Encouragement in Trials
Be Strong, Be Still, Be Sober, Be Steadfast (45 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on 4 “Be” exhortations in the New Testament to encourage believers at the beginning of a new year- “Be strong” (Joshua 1), “Be still” (Psalm 46), “Be sober” (1 Peter 5), and “Be steadfast” (1 Corinthians 15). (Recorded in Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 5th Jan 2025)
An Empty Chair At Christmas (22 min)
Is this the time of year when you feel the loss of your loved one most keenly? Take a listen to Jim Flanigan (1931-2014) who gives a very touching word of encouragement to those feeling the loss of loved ones and who know something of the hymn writer’s words: “when sorrows like sea billows roll”. This recording closes with a rendition of the hymn “We’ll all gather home in the morning”. Readings: Psa 107.29, 127.2, 147.3. (Recorded in Belfast, Northern…
Blessed Is She That Believed (20 min)
Are you struggling to believe the promises of God? Michael Penfold preaches on an extraordinary woman of faith – Mary the mother of the Lord – of whom it was said “Blessed is she that believed”. Mary was given eight promises by the Lord and she simply believed them all. An example to all Christians, Mary’s faith was exceptional, unique and absolute. Reading: Luke 1:45. (Recorded at Blues Mills Gospel Hall conference, Cape Breton Island, Canada, on 9th Nov 2024)…
How Bright That Blessed Hope (36 min)
Dan Gillies preaches on the subject of “hope” from Romans Ch 8. First, the hope of creation, and then second, the hope of the church. Reading: Rom 8:18-25 (Recorded at the Belfast Easter Conference, April 2022)
The Lord Has Something Better in Mind (27 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on occasions in Scripture when people were not saved from troubles, but saved through them. Why? Because the Lord had something better in mind. Readings: John 11:1-6, 14-15, 21, 32-37, 40-41, 43-45. (Recorded at the Roseisle Gospel Hall conference, MB, Canada, on 28th Sept 2024)
7 Things That Cannot Be Shaken (28 min)
Mark Sweetnam preaches on 7 things that cannot be shaken from Hebrews 12:22-29, such as God, the New Covenant, the Saviour etc. (Recorded in Lurgan Gospel Hall, May 2023)
Have We Trials and Temptations? (32 min)
Elton Fairfield preaches on the trials and temptations of the Christian life from James Ch 1. The reality of them, resources for them, reassessment of them, and their result. (Recorded at the Belfast Easter Conference, April 2022)
Put My Tears into Thy Bottle (25 min)
Dan Gillies preaches on tears in the Bible. The tears of the persecuted, of the bereaved, of the evangelist and others. These tears are precious to the Lord who keeps a record of them all, for He was too a man of tears. Reading: Psalm 56:8. (Recorded at the Larne Bible Conference, Northern Ireland, Aug 2023)
Are You at Ground Zero? (35 min)
David Gilliland preaches on Psalm 74 which he likens to someone being at “ground zero” in their life. He outlines the hurt, hinge, heart, hope and heading of this encouraging Psalm. Reading: Psalm 75. (Recorded at the Pamber Heath Gospel Hall annual conference, Hampshire, UK, 31st Aug 2009)
We’re Going Home (20 min)
Clark Logan preaches on heaven, the home of the Christian. The Bible outlines 6 things we shall do in heaven: wonder and worship, sing and serve, learn and love. Readings: Rev 4:1-2, 9-11, 5:1-14. (Recorded at the Belfast Christmas Conference, Dec 2015)
God is in Control (32 min)
John Dennison preaches on the 7 times “the Scripture was fulfilled” in John’s Gospel, which encourages us to understand that “God is in control” of the details of our lives. Readings: John 7:40-42. (Recorded in North America, 27th Oct 2019)
