Sermons by Sandy Higgins

Sermons by Sandy Higgins

A Man Who Moved for God in a Day of Crisis (25 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on Joseph of Arimathaea, who rose to the occasion in a day of crisis to do what was needed in relation to the burial of the Lord Jesus. Readings: Matt 27:57-61, Mark 15:42-47, Luke 23:50-56, John 19:38-42. (Recorded at Hickory Gospel Hall Conference, NC, USA, in 2019)

The Answer to Spiritual Barrenness (23 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the issue of spiritual barrenness from the life of Hannah in 1 Samuel Chs 1-2. What is the answer of barrenness in our souls and in our congregations? (Recorded at Hickory Gospel hall, NC, USA, 2019)

Spiritual Survival in a Secular Society (29 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on spiritual survival in a secular society from the epistle of Jude, where believers are urged to keep themselves in the love of God and are divinely preserved from stumbling. Reading: Jude 1:1-4, 17-25. (Recorded at the Larne Bible Conference, Northern Ireland, Aug 2024)

The Four Corners of Assembly Testimony (45 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the 4 corners of assembly testimony. The early believers “continued steadfastly” in the apostles’ doctrine, the fellowship, the breaking of bread and the prayers. Reading: Acts 2:41-47. (Recorded in Unionville Gospel Hall, Toronto, Canada)

Jesus is God ( 21 min)

Dr A.J. Higgins preaches on the proof for the deity of Christ found in the Gospel of John Ch 5.17-21. The Lord Jesus is seen there as having unique ability, unparalleled unity (with His Father), unrivalled capability, uninterrupted intimacy (with His Father), unlimited capacity and unquestionable reliability. (Recorded at the Gospel Hall Toronto Easter Conference, 30th Mar 2024)

Questions and Answers on the Family (24 min)

Sandy Higgins answers 10 questions submitted by his audience during his 9 sessions on the family and relationships. Dr. Higgins, a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Readings: Rom 12:9-16, Col 3:13, 17. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 19th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the Family Courtship and the Search for a Spouse Understanding Roles in Marriage Overcoming Problems in Marriage Child Rearing – the…

Four Keys to Happy Fellowship (35 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on 4 keys to living in harmony with other Christians. 1. Focussing on the worth of others, 2. Fostering the welfare of others, 3. Forbearing with the weakness of others, and 4. Forgiving the wounds of others. Dr. Higgins, a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Readings: Rom 12:9-16, Col 3:13, 17. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 19th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance…

Interpersonal Relationships Between Believers (22 min)

Having dealt with the husband and wife relationship, and the parent child relationship, Sandy Higgins preaches on interpersonal relationships between believers in general. Dr. Higgins, a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Reading: Col 3:9-17. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 19th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the Family Courtship and the Search for a Spouse Understanding Roles in Marriage Overcoming Problems in Marriage Child Rearing…

Equipping Parents to Handle Three Present Dangers (41 min)

Society is self-obsessed, sex-saturated, and screen-orientated. Dr. Higgins, a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA, advises parents how to raise a family in the middle of such a culture. Readings: 1 Cor 6:13-20, Eph 4:25, 29-32, 5:8-12, 14-17, Phil 2:3-5. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 18th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the Family Courtship and the Search for a Spouse Understanding Roles in Marriage Overcoming…

Child Rearing – The Teen Years (39 min)

Dr. Sandy Higgins gives a history of how “teen culture” emerged and provides much needed advice for parents to help them maintain a good relationship with their teenagers as they raise them in the fear of God. Dr. Higgins is a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Readings: Eph 3:14, 6:4, Col 3:21. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 18th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the…

Child Rearing – the Early Years (33 min)

Dr. Sandy Higgins gives biblical advice about raising children in their early years, from the story of Hannah and Samuel. Setting an example, how to discipline etc. Dr. Higgins is a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Reading: 1 Sam Chs 1-3. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 18th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the Family Courtship and the Search for a Spouse Understanding Roles in…

Overcoming Problems in Marriage (36 min)

Dr. Sandy Higgins gives counsel for handling problems in a marriage – problems from within, from outside, from beneath, problems allowed from above, and problems that need to be faced. Dr. Higgins is a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Readings: Gen 3:16, 1 Cor 7:28, Luke 8:15. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 18th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the Family Courtship and the Search…

Understanding Roles in Marriage (38 min)

Dr. Sandy Higgins outlines the role of a wife, the role of a husband and their united work to leave, cleave, weave and believe together, resulting in a union that glorifies the Lord. Dr. Higgins is a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Reading: 1 Pet 3:1-7. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 18th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the Family Courtship and the Search for…

