Sermons by Andrew Ussher

Sermons by Andrew Ussher

Christ My Lord (32 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on Christ as the believer’s Lord. The significance of the Lordship of Christ over the believer’s life can hardly be overstated. Is He your Lord too? Readings: Luke 2:11, John 13:13-14, 20:27-28, Rom 10:9, 1 Cor 7:39, 1 Thess 4:16-17, Jas 4:13-16. (Message preached at the Tampa Gospel Hall conference, 14th Jan 2024) Complete series: Christ my Saviour Christ my advocate Christ my Great High Priest Christ my Lord

Christ My Great High Priest (31 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on Christ as the Great High Priest of His people. What does this office of Christ involve? What does He do for us as our Great High Priest? Learn the basics of this vast topic. Readings: Heb 2:14-18, 4:14-16, 5:1-2, 7-10, 7:23-27, 9:11-12, 24-28, 10:19-24. (Message preached at the Tampa Gospel Hall conference, 13th Jan 2024) Complete series: Christ my Saviour Christ my advocate Christ my Great High Priest Christ my Lord

Christ My Advocate (33 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on Christ as the Christian’s advocate. If a Christian sins, he or she already has at the Father’s right hand an advocate – Jesus Christ the righteous. But what does this mean? What does Christ do as our advocate? Readings: Rom 6:1-2, 15, 8:31-34, 1 John 1:7-2:2. (Message preached at the Tampa Gospel Hall conference, 13th Jan 2024) Complete series: Christ my Saviour Christ my advocate Christ my Great High Priest Christ my Lord

Christ My Saviour (30 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on Christ as Saviour. He looks at the why, the what and the how of salvation, and defines several gospel words such as justification, reconciliation and regeneration. Readings: Matt 1:21, 22:42, Luke 2:11, Rom 5:9, 8:28-30, Eph 2:4-5, Phil 1:21, 3:20-21, Heb 7:23-25. (Message preached at the Tampa Gospel Hall conference, 13th Jan 2024) Complete series: Christ my Saviour Christ my Advocate Christ my Great High Priest Christ my Lord

Do You Ever Feel Like Everything Is Against You? (7 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on the words in Romans 8:31 – “God is for us”. When everything is against us, we have the comfort from this passage of knowing the Father is for us, Christ is for us, and the Spirit is for us. Reading: Rom 8:26, 31-35, 37. (Recorded at the Tampa Gospel Hall conference, 14th Jan 2024)

Is Your Life Different? (36 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on the walk of the believers from Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians. My walk needs to be consistent with what God has done and is doing in my life. Is your life different to what it was before you were saved, and different to the world around you? (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 29th Oct 2017)

Sexual Immorality (39 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on the topic of sexual immorality. Noting that the holy standards of Scripture are opposed to the “values” of the culture of today, Andrew expounds the divine principles of holiness, preservation and restoration – and the need to flee temptation, to stay clean and useful to the Lord. Reading: 1 Thess 4:1-8. (Message preached 28th Oct 2017 in Stark Road Gospel hall, Livonia, MI, USA)

Honouring the Lord Even When You’re Hurting (35 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on the importance, possibility and need to honour the Lord even when we are hurting from slander and false accusation. Instead of defending yourself, fighting back and trying to reset the narrative, keep your eyes on the Lord, who “when He was reviled, reviled not again.” Reading 1 Peter 2:19-24. (Message preached at Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, Nov 2019)

A Life of Significance (32 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on what we can learn from the Father sending the Son into the world, as we realise that the Son has now sent us into the world. Andrew draws lessons from the perspective of the Father who sent Him, the sphere into which He was sent, and the life He lived as the sent One. Readings: John 17:11, 15-18, 20:19-21. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Michigan, USA, 24th Oct 2015).

