like a pretty good Christian kid” (7 min)

Austin Joyce grew up hearing the gospel. Feeling the peer pressure of being surrounded by saved people, he made a profession of faith as a child, but it took him until his late teens before he discovered that he did not have a saving relationship with the Lord Jesus. He could trick himself and others, but not God. Listen to hear how Austin found peace and rest in Christ. (Testimony given 15th Jan 2023 in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia,…

“Oh my, I’m going to hell” (10 min)

Laverne Weber grew up hearing the gospel, but he rebelled and went off to enjoy the pleasures of the world. Married and now with children, he attended a series of gospel meetings with Albert Hull and Gaius Goff and discovered for the first time in his life, “Oh my, I’m going to hell.” Photo: Stout Gospel Hall. (Testimony given in Stout, Iowa, USA, 2013)

“God has taken away my friends, and I hate Him.” (8 min)

James Vallance (1931-2020) was born in Bo’ness, Scotland, emigrating to the USA at the age of 16 in 1947 with his family, where he spent the rest of his life. As a youngster, James spent many many days in bomb shelters, seeking refuge from German bombs. Jim wanted to be saved, but he could not admit he was bad enough to deserve hell. He was also angry at God for taking away a number of his friends through illness during…

I Thought I Had it All (14 min)

Born in Ireland, William “Bill” Lavery (1932-2024) turned his back on God as a teenager. He thought he “had it all”, as drinking, gambling and ballroom dancing filled his spare time. After marriage, he emigrated to the USA (in 1961), settling in Michigan. He secured a good job in Detroit and enjoyed a “cocktail party” lifestyle into his early thirties. But God began to work in his life, eventually bringing him and his wife to repentance and faith in Christ.…

Where would you be if you died tonight? (5 min)

Tom Novak knew the gospel from childhood, but in 1979 he, for the first time in his life, faced up to the fact that we was going to be in hell if he didn’t get saved. Have you ever faced that reality? In Tom’s case, it led to his salvation. (Testimony given in Cedar Falls, Iowa, USA, in 2018)

“Don’t read verses to me; just tell me how to get saved.” (15 min)

The gospel intersected John Fleming’s life in 1960 when a friend of his got saved in Oil Springs, Ontario, Canada. His friend started working on John and insisting he take an interest in his soul and come to gospel meetings. It took a while, but John eventually came to know Christ for himself. Readings: John 3:16, 18, 36. (Testimony given in La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA, 2012)

I Thought I Was OK for Heaven (6 min)

Thinking he was “OK for heaven”, Joel Frazier attended a gospel meeting in Blue River, Wisconsin, USA, one Sunday evening in March 1988. He was in for a shock. He discovered that the “salvation” he thought he had was nothing more than “a light little experience that had nothing to do with the work of Christ on the cross but was just feelings within myself”. Listen to find out how the Lord delivered Joel from this common deception and put…

I Made Up a Story of Conversion, Including a Date (39 min)

Jim Beattie was born in Belfast in 1943, moving to Canada as a boy of 10. While very young he made up a story of conversion, including a date. He wanted to have something to tell people when they asked him if he was saved, rather than be embarrassed. But the time came when Jim finally faced the fact that he was lost. Only then did he come into the blessing of salvation. Readings: John 9:10-11a, Acts 16:25-31. (Recorded in…

“It’s like at Christmas…but you don’t take the gift” (5 min)

James Hubbord grew up on the East coast of Canada without a knowledge of the gospel. But one day he was presented with the truth of “salvation as a gift” from the Bible’s most famous verse, John 3:16. Are you saved? Have you taken God’s free gift of eternal life? (Message preached in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, USA, 2009).

A Husband and Wife Saved Inside a Month and a Day (7 min)

Gary Southerd’s childhood home was transformed when his mother got saved, but Gary didn’t get saved until after he was married. Then his wife got saved a month and a day later! The photo above is the car Gary refers to in his story: evangelist Oliver Smith’s “gospel car” (Testimony given in Stout, Iowa, USA, 2013)

“You’ll never see my face in a gospel meeting again” (7 min)

Cal Erickson grew up going to meetings and hearing the gospel, but there came a time when he said, “You’ll never see my face in a gospel meeting again.” But God has His ways. Later in his life, as a company executive on the run from God, there came a time when Cal DID sit in a gospel meeting again. (Testimony given in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, USA, 2017).

I Thought “I’ve Been Left Behind” (7 min)

Abraham Brisuela tells the story of his conversion to Christ. Abraham’s parents were born Roman Catholics in Venezuela, but because they got saved by the grace of God, young Abraham grew up hearing the true gospel. The truth of the coming of the Lord was what God used to awaken Abraham to his need of salvation. Reading: 1 Pet 1:23-26 (Message preached in Highland, Wisconsin, USA).

I Thought I Could Get Saved Whenever I Felt Like It (13 min)

Timothy Green relates the story of his conversion to Christ in Canada in the year 2,000. He grew up imagining he could get saved whenever he felt like it, only to discover when the time came that he was “without strength”. (Message preached in Chalfont St Peter, 27th Nov 2022)

“Nobody gets saved in a casual way” (23 min)

Michael Verner relates how he trusted the Lord Jesus for salvation in his early 20’s. Attending Greenmount College in Northern Ireland, Michael met a fellow student who was a believer in Christ and who influenced him with the gospel. Then in 1992 he attended a series of gospel meetings where he was awakened and saved. Readings: John 19:30, Rom 6:23, Eph 2:8-9 (Testimony given at a gospel drive-in meeting, Riverside Farm, Nr. Ballykeel, 31st July 2022)

“I made up my mind; I want to get saved” (19 min)

Jonathan Bingham tells how he was saved as a young lad in Ballykeel, in the Mourne Mountains district of Northern Ireland. Jonathan always knew the gospel, but didn’t get saved until he was awakened to his need of Christ in gospel meetings and made up his mind to go in for salvation. Readings: John 19:30-31, Acts 16:30-31. (Testimony given at the Riverside Farm drive-in meetings, 29th May 2022)