Courtship and the Search for a Spouse (28 min)

Dr. Sandy Higgins gives biblical advice on courtship and dating. Where to look for a spouse, what to look for in a spouse, and how to be guided by God in the process. Dr. Higgins is a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Reading: Genesis Ch 24. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 18th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the Family Courtship and the Search for…

The Importance of The Family (46 min)

Dr. Sandy Higgins delivers the opening message in a series on “Marriage and the Family”. His introduction focusses on the importance of family to society, its influence on the local assembly, its implication for children, its insights for believers, and its invasion by Satan. Dr. Higgins is a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Readings: 2 Tim 1:5, 16, 1 Tim 2:9-10, 15, 3:4-5, 12-13. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall,…

The Great Kingdom Psalm (30 min)

Sandy Higgins expounds Psalm 72, the great Millennial Psalm, in which the Messiah’s Kingdom in the age to come is outlined. The rule of the Lord Jesus over a regenerated earth, with Israel regathered to the “Promised Land” and restored to be the head of the nations, is the final chapter in earth’s history. (Recorded in North America)

Pathway, Past and Problem (31 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the sad end of Solomon’s life, which was marked by departure and compromise, and ultimately led to the division of his Kingdom into two rival entities. Reading: 1 Kings 10-11. (Recorded in North America). Complete series on Solomon: Introduction – The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived Old, Bold and Uncontrolled (1 Kings 1) Competitive, Calculating and Cruel (1 Kings 2) Character, Choices and a Crisis (1 Kings 3) Fact, Foreshadowing and Framework (1 Kings 4) Mercy,…

Mercy, Materials and Methods (41 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the building of Solomon’s Temple and looks at the materials and the methods used and draws lessons on building for God in local churches today. Reading: 1 Kings 5-8. (Recorded in North America). Complete series on Solomon: Introduction – The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived Old, Bold and Uncontrolled (1 Kings 1) Competitive, Calculating and Cruel (1 Kings 2) Character, Choices and a Crisis (1 Kings 3) Fact, Foreshadowing and Framework (1 Kings 4) Mercy, Materials…

Fact, Foreshadowing and Framework (37 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on Solomon’s Kingdom as a picture of the future Millennial reign of Christ. “Israel dwelt safely, every man under his vine and under his fig tree.” Reading: 1 Kings 4. (Recorded in North America). Complete series on Solomon: Introduction – The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived Old, Bold and Uncontrolled (1 Kings 1) Competitive, Calculating and Cruel (1 Kings 2) Character, Choices and a Crisis (1 Kings 3) Fact, Foreshadowing and Framework (1 Kings 4) Mercy, Materials…

Character, Choices and a Crisis (35 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on three issues in Solomon’s life from 1 Kings Ch. 3. His character, his choices, and how he dealt with the crisis of the two mothers and the baby. (Recorded in North America). Complete series on Solomon: Introduction – The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived Old, Bold and Uncontrolled (1 Kings 1) Competitive, Calculating and Cruel (1 Kings 2) Character, Choices and a Crisis (1 Kings 3) Fact, Foreshadowing and Framework (1 Kings 4) Mercy, Materials and…

Competitive, Calculating and Cruel (40 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on three characters in 1 Kings Ch. 2: competitive Adonijah who wanted to be King, calculating Joab the shrewd political operator, and cruel Shimei. All were removed as Solomon took the throne. (Recorded in North America). Complete series on Solomon: Introduction – The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived Old, Bold and Uncontrolled (1 Kings 1) Competitive, Calculating and Cruel (1 Kings 2) Character, Choices and a Crisis (1 Kings 3) Fact, Foreshadowing and Framework (1 Kings 4)…

Old, Bold and Uncontrolled (38 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the three main characters in 1 Kings Ch. 1: King David, who was old, Nathan who was bold, and Adonijah who was uncontrolled, and brings out pertinent lessons from each one. (Recorded in North America). Complete series on Solomon: Introduction – The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived Old, Bold and Uncontrolled (1 Kings 1) Competitive, Calculating and Cruel (1 Kings 2) Character, Choices and a Crisis (1 Kings 3) Fact, Foreshadowing and Framework (1 Kings 4)…

The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived (40 min)

Sandy Higgins introduces a series of sermons on King Solomon by looking at every reference to him in the Bible outside the Old Testament books of Kings and Chronicles. He highlights Solomon and: a sovereign God, the Son of God, the Saviour, the Scriptures, the sinner, the saint, the sanctuary and supplication. Readings: Neh 13:25-26, Psa 72:1, 18-20, Prov 1:1-2, Ecc 1:1-2, 12, Song of Songs 1:1, Matt 1:1, 6-7a, 6:28-33, 12:42, Luke 12:27-28, Acts 7:47-50. (Recorded in North America).…