Behaving Yourself Wisely in Difficult Circumstances (21 min)
Murray McCandless preaches on David’s wise behaviour when one jealous man detained, despised, discredited, dreaded, and demoted him. Readings: 1 Sam 18:1-18, 27-30. (Recorded in North America)
Be Still and Know That I Am God (27 min)
Phil Coulson preaches on peace in the soul, peace in the sanctuary and peace in the storm. “Be silent before the Lord Thy God, and let Him mould thee.” Reading: Psalm 46. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Nov 2007)
3 Great Reasons To Rejoice (10 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on three reasons every Christian can rejoice: your name is in heaven, your reward is in heaven, and your Saviour is in heaven. Readings: Luke 10:17-20, John 14:25-26, Matt 5:11-12. (Recorded in Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 14th Apr 2024)
Am I in the Place of God? (47 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on the contrasting lives of Jacob and Joseph. Jacob constantly tried to manipulate his life’s circumstances and was always scrambling for control, whereas Joseph left everything in the hands of the Lord. In Joseph’s own words, “Am I in the place of God?” Readings: Gen 32:22-23, 50:15-21. (Recorded at Welcome Gospel Hall, Winchester, 1st April 2024)
Better is the End of a Thing Than The Beginning (43 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on one of Solomon’s “betters” from Ecclesiastes 7 – “better is the end of a thing than the beginning”, looking at it in the panorama of history, in the people of God in the Bible, and in the purposes of God for the Christian’s life. (Recorded in Newbury Gospel Hall, 10th Feb 2024) Contact: contact@gospelhallaudio.org
With Christ in the Storms of Life (46 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the storms through which the disciples passed in the Gospel of Mark, and draws lessons for us in the storms of life through which we pass. Readings: Mark 4:37-41, 5:1-2, 6:45-52, 8:13-18, 21.
Do You Ever Feel Like Everything Is Against You? (7 min)
Andrew Ussher preaches on the words in Romans 8:31 – “God is for us”. When everything is against us, we have the comfort from this passage of knowing the Father is for us, Christ is for us, and the Spirit is for us. Reading: Rom 8:26, 31-35, 37. (Recorded at the Tampa Gospel Hall conference, 14th Jan 2024)
Cancer Wasn’t Supposed to Knock at My Door (16 min)
Al Christopherson preaches on the cure for times when your “chin is on the cement”. When we are under oppressing circumstances, or have been offended by others, or are anxious and worried about life, then we need a glimpse of Christ – like the one they got in Luke 24:21-31. (Message preached at LaCrosse Conference, Wisconsin, USA, Autumn 2023) Click here for more audio sermons on encouragement Get in touch: contact@gospelhallaudio.org
Do Not Despair: God is Still on the Throne (30 min)
Mark Sweetnam preaches on the scene and events described in Revelation Chs 4 and 5, examining 4 things found in heaven that come from earth, and highlighting the sovereignty and rule of the throne of God in heaven. (Message preached at Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 21st Oct 2023)
He Bears our Burdens (22 min)
Dan Rudge preaches on two of the four burdens that Christ, our great High Priest, bears on our behalf. Reading: Exodus 28 (Message preached in Roseisle, MB, Canada, 30th Sept 2023)
Christian Constants in a Collapsing Culture (36 min)
David Gilliland speaks on three constants in a collapsing culture, from Isaiah 33:6. An unshakeable stability, an unsearchable sufficiency and an unsociable sensitivity. (Message preached in Ballymena on 31st Dec 2008).
