Sermons on Church Truth
Stewardship in Corinthians (54 min)
David Gilliland takes up the subject of stewardship in Paul’s epistle to the Corinthians. Each of us are stewards of all that the Lord has given us. How are we carrying out that stewardship? Reading: 1 Cor 4:1-5 (Message preached in Northern Ireland in January 2002) Complete series: Lordship in Corinthians Fellowship in Corinthians Headship in Corinthians Membership in Corinthians Stewardship in Corinthians
Membership in Corinthians (61 min)
David Gilliland takes up the subject of membership in Paul’s epistle to the Corinthians. Membership in relation to morality in Ch 6, and membership in relation to ministry in Ch 12. Readings: 1 Cor 6:15-18, 1 Cor 12:12-27 (Message preached in Northern Ireland in January 2002) Complete series: Lordship in Corinthians Fellowship in Corinthians Headship in Corinthians Membership in Corinthians Stewardship in Corinthians
Headship in Corinthians (66 min)
David Gilliland takes up the subject of headship in Paul’s epistle to the Corinthians. Headship in relation to the godhead, genders, glories and gatherings. He expounds what the Bible has to say on the issue of head coverings. Reading: 1 Cor 11:1-16 (Message preached in Northern Ireland in January 2002) Complete series: Lordship in Corinthians Fellowship in Corinthians Headship in Corinthians Membership in Corinthians Stewardship in Corinthians
Fellowship in Corinthians (57 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the topic of “fellowship” from Paul’s letters to the Corinthians. Mr Gilliland explains the perspective, preciousness, participants, prohibitions, and permanence of assembly fellowship. Readings: 1 Cor 1:9-12, 10:15-24, 2 Cor 6:14-16, 13:14. (Message preached in Northern Ireland in January 2002) Complete series: Lordship in Corinthians Fellowship in Corinthians Headship in Corinthians Membership in Corinthians Stewardship in Corinthians
Lordship in Corinthians (54 min)
David Gilliland begins a series on some of the “ships” in Corinth, by looking at the topic of “lordship”. After giving some background on the city of Corinth, Mr Gilliland describes how the apostle Paul emphasises the lordship of Christ in his first epistle to “the church of God in Corinth”. Reading: 1 Cor 1:1-10 (Message preached in Northern Ireland in January 2002) Complete series: Lordship in Corinthians Fellowship in Corinthians Headship in Corinthians Membership in Corinthians Stewardship in Corinthians
The Prayers (32 min)
Elton Fairfield preaches on “the prayers” in Acts 2:42 and develops a message on the assembly prayer meeting(s). Prayer’s importance, characteristics, subject, delight, basics and voice. (Message preached in Ballymena, 21st Oct 2020) Complete series on “following Christ”; The apostles’ doctrine Fellowship Breaking of bread Prayers
The Breaking of Bread (27 min)
Elton Fairfield preaches on the “breaking of bread”, the Lord’s Supper, under 4 headings. A command to appreciate, a cross to announce, a coming to anticipate, and a chastening to acknowledge. Readings: Acts 2:41-43, 1 Cor 11:20-34. (Message preached in Ballymena, 14th Oct 2020) Complete series on “following Christ”; The apostles’ doctrine Fellowship Breaking of bread Prayers
The Fellowship (25 min)
Elton Fairfield preaches on what it means to be in assembly fellowship, concentrating first on the “bonds” of fellowship, before dealing with the “boundaries” of fellowship. Reading: Acts 2:41-47. (Message preached in Ballymena, 31st Sept 2020) Complete series on “following Christ”; The apostles’ doctrine Fellowship Breaking of bread Prayers
The Apostles’ Doctrine (27 min)
Elton Fairfield preaches on what happens after a person gets saved – they start following Christ. After baptism, they continue steadfastly in 4 things, the first of which is “the apostles’ doctrine”. Their doctrine (teaching) is summed up in 4 words: gospel, gifts, gatherings and glory. Reading: Acts 2:41-42. (Message preached in Ballymena, 30th Sept 2020) Complete series on “following Christ”; The apostles’ doctrine Fellowship Breaking of bread Prayers
The Consequences of Our Heavenly Calling (44 min)
PART 7 – Michael Penfold preaches on the Christian’s citizenship. God has severed our links with a world under judgment. We are dead to the world, and are now a heavenly people, linked to a “Man in the glory”. But what are the consequences of our heavenly calling and how should we relate to the world in which we still live? Readings: John 12:31, 1 Cor 10:32, Phil 1:27-30, 3:20-21. (Message preached in Manchester, CT, USA, 30th Mar 2023) Complete…