Barometer of an Assembly (34 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the mentions in 1 Corinthians of the word “love”. He takes up the remedy of love and the realms of love in an assembly, highlighting the great “love chapter” of Ch 13. Readings: 1 Cor 4:14-21, 8:1-3, 13:1-13, 16:13-14, 21-24, 2 Cor 11:10-11, 12:14-15. (Message preached in Waterloo, Iowa, USA, in 2005). Complete series on “Repetition and Reinforcement to Deal with the Chaos in Corinth”: Blemishes in an Assembly: mentions of “among you” in Corinthians Boundaries in…

Blots in an Assembly (45 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the mentions in 1 Corinthians of the word “shame”. His outline: The shame of ingratitude (Ch 4); the shame of inadequacy (Ch 6); the shame of inconsistency (Ch 11); the shame of inconsideration (Ch 11); the shame of indecency (Ch 14); the shame of ignorance (Ch 15). Readings: Gen 2:25, Exod 32:25, 1 Cor 4:14-16, 6:5-7, 11:6, 22, 14:33-38, 15:33-34, 1 Tim 2:1-2, 8-15. (Message preached in Waterloo, Iowa, USA, in 2005). Complete series on “Repetition…

Blindness in an Assembly (35 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the mentions in 1 Corinthians of the word “judge”. His outline: Premature judgment (Ch 4); postponed judgment (Ch 5); prohibited judgment (Ch 6); providential judgment (Ch 11); permissible judgment (Ch 11). Readings: 1 Cor 4:1-5, 8, 5:1-3, 6-8, 11-13, 6:1-3, 5, 11:13, 29-32. (Message preached in Waterloo, Iowa, USA, in 2005). Complete series on “Repetition and Reinforcement to Deal with the Chaos in Corinth”: Blemishes in an Assembly: mentions of “among you” in Corinthians Boundaries in an…

Burdens in an Assembly (49 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the mentions in 1 Corinthians of “every man” or “any man”. His outline: Contributing my labour (Ch 3); Conduct in light of the Bema (Ch 4); Consecrating myself to God (Ch 7); Considering the welfare of others (Ch 10); Cultivating gift (Ch 12); Communicating materially (Ch 16). Readings: 1 Cor 3:8, 13, 4:3-5, 7:7, 17, 20, 24, 29-31, 10:24, 12:7, 11, 18, 16:1-3. (Message preached in Waterloo, Iowa, USA, in 2005). Complete series on “Repetition and…

Be Subject in an Assembly (34 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the mentions in 1 Corinthians of “subjection/submission”. His outline: Personal submission (Ch 9); doctrinal submission (Ch 11); practical submission (Ch 14); vocal submission (Ch 14); governmental submission (Ch 16); universal submission (Ch 15). Readings: 1 Cor 9:19-21, 23-27, 11:1-10, 14:29-34, 15:24-28, 16:10, 12-16. (Message preached in Waterloo, Iowa, USA, in 2005). Complete series on “Repetition and Reinforcement to Deal with the Chaos in Corinth”: Blemishes in an Assembly: mentions of “among you” in Corinthians Boundaries in an…

Biases in an Assembly (33 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the mentions in 1 Corinthians of the verb “think” in 1 Corinthians. His outline: How I think and how I build (Ch 3); How I think and how I behave (Ch 8); How I think and how I boast (Ch 10); How I think and my brother (Ch 12); How I think and the Bible (Ch 14). Readings: 1 Cor 3:1-3, 9-13, 18-20, 8:1-2, 10:12, 12:22, 14:36-38. (Message preached in Waterloo, Iowa, USA, in 2005) Complete…

Boundaries in an Assembly (48 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on mentions in 1 Corinthians of the word “fellowship”. After looking at the principle, purpose and peril of boundaries, Dr Higgins outlines 5 implications of fellowship (Ch 1), 5 inconsistencies in fellowship (Ch 5), and 5 incompatibilities in fellowship (2 Cor 6). Readings: 1 Cor 1:10, 10:14-22, 31-33, 2 Cor 6:11-7:1. (Message preached in Waterloo, Iowa, USA, in 2005). Complete series on “Repetition and Reinforcement to Deal with the Chaos in Corinth”: Blemishes in an Assembly: mentions of…