Honouring the Lord Even When You’re Hurting (35 min)
Andrew Ussher preaches on the importance, possibility and need to honour the Lord even when we are hurting from slander and false accusation. Instead of defending yourself, fighting back and trying to reset the narrative, keep your eyes on the Lord, who “when He was reviled, reviled not again.” Reading 1 Peter 2:19-24. (Message preached at Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, Nov 2019)
When Life Doesn’t Turn Out The Way You Had Hoped (34 min)
Andrew Ussher preaches on the Christian’s confidence, which can sometimes be shaken by the experiences of life. He finds the answer in 2 Tim 1:12, where Paul says in effect “I have not lost my confidence”. The difficult experiences of the prison-bound Paul had not put him to shame. Why? Because of the Person whom he had believed; because of his relationship with that Person; and because of the truth about that Person (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia,…
Learning From How He Suffered (32 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the phrase “He suffered” from 1 Pet 2:18-25, a passage that outlines 4 ways in which the Lord suffered: sacrificially, unjustly, submissively and faithfully. The sufferings that Christ endured at the hands of men provide us with an example to follow. (Message preached in Chalfont St Peter, 19th Mar 2023)
Can God Do Wonders in the Dark? (13 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the question in Psalm 88:12, “Shall Thy wonders be known in the dark?” God has worked in the past in creation darkness, cultural darkness, Calvary darkness, and pre-conversion darkness. Can God still do wonders in my current darkness? Readings: Psa 88:6-12, 2 Cor 4:1-6. (Message preached in Midland Park, New Jersey, USA, Sept 2019)
The Lesson of the Leftovers (26 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on “the lesson of the leftovers”. Why did the disciples panic in the storm on the lake? Because they “considered not the miracle of the loaves”. The 12 leftover basket-fulls that they had on hand should have been all they needed to rest in the Lord in the new trial, but they hadn’t learnt “the lesson of the leftovers”. Readings: John 6:5-13, Mark 6:45-52. (Message preached in Chalfont St Peter, 20th Nov 2022)
Resources When Trials Come (17 min)
Sandy Higgins draws lessons from the trials of the assembly at Jerusalem to expound the resources available to us when trials come upon the people of God. Reading: Acts 11:27-12:25. (Message preached at he Vancouver Thanksgiving Conference, 2014)
I’ll Tell You When We Get Home (24 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on “I’ll tell you when we get home”, highlighting “Someone who lives forever”, “something that lasts forever”, and “somewhere to dwell forever” from the Hebrew epistle. Readings: Heb 7:25, 10:32, 34, 13:10-14. (Message preached in Newtownstewart, Northern Ireland, 1st Jan 2015)
Never, Never, Never Give Up (50 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the need for perseverance in the Christian life and the need for believers in Christ to press on rather than give in. Readings: Heb 1:10-12, 6:18-20, 12:2, 12-13, 27-29, 13:7-9. (Message preached in Northern Ireland).
God’s Answer for Stress (61 min)
David Gilliland preaches on “God’s answer for stress”. He takes up the subject under various headings: the commonness of stress, the causes of stress, the complexity of stress, the categories of stress and the control of stress. Readings: John 16:33, Psa 4:1-8 (Message preached in Northern Ireland).
The Shepherd of Psalm 23 (39 min)
Robert McIlwaine (1925-2021) preaches an encouraging and practical word of exhortation on the Shepherd of Psalm 23 (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, Michigan, USA, Feb 28, 1997)
Believing the Impossible (40 min)
Michael Penfold preaches a message to encourage the weary Christian. He highlights three Bible characters: one who believed the impossible, another who saw the invisible, and a third who understood the inscrutable. Despite their internal frailties and external difficulties, these exemplary men lived by faith and overcame. May God give us help in our weariness to do the same (Recorded May 25th 2017)
Fear Not I am With You (51 min)
“Fear not, for I am with you” is a favourite verse of many from Isaiah 43:5. There are 5 people in the Bible to whom this promise was given – people who experienced the presence of the Lord in a special way due to the trials through which they passed. Learn in this sermon why there are more “fear nots” in Isaiah than any other Old Testament book and learn too how the presence of Christ is the greatest comfort…
At Evening Time It Shall Be Light (34 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on the glorious prospect of the Lord’s coming from Zech 14:7 “At evening time it shall be light”. In the midst of the darkness, sorrow and perplexities of this present era, the Christian has a sure and certain hope that all will one day be well – when He comes! A message to encourage, uplift and strengthen. (Recorded at the Sussex Gospel Hall Bible Conference, New Brunswick, Canada, in Oct 2016)
Help for Depressed and Discouraged Christians (44 min)
Jim Allen preaches helpfully on the twin issues of depression and discouragement in the Christian life. He gives ministry to address these needs from the epistle to the Philippians, where Paul has much to say concerning the mind. Readings: Phil 1:19-24, 27-30, 2:1-11, 17-25 (Message preached Fortwilliam Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland, 1984)
When You Feel Overwhelmed (24 min)
Peter Scarsbrook preaches on Psalm 61 (see below) and follows the journey of the Psalmist from his “being overwhelmed” to “being preserved”. Much practical and wise teaching is extracted from this Psalm for the encouragement of the saint who is passing through difficult circumstances (Message preached at the Belfast Christmas conference 2009) Psalm 61 “Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead…
Growing Old Gracefully (37 min)
David West preaches a weighty and encouraging message on the value, virtue and veneration of old age. He reminds his audience that how we grow old is more important than how old we grow. Readings: Prov 4:18, 16:31, 20:29, 23:22, Ecc 11:7-12:7. (Message preached at the Lurgan Conference 2016)
The Heavens Do Rule (13 min)
The financial crisis; climate change; Brexit; US riots and elections; big-tech domination; Coronavirus. The list of stressful issues and crises just keeps growing. How should a Christian react to a “world out of control”? Michael Penfold reminds us of the words of Dan 4:26, “The heavens do rule”. We worship a God who is sovereign over all and who delights to make even the wrath of man to praise Him (Message preached in Newtownstewart, Co Tyrone, Jan 1st 2017).