Discovering and Using My Gift (51 min)
PART 6 – Michael Penfold preaches on the Christian’s stewardship of time, talent (gift), treasure and truth. Every Christian has one or more divinely given spiritual gifts, but how do you discover and use that gift? Readings: 1 Pet 4:10-11, 1 Cor 12:1, 4-6, 12-28. (Message preached in Manchester, CT, USA, 29th Mar 2023) Complete series on “critical assembly issues”: The evangelical revolution (Ownership and Lordship) Why are head coverings in only one chapter? (Headship) What’s involved in being part…
What is the Biblical Church Leadership Model? (54 min)
PART 5 – Michael Penfold looks at the issue of “church leadership” (identification, designation, qualification, classification). Today’s mainline denominations use a hierarchical form of governance involving regional bishops. Large independent evangelical churches tend to have a group of “Pastors” who are responsible to a “board of elders”. Are either of these models scriptural? If not, what is the biblical model for assembly leadership? Readings: Acts 20:17, 28, 1 Pet 5:1-4, Titus 1:5-9. (Message preached in Manchester, CT, USA, 28th Mar…
It Matters How We Worship (50 min)
PART 4 – Michael Penfold preaches on concept and character of worship in the present dispensation. How churches worship has totally changed in the past 70 years, as music and emotion have come to the fore, but the Scripture is clear that we cannot just worship as we please, we must worship “in spirit and in truth”. Readings: 1 Pet 2:4-5, 9, Heb 13:13-16, John 4:19-24. (Message preached in Manchester, CT, USA, 27th Mar 2023) Complete series on “critical assembly…
What’s Involved in Being Part of an Assembly? (51 min)
PART 3 – Michael Penfold preaches on the privileges and responsibilities of being in fellowship in a New Testament assembly. In light of what Scripture has to say on this subject, what are we to make of an “open table” and inter-denominationalism? Readings: Acts 2:41-43, 9:26-28. (Message preached in Manchester, CT, USA, 26th Mar 2023) Complete series on “critical assembly issues”: The evangelical revolution (Ownership and Lordship) Why are head coverings in only one chapter? (Headship) What’s involved in being…
Why Are Head Coverings in Only One Chapter? (52 min)
PART 2 – The present-day use of head coverings is sometimes questioned because “they are only in one chapter of the Bible”. Michael Penfold addresses this issue as he sets out the order, meaning, operation and symbols of the biblical doctrine of “headship”. Readings: 1 Cor 11:1-17, 1 Tim 2:8-15. (Recorded in Manchester, CT, USA, 25th Mar 2023) Complete series on “critical assembly issues”: The evangelical revolution (Ownership and Lordship) Why are head coverings in only one chapter? (Headship) What’s…
The Evangelical Revolution (48 min)
PART 1 – The evangelical revolution of recent years has, in many places, turned “the church” into a reflection of the consumer culture that surrounds it. Michael Penfold looks at the topic of the relationship of Christ to the local assembly – He owns it, He dwells in it, He rules it – to refocus our thoughts biblically on this issue. Readings: 2 Tim 4:1-3, 1 Cor 14:37. (Message preached in Manchester, CT, USA, 25th Mar 2023) Complete series on…
Lordship, Leadership and Love (48 min)
Sandy Higgins preaches on three core topics in relation to a local assembly of Christians: the Lordship to which we bow, the leadership which we recognise, and the love which we express to others. Readings: 1 Cor 1:1-3, 9, 1 Thess 5:12-15, Heb 13:17, Rom 12:9-16. (Message preached in Crandon Gospel Hall, Virginia, USA).
Masculine and Feminine Roles in God’s Order (38 min)
Albert Leckie (1920-1988) outlines what the Bible has to say about masculine and feminine roles in the local church, basing his remarks on portions of Scripture from both Old and New Testaments. Reading: 1 Tim 5:9-10. (Message preached in Ayr, Scotland, 1980)
Prayer, Participation and Adornment (48 min)
Robert McPheat (1933-1990) looks at Paul’s teaching on prayer, participation and adornment in 1 Timothy Ch 2, highlighting important related themes and making practical applications. (Message preached in Windsor Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland).
