Short Audios

Short Audios

My Salvation Was More Important Than My Job (5 min)

Ken Netti grew up in Massachusetts, USA, and heard powerful gospel preaching in his youth from men like Albert Hull and Bill Bingham. His “Uncle Pat” had a keen interest in Ken’s salvation and would often ask him “Are you saved?” Moving to Ohio, Ken found work at a Country Club during his high School years. But when he finally faced his need to get right with God, salvation had to come first. Reading: John 3.16. (Recorded in Stark Road…

Are Sunday Schools Scriptural? (12 min)

Norman Crawford (1927-2017), who served the Lord full time in evangelism and Bible teaching for over 50 years, addresses the question of whether or not Sunday Schools can be substantiated from Scripture. (Recorded in Jackson Gospel, Hall, MI, USA, in 1985)

The 4-Part World System (8 min)

Jack Hunter (1916-1994) preaches on the 4-part world system revealed in Scripture. The Sodom system, the Egypt system, the Jericho system, and the Babylon system. (From a sermon on the life of Moses recorded in James Street Gospel Hall, Ayr, Scotland)

Do You Really Lose Nothing if Christianity is False? (4 min)

Joseph Baker discusses a simplified version of “Pascal’s wager” which says “If I’m wrong about Christianity I’ve lost nothing; if you’re wrong, you’ve lost everything.” He gives reasons to stop using this argument in apologetics. (From a sermon recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 23rd June 2024)

How a Zealous Hutterite Man Found Peace in Christ (36 min)

Cody Waldner grew up on a Hutterite colony in Manitoba, Canada. He kept all the rules, went to church regularly, got sprinkled, took communion, and even studied the Bible in German – but he could find no peace. His sins troubled him and his efforts to make himself acceptable to God weren’t working. At one point he even turned to alcohol just to soothe his pain. Listen to find out how Cody finally found true and lasting peace in Jesus…

I Lived Like The Devil (6 min)

Ted Larson relates how God saved him as a Policeman in Wisconsin, USA, who had grown up knowing the gospel but got away from its influence in his life. (Recorded at Cedar Falls Gospel Hall Conference, Iowa, USA, April 2024).

Born as Children: Placed as Sons (9 min)

Jack Hunter (1916-1994) preaches on the truth of “sonship” which he calls “the greatest blessing in the New Testament”, distinguishing between what it means to be a child of God and a son of God. (Recorded in Lossiemouth Gospel Hall, Scotland)

All This Was Done (14 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the 3 mentions of the fascinating expression “all this was done” in the Gospel of Matthew. Readings: Matt 1:20-23, 21:2-5, 26:51-56. (Recorded in Mount Sterling Gospel Hall, WI, USA)

There’s Something Very Wrong with This Place: What Am I Doing Here? (14 min)

Steve Faviere started taking drugs at the tender age of 12. He soon became a party-loving young man with a fast lifestyle. Every now and then he was given pause for thought, by the premature death of a friend, or by people sharing the gospel with him. Watch to find out how Steve finally became saved. Readings: Rom 3:19, John 3:16, Rev 20:11-15. (Recorded in Newmarket Gospel Hall, Ontario, Canada, on 21st April 2024) To listen to Steve preaching in…

3 Great Reasons To Rejoice (10 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on three reasons every Christian can rejoice: your name is in heaven, your reward is in heaven, and your Saviour is in heaven. Readings: Luke 10:17-20, John 14:25-26, Matt 5:11-12. (Recorded in Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 14th Apr 2024)

My Doubts Would Never Really Completely Go Away (6 min)

Luke Dennison thought he was a Christian, but he was regularly troubled by doubts. “Maybe you’re not saved”, he would sometimes think, before dismissing the thought and moving on. But his doubts would never completely go away. Listen to find out how he eventually came into the peace of knowing he had eternal life. Readings: John 5:24, 1 John 5:13, 1 Tim 2:5-6. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 21st Jan 2024)

I Just Assumed I Would Get Saved One Day (5 min)

Andrew Dennison grew up hearing the gospel and always just assumed he would get saved one day. But he reached 17 years old and found himself still without Christ. Then a series of gospel meetings took place where on one particular evening  Mr Jim Smith took the time to speak on the reality of hell. Listen to hear how that led to Andy’s salvation. Readings: 1 Pet 3:18, John 5:24. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 21st…

The Last Person I Wanted to Talk to Was a Preacher (7 min)

Jeff Joyce grew up hearing and knowing the gospel, but he was too stubborn and proud to admit he needed salvation. The last person he wanted to talk to was a preacher, especially one like Mr Surgenor. Listen to find out how Jeff was saved. Reading: Rom 10:1-13. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Jan 2024)

I Was a Proud Teenager Who Knew All The Verses (9 min)