The Everlasting God (50 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the three mentions of the expression “the everlasting God” in our English Bible. The everlasting God of the Patriarch (Gen 21:31-34), of the Prophet (Isa 40:27-31) and of the Preacher (Rom 16:25-27). An encouraging and strengthening message that focuses our hearts on the greatness and glory of the One who is from everlasting to everlasting (Message originally preached in Curzon Street, Derby).
It Was Dark, and Jesus Had Not Come to Them (39 min)
Phil Coulson speaks on half a verse in John’s gospel (John 6:17b) – “It was now dark, and Jesus was not come to them”. Why does the Lord allow us to go through dark times? Why, when we can’t see the right way – when we feel lost – does He sometimes leave us alone and not come to us? Why do some believers who don’t seem very keen in spiritual matters seem to fare all right, while others who…
A God Who Is Able (28 min)
Faced with being thrown alive into a “burning fiery furnace”, the three Hebrews in Daniel Ch 3 told King Nebuchadnezzar that “God is able to deliver us”. What kind of faith is it that believes in a “God who is able” even in such extreme circumstances? Andrew Ussher passes on an encouraging word to remind us that in every difficult, trying and worrying situation in which we find ourselves, God is always able. Readings: Dan 3:8-18, Heb 11:17-19, 2 Tim…
When Life Doesn’t Seem Fair (30 min)
Eric Parmenter passes on a word of encouragement from John Ch 11, a chapter in which two sisters, Mary and Martha, are mourning the death of their brother. Their experience highlights 4 problems believers often face in life: the problem of suffering, the problem of delayed answers to prayer, the problem of ‘inequalities’ (perceived unfairness), and finally, the problem of the silence of God. Reading: John 20:30-31 (Message preached at the Vancouver Thanksgiving Conference 2007)
Robert McIlwaine – Have You Lost Your Joy? (21 min)
Robert McIlwaine (1925-2021) preaches on the joy of salvation, and the oft-felt reality of discouragement in the Christian life. Have you lost your joy? Are you feeling down and disheartened? Robert takes up the prayer of David in Psalm 51:12-13 “Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation” in a message that will lift your soul and point you to the fount of living waters. (Message preached at Pugwash Junction conference in Nova Scotia, Canada, 2014)
Albert Ramsay – Have You Lost Your Song? (18 min)
Asaph was a singer, but in Psalm 73 he seems to have lost his song. Have you lost yours? Albert Ramsay (1913-1993) takes up the Psalm in three sections: “out of the sanctuary”, “in the sanctuary” and “after the sanctuary”, and concludes that “sanctuary men are singing men”. Reading: Psalm 73 (Message preached in Larne in the late 1980’s)
Fear Not (31 min)
Struggling with discouragement, anxiety, despair or worry? Feel like throwing in the towel? Are the mountains huge, the skies dark, and the rivers deep? Andrew Ussher preaches on the expression “fear not” and expounds 7 simple clear reasons why we do not need to give into despair and anxiety. Reading: Isaiah 43.1-5 (Message given in Sussex Gospel Hall conference, New Brunswick, Canada, 2019)
Depression – Its Causes and Its Cure (40 min)
David West speaks on some of the causes for, and also the cure for, depression. After looking at a number of relevant proverbs of Solomon, Mr West traces numerous cases of pain, loss and depression in the Bible. Gleaning helpful lessons from the experiences of others, Mr West then looks at the cure for depression as he discusses what the Bible has to say about the Christian mind, especially from Paul’s epistle to the Philippians. Readings: Prov 3:7, 4:23, 5:8-12,…
Peter Orasuk – Restoration (35 min)
Peter Orasuk (1948-2005) is best known for his testimony, but he was also a gifted encourager in ministry! Murray McCandless wrote of him: “After conversion, Peter became an avid student of the Word and continued until his health started to steal his ability to concentrate. He spent hours in it, enjoyed it, shared it, and became a channel of blessing to those who listened to his ministry. I understand the Word of God reveals itself to our hearts, but I…