What Does “Teachers of Good Things” Mean in Titus 2? (17 min)
Michael Penfold examines the expression “teachers of good things”, which is sometimes cited as an endorsement of “women’s ministry”, and looks at the parties involved in the teaching, the content of the teaching and the context of the passage. (From a message on Titus 2 preached in Chalfont St Peter, 25th Sept 2022)
The Qualifications for Elders (35 min)
David Vallance preaches on the qualifications for elders in 1 Timothy Ch 3, dealing with the topic both in general terms and verse by verse, also taking in the topic of deacons and commenting on the verses at the end of the chapter beginning “God was manifest in the flesh” (Recorded in Stark Road, Gospel Hall, Livonia, USA, 23rd Sept 2021)
The Roles of Men and Women in the Assembly (17 min)
Jack Hunter (1916-1994) preaches on the roles of the two sexes from the pivotal New Testament passage of 1 Tim 2:8-15, in which the apostle Paul goes back to creation to explain the roles of men and women in the local assembly. (Recorded in Ayr, Scotland, in 1993)
Women’s Ministry (28 min)
Andrew Ussher speaks on the “ministry of women” from the Pastoral Epistles. He takes up various topics such as adornment, learning, acceptance of one’s role, character, excelling for God and mentoring the next generation. Readings: 1 Tim 2:9-15, 3:11, 5:9-10, 14, Titus 2:1-5. (Preached in North America, 29th Sept 2019)
The Church and Its Functioning (42 min)
The Church from Eternity to Eternity – Part 5 – John Riddle preaches on the functioning of the local church from 1 Corinthians Ch 12, as he highlights issues the use of gift and the priority of edification. Reading: 1 Cor 12:1-11:19-27 (Message preached in Forres, Scotland, 2010)
The Church and Its Continuation (36 min)
The Church from Eternity to Eternity – Part 4 – John Riddle preaches on the continuation of the church from the book of Acts, highlighting the local assembly at Antioch as an example of the pattern of how God has worked through the ages: gospel preaching, exhortation, teaching and fellowship. Reading: Acts 11:19-30 (Message preached in Forres, Scotland, 2010)
The Church and Its Composition (30 min)
The Church from Eternity to Eternity – Part 3 – John Riddle preaches on the composition of the church from the pivotal passage in Ephesians 2, which shows it to be made up of Jews and Gentiles in one new body, something entirely new and distinct from the composition of God’s people in the Old Testament. Readings: Eph 2:11-21, 3:8-11 (Message preached in Forres, Scotland, 2010)
The Church and Its Commencement (44 min)
The Church from Eternity to Eternity – Part 2 – John Riddle preaches on the commencement of the church on the Day of Pentecost. He explains that the church did not exist prior to Acts 2 and expounds the dispensational purpose of the church. The coming of the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues are discussed. Readings: John 20:21-22, Acts 2:1-4 (Message preached in Forres, Scotland, 2010) (Photo: Jerusalem) Rest of this series of sermons by John Riddle
The Church and Its Construction (45 min)
The Church from Eternity to Eternity – Part 1 – John Riddle preaches on the construction of the church from the well-known passage in Matthew 16 which is the first mention of the church in the New Testament. The church is built upon “this rock”, but what is the rock? Reading: Matt 16:13-20 (Message preached in Forres, Scotland, 2010)
“I’m a sister. What can I do?” (44 min)
What is a sister’s ministry and what role can sisters play in the service of the Lord? Living, as we do, in a culture that promotes feminism and much else that is contrary to Scripture, it is vital for us to understand exactly what the Bible says on this issue and why. Michael Penfold outlines 5 particular avenues of service that are open to and designed for Christian women and seeks to strengthen and encourage sisters in fulfilling their potential…
Jim Flanigan – “For me, it was like a second conversion” (43 min)
Jim Flanigan (1931-2014) tells the story of how he came from an evangelical denomination into a scripturally gathered local assembly. As a member of his church growing up in Belfast, young Jim just accepted the denominational world around him as normal. He says “I had no idea that assemblies existed”. However, when he learnt the truth of gathering to the Lord’s name, Mr Flanigan says, “For me it was like second conversion”. In this message he outlines, under 4 headings,…
The Gospel among the Hutterite Colonies (31 min)