Graham McKinley was very familiar with John 3:16 and many other of the Bible’s “salvation verses”. He had grown up hearing them and memorising them. Yet in his late teens, having decided he wanted to get saved, as he tried to logically think it all through and make it happen, he was shocked to discover he wasn’t in control of his own salvation. He was lost! Only then did he understand that Christ had done for him what he could…

I Prayed Countless Sinner’s Prayers (10 min)

Samuel McKinley struggled for a long time with assurance of salvation. Every time he had a doubt, he prayed another sinner’s prayer hoping to get peace. But no matter how many time he prayed, he never felt sure he was saved. Is that you? Listen to find out how he finally found true peace. (Testimony given in Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, Vancouver, Canada, 8th Jan 2024) Contact us:

The More He Preached The More I Smoked (9 min)

Joe Bennett attended Sunday School as a boy, but drifted away through lack of interest. 15 years later he went back to the Gospel Hall with his own child, looking for a change in his life. There he discovered that what he needed was a Saviour. The first thing that spoke to him was the “Two Roads Chart” on the wall of the Hall (see below). Listen to hear how Joe found peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ.…

Do You Ever Feel Like Everything Is Against You? (7 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on the words in Romans 8:31 – “God is for us”. When everything is against us, we have the comfort from this passage of knowing the Father is for us, Christ is for us, and the Spirit is for us. Reading: Rom 8:26, 31-35, 37. (Recorded at the Tampa Gospel Hall conference, 14th Jan 2024)

At the Turn of the Year (9 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on the biblical expression “at the turn of the year” and draws poignant lessons on the eve of a New Year. Readings: 1 Kings 20:22-23, Psa 121:1-8. (Message preached in Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 31st Dec 2023)

Cancer Wasn’t Supposed to Knock at My Door (16 min)

Al Christopherson preaches on the cure for times when your “chin is on the cement”. When we are under oppressing circumstances, or have been offended by others, or are anxious and worried about life, then we need a glimpse of Christ – like the one they got in Luke 24:21-31. (Message preached at LaCrosse Conference, Wisconsin, USA, Autumn 2023) Click here for more audio sermons on encouragement Get in touch:

One Red Hot Christian Can Do Exploits (14 min)

Albert Ramsay (1913-1993) preaches from the book of Jonah about the impact that one man can have for good or for bad. We all bring an atmosphere with us wherever we go. Are you an enthusiastically infectious Christian, or one who has no energy for the service of the Lord? (Message preached in North America)

You’re Saving Others, But You’re Not Saving Me. How Come? (11 min)

Jim Smith was raised Roman Catholic. He drifted from the church to enjoy the pleasure of youth culture. When the true gospel finally crossed his path he found it irritating. He stormed out of a meeting once when he found out the Bible viewed him as a sinner on his way to hell. Listen to find out how Jim was saved by the grace of God at the age of 27. (Testimony given in Ontario, Canada, in 2020)

I Kept Trying to Believe But Nothing Was Happening (9 min)

Phil Warren’s parents were saved just before he was born. As he grew up, the death of people close to him caused him to want to be sure he was right with God. He tired and tried to believe, but nothing happened. Listen to find out how Phil found salvation through a verse in Isaiah that speaks about a cloud. (Testimony given in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 22nd May 2020)

I Was Taught That God Didn’t Love the Whole World (10 min)

Jim Bergsma grew up in a Christian church. Going through Catechism at the age of 12, he was taught that Christ did not die for the whole world, and God did not love the whole world. For years he was stumbled by this teaching, until Jim Beattie showed him from the Bible that Christ did indeed die for the whole world. Listen to find out how that truth led to Jim’s salvation. (Testimony given in Ontario, Canada, 19th May 2020)

Zen Buddhism Didn’t Satisfy Me (14 min)

Larry Perkins was a jazz band player who looked for peace and happiness in drink, drugs and the party lifestyle. Feeling a certain emptiness, Larry took a look at some of the world’s religions. He embraced Zen Buddhism, and even taught it to others, but still he was empty. An older lady for whom he did odd jobs got Larry’s confidence and shared the Bible with him. Listen to find out how 25-year-old Larry Perkins finally found peace in Christ.…

How a Head Choir Boy Was Saved (15 min)

Malcolm Stanley grew up in Birmingham, England, in a devoutly religious home. At his church he became a head choir boy and a server to the priest. He thought he was going to heaven. However, one day at a Christian youth meeting in a nondescript Nissen hut, he learned for the first time, from Romans 3:23, that he was a sinner. Malcolm was shocked. Listen to find out how he found forgiveness through Jesus Christ. (Testimony given in Manitoba, Canada,…