Blemishes in an Assembly (50 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the mentions in 1 Corinthians of the expression “among you” and links them to a blemish in the Corinthians’ identity (Ch 1), a blemish in their maturity (Ch 3), a blemish in their purity (Ch 5), a blemish in their harmony (Ch 6), a blemish in their unity (Ch 11) and a blemish in their theology (Ch 15). Readings: 1 Cor 1:1-3, 5, 9-13, 3:1-3, 5:1-2, 6:5-6, 11:17-18, 20-22, 27, 30, 15:12. (Message preached in Waterloo,…

Three Choices for the Christian (36 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on three choices for the Christian from 1 Peter 4. The choice to live for the will of God; the choice to live for the welfare of others; and the choice to live for a world to come. Readings: 1 Pet 4:1-13 (Message preached at the Vancouver Thanksgiving Conference, 2014)

Our Minds and Our Hardships (39 min)

In the last instalment of a 7-part series on “the Christian mind”, Dr. A.J. Higgins takes up the issue of trials and hardships and how they affect our minds. He does so from the life of Job. Readings: Job 29:1-25, 30:1, 9, 16, 24, 42:9-17. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 2004) Complete series: Our minds and our hearts Our minds and our holiness Our minds and our helpfulness Our minds and our homes Our minds and our hot-headedness Our minds…

Our Minds and our Hopelessness (Depression) (52 min)

In the sixth instalment of a 7-part series on “the Christian mind”, Dr. A.J. Higgins takes up the issue of depression and God’s “repair for our despair”. The story of Elijah running for his life in 1 Kings 19:1-19a is the Scripture passage under consideration. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 2004) Complete series: Our minds and our hearts Our minds and our holiness Our minds and our helpfulness Our minds and our homes Our minds and our hot-headedness Our minds…

Our Minds and Our Hot-headedness (50 min)

In the fifth instalment of a 7-part series on “the Christian mind”, Dr. A.J. Higgins takes up the issue of anger, one of the works of the flesh. He takes up Jonah’s anger in Jonah Ch 4 and gives scriptural counsel on dealing with anger and becoming less hot-headed and more controlled in our minds. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 2004) Complete series: Our minds and our hearts Our minds and our holiness Our minds and our helpfulness Our minds…

Our Minds and Our Homes (51 min)

In the fourth instalment of a 7-part series on “the Christian mind”, Dr. A.J. Higgins emphasises the incredibly important impact of our thinking on marriage, family and the home. Readings: Eph 5:21-6:4, Heb 13:4. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 2004) Complete series: Our minds and our hearts Our minds and our holiness Our minds and our helpfulness Our minds and our homes Our minds and our hot-headedness Our minds and our hopelessness Our minds and our hardships

Our Minds and Our Helpfulness (52 min)

In the third instalment of a 7-part series on “the Christian mind”, Dr. A.J. Higgins explains what it is to have the mind of Christ. It will make us helpful harmonious people, willing to serve others, and not standing on ceremony demanding apologies and making sure we get our pound of flesh. Reading: Eph 4:25-32, Phil 2:2-8, 1 Cor 13:4-7. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 2004) Complete series: Our minds and our hearts Our minds and our holiness Our minds…

Our Minds and Our Holiness (46 min)

In the second instalment of a 7-part series on “the Christian mind”, Dr. A.J. Higgins explains the importance of the Christian mind in living a holy life. What fills our minds directs our feet and regulates our lives. You are what you think. Reading: Gen 1:1-3, 31, Prov 4:23, 16:32, 25:28, Eph 4:23-5:16. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 2004) Complete series: Our minds and our hearts Our minds and our holiness Our minds and our helpfulness Our minds and our…

Our Minds and Our Hearts (53 min)

In the first instalment of a 7-part series on “the Christian mind”, Dr. A.J. Higgins explains what the Bible means when it talks about “the mind”, i.e. a person’s non-material being, made up of intellect, emotion and will. How does a Christian’s mind differ from that of an unbeliever? Reading: Psa 139:23-24. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 2004) Complete series: Our minds and our hearts Our minds and our holiness Our minds and our helpfulness Our minds and our homes…

Appreciating the House of God (38 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the revelation of the “house of God” in Scripture and the implications of the term for Christians today. Readings: Gen 28:10-22, 1 Tim 3:15. (Message preached in Hatboro, PA, USA, 28th Mar 2023)

Exposition of Genesis Ch 5 (37 min)

Sandy Higgins expounds Genesis chapter 5 and highlights the story of the life and translation of Enoch, the man who walked with God, but who “was not” because God took Him. Reading: Genesis 5. (Message preached in North America) Complete series: Exposition of Genesis 1 Exposition of Genesis 2 Exposition of Genesis 3 Exposition of Genesis 4 Exposition of Genesis 5

Exposition of Genesis Ch 3 (37 min)