Jack Gould tells the wonderful story of the progress of the gospel among the Hutterite colonies of Manitoba, Canada. Hutterites are religious group who share a common European ancestry with the Mennonites and Amish, differing with them in that they believe in sharing their possessions in common and thus living in ‘colonies’. Jack Gould has been labouring among the Hutterites for a number of years and here tells the thrilling story of souls being saved and lives being transformed. (Report…
Is the Ministry of Women Public? (61 min)
PART 6 of 6 – In the final part of a series of 6 messages on “Questions about the assembly”, Tom Bentley (1924-2011) answers the question, “Is the ministry of women public?” He takes up the three main passages about this issue in the New Testament and then divides his remarks up into three sections: women in the creation of God, women in the revelation of God, and women in the administration of God. Readings: 1 Cor 11:1-16, 14:26, 34-40,…
Is Occasional Fellowship Scriptural? (62 min)
PART 5 of 6 – In the fifth of a series of 6 messages on “Questions about the assembly”, Tom Bentley (1924-2011) answers the question, “Is occasional fellowship scriptural?” Taking up the subject of assembly reception, Mr Bentley asks two pertinent sub-questions: 1. Who should be received? and 2. To what is a person received? A helpful examination, from an experienced missionary and Bible teacher, of an often contentious issue. Readings: Acts 9:26-30, Rom 16:1-2, 1 Cor 16:1-4, 2 Cor…
Is the Local Assembly Democratic? (57 min)
PART 4 of 6 – In the fourth of a series of 6 messages on “Questions about the assembly”, Tom Bentley (1924-2011) answers the question, “Is the local assembly democratic?” After looking at various forms of “church government” used in Christendom today, Mr Bentley spells out divine order as it relates to scriptural local assembly government and leadership. Readings: Acts 20:25-28, 1 Thess 5:12-14, 1 Tim 3:1-4, Heb 13:7, 17, 24, 1 Pet 5:1-4 (Message preached in Whitehouse Gospel Hall,…
Is the Local Assembly Autonomous? (63 min)
PART 3 of 6 – In the third of a series of 6 messages on “Questions about the assembly”, Tom Bentley (1924-2011) answers the question, “Is the local assembly autonomous?” The opposite of autonomy is confederation; which is what sadly can be seen in various parts of the world as assemblies centralise to form confederacies and denominations. Mr Bentley ably teaches the vital principle of autonomy under 3 headings: the truth of, the tests of, and the testimony of autonomy.…
Is the Local Assembly a Sect? (60 min)
PART 2 of 6 – In the second of a series of 6 messages on “Questions about the assembly”, Tom Bentley (1924-2011) answers the question, “Is the local assembly a sect”? In the first half an hour, Mr Bentley meticulously works his way through the various biblical names and titles of a local assembly, drawing careful distinctions and guidelines. Then he looks at the uniqueness of the local assembly and shows that its very existence is a total repudiation of…
What is the Church? (52 min)
PART 1 of 6 – In the first of a series of 6 messages on “Questions about the assembly”, Tom Bentley (1924-2011) answers the question, “What is the church”? He starts by introducing “the church which is His body”, and makes the all-important point that this church did not exist prior to the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2). Looking at the “church which is His body” dispensationally, symbolically, mystically and eternally, Mr Bentley distinguishes it from the local assembly, which…
God at Work in Borneo (49 min)
Borneo is the third largest Island in the world, divided politically by three countries. In 2015, an assembly was planted in the city of Kuching (photo above) in Sarawak, Borneo, through the labours of John and Susan See. In this message, John tells his testimony (first 12 minutes) and then relates his call to the work and how the Lord has saved souls and commenced assembly testimony in Kuching. A fascinating and encouraging listen. Reading: Acts 11:19-30. (Report given in…
Bleeding for the Sheep (33 min)
Jon Procopio preaches a powerful message on the responsibilities of the sheep in an assembly, and the corresponding responsibilities of the shepherds (the elders). Working from John Ch 10, Jonathan’s 4 headings are, 1. Read the sheep; 2. Lead the sheep; 3. Feed the sheep, and 4. Bleed for the sheep. This is a deeply impactful message originally preached in North America. It will repay careful listening. Readings: John 10:1-5, 9-18, 27-30.