Pragmatism or Principle in God’s Assembly? (15 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the subject of God being a “God of order”. Whether it be creation, history, prophecy, government or family, all that God does is both governed by principle and marked by order. It is no surprise then to discover that how an assembly of God functions is also a matter of principle. Readings: 1 Cor 3:10, 14:33-40, 1 Tim 2:15. (Message preached in Oxbow, Saskatchewan, Canada, 7th Oct 2023)

The 4 Water Baptisms of the New Testament (6 min)

David Vallance sets out the differences between the 4 water baptisms found in the New Testament. First, John’s baptism; second, the 12 disciples’ baptism; third, “Jewish” baptism; and finally Christian baptism. In this presentation Mr Vallance tackles the question of some of the transitional anomalies in the book of Acts. (Presented in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 10th Nov 2022)

Come Near to Christ…Now (8 min)

Frank Sona preaches on the words of Joseph to His brothers, “Come near to me.” After all the failures, regret and difficulties of our lives, the Lord still graciously invites us to come near to Him now. Reading: Gen 44:18-45:8. (Message preached at Blue River Conference, WI, USA, 2023)

I Had a Sense of Emptiness (13 min)

Growing up in Nova Scotia, Canada, Rick Morse had a sense of emptiness. Early on he researched the philosophies of the world looking for the answer to life. He tried looking at various religions and cults. Then he turned to atheism, and finally to drugs, but nothing satisfied. Nothing made any sense. Until he heard the gospel. Reading the first 5 chapters of the book of Romans twice over brought him to repentance and faith. (Testimony given in Canada, 12th…

I Wanted to Have a Very Exciting Testimony (15 min)

Ross Swan grew up in a large family. Being the last child, by the time he grew up all of his family had been saved except him. In 1977 his father had a heart attack and went home to heaven, which was a powerful voice to Ross. Then John McCracken and Bill Bingham came with a Tent and held gospel meetings. Ross had always wanted to have an exciting testimony to be able to tell, but in the end he…

Conformed or Transformed? (11 min)

Brandon Doll preaches on the challenge of Romans 12:1-2 – be not conformed, but be transformed. Israel wanted to be “like the nations”; our temptation is to be “conformed to the world”, but God’s will for us is to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. (Message preached in Highland, WI, USA, 2021)

Why Pray to Pictures on the Wall? (9 min)

Kevin Doskocil grew up in Wisconsin, USA, sometimes going to Mass in the Roman Catholic Church, and sometimes attending the gospel meeting in the Gospel Hall, depending on which parent or relative he was with. As a child, he couldn’t understand why people he knew would pray to pictures of saints on the wall, rather than praying to God. Mercifully God worked in His life to show him the truth of the finished work of Christ through Romans 5:6-9. (Testimony…

Hindrances to Blessing (15 min)

Brandon Doll preaches on hindrances to blessing, notably 4 sins outlined by the Lord: faithlessness, selfishness, prayerlessness and the desire for greatness. Readings: Matt 17:14-21, Luke 9:44-48 (Message preached at La Crosse Conference, USA, 2016)

What Field Are You In? (12 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on Naomi’s move from the fields of Moab to the fields of Bethlehem, described in Scripture as, “She went forth from the place where she was” (Ruth 1:7): from the fields of Moab, a luxurious place of ease and distance from the Lord – to the fields of Bethlehem, the house of bread. Readings: Ruth 1:6-7, 2:3, 15-17, 19a. (Recorded in Saugus Gospel Hall, Boston, USA, June 2015)

How to Discern the Guidance of God (9 min)

Jack Hunter (1916-1994) outlines how to discern the guidance of God in one’s life from the experience of Jacob. Jacob had an inward conviction, plus matching outward circumstances, plus a communication from the Lord, and finally heaven’s confirmation. (From a message preached in Vancouver, Canada).

“I prayed the prayer. I made my commitment.” (13 min)

Stephen Moffitt grew up going to church 3 times a week, but knew nothing about salvation. At college he met fellow students who invited him to gospel meetings. Moving over to the USA he finally came to understand he did not have eternal life, but that Christ had finished the work of salvation on the cross. Readings: John 5:24, 19:28-30. (Testimony given in Blue River, Wisconsin, USA, in 2005).