The Rapture of the Church (28 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on the next event in God’s prophetic programme – the rapture of the church prior to the beginning of “the tribulation”, outlining its characteristics and its sequence. Readings: John 14:1-3, 1 Cor 15:51-58, 1 Thess 4:13-18. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 4th Nov 2013)

Love Always Hurts (24 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on love as the essential ingredient in an assembly. Love described, love demanded, love desired, love denied and love developed. Readings: John 13:34-35, Rom 5:5, 1 Cor 13:1-14:1, Gal 5:13-18, 22a, Col 3:12-14, 1 Pet 1:22, 1 John 3:17-18, 4:7-8, 18-21. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, Nov 2010)

When Life Doesn’t Turn Out The Way You Had Hoped (34 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on the Christian’s confidence, which can sometimes be shaken by the experiences of life. He finds the answer in 2 Tim 1:12, where Paul says in effect “I have not lost my confidence”. The difficult experiences of the prison-bound Paul had not put him to shame. Why? Because of the Person whom he had believed; because of his relationship with that Person; and because of the truth about that Person (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia,…

Is the Lord Receiving Fruit from My Life? (45 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on the question of fruitfulness for God in the Christian life, presenting his material under 3 headings: desiring fruit, defining fruit and developing fruit. Readings: Luke 13:6-9, Rom 7:4, Gal 5:19-26, John 15:1-9, 16-17. (Message preached at Stark Road Gospel Hall Conference, Livonia, Michigan, USA, 4th Nov 2013)

There is a Way Back (28 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches an encouraging message on the topic of restoration, for believers away from the Lord. Readings: Luke 15:11-24, 2 Sam 11:27b-12:13, Psa 51:1-10 (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA).

Stewardship of Truth (43 min)

PART 6 – Andrew Ussher preaches on the stewardship of truth. God has given us a deposit of truth, His Word, the Bible. We are responsible to keep it and obey it and will give account one day for our faithfulness to this stewardship. Readings: John 1:17, 8:31-32, 13:17, 14:6, 17:15, Acts 2:41-42, 1 Tim 1:11-12, 18, 3:14-15, 4:13-16, 2 Tim 2:2, Jude 1:3, 3 John 1:3-4. (Message preached in Saskatoon, SK, Canada in 2011) Complete Series: Stewardship introduction Stewardship…

Stewardship of our Bodies (37 min)

PART 5 – Andrew Ussher preaches on the stewardship of our bodies, given to us by the Lord. A helpful message majoring on the issue of temptation to immorality and the preservation of holiness. Readings: Gen 39:9-12, Psa 51:3-4, 1 Cor 6:12-20, Gal 6:7-8, 1 Thess 4:1-8. (Message preached in Saskatoon, SK, Canada in 2011) Complete Series: Stewardship introduction Stewardship of time Stewardship of money Stewardship of giving Stewardship of our bodies Stewardship of truth

Stewardship of Giving (32 min)

PART 4 – Andrew Ussher takes up the topic of giving and expounds what the Scriptures have to say about our responsibility to give from what the Lord has blessed us with. God loves a cheerful giver. Readings: 1 Tim 6:17-19, Eph 4:28, 2 Cor 8:1-9, 9:6-8. (Message preached in Saskatoon, SK, Canada in 2011) Complete Series: Stewardship introduction Stewardship of time Stewardship of money Stewardship of giving Stewardship of our bodies Stewardship of truth

Stewardship of Money (22 min)

PART 3 – Andrew Ussher takes up the topic of money, lent to us by the Lord as a stewardship. Another very challenging message on a vital topic. Readings: 1 Chron 29:11-12, Prov 22:7, Matt 6:19-21, 24-33, Luke 12:15-21, 1 Tim 6:6-11, 17-19. (Message preached in Saskatoon, SK, Canada in 2011) Complete Series: Stewardship introduction Stewardship of time Stewardship of money Stewardship of giving Stewardship of our bodies Stewardship of truth

Stewardship of Time (34 min)

PART 2 – Andrew Ussher takes up the topic of time, lent to us by the Lord as a stewardship. A very challenging message on a neglected but vital topic. Readings: Gen 1:1, 5, 8, 13-19, Psa 39:4-5, Eph 5:15-16, Jas 4:14-15, 1Pet 4:1-3. (Message preached in Saskatoon, SK, Canada in 2011) Complete Series: Stewardship introduction Stewardship of time Stewardship of money Stewardship of giving Stewardship of our bodies Stewardship of truth

