Sermons on Assembly Leadership - Various speakers

Sermons on Assembly Leadership - Various speakers

Lordship, Leadership and Love (48 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on three core topics in relation to a local assembly of Christians: the Lordship to which we bow, the leadership which we recognise, and the love which we express to others. Readings: 1 Cor 1:1-3, 9, 1 Thess 5:12-15, Heb 13:17, Rom 12:9-16. (Message preached in Crandon Gospel Hall, Virginia, USA).

The Qualifications for Elders (35 min)

David Vallance preaches on the qualifications for elders in 1 Timothy Ch 3, dealing with the topic both in general terms and verse by verse, also taking in the topic of deacons and commenting on the verses at the end of the chapter beginning “God was manifest in the flesh” (Recorded in Stark Road, Gospel Hall, Livonia, USA, 23rd Sept 2021)

Bleeding for the Sheep (33 min)

Jon Procopio preaches a powerful message on the responsibilities of the sheep in an assembly, and the corresponding responsibilities of the shepherds (the elders). Working from John Ch 10, Jonathan’s 4 headings are, 1. Read the sheep; 2. Lead the sheep; 3. Feed the sheep, and 4. Bleed for the sheep. This is a deeply impactful message originally preached in North America. It will repay careful listening. Readings: John 10:1-5, 9-18, 27-30.

Governmental Order in the Assembly (44 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on leadership – the role, the appointment, the qualifications and the work of elders/overseers/shepherds in the local assembly. Biblical assembly leadership is always by a plurality of elders, raised up within the assembly by the Holy Spirit, and fitted for their role by their character, attitude, gift and labours, all of which is outlined in this message (Message preached Apr 2016)

Elders (44 min)

David West preaches on the subject of assembly leadership – “elders”. After introducing the Biblical concept of “rule”, he speaks on the appointment of elders, their qualifications and rewards, majoring on Titus Ch 1. He also touches on the responsibility of the flock towards its shepherds (Message preached 3rd May 2012)

Godly Assembly Leadership (47 min)

John Grant preaches a powerful message on “Godly assembly Leadership” from Paul’s message in Acts 20, using Moses, Jacob and David as examples of how to lead and feed the flock of God (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 24th March 2008)

Elders and the Flock (50 min)

Marcus Hall outlines the Bible’s teaching on the relationship between assembly elders and the flock over which then Holy Spirit has made them overseers. A vital, warm and discerning message from an experienced elder (Message given in 2007)