“I looked like a pretty good Christian kid” (7 min)

Austin Joyce grew up hearing the gospel. Feeling the peer pressure of being surrounded by saved people, he made a profession of faith as a child, but it took him until his late teens before he discovered that he did not have a saving relationship with the Lord Jesus. He could trick himself and others, but not God. Listen to hear how Austin found peace and rest in Christ. (Testimony given 15th Jan 2023 in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia,…

“Oh my, I’m going to hell” (10 min)

Laverne Weber grew up hearing the gospel, but he rebelled and went off to enjoy the pleasures of the world. Married and now with children, he attended a series of gospel meetings with Albert Hull and Gaius Goff and discovered for the first time in his life, “Oh my, I’m going to hell.” Photo: Stout Gospel Hall. (Testimony given in Stout, Iowa, USA, 2013)

“God has taken away my friends, and I hate Him.” (8 min)

James Vallance (1931-2020) was born in Bo’ness, Scotland, emigrating to the USA at the age of 16 in 1947 with his family, where he spent the rest of his life. As a youngster, James spent many many days in bomb shelters, seeking refuge from German bombs. Jim wanted to be saved, but he could not admit he was bad enough to deserve hell. He was also angry at God for taking away a number of his friends through illness during…

I Thought I Had it All (14 min)

Born in Ireland, William “Bill” Lavery (1932-2024) turned his back on God as a teenager. He thought he “had it all”, as drinking, gambling and ballroom dancing filled his spare time. After marriage, he emigrated to the USA (in 1961), settling in Michigan. He secured a good job in Detroit and enjoyed a “cocktail party” lifestyle into his early thirties. But God began to work in his life, eventually bringing him and his wife to repentance and faith in Christ.…

Where would you be if you died tonight? (5 min)

Tom Novak knew the gospel from childhood, but in 1979 he, for the first time in his life, faced up to the fact that we was going to be in hell if he didn’t get saved. Have you ever faced that reality? In Tom’s case, it led to his salvation. (Testimony given in Cedar Falls, Iowa, USA, in 2018)

“Don’t read verses to me; just tell me how to get saved.” (15 min)

The gospel intersected John Fleming’s life in 1960 when a friend of his got saved in Oil Springs, Ontario, Canada. His friend started working on John and insisting he take an interest in his soul and come to gospel meetings. It took a while, but John eventually came to know Christ for himself. Readings: John 3:16, 18, 36. (Testimony given in La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA, 2012)

“It’s like at Christmas…but you don’t take the gift” (5 min)

James Hubbord grew up on the East coast of Canada without a knowledge of the gospel. But one day he was presented with the truth of “salvation as a gift” from the Bible’s most famous verse, John 3:16. Are you saved? Have you taken God’s free gift of eternal life? (Message preached in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, USA, 2009).

A Husband and Wife Saved Inside a Month and a Day (7 min)

Gary Southerd’s childhood home was transformed when his mother got saved, but Gary didn’t get saved until after he was married. Then his wife got saved a month and a day later! The photo above is the car Gary refers to in his story: evangelist Oliver Smith’s “gospel car” (Testimony given in Stout, Iowa, USA, 2013)

“You’ll never see my face in a gospel meeting again” (7 min)

Cal Erickson grew up going to meetings and hearing the gospel, but there came a time when he said, “You’ll never see my face in a gospel meeting again.” But God has His ways. Later in his life, as a company executive on the run from God, there came a time when Cal DID sit in a gospel meeting again. (Testimony given in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, USA, 2017).

I Thought “I’ve Been Left Behind” (7 min)

Abraham Brisuela tells the story of his conversion to Christ. Abraham’s parents were born Roman Catholics in Venezuela, but because they got saved by the grace of God, young Abraham grew up hearing the true gospel. The truth of the coming of the Lord was what God used to awaken Abraham to his need of salvation. Reading: 1 Pet 1:23-26 (Message preached in Highland, Wisconsin, USA).

Can God Do Wonders in the Dark? (13 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on the question in Psalm 88:12, “Shall Thy wonders be known in the dark?” God has worked in the past in creation darkness, cultural darkness, Calvary darkness, and pre-conversion darkness. Can God still do wonders in my current darkness? Readings: Psa 88:6-12, 2 Cor 4:1-6. (Message preached in Midland Park, New Jersey, USA, Sept 2019)

I Thought I Could Get Saved Whenever I Felt Like It (13 min)

Timothy Green relates the story of his conversion to Christ in Canada in the year 2,000. He grew up imagining he could get saved whenever he felt like it, only to discover when the time came that he was “without strength”. (Message preached in Chalfont St Peter, 27th Nov 2022)

“I wanted to be saved more than anything else in the world” (10 min)

Alexander H. Joyce (1926-2006) grew up in a preacher’s home. His father was the evangelist Albert Joyce (1897-1982). As a boy, young Alec attended many many gospel meetings, and developed a great longing to be saved. After a lengthy period of soul trouble, Alec’s mother was used of the Lord to direct her 13 year old son to read and be blessed through the words of John 5:24, the same year that World War 2 started in 1939. (Message preached…

“I was trying to get saved, but I could not believe.” (6 min)

Elton W. Decker (1933-2021) from Michigan, USA, was born again as a 15 year old young man on 29th July 1949 at the close of a series of gospel meetings taken by Norman Crawford and Lorn McBain. His difficulty in getting saved was a common one: “I was trying to get saved, but I couldn’t believe.” Listen to how Mr Decker found deliverance from the Word of God. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, Michigan, USA).