Sandy Higgins expounds the crucial and critical chapter 3 of Genesis, which outlines the fall of mankind and all that flows from it. This chapter contains the first prophecy in the Bible, of the seed (Christ) who would crush the serpent’s head. Reading: Genesis 3. (Message preached in North America) Complete series: Exposition of Genesis 1 Exposition of Genesis 2 Exposition of Genesis 3 Exposition of Genesis 4 Exposition of Genesis 5

Exposition of Genesis Ch 2 (34 min)

Sandy Higgins summarises the first 5 books of the Bible before giving an exposition of Genesis chapter 2, a chapter in which the creation of Adam and the formation of Eve, and their placing in the Garden of Eden, are outlined. Reading: Genesis 2. (Message preached in North America) Complete series: Exposition of Genesis 1 Exposition of Genesis 2 Exposition of Genesis 3 Exposition of Genesis 4 Exposition of Genesis 5

Exposition of Genesis Ch 1 (44 min)

Sandy Higgins introduces Genesis and gives an exposition of Chapter 1, a chapter that is divinely inspired and must be taken literally. Reading: Genesis 1. (Message preached in North America) Complete series: Exposition of Genesis 1 Exposition of Genesis 2 Exposition of Genesis 3 Exposition of Genesis 4 Exposition of Genesis 5

Lordship, Leadership and Love (48 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on three core topics in relation to a local assembly of Christians: the Lordship to which we bow, the leadership which we recognise, and the love which we express to others. Readings: 1 Cor 1:1-3, 9, 1 Thess 5:12-15, Heb 13:17, Rom 12:9-16. (Message preached in Crandon Gospel Hall, Virginia, USA).

The Tests of Teenagers (37 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the tests faced by John the Baptist and the Lord Jesus in the early chapters of Luke’s gospel. Life is a series of tests: the test of loneliness, expectations, being different, submission, rejection and patience. Readings: Luke 1:32-33, 38, 66, 76-80, 2:19, 39-40, 46-52, 3:21.23. (Message preached in Tampa, Florida, USA, Jan 2023) Complete series: Learning from Luke Chapters 1 and 2 The Wonder of the Word: Prophecies Fulfilled – John Dennison The Supremacy of the…

The Wisdom of Worship (32 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the topic of worship. “Intelligent worship is occupation with Christ.” The occasions of worship, the object of worship, the occupation of worship, and the outcome of worship. Readings: Luke 1:39-56, 67-69, 76-79, 2:20, 25-38, 41. (Message preached in Tampa, Florida, USA, Jan 2023) Complete series: Learning from Luke Chapters 1 and 2 The Wonder of the Word: Prophecies Fulfilled – John Dennison The Supremacy of the Sovereign: Divine Control of Circumstances – Sandy Higgins The Design…

The Model for Marriage (32 min)

Dr. A.J. Higgins preaches on “the model for marriage” from the story of Zacharias and Elizabeth in Luke’s gospel. Theirs was a “model marriage” marked by piety, unity, consistency, permanency, ministry, difficulty, adversity and prosperity. Readings: Luke 1:5-9, 11-14, 18-20, 23-25, 57-64, 76-79. (Message preached in Tampa, Florida, USA, Jan 2023) Complete series: Learning from Luke Chapters 1 and 2 The Wonder of the Word: Prophecies Fulfilled – John Dennison The Supremacy of the Sovereign: Divine Control of Circumstances –…

The Supremacy of the Sovereign (34 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the sovereignty of God in the circumstances of life, as illustrated in the incredible providential details recorded in Luke 2:1-7 in connection with the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Message preached in Tampa, Florida, USA, Jan 2023) (Photo: Bethlehem at night) Complete series: Learning from Luke Chapters 1 and 2 The Wonder of the Word: Prophecies Fulfilled – John Dennison The Supremacy of the Sovereign: Divine Control of Circumstances – Sandy Higgins The Design for…

Resources When Trials Come (17 min)

Sandy Higgins draws lessons from the trials of the assembly at Jerusalem to expound the resources available to us when trials come upon the people of God. Reading: Acts 11:27-12:25. (Message preached at he Vancouver Thanksgiving Conference, 2014)

Bible Reading – The Peace Offering (64 min)

PART 3 of 3 – In the last of a series of 3 Bible Readings on the sweet savour offerings, Sandy Higgins opens up “the peace offering”, followed by a discussion verse by verse through Leviticus 3 and 7. The other Bible Readings in this series, on Leviticus Chs 1 and 2, were taken by Norman Crawford and Harold Paisley respectively. Mr Higgins read: Lev 3:1-17, 7:11-32. (Recorded at the Toronto Easter Conference, Friday March 29th 1991) (Image above: the…

