Sermons from December 2024
An Empty Chair At Christmas (22 min)
Is this the time of year when you feel the loss of your loved one most keenly? Take a listen to Jim Flanigan (1931-2014) who gives a very touching word of encouragement to those feeling the loss of loved ones and who know something of the hymn writer’s words: “when sorrows like sea billows roll”. This recording closes with a rendition of the hymn “We’ll all gather home in the morning”. Readings: Psa 107.29, 127.2, 147.3. (Recorded in Belfast, Northern…
I’m Not Brainwashed – I’m Saved! (41 min)
Paul Thomas grew up in a Christian family. He went to church meetings every week. But Paul wasn’t the type to just blindly follow his parents. He experimented. First cigarettes, then drink, then drugs…eventually the rave scene and the Glastonbury Festival (see photo above). But God pursued him. A near heroin overdose…his two brothers becoming saved…and finally, his beloved grandfather’s passing, whose funeral brought Paul to a crisis. Then it happened. He was saved by the amazing grace of God.…
How to Speak: How to Hear (26 min)
David Gilliland preaches on two expressions in the Bible. “How to speak” and “how you hear”, from Isaiah 50 and Luke 8 respectively. He gives guidance on “how to speak a word to the weary”, speaking scripturally, sensitively and seasonably, as well as how to hear with a discerning interested ear. Readings: Isa 50:4-6, Luke 8:4, 11, 16-21. (Recorded at the Bridgewater Bible Conference, Nova Scotia, Canada, on 29th Mar 2024)
How God Superintended the Saga of Redemption (39 min)
Peter Scarsbrook preaches on the history of redemption from creation to Calvary and traces the miraculous sovereign way in which God superintended it all. Readings: Acts 2:23-24, 1 Cor 15:3-4 (Recorded at the Helions Gospel Hall conference, 7th Apr 2023)
How God Saved an Orphan Boy (26 min)
Albert Graham tells how he was saved as an 11 1/2 year old orphan boy in Buckna, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland, under the preaching of David Craig. It happened on 23rd January 1952, but 73 years later it is as fresh as ever. (Recorded in Broughshane Gospel Hall, 1st Dec 2024). (Photo above: Buckna in 1938 with Slemish in the background. From Facebook)
Sidney J. Saword – Spiritual Exercise (38 min)
Sidney Saword (1894-1988) was born in Thornton Heath, England. Saved on 7th February 1909, he emigrated to Canada with his parents and siblings in 1912, where they set up home in 953 Banning Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba. There Sidney found work as a stenographer with the Canadian Pacific Railway. When conscription came to Canada during World War 1, Sidney refused the draft and was taken to court. As a conscientious objector, he was assigned a non-combatant administrative role with the Canadian…
Blessed Is She That Believed (20 min)
Are you struggling to believe the promises of God? Michael Penfold preaches on an extraordinary woman of faith – Mary the mother of the Lord – of whom it was said “Blessed is she that believed”. Mary was given eight promises by the Lord and she simply believed them all. An example to all Christians, Mary’s faith was exceptional, unique and absolute. Reading: Luke 1:45. (Recorded at Blues Mills Gospel Hall conference, Cape Breton Island, Canada, on 9th Nov 2024)…
The Time That Came (22 min)
Brandon Doll preaches on the devotion of the Hebrew servant who would not go out free. The time that came, the test of commitment, the true confession and our testimony for Christ. Reading: Exod 21:1-6, Rom 12:1-2, 1 Cor 6:20. (Recorded in Cedar Falls, Iowa, USA, in 2019)
The Reformation in Switzerland, France and England (69 min)
Matthew Cain preaches on the 16th Century Protestant Reformation in Switzerland, France and England. He looks at the lives of Ulrich Zwingli and John Calvin, as well as looking at their “Reformed theology”. He tells the story of William Tyndale and the “Oxford martyrs”, Nicholas Ridley, Hugh Latimer and Thomas Cranmer. Readings: 2 Tim 4:1-2, 1 Thess 5:20-21. (Recorded in Pope Road Gospel Hall, Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada, Oct 2017). (Photo: The Reformation Wall in Geneva, Switzerland, featuring William…
Martin Luther and the Background to the Reformation (66 min)
Matthew Cain preaches on the background to the 16th Century Protestant Reformation, looking at the politics of Europe, the condition of the Roman Catholic Church, the influence of the Renaissance, the invention of the printing press, English Bible translations. and leading early Reformers like John Wycliffe and Jan Hus. He then gives an overview of the life and influence of Martin Luther. Reading: Rom 1:16. (Recorded in Pope Road Gospel Hall, Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada, Oct 2017) (Photo: Martin…
How Bright That Blessed Hope (36 min)
Dan Gillies preaches on the subject of “hope” from Romans Ch 8. First, the hope of creation, and then second, the hope of the church. Reading: Rom 8:18-25 (Recorded at the Belfast Easter Conference, April 2022)
Pursued, Overtaken and Apprehended (48 min)
Ian Jackson preaches on the ultimate purpose of the Christian life – to know Christ. This is why Paul says he was pursued, overtaken and apprehended by the Lord. If knowing Christ is what the Christian life is all about, that means ‘being’ is bigger than ‘doing’, and character is more important than activity. Reading: Philippians 3. (Recorded in Sarnia Gospel Hall, 26th May 2024)