“If you want to see grandad again you’ll need to be saved” (11 min)

Glenn Moore grew up hearing the gospel in Bracondale Gospel Hall in Toronto, Canada (above), knowing he was a sinner and fearing being left behind when the Lord comes. In April 1966 at the Toronto Easter Conference, he spoke to Harold Paisley about his desire to be saved. Listen to hear how the Lord used 1 John 1:7 to bring light to Glenn’s soul. (Testimony given at Blue River Gospel Hall Conference, Wisconsin, 2008)

How I Learned to Pray (5 min)

Mr Robert McPheat (1933-1990) was converted at the age of 14 in 1947. Baptised and received into the assembly in Plains, Scotland, young Robert was greatly helped in his early days by his spiritual father, Mr John King. In a message on the life of Abraham’s wife Sarah, given in Crowle Gospel Hall in April 1984, Mr McPheat told the story of how he learned to pray in the days soon after he was saved, while working as a coal…

“It was for me, yes all for me” (7 min)

The gospel came to Blue River, Wisconsin, in the autumn of 1932 and souls were saved. In 2008 Brent Studnicka gave his testimony of salvation at the Blue River conference and reflected on where he might have been had the gospel never come to his home. Listen to hear how Brent was saved as a teenager partly through the verse of a well know hymn “Was it for me for me alone?”.

“I feared my parents, and therefore I feared God” (5 min)

Philip Pancake’s parents were saved when evangelist Robert Surgenor brought the gospel to the town of New Creek in West Virginia, USA, in the 1970’s. As they raised Philip in the fear of God, his heart was soft towards the gospel, and the Lord saved him as a child a quarter a century after his parents. Reading: Prov 23:14. (Message preached at Blue River, Wisconsin, USA, 2008)

“I know how to do this. I can get saved whenever I feel like it” (6 min)

Jonathan Ward was a “preacher’s kid”. He knew the gospel well, so he thought. “I know how to do this. I can get saved whenever I feel like it.” But when it came to it, he found what the Bible says about the human heart is true – we are all in the dark by nature, and it needs the illuminating work of the Holy Spirit to bring about salvation. Reading: Isa 53:5-6. (Message preached in La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA,…

“My problem was with the word ‘believe’.” (12 min)

Matthew Kundert relates how he was saved as a teenager after a struggle with “how to believe”. He grew up knowing all about the Bible and salvation. He had no problem accepting it all. How then could he “believe” what he already knew, in order to be saved? (Testimony told at the Blue River Gospel Hall conference, Wisconsin, USA, 2009)

The Love of God (5 min)

Albert Hull (1936-2015), from Northern Ireland, preached the gospel and taught the truth of God for several decades mainly in Nova Scotia and other parts of Canada and North America. He was a warm-hearted, earnest and much loved servant of the Lord, who was never happier than when he was preaching the gospel of Christ to perishing sinners. Here he is, preaching on “the love of God”, in a video produced by his family soon after his home-call. More about…

“I’m sure of heaven, no matter what!” (10 min)

John Selesnic grew up going to church and trusting in his religion to get him to heaven. But he never felt sure he would make it. What if he got hit in a traffic accident and died before the priest arrived to give him the last rites? Listen to find out how John discovered he could be “sure of heaven no matter what”. (Story told in Brampton Gospel Hall, Ontario, Canada 2022)

John Wells – “The Eternal State” (15 min)

Mr & Mrs John Wells were commended from Bleary, Northern Ireland, to serve the Lord in Venezuela, leaving home in 1929 to join William Williams in pioneer gospel work in that South American country. John Wells (1898-1989) came from an unsaved background and was converted to Christ in a gospel mission in 1920, to which he had been invited by his newly converted friend Eddie Fairfield. The young Mr Fairfield, who had recently found his way into assembly fellowship in…

“I could no longer bear the guilt of my sin” (6 min)

Wesley Pickett heard the gospel often in his youth, but he got so used to it that any concern for his soul seemed to have left him. However, God worked through the preaching of the gospel to bring him to the place where he could no longer live with the burden and guilt of his sin…and then God saved him. (Testimony given in Blue River, Wisconsin, 2021)

“For the first time in my life I couldn’t argue with God” (4 min)

Jon Novak grew up on a farm and knew the gospel from his earliest days. He resisted the gospel until his mid teen when under the preaching of the gospel he reached the place where he “couldn’t argue with God” any more. Listen to hear how he found peace with God. (Preached in Blue River, Wisconsin, 2019)

“Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re saved. You get it for yourself.” (11 min)

