PART 1 – The evangelical revolution of recent years has, in many places, turned “the church” into a reflection of the consumer culture that surrounds it. Michael Penfold looks at the topic of the relationship of Christ to the local assembly – He owns it, He dwells in it, He rules it – to refocus our thoughts biblically on this issue. Readings: 2 Tim 4:1-3, 1 Cor 14:37. (Message preached in Manchester, CT, USA, 25th Mar 2023)
Complete series on “critical assembly issues”:
- The evangelical revolution (Ownership and Lordship)
- Why are head coverings in only one chapter? (Headship)
- What’s involved in being part of an assembly? (Fellowship)
- It matters how we worship (Worship)
- What is the biblical church leadership model? (Leadership)
- Discovering and using my gift (Stewardship)
- The consequences of our heavenly calling (Citizenship)