Stewardship – Introduction (21 min)

PART 1 – Andrew Ussher introduces a series on “Things that don’t belong to us” by explaining the biblical principle of “stewardship”. Stewardship involves 4 things: 1. Something that doesn’t belong to us; 2. Responsibility in that thing; 3. A limited time period; 4. Accountability to the Lord at the end. (Message preached in Saskatoon, SK, Canada in 2011) Complete Series: Stewardship introduction Stewardship of time Stewardship of money Stewardship of giving Stewardship of our bodies Stewardship of truth

Women’s Ministry (28 min)

Andrew Ussher speaks on the “ministry of women” from the Pastoral Epistles. He takes up various topics such as adornment, learning, acceptance of one’s role, character, excelling for God and mentoring the next generation. Readings: 1 Tim 2:9-15, 3:11, 5:9-10, 14, Titus 2:1-5. (Preached in North America, 29th Sept 2019)

VIDEO Assembly Principles Part 7 (36 min)

PART 7 – Andrew Ussher preaches on the subject of the Lord Jesus Christ’s present interaction with local assemblies from the record of John in Revelation Chs 1, 2 and 3. The Lord is in the midst and is actively observing what is going on in each assembly. Andrew lifts 8 lessons from these chapters. Readings: Rev 1:10-18, 2:1-2, 5, 8-9, 12-13, 16, 18-19, 3:1, 7-8, 14-15, 20. (Series given in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, Jan 2022)

VIDEO Assembly Principles Part 6 (46 min)

PART 6 – Andrew Ussher preaches on the issue of leadership in assembly life – elders, overseers and shepherds. Andrew outlines the desire for the work of overseership, its qualifications and characteristics. Readings: John 21:15-17, Acts 20:17-18, 27-35, 1 Tim 3:1, Titus 1:5, Heb 13:7, 17, 24, 1 Pet 5:1-4 (Series given preached in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, Jan 2022)

VIDEO Assembly Principles Part 5 (59 min)

PART 5 – Andrew Ussher preaches on the issue of relationships between believers in an assembly. In contrast to envy, strife and gossip, Andrew outlines 6 attitudes or actions that we can take to foster good relationships with one another. Readings: Gal 5:13-15, 26, Phil 2:3-4, Rom 12:10, 1 Pet 1:22, Eph 4:1-2, 32, Heb 10:25, Rom 12:13, 1 Pet 4:8-9 (Series given preached in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, Jan 2022)

VIDEO Assembly Principles Part 4 (37 min)

PART 4 – Andrew Ussher preaches on the body character of the local assembly and the need for believers to understand and appreciate their place and their gift, have the right attitude, and not to complete with other believers or feel unhappy with their God-given role. Readings: 1 Cor 12:12-17 (Series given preached in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, Jan 2022)

VIDEO Assembly Principles Part 3 (56 min)

PART 3 – Andrew Ussher preaches on the subject of “headship” from 1 Cor 11, He also takes up the subject of “worship” especially in relation to the gathering of the Lord’s Supper. Readings: 1 Cor 11:1-16. (Series given in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, Jan 2022)

VIDEO Assembly Principles Part 2 (57 min)

PART 2 – Andrew Ussher preaches on the vital topic of “stewardship of doctrine” in relation to the New Testament assembly, making the key point that “doctrine matters”. He then take up the biblical concept of “fellowship” in a local assembly. Readings: Acts 2:14-15, 1 Tim 3:14-15. (Series given in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, Jan 2022)

VIDEO Assembly Principles Part 1 (53 min)

PART 1 – Andrew Ussher opens a 7-part series on New Testament assembly principles by looking at the meaning of the word “church”, by examining what the Bible means by “house of God”, by calling out the intent of relevant NT passages, and by highlighting the priority of Christ in relation to the local assembly. Readings: Exod 25:8, Matt 16:13-18. 18:15-20, 1 Cor 1:1-2, 3:9-17, 1 Tim 3:15. (Series given in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, Jan 2022)