David Yoder grew up in the home of parents who had been saved from an Amish background, but his wholesome upbringing wasn’t enough to save him. Noticing the attention that was paid to people who profess to be saved, David too made a profession – but it wasn’t real. Listen to find out how he discovered his need and trusted in Christ. Readings: Psa 37:4, Isa 53:5-6 (Testimony given in Blue River, Wisconsin, 2021) (Photo: Farm in Wisconsin)

What is more valuable than anything else in the world? (10 min)

John Fitzpatrick grew up in Yonkers, New York. He had a traditional upbringing, was christened as a child and went to church. In 1959, a neighbour brought him to children’s meetings where John learned the truth of the gospel and his need of the most valuable thing in the world. (Testimony given in Blue River, Wisconsin, 2021)

“I wanted to get rid of all the preaching, praying and singing” (12 min)

Tom McNeill (1934-2016) grew up hearing the gospel preached. One particular evangelist, Joe Stewart (1877-1946), spoke personally to Tom around 20 times about his soul, so much so that when Mr Stewart died Tom was relieved he was gone!  As a lad, just into his teens, Tom was beginning to look forward to the day when he could “get rid of all the preaching, praying and singing” and go and enjoy the world. But God saved him on 14th December…

Jim Walmsley – “Tell him I’m not in” (9 min)

The fascinating story of how a Christian woman in an office refused to tell a lie for her boss, and how God used that incident to speak to her colleague, a Mr. Jim Walmsley (1931-2022). That same lady afterwards asked Jim to come to a gospel meeting. God spoke to the 16-year-old Jim, and he found salvation on 16th May 1947 under the preaching of Harold Paisley. Mr Walmsley was baptised and then received into the Cregagh Street assembly, Belfast,…

How to Listen to Ministry (10 min)

Dan Shutt opened a conference some years ago with a sobering word of ministry on “how we should listen to ministry”. When the Word of God is opened and expounded, we need God to speak to us; and our attitude when listening can be summed up in the question in Matt 26:22, “Lord, is it I?” Dan was saved under the preaching of Archie Stewart, and he references him in this helpful message on listening to the voice of God…

“So, you’ve chosen the world” (15 min)

Tommy Wright relates the story of his conversion to Christ in 1952. As is common with young people, on entering his teens, Tommy began to drift away from interest in the gospel and tried to get out of “going to meetings”. But the godly influence of his mother prevailed. With tears in her eyes one day she said to Tommy “So, you’ve chosen the world”. Listen to hear how God used this in Tommy’s awakening and salvation. (Recorded 26th July…

Robert Love – “Mother, I’ve something to tell you” (15 min)

Robert Love (1885-1979) was saved at the age of 19 in 1904. This is a recording of Mr Love telling the story of his conversion after 60 years had passed. 10 years after being saved, Mr Love went out full time in gospel work. Robert Love was a character, unique in his delivery and original in his style, and known for his plain speaking. A tireless labourer, Mr Love was used of the Lord to see a work done in…

“Three cheers for the attempt” (3 min)

In September 1981, David Morgan, and evangelist who has served the Lord in the country of Wales for many years, rose to his feet at the Larne conference and gave a report of gospel work in Pembrokeshire (West Wales). Going from village to village and from town to town, preaching and putting up tents, the work can sometimes be hard and lonely. At the end of his report he told a touching and memorable lifeboat story that no one present…

The Heavens Do Rule (13 min)

The financial crisis; climate change; Brexit; US riots and elections; big-tech domination; Coronavirus. The list of stressful issues and crises just keeps growing. How should a Christian react to a “world out of control”? Michael Penfold reminds us of the words of Dan 4:26, “The heavens do rule”. We worship a God who is sovereign over all and who delights to make even the wrath of man to praise Him (Message preached in Newtownstewart, Co Tyrone, Jan 1st 2017).

You Did Run Well… (9 min)

Peter Orasuk (1948-2005) preaches on the words in Gal 5:7 “You did run well”. How many Christians start well, but issues like legalism, licentiousness and lethargy cross their path and their progress is hindered. This short message from Peter is a reminder of the need to persevere in the Christian race and not be side-tracked. (Message preached in the Maritimes, Canada)

Albert Joyce – “Come unto Me or Depart from Me” (14 min)

This recording, made in 1956 at a Bible Conference gospel meeting in Vancouver, Canada, features the voice of the late esteemed evangelist Albert Joyce (1897-1982). Mr Joyce was saved in May 1905, in Portobello, near Edinburgh, Scotland. Troubled about his soul, he looked at numerous gospel verses but wondered how he could get saved. “I knew all these verses, and I always believed they were true. How could I believe any differently?” Turning to Isaiah 53:5 and 6 he said,…

Fred Whitmore – “Lost in Sight of Home” (3 min)