“If you are not saved, what is all this worth?” (19 min)

Sandy Higgins’s ancestors came to the USA from Italy and Ireland. There, for the first time, they heard the gospel, and some were converted. That meant that Sandy was brought up in a godly home, where the gospel was preached. But hearing the gospel all of his life seemed to make salvation difficult for Sandy. While in medical training one day, the thought struck him “If you are not saved, what is all this worth?” Sandy went through 6 weeks…

Bible Basics for Beginners – How Can I Know? (38 min)

PART 6 of 6 – Sandy Higgins preaches on one of the most important questions facing young believers as they start out in their new life in Christ: how can I know what the will of God is for my life? What should I do? Where should I live? Who should I marry? Do I go on feelings, or on some kind of “spiritual hunch”?  An excellent message giving much needed scriptural guidance. Readings: Num 9:19-20, 10:1-2, 12-16, 33-35a, Psa…

Bible Basics for Beginners – What can I do? (38 min)

PART 5 of 6 – Sandy Higgins give guidance from the Word of God to help the Christian understand “what should I be doing for God?” Each believer has a gift and a sphere of service. No one is useless: everyone is vital. Sandy speaks on the privilege of serving God, the power for serving God, the pathway of serving God,  the purpose of serving God and the peril of serving God. Listen out for Sandy’s advice on “How do…

Bible Basics for Beginners – What about my Struggles? (43 min)

PART 4 of 6 – Sandy Higgins opens up the subject of the struggles of the new Christian as he or she faces “the enemy”, which comes in three forms – the world, the flesh and the devil. It comes as a shock to some newly saved people to discover that the Christian life is marked by constant struggle. Mr Higgins works through a number of issues that can come into our life and pose a great danger, and also…

Bible Basics for Beginners – Is It OK? (43 min)

PART 3 of 6 – Now that I am saved, what is permissible? Can I still do this or that, can I go here or there? What is allowed and what isn’t? Sandy Higgins preaches on the subject of sanctification and separation under the following headings: separation’s spheres, scope, standard, sequel and strength. A faithful and wise setting forth of vital truth. Readings: Gen 2:1-3, 2 Cor 6:14-7:1. 1 Thess 4:1-2, Heb 10:9-10, 12:14, 1 Pet 1:14-16. 1 John 1:5-7…

Bible Basics for Beginners – Can I Trust My Bible? (37 min)

PART 2 of 6 – Sandy Higgins preaches on the vital relationship between the new believer and the Word of God. He does so by asking a series of questions about the Bible: 1. Is the Bible a revelation? 2. Is it reliable? 3. Is it relevant? 4. Is it reasonable? 5. Is it rational? and, 6. Is it rewarding? Readings: Prov 2:1-5, 1 Cor 2:10-16, 2 Tim 3:14-17, 1 Pet 1:10-12, 2:1-3, 2 Pet 1:19-21 (Recorded in Barrington Gospel…

Bible Basics for Beginners – What Did I Get? (37 min)

PART 1 of 6 – Sandy Higgins gives one of the best introductions you’ll hear to “what happens when a person gets saved”. This is an ideal message for a new believer (and a refresher for the rest of us). His three sections are “What’s in a name (salvation)?” “What are God’s claims?” and “What is God’s aim?” Listen up for his powerful answer to the objection “If ‘once saved always saved’ is true, then I can live as I…

How Can I Know the Will of God for My Life? (30 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the need, the desire and the way to know the will of God in one’s life. He discusses the discipline of delay, and says that the process of getting to know the will of God is more important than the product. Then he outlines 6 principles from Psalm 25 to guide us in knowing the will of God. First, confidence in character of God; second, a consciousness of grace as the basis for guidance; third, carefulness…

Joseph in God’s House (49 min)

PART 6 of 6 – In the final installment of the series, Sandy Higgins preaches on “Joseph in God’s house” under 5 headings: 1. Joseph and the birthright, 2. the blessing, 3. his bones, 4. his bonds and 5. his bequest. Mr Higgins applies many practical lessons from these aspects of the life of one who is a beautiful picture of the Lord Jesus Christ. In a significant part of the message – about Joseph’s bones – Mr Higgins speaks…

Joseph in His Personal House (45 min)

PART 5 of 6 – Sandy Higgins preaches on “Joseph in his personal house” in Egypt. Joseph’s personal house was marked by heavenly character in 4 respects. In his house 1. headship was acknowledged; 2. hospitality was experienced; 3. holiness was evident and 4. harmony was found at his table. Mr Higgins makes practical application of all of this for the edification of the listener. Readings: Gen 43:16-17, 43:24-34, 44:14-17, 44:30-45:5, 45:9-11, 14-24 (Message preached in Waterloo, Iowa, 2007).