Following in the Footsteps of the Saviour (33 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on “following in the footsteps of the Saviour”. The life of Christ is the example (for people who are saved) of how to live on earth before their God. A challenging message highlighting three resources we need in living for God. Readings: 1 Pet 2:20-23, Heb 12:1-3. (Message preached at the Vancouver Thanksgiving Conference, 2018)

Examining the Lord’s Supper (32 min)

Andrew Ussher gives scriptural, helpful and practical teaching on what the Bible calls “the Lord’s Supper”. He examines its institution by the Lord Jesus in the upper room in Jerusalem, before developing its significance as a remembrance of the Lord and an expression of fellowship. Readings: Matt 26:17-20, 26-28, Luke 22:19-20, Acts 2:41-42, 20:7, 1 Cor 10:16-17, 11:17-30, Rev 3:7-8 (Message preached in Spring Creek Gospel Hall, Illinois, USA, 2018)

How Long Has It Been Since You Talked with the Lord? (26 min)

Andrew Ussher delivers an exhortation on prayer. To whom whom should we pray and how should we pray? Reverently, intimately, thankfully, specifically, honestly, deliberately, persistently, urgently and consistently. Readings: 1 Tim 2:1-2, Luke 11:1-4, John 14:12b-14, 16:23-24, Phil 4:6-7 (Message preached at the Thanksgiving Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 2018)

The Private Life of the Believer (24 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on “the private life of the believer”. He begins with a quote from Robert Murray McCheyne: “What a man is when he is alone in the presence of God, he is, and nothing more.” A challenging message, exhorting us to be transparent, consistent and faithful in private as well as in public, even in the internet age. Readings: Psa 19:7-14, 139: Prov 4:23-24, 23:26 (Message preached at the Thanksgiving Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 2011)

Making the Best Use of Your Life (16 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches “making the best use of your time and life” from Eph 5:1 and 1 Cor 14:12. As we face choices and options in life, the standard should not be “I could be doing worse things with my time” but “What is the best use of my time”. Are we striving for excellence in the Christian life, or just frittering away our days with trivia and inconsequential pursuits? A challenging message (Message preached at the Vancouver Thanksgiving Conference…

A God Who Is Able (28 min)

Faced with being thrown alive into a “burning fiery furnace”, the three Hebrews in Daniel Ch 3 told King Nebuchadnezzar that “God is able to deliver us”. What kind of faith is it that believes in a “God who is able” even in such extreme circumstances? Andrew Ussher passes on an encouraging word to remind us that in every difficult, trying and worrying situation in which we find ourselves, God is always able. Readings: Dan 3:8-18, Heb 11:17-19, 2 Tim…

Fear Not (31 min)

Struggling with discouragement, anxiety, despair or worry? Feel like throwing in the towel? Are the mountains huge, the skies dark, and the rivers deep? Andrew Ussher preaches on the expression “fear not” and expounds 7 simple clear reasons why we do not need to give into despair and anxiety. Reading: Isaiah 43.1-5 (Message given in Sussex Gospel Hall conference, New Brunswick, Canada, 2019)

“I Tried to Solve the Puzzle of Salvation” (25 min)

Born in Trinidad, West Indies, Andrew Ussher grew up as a child of missionary parents, familiar with the gospel message. During a year’s furlough in Northern Ireland, Mr & Mrs Ussher took young Andrew to gospel meetings. In one of them Andrew heard about the final judgment from Revelation Ch 21 and for the first time in his life realised he was sinner who deserved God’s judgment – but the impression made didn’t last. The following year (1973) Andrew moved…

Carefree, Careful and Caring Christianity (27 min)

Andrew Ussher brings guidance and strength from the Word of God to anxious worried hearts in an encouraging word of ministry on carefree, careful and caring Christianity. We all suffer from worries and cares; the question is, how do we cope with them? What should we do when we are overwhelmed with anxiety and fear? How should we respond in a way that honours the Word and magnifies our Lord? Readings: 1 Cor 12:25-26, Eph 5:15-16, Phil 2:19-21, 4:5b-7, Titus…