Fred Whitmore (1903-1980) was saved as a lad in Birmingham. He became busy in open air work in his teens, and, at the young age of 21, launched forth into full-time service in England. He was mightily used in gospel preaching in his 20’s and was instrumental in seeing a number of assemblies established, including Ossett in 1926 and Skelmanthorpe in 1927. With a godly committed wife (Dorothy), Fred laboured tirelessly for many decades. In 1948, he was one of…

William Bunting – 40 Years in the Work (11 min)

William Bunting (1903-1966) was saved under the preaching of Dr. W.J. Matthews in 1919. Baptised and received into fellowship in the assembly meeting in Wallace Avenue Gospel Hall in Lisburn, Northern Ireland, Mr Bunting threw himself early into gospel work. At the young age of 21, he went out to serve the Lord full time, being known at that time as “the boy preacher”. He travelled widely preaching and teaching, being an orderly, careful preacher, as well as a kind,…

The Case for a Gospel Meeting (15 min)

What has happened to the gospel meeting? Replaced, cancelled, or greatly shortened and tagged onto the end of other better-attended meetings, can a case still be made for holding a gospel meeting? After 60 years of full-time gospel preaching, Norman Crawford (1927-2017) spoke at a conference on the topic of “the gospel meeting” and provided a positive case from 1. the words used in the New Testament and 2. from the history of apostolic outreach in the book of Acts.…

I Wanted to Know I Was Saved Before I Was Saved! (8 min)

Dave Bagnall grew up in Winnipeg, Canada, attending the West End Gospel Hall and knowing the gospel from a child. Moving to Vancouver at age 10, he lost his mother at 14. Attending gospel meetings by Albert Joyce and David Adams, one of Dave’s friends got saved. That shook him and he began seeking salvation himself, but he struggled as to how he could know for sure that he was saved. Listen to hear how Dave was saved and knew…

I Took the Gift and Thanked the Giver (12 min)

Redmond Blair (Vancouver, Canada) was brought up hearing the gospel and memorising Scripture, but in later years grew careless and lived for the enjoyments of the world. Shaken by the salvation of a friend, Reddie spend months searching for salvation, but found he was much darker than he had realised. Listen to discover how Reddie Blair was saved on 24th June 1952. (Recorded 27th Dec 2015 in Fairview Gospel Hall, Vancouver, Canada).

Dealing with Darts of Doubts (14 min)

Colin Hutchison preaches on how to deal with “darts of doubt”. He highlights 4 men in the Bible who, through various experiences in life sovereignly allowed by the Lord, came into a place of doubt: a prophet (John the Baptist), a disciple (Peter), a judge (Gideon) and a priest (Jeremiah). (Recorded in Belfast 2013)

“The Lord Jesus said it: I have it!” (11 min)

Jeremiah Collins grew up “going to meetings”. He knew the gospel from childhood, but that was the problem: the gospel was so familiar to him that he stumbled over it and made very heavy weather of receiving it. When God convicted him of his sin and danger, he earnestly sought salvation, but still could not find deliverance. Listen to how Jeremiah finally found peace and rest in Christ (Testimony given at La Crosse Conference, Wisconsin, USA, 2015)

John Glenville – I Am Crucified with Christ (15 min)

John Glenville (1920-2013) preaches on “I am crucified with Christ”. Not many recordings of Mr Glenville are available, but those who remember him will appreciate hearing again the unique delivery and content of this godly, prayerful, saintly man as he brings a powerful but warm challenge to his audience from Galatians Ch 2 as to what it means to live the life of a crucified man. Originally recorded in Northern Ireland.

“If Only I Could Feel Saved” (6 min)

Norman Crawford (1927-2017), an evangelist and Bible teacher with decades of experience in dealing with souls, tackles an issue that troubles a lot of people: “How can I know for sure that I am really saved?” They set about trying to believe, and trying to “feel saved” by examining this experience and that experience for assurance, but to no avail. None of this is the basis of true Biblical assurance. So, what is? Mr Crawford explains simply and powerfully how…

How I Was Saved Through Luke 19:10 (12 min)

Murray McCandless relates the story of his conversion. Raised in St Thomas, Ontario, in a Christian family, he grew up learning memory verses in Sunday School. As a child he would often ask his parents to tell him how they were saved. He was awakened to his own need of salvation at the age of 12 under the preaching of Oswald McLeod at the Sarnia Conference. He tried to get saved, but could not understand what he needed to do.…

“I was a good Church-going person…but I didn’t realise I was lost” (9 min)

David Spurl, grew up going to church (in Iowa, USA). He was a “good guy”. No drugs, no crime…nothing like that. He even asked Jesus into his heart once upon a time. Then, years later, he met a young lady who struck him as “different”. There was something about her. She invited him to come to a gospel meeting. David started going regularly and began to understand what he had never understood before; that he was a helpless sinner who…