Joseph in Pharoah’s House (42 min)

PART 4 of 6 – Sandy Higgins preaches “Joseph in the Pharoah’s house” under 4 headings. Joseph the skilful administrator, Joseph the scrupulous steward, Joseph the spiritual brother, and Joseph the sorrowing son. Joseph proved to be a leader with perception, faithfulness and godliness as he rose from the dungeon to a position of great authority in Egypt, in fulfillment of the dreams God gave him as a youth. Reading: Gen 41:40-45, 43:50-57, 43:19-23, 45:1-2, 16, 21-24, 46:31-34, 47:2, 5-6,…

Joseph in the Prison House (39 min)

PART 3 of 6 – Sandy Higgins preaches on “Joseph in the prison house”. This was a difficult time for Joseph. Knowing that he didn’t deserve the terrible events that came his way, the prison period raised the question of why believers suffer? Mr Higgins gives 5 reasons why believers suffer: 1. Occasionally it’s punitive, because of transgression; 2. Then preparative, for future usefulness and service; 3. Often preventative, against pride and disqualification; 4. Always to proclaim or reveal God’s…

Joseph in Potiphar’s House (37 min)

PART 2 of 6 – Sandy Higgins speaks on “House No 2” in the life of Joseph – namely, Potiphar’s house. Sandy uses 4 headings: the Christian and his employment: the Christian and enticement: the Christian and evil doers; and the Christian at his extremity. A practical message that develops several much-needed themes concerning God’s providence in our lives, in our trials and in our temptations. Reading: Gen Ch 39 (Message preached in Waterloo, Iowa, 2007)  

Joseph in his Parents’ House (49 min)

PART 1 of 6 – Sandy Higgins takes up the life of Joseph in 6 messages, built around the various houses in his life, starting with “Joseph in his parent’s house”. Reading the whole of Genesis 37, Mr Higgins then looks at the teen years of Joseph as he dealt with peer pressure and envy and assorted other challenges in his home. A practical helpful message to start this useful series of sermons. (Message preached in Waterloo, Iowa, 2007)

Minding Your Mind in the Minefield of Life (48 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches a helpful and challenging message on what the Bible has to say about the neglected subject of “the Christian’s mind”. How do we make it through the minefield of modern culture and keep our minds pure, focussed and uncluttered? How do we handle the negative influence on our minds of world’s music, its impure images and much else that bombards us every day? Listen as Dr Higgins give wise counsel and exhortation about a “minding your mind…

The Authority and Inspiration of Scripture (36 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the foundational topic of the authority and inspiration of Scripture. What exactly does “the inspiration of Scripture” mean? What is the difference between impartation, inspiration and illumination? What gives the Bible its authority? (Message preached in North America).

The Balanced Christian Life (25 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the “balanced Christian life” from Luke 10. The calling and service of the Christian are revealed section by section until the “Mary and Martha” incident at the end. From there we learn that the secret to the Christian life is “the secret Christian life”. (Recorded April 6th 2015)

Love, Lapse and Loyalty (30 min)

Sandy Higgins takes a challenging look at three New Testament characters. John the apostle, marked by love for Christ. Peter, marked by a sad lapse in devotion, as he followed at a distance. Joseph of Arimathea who was marked by loyalty to Christ in the hour of His death. Following Christ might mean burying your future…but a resurrected present will more than compensate (Message preached April 6th 2015)

Bible Reading in Hebrews 11:1-14 (1 hour 33 min)

Sandy Higgins opens up Hebrews Ch 11:1-14 and leads the company through the first section of this great “Chapter of faith”. He divides the verses into sections: faith and our worldview, worship, walk, work, way, His Word and waiting on Him. An informative and challenging study (Recorded April 5th 2015)

The Breaking of Bread (37 min)

Sandy Higgins gives an excellent overview of the institution, the purpose, the conduct and the meaning of the Lord’s Supper. This is an ideal message to give a broad understanding of “the breaking of bread” meeting as to how, when, why and where it should be conducted. The significance of the bread and cup are helpfully expounded (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 4th April 2015)

The Possibilities of One Meeting (34 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the Lord’s encounter with the disciples in John 20 and all that came about through that one significant meeting. Joy, guidance, unity and devotion resulted from seeing Him and listening to His words. Such are the possibilities of one meeting, once conference, one encounter with the Lord (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 2nd April 2015)