Guidelines for Godliness – Part 4 (56 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on “godliness demonstrated in a fruitful Christian life” under 3 headings: desiring fruit, defining fruit and developing fruit. God is looking for fruit in our lives, but this should not be defined in terms of mere activity. It is primarily an issue of character development as Christ is formed in each believer and the fruits of the Spirit are manifested – and not by human efforts, but by divine working (Message preached 15th Mar 2015)

Guidelines for Godliness – Part 3 (56 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on “godliness in womanhood”. While men and women are equal in essence and equal in spiritual standing as justified before God, in the order of headship God has outlined different roles for male and female. Though not given a public role in the local assembly, Andrew shows from 1 Tim 5:9-10 & 14 that “women professing godliness” have a vital and significant role to play, a role esteemed and valued by the Lord (Message preached 14th Mar…

Guidelines for Godliness – Part 2 (50 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on “godliness developed in the lives of believers”. He outlines his remarks under 3 headings: the pursuit, promise and practice of godliness. Godliness isn’t automatic! While believers must flee from the manifestations of the flesh, they must actively pursue godliness (1 Tim 6:11). Christians are encouraged to see that godliness is not only of value in the life which is to come, but also in “the life that now is” (1 Tim 4:8) (Message preached 14th Mar…

Guidelines for Godliness – Part 1 (56 min)

Andrew Ussher introduces the subject of godliness, which he defines as “the character of God demonstrated in living human experience”. Taking up 1 Tim 3:16 he shows how the character of God was revealed in the person and life of Christ as it had never been seen before, hence “the mystery of godliness”. He closes with a look at some of the “fruits of the Spirit” in the Lord’s life – My joy, My peace, My love (Message preached 13th…

Love In Marriage (24 min)

PART 6 – Andrew Ussher expounds what “marital love” really looks like in the Bible – not some mere sentimental feeling or emotion, but a commitment, in the words of 1 Cor 13:7, to “bear all things”, “believe all things”, “hope all things” and “endure all things”. This message will really challenge you to think about “love” on a different level to the culture around us – Readings: Gal 2:20, 1 Cor 13:3 and 7 (Message preached 24th Feb 2013)

Questions and Answers (40 min)

PART 5 – Andrew Ussher answers written audience questions on financial and child rearing issues. He gives wise answers on questions like “How should parents respond to a child who says he or she wants to be saved?”: “How should parents handle issues such as TV, the internet and smartphones” and “At what age should parents bring young children to meetings”? A very helpful session (Questions answered on 23rd Feb 2013)

Raising Children (47 min)

PART 4 – Andrew Ussher preaches on raising children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. He stresses the need to understand what a child is – a stewardship from God, and a sinner with a fallen nature – before outlining Biblical principles of child rearing – Readings: Psa 51:5, 58:3, 127:3-5, Prov 27:6, Eph 6:1-4, Luke 2:41-52, 15:11-24 (Message preached 23rd Feb 2013)

Money Matters in Married Life (47 min)

PART 3 – Andrew Ussher gives wise scriptural counsel on handling money within a marriage. He touches on subjects such as covetousness, debt, a household budget, credit cards and giving. An instructive insightful message – Readings: Matt 6:19-33, Luke 12:15, Eph 4:28, 1 Tim 6:6-11, 17-19, 2 Cor 8:1-5, 9:6-8 (Message preached 23rd Feb 2013)

Understanding Marriage (44 min)

PART 2 – Andrew Ussher delivers a comprehensive and helpful message on Christian marriage under 5 headings: “Origin and Objectives”, “Leaving and Cleaving”, “Roles and Responsibilities”, Commitment and Communication” and “Focus and Faithfulness” – Readings: Gen 2:21-24, Prov 31:10-12, Matt 19:4-6, 1 Cor 7:39, Eph 5:23-32, 1 Tim 5:10, Titus 2:4-5 (Message preached 22nd Feb 2013)

Searching for a Suitable Spouse (56 min)

PART 1 – Andrew Ussher preaches on searching for a suitable spouse. He give sound Biblical guidance and insight into the principles that should govern a single person as they contemplate being married – Readings: Gen 2:18-24, Prov 18:22, 30:19, 1 Cor 7:39, 2 Cor 6:14-18, Gal 5:22-25, Heb 13:4 (Message preached 21st Feb 2012)