“I couldn’t wait to leave home” (13 min)

Aubrey Butler couldn’t wait to leave home. He resented his meeting-going upbringing and rebelled against the gospel. “I don’t want to be anything like you and Dad”, he told his mum. Moving out, Aubrey got involved in sports and much else to try and satisfy himself and fill his life. Then God intervened with a riding accident. Brought to see his need of salvation he spoke to the evangelist Art Ward who gave him a copy of God’s Way of…

“Are you saved or are you not?” (11 min)

When you are a 15 year old teenager with serious thoughts about eternity, there’s only one question you need to get settled – “Are you saved or are you not?”. That was Darrel Raynor’s concern until matters finally came to a head on 19th August 1988 while attending gospel meetings with Peter Orasuk and Albert Ramsay, on Prince Edward Island, in Canada (Island view above). Darrel told his story of salvation at Cedar Falls Conference, Iowa, in 2018.

I’m Gonna Lose My Sole (7 min)

It’s amazing what God uses sometimes to wake people up to their need of salvation. Robert Orr, from Iowa, USA, grew up hearing the gospel, even being privileged to sit under the preaching of giants like Oliver Smith and Louis Brandt. However, he remained careless about his soul…until one day, in August 1950, in the middle of a casual conversation, a neighbouring farmer looked down at his old work shoes and said “I’m gonna lose my sole.” Immediately Robert’s mind…

Saved as a boy of 12 (8 min)

In this recording, made in 1961, Eric McCullough (1925-2020) tells how God saved him in Bangor, Northern Ireland, as a boy of 12, the day after a series of gospel meetings with David Craig had finished. Eric’s father, James McCullough, was a preacher of the gospel who had moved from the UK to Nova Scotia, Canada, to preach the gospel. It was on a visit back to Ireland in 1938, young Eric was saved. Back in North America Eric was…

Troubled and Empty, But I Didn’t Know Why (9 min)

Born in the USA in 1939, Jerry Jennings grew up without a Bible or the gospel. Tragically, his alcoholic father drowned in 1948. Joining the navy, Jerry would serve in Korea and Vietnam, but still he never heard the gospel. Looking up at the stars as a child had convinced him there was a God but now, aged 34, married and back in the USA, he found himself troubled and empty, but he didn’t really know why. Then a lady…

“I went to 4 meetings every Sunday” (10 min)

Alec Dryburgh (1936-2022) relates how he was converted to Christ in 1949. Raised in a Christian family in Scotland and taken to meetings 4 times every Sunday, not to mention mid-week meetings, Alec was a spiritually privileged, but spiritually dead in sins – something he had to learn before being saved. Awakened in gospel meetings in his local Gospel Hall, Alec was saved through Isaiah 53:5. Mr Dryburgh has served the Lord as an evangelist and Bible teacher in Canada…

What my Presbyterian Catechism Taught Me (9 min)

At the annual conference meetings in the Gospel Hall in Manchester, Iowa, USA, in 1957, evangelist William Warke (1898-1974) stood to announce a hymn. Before it was sung he took nine minutes to relate his testimony of conversion. Raised as a Presbyterian in Ireland, he learned he was a sinner through his church’s catechism. However, not until 1916 did he hear and understand the way of salvation, being saved during a series of Tent meetings taken by evangelist Tom Campbell…

Oliver Smith – “Two Whosoevers” (6 min)

In 1957, at the age of 74, three years before his homecall, Oliver Smith (1883-1960) rose to his feet at the Manchester Conference (Iowa, USA) and preached the gospel for six and a half minutes on “two whosoevers”, from John 3:16 and Rev 20:15. Mr Smith, “unknown yet well known”, was not a flowery orator. Indeed, he was often accused of “murdering the King’s English”. Yet he was a uniquely effective and tireless labourer in the gospel who saw many…

I wished I was as Godly as Pope John Paul II (7 min)

Raised a Roman Catholic in Poland, Kamil Golebiewski grew up wishing he was as godly as Pope John Paul II. However, after coming to the UK at the age of 20, Kamil stopped going to church. He later took up attending another church and was even baptised, but had still never been born again. After attending a series of gospel meetings in a Gospel Tent in 2017 Kamil finally understood he was a lost and helpless sinner – but that…

“I was the son of a Pastor but I didn’t know I needed to be saved” (6 min)

Though raised in a Christian family, the son of a Pastor, and a faithful tithe-paying member of a Presbyterian Church, Mr Seongmin Jeon did not know he needed to be saved if he was ever going to be in heaven. He learned his need, as a lost sinner, through the witness of his wife, and found salvation in Christ and assurance of salvation through Hebrews 9:12, a verse which speaks of eternal redemption obtained once for all by the Lord…
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