The Believer and Failure (41 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on “the believer and failure”. He describes the four main failures of Jacob…personal, public, as a parent and as a partner, and exhorts his audience to repentance and recovery (Message preached 21st Oct 2010)

The Believer and Fruitfulness (41 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on “the believer and fruitfulness”. He takes up John 15 in a very useful and helpful way; activity, abundance, abiding and asking. The goal? Likeness to Christ (Message preached 20th Oct 2010)

The Believer and Faith (43 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on “the believer and faith” from Mark 13:28-44. He presses the need for intellectual, emotional and bodily loyalty to the Lord in the face of the world’s attack on our faith (Message preached 19th Oct 2010)

The Believer and Foes (46 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on “the believer and foes”. He expounds on the three enemies we face – the world, the flesh and the devil – from James Ch. 4. (Message preached 18th Oct 2010)

The Believer and Food (28 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on “the believer and food”. He outlines, from 1 Peter chapters 1 and 2, the characteristics of the word of God and how the believer can best read, study, meditate on and enjoy it (Message preached 17th Oct 2010)

The Forgiveness of Sins (34 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the fact and the forgiveness of sins, using Ephesians 1:7 as his text – “In Whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins.” (Message preached Sunday 17th Oct 2010)

The Believer and Fellowship (42 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on “the believer and fellowship”. He stresses the need to be like John the apostle – to relish nearness to Christ and to enjoy the rest, refuge, revelation and refreshment it brings (Message preached 16th Oct 2010)

Exposition of Genesis Ch 4 (39 min)

Sandy Higgins expounds Genesis chapter 4, which outlines the beginning of the world’s cities and its culture, as mankind tries to make itself comfortable outside of Eden’s garden, but without God. Reading: Genesis 4. (Message preached in North America) Complete series: Exposition of Genesis 1 Exposition of Genesis 2 Exposition of Genesis 3 Exposition of Genesis 4 Exposition of Genesis 5

Distinctive Assembly Principles (38 min)

Sandy Higgins gives clear and comprehensive teaching on the distinctive principles of a New Testament assembly, outlining all of its basic essential features and functions (Ministry given in Bicester, Easter 9th April 2007)

How to Order a Godly Home (45 min)

Sandy Higgins gives 45 minutes of wise counsel on how to order a godly home. Basing his remarks on the home of Zacharias and Elizabeth from Luke 1, Sandy touches on personal spirituality, finding a partner in life, the roles of men and women, and the raising of children. Sandy brings many years of experience to this vital subject, as a father, doctor and assembly elder (Ministry given in Bicester, Easter 9th April 2007)

The Christian Life Looks Different (45 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the importance of developing a true ‘Christian worldview’. It’s vital to understand that the world looks at life totally differently from the way in which a Christian should (Ministry given 8th April 2007)

Difficulties in Building for God (26 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on ‘difficulties in building for God’ from the book of Nehemiah. He draws parallels between the problems Nehemiah faced and those we face today in building up local assemblies (Ministry given on 7th April 2007)

Marriage and the Family – Part 2 (43 min)

Marriage and the Family with Dr. Sandy Higgins (Part 2) – Making the decision about who to marry and preparing for marriage are two challenging issues. Helpful advice on courtship and finding a marriage partner (Message preached Nov 2002)

Marriage and the Family – Part 3 (42 min)

Marriage and the Family with Dr. Sandy Higgins (Part 3) – In a society that rejects the Biblical requirement and blueprint of marriage this message is a reminder of the foundational principles of marriage and the family (Message preached Nov 2002)

Marriage and the Family – Part 4 (40 min)

Marriage and the Family with Dr. Sandy Higgins (Part 4) – Recognizing that it is easy to be married but not in love; to wear a ring without a hint of romance – Dr Higgins gives hints on avoiding marriage drudgery (Message preached Nov 2002)

Marriage and the Family – Part 5 (51 min)

Marriage and the Family with Dr. Sandy Higgins (Part 5) – Marital harmony does not come naturally; it needs to be worked at. Here are numerous Biblical ways to overcome long and short-term marriage difficulties (Message preached Nov 2002)

Marriage and the Family – Part 6 (46 min)

Marriage and the Family with Dr. Sandy Higgins (Part 6) – An excellent message on how to raise young children for God during what Dr Higgins calls ‘the formative years’. Wise counsel from an experienced father and doctor (Message preached Nov 2002)

Marriage and the Family – Part 7 (38 min)

Marriage and the Family with Dr. Sandy Higgins (Part 7) – Raising young children is one thing, but dealing with teenagers requires yet more wisdom, skill and commitment. A life-line for stressed parents of teenagers (Message preached Nov 2002)