How the Lord Led Me (42 min)
Harold Paisley (1924-2015) sets out what the Bible teaches about the nature, purpose and order of the local assembly. Mr Paisley grew up in Ballymena, the oldest child of Reverend James Kyle Paisley. Hear him explain how the Lord revealed New Testament church truth to him, and how he followed the Lord’s leading. Readings: Matt 16:17-18, 18:17-20, Acts 2:41-42, 1 Cor 3:16-17, 12:12, 27, Heb 8:5. (Message preached in Ballymena October 1993) Further listening: Harold Paisley’s testimony of salvation Harold…
Norman Mellish – How I Learned the Truth of the Assembly (38 min)
Norman Mellish was saved as a teenager. You can hear him tell the story of his conversion here. In this recording, he tells the story of his life after God saved him, and how he learnt the truth of the local assembly. In his 20’s Norman got caught up in the Pentecostal movement, and in a dramatic meeting one evening he had an experience of “speaking in tongues”. He then spend 5 years mixed up in charismaticism. However, one day,…
Investment in an Assembly (51 min)
PART 3 – In his final message in this 3-part series on the local assembly, John Dennison preaches on our “investment” in the assembly. He reads Matt 6:21 “Where your treasure is there will your heart be also” and asks “What are you investing in the assembly?” The key to understanding why a Christian should invest their whole life in the local assembly is to see it as God sees it. Working from Acts 20:28 John speaks of the the…
Involvement in an Assembly (59 min)
PART 2 – After his “introduction” to an assembly in Part 1, John Dennison now takes up what it means to be “involved” in an assembly. He works his way through Acts Ch 2 and draws out vital, fundamental and practical lessons from the 4 steps outlined in vvs 37-42 – “salvation”, “baptism”, “addition” and “continuation”. This is good, wholesome and plain ‘assembly truth” which will be a blessing to young and old. Readings: Matt 18:17-20, Acts 2:37-42 (Message preached…
Introduction to the Assembly (48 min)
PART 1 – John Dennison introduces a 3-part series of messages on the local assembly. In this introduction he looks at the first mention of the local assembly in the New Testament in Matt 18. He outlines the context of the passage, the concept of the assembly it contains, the crisis being resolved in the passage, and some characteristics of assembly found in the passage. Mr Dennison asks “What makes the local assembly unique?” He distinguishes it from the body…
Congregational Worship and Singing (51 min)
PART 6 – John Dennison give helpful ministry on worship in the context of assembly gatherings. After explaining the meaning and motive for worship, he points out the change the Lord Jesus announced in John Ch 4 and the ramifications for worship in our current era. He spends the rest of the message giving scriptural backing for the format of the open worship (singing, giving thanks, praying etc) at the breaking of bread meeting, and gives practical encouragement for those…
Assembly Reception and Letters of Commendation (51 min)
PART 5 – John Dennison preaches on the topic of “assembly reception” or “coming into fellowship” in an assembly. He outlines the 4 key verbs in Acts 2:41-42 – “received” his Word, were “baptised”, were “added” and “continued”. He expounds the three reasons why a person can be refused fellowship, and the three ways someone can be received into fellowship. Finally he makes a persuasive case for the use of distinct seating at the Lord’s Supper for those who have…
Headship and the Head Covering (49 min)
PART 4 – John Dennison works his way down 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 (and 1 Cor 14:33-36) and deals with the Biblical subject of “the hierarchy of headship”, explaining 1. what it means for male and female roles in the local assembly and 2. how its symbolic display is seen in head coverings and hair length. He shows clearly that head coverings are not a “cultural issue” but rather something required of assemblies in all cultures, times and places. He explains…
What is Assembly Fellowship? (44 min)
PART 3 – John Dennison asks the question “What is assembly fellowship?” He distinguishes between different kinds of fellowship in the Bible, each one of which involves three distinct things: partnership, partnering and partners. He then makes a persuasive case that a local assembly of God is a “doctrinal fellowship”. In other words, at its root assembly fellowship is neither a social experience nor a subjective experience but an objective reality; and what will determine if I am in fellowship…
All About the Lord’s Supper (50 min)
PART 2 – John Dennison sets out the Biblical precepts, principles and practices that inform our understanding of the Lord’s Supper or the “breaking of bread”. The Bible’s teaching on the Lord’s Supper isn’t just “narrative”, it’s “normative”! So, why must the bread precede the cup? Why only one loaf and only one cup? Why on the first day of the week, every week? Why not on board a cruise ship while on holiday? And…should the bread be unleavened? John…
Cross-Cultural Evangelism (60 min)
PART 1 – Opening a teaching weekend on basic assembly principles, John Dennison speaks on the need for Christians to engage in cross-cultural evangelism as we seek to see people saved, baptised and gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus in today’s “global culture” – a culture marked by mass emigration, migration and immigration. He gives examples from years of labour in Mexico and Arizona (USA) as he reports on what the Lord has done through the preaching of…
John Grant – How I Found the Assembly (35 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) was from Scotland and travelled widely preaching the Word of God with clarity and energy. A wonderful character, John had a strong sense of humour that was never far away even in the pulpit! Here in this message/testimony John tells the story of his early years, how he was saved and how he found his way to an assembly gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus. (Message preached April 2008)
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