The Recovery of a Lost Smile (41 min)
David Gilliland preaches on Psalm 39:13 which, he explains, carries the sense of “O spare me, that I may smile again”. After some introductory remarks about people who are always smiling, some who never smile, and others who smile on the outside but whose heart isn’t smiling, David focuses his attention on two questions: “What makes Christians lose their smile?” and “How can Christians get their smile back”? He draws answers to these questions from Psalm 39 and 40. Reading:…
Trusting God When He Can’t Be Traced (42 min)
Albert McShane (1914-2002) preached on lessons to be learned from unexplained trials. Taking up the story of Job, Mr. McShane describes a man who wished he’d never been born, or at least wished he could now be finished with life. The thing that he feared had arrived – tragedy, and unexplained loss of family, possessions and health. Added to this were the wounds inflicted by his friends. Yet, having lost everything, Job exclaims, “Though He slay me, still I will…
Carefree, Careful and Caring Christianity (27 min)
Andrew Ussher brings guidance and strength from the Word of God to anxious worried hearts in an encouraging word of ministry on carefree, careful and caring Christianity. We all suffer from worries and cares; the question is, how do we cope with them? What should we do when we are overwhelmed with anxiety and fear? How should we respond in a way that honours the Word and magnifies our Lord? Readings: 1 Cor 12:25-26, Eph 5:15-16, Phil 2:19-21, 4:5b-7, Titus…
Hold Fast Till I Come (22 min)
Eugene Higgins preaches a powerful message on the exhortation in Revelation 2:25, “Hold fast till I come”. In a day of difficulty and “temptation to let go” Eugene presses the exhortation to hold fast to the truth, to strengthen our grip, not to weary in battle, not to relinquish anything. Don’t let go…don’t let go…don’t let go! (Message preached Nov 2014 in Newington, Connecticut, USA)
Care-free Christianity (47 min)
John Salisbury expounds the secret of “care-free Christianity” from Matthew 6:1-7:11. Worry and anxiety seem to be part and parcel of our busy modern lives, yet the Lord Jesus in His Sermon on the Mount gives practical teaching on how to live care-free lives – lives lived in the enjoyment of a personal relationship with God as our Father. A most helpful and insightful exposition of Scripture (Message preached 18th May 2017)
Four Kinds of Trials (46 min)
Colin Hutchinson preaches on 4 kinds of trials in the Christian life from Peter’s first epistle. In a wide ranging message he takes some of the experiences of Elijah, Gideon, Hannah, John the Baptist, Peter and others to show how through “manifold temptations” they were tried by fire and came forth as gold. A powerful and sobering message (Message preached in Bicester, Easter April 6th 2015)
Great and Marvellous Are Thy Works (39 min)
Colin Hutchinson preaches on Rev 15:3 – “Great and marvellous are Thy works, Lord God almighty.” He traces God’s sovereign dealings in the lives of His people, using individuals like Abraham, Jacob and Naomi to illustrate the need to trust in God in every circumstance, however dark and trying. “We will never regret leaving our lives in God’s hands” (Message preached 6th April 2015)
“In the Wilderness” (31 min)
Colin Hutchison preaches on God’s provision for Christians as we find ourselves “in the wilderness”. In particular he takes up the three types mentioned in Hebrews Ch 9 – the manna, the rod that budded and the tables of stone – and draws spiritual practical lessons from each one. A helpful and challenging message (Message preached 4th April 2015)
He Endured! (36 min)
Ian Jackson preaches on the endurance of Christ in the face of the “contradiction of sinners against Himself” and urges his audience to likewise endure, looking to Him and considering Him (Recorded 19th Apr 2014)
The Pressures of Life (25 min)
David Gilliland preaches on how to cope with the pressures of life, focussing on three uses of the word “hyperbole” by Paul in 2 Corinthians (Message preached 12th April 2009)