Sermons on 1 Kings

Sermons on 1 Kings

God Sends Us All to School (22 min)

David Kane (1922-2015) preaches on the experiences of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath, who learnt things in their humble difficult circumstances that made them into people through whom God could do a great work. Reading: 1 Kings 17:7-17, 21-24. (Recorded at the Belfast Easter Conference)

Pathway, Past and Problem (31 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the sad end of Solomon’s life, which was marked by departure and compromise, and ultimately led to the division of his Kingdom into two rival entities. Reading: 1 Kings 10-11. (Recorded in North America). Complete series on Solomon: Introduction – The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived Old, Bold and Uncontrolled (1 Kings 1) Competitive, Calculating and Cruel (1 Kings 2) Character, Choices and a Crisis (1 Kings 3) Fact, Foreshadowing and Framework (1 Kings 4) Mercy,…

Mercy, Materials and Methods (41 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the building of Solomon’s Temple and looks at the materials and the methods used and draws lessons on building for God in local churches today. Reading: 1 Kings 5-8. (Recorded in North America). Complete series on Solomon: Introduction – The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived Old, Bold and Uncontrolled (1 Kings 1) Competitive, Calculating and Cruel (1 Kings 2) Character, Choices and a Crisis (1 Kings 3) Fact, Foreshadowing and Framework (1 Kings 4) Mercy, Materials…

Fact, Foreshadowing and Framework (37 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on Solomon’s Kingdom as a picture of the future Millennial reign of Christ. “Israel dwelt safely, every man under his vine and under his fig tree.” Reading: 1 Kings 4. (Recorded in North America). Complete series on Solomon: Introduction – The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived Old, Bold and Uncontrolled (1 Kings 1) Competitive, Calculating and Cruel (1 Kings 2) Character, Choices and a Crisis (1 Kings 3) Fact, Foreshadowing and Framework (1 Kings 4) Mercy, Materials…

Character, Choices and a Crisis (35 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on three issues in Solomon’s life from 1 Kings Ch. 3. His character, his choices, and how he dealt with the crisis of the two mothers and the baby. (Recorded in North America). Complete series on Solomon: Introduction – The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived Old, Bold and Uncontrolled (1 Kings 1) Competitive, Calculating and Cruel (1 Kings 2) Character, Choices and a Crisis (1 Kings 3) Fact, Foreshadowing and Framework (1 Kings 4) Mercy, Materials and…

Competitive, Calculating and Cruel (40 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on three characters in 1 Kings Ch. 2: competitive Adonijah who wanted to be King, calculating Joab the shrewd political operator, and cruel Shimei. All were removed as Solomon took the throne. (Recorded in North America). Complete series on Solomon: Introduction – The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived Old, Bold and Uncontrolled (1 Kings 1) Competitive, Calculating and Cruel (1 Kings 2) Character, Choices and a Crisis (1 Kings 3) Fact, Foreshadowing and Framework (1 Kings 4)…

Old, Bold and Uncontrolled (38 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the three main characters in 1 Kings Ch. 1: King David, who was old, Nathan who was bold, and Adonijah who was uncontrolled, and brings out pertinent lessons from each one. (Recorded in North America). Complete series on Solomon: Introduction – The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived Old, Bold and Uncontrolled (1 Kings 1) Competitive, Calculating and Cruel (1 Kings 2) Character, Choices and a Crisis (1 Kings 3) Fact, Foreshadowing and Framework (1 Kings 4)…

Little Is Much If God Is In It (22 min)

Philip Tinsley preaches on some of the little things in Scripture – a little cake, a little cloud, a little call, a little captive and a little child. The lesson? Little is much if God is in it. 1 Kings 17:1, 8-16, 24, 18:42-46, 19:12, 2 Kings 5:1-5, 13-15, Mark 9:33-37. (Recorded in Winnipeg, MC, Canada, 4th July 2023)

Enjoying and Valuing Our Inheritance (22 min)

Bill Lavery preaches on enjoying and valuing our inheritance, in particular the treasure of truth we have been given in the Word of God. Reading: 1 Kings 21:1-10. (Message preached in Roseisle, Manitoba, Canada, 2017)

Our Minds and our Hopelessness (Depression) (52 min)

In the sixth instalment of a 7-part series on “the Christian mind”, Dr. A.J. Higgins takes up the issue of depression and God’s “repair for our despair”. The story of Elijah running for his life in 1 Kings 19:1-19a is the Scripture passage under consideration. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 2004) Complete series: Our minds and our hearts Our minds and our holiness Our minds and our helpfulness Our minds and our homes Our minds and our hot-headedness Our minds…

Not for Sale (31 min)

Jonathan Procopio preaches on the story of Ahab’s violent theft of a vineyard whose owner, Naboth, said was “not for sale”. Two lessons stand out in the passage: 1. The danger of covetousness (Ahab), and 2. the duty of commitment (Naboth). Mr Procopio applies challenging lessons from each aspect of the story. Readings: 1 Kings 21:1-7, 14-15 (Recorded in Pope Road Gospel hall, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 2016)

Failure Doesn’t Need to be Final (46 min)

Ian Jackson delivers a warning about the danger of moral failure in the life of a believer. If David can fall (1 Kings 15:1-5), as he did “in the matter of Uriah the Hittite”, none of us can afford to be complacent. Ian also gives an explanation of Christ’s work as “the advocate” who works for the restoration of erring believers. (Message preached 21st April 2014)