Sermons by John Fleck
The Implications of Christ’s Self-Denial (50 min)
John Fleck preaches on the subject of self denial in the Christian life. Our culture emphasise our rights, but our example for living the Christian life is One who surrendered His rights – our Lord Jesus Christ. Readings: Matt 5:38-42, Phil 2:5-11. (Recorded in Northern Ireland)
Aquila and Priscilla’s Finest Hour (57 min)
John Fleck preaches on the lives of a married couple in the New Testament called Aquila and Priscilla. Their mentions, merchandise, movements, marriage and ministry. (Recorded in Ahoghill Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland). (Photo above: Ancient Corinth) Complete series: Abraham’s finest hour Ruth’s finest hour David’s finest hour Peter’s finest hour Aquila and Priscilla’s finest hour
Peter’s Finest Hour (54 min)
John Fleck preaches on the events of Acts 2, when Peter preached the gospel on the Day of Pentecost in Jerusalem and 3,000 people were saved. The Spirit, the speaker, the sermon and the sequel. (Recorded in Ahoghill Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series: Abraham’s finest hour Ruth’s finest hour David’s finest hour Peter’s finest hour Aquila and Priscilla’s finest hour
David’s Finest Hour (53 min)
John Fleck preaches on the biblical record of the day when David took up the challenge of Goliath the Philistine and overcame him in the name of the God of Israel. Readings: 1 Sam 16:11-17:58. (Recorded in Ahoghill Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series: Abraham’s finest hour Ruth’s finest hour David’s finest hour Peter’s finest hour Aquila and Priscilla’s finest hour
Ruth’s Finest Hour (55 min)
John Fleck preaches on the choice Ruth made to trust in Naomi’s God and take shelter under the wings of the God of Israel. Reading: Ruth 1. (Recorded in Ahoghill Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series: Abraham’s finest hour Ruth’s finest hour David’s finest hour Peter’s finest hour Aquila and Priscilla’s finest hour
Abraham’s Finest Hour (52 min)
John Fleck preaches on the experience of Abraham as he ascended Mount Moriah to offer Isaac on the altar. Reading: Gen 22. (Recorded in Ahoghill Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series: Abraham’s finest hour Ruth’s finest hour David’s finest hour Peter’s finest hour Aquila and Priscilla’s finest hour
God’s Great Salvation (33 min)
John Fleck preaches on God’s great salvation. Why do I need salvation? Why can I have salvation? How can I receive salvation? Can I really know I have salvation? When can I have salvation? Readings: Rom 4:24-25, 5:1, 6-9. (Recorded at the Belfast Easter Conference, 3rd April 2013)
Guidance on Taking Public Part in Meetings (55 min)
John Fleck preaches on the topic of taking public part in assembly gatherings. The problems of taking part, the principles of taking part, and pointers in relation to taking part. Readings: Rom 12:3-6, 1 Thess 5:16-21, 1 Pet 4:10-11, 1 Cor 14:1, 3-4, 7-9, 14, 16-20, 23-27, 33-34, 39-40. (Recorded in Ballymena on 3rd Feb 2024)
Consecration (52 min)
John Fleck preaches on the topic consecration under three headings: its motivation, its mindset and its marks. Readings: Rom 12:1-9, 13:1, 14:1-3, 10-12, 15:1-3, 19b-20, 16:1-13. (Message preached in Banbridge Gospel Hall, 28th April 2023) Complete series: Redemption Adoption Election Resurrection Consecration
Resurrection (52 min)
John Fleck preaches on the topic of the resurrection of Christ and all that flows from it, including the gifts given by the risen Christ to the church. Readings: John 19:40-20:11a, 19-21, Acts 2:23-25, 1 Cor 15:3-8. (Message preached in Banbridge Gospel Hall, 27th April 2023) Complete series: Redemption Adoption Election Resurrection Consecration
Election (61 min)
John Fleck preaches on the topic of election. The “problem” over the centuries with this issue, the programme of election, the present election, and the preaching of election. Will help clarify issues regarding Calvinism. Reading: Eph 1:1-4. (Message preached in Banbridge Gospel Hall, 26th April 2023) Complete series: Redemption Adoption Election Resurrection Consecration
Adoption (46 min)
John Fleck preaches on the topic of adoption – sonship – under 6 headings: its Author, its arrival, its assurance, attitude, afflictions and anticipation. Readings: Rom 8:14-23, Gal 4:1-6, Eph 1:3-5. (Message preached in Banbridge Gospel Hall, 25th April 2023) Complete series: Redemption Adoption Election Resurrection Consecration
Redemption (52 min)
John Fleck preaches on the topic of redemption, outlining the call for redemption, the character of redemption and the cost of redemption. Readings: Rom 3:23-24, 1 Cor 6:20, Eph 1:7-14, Heb 2:14-15, 1 Pet 1:18-21, 2:1-2. (Message preached in Banbridge Gospel Hall, 24th April 2023) Complete series: Redemption Adoption Election Resurrection Consecration
How to Know the Will of God (50 min)
John Fleck concludes his series of helpful messages for new believers by taking up the matter of the Christian and the will of God – knowing the will of God and doing the will of God. Readings: Mark 3:31-33, Rom 12:1-2, 1 Pet 3:17, 4:1-4a, 19, 1 Thess 4:2-3, 8, 5:17-18 (Message preached in Ballymena, 2017)
Gender Distinctives in Scripture (60 min)
John Fleck continues his series of messages for new believers with a look at what the Bible says about gender distinctives: in present day culture, in creation, in constitution, in characteristics, in contributions in the home and the assembly. Readings: Gen 1:26-28, 2:8, 18-24a. (Message preached in Ballymena, 2017)
Fellowship in a Church of God (55 min)
John Fleck continues his series of messages for new believers with a look at the truth of the local assembly – what it is, how it functions and helpful associated themes. Readings: 1 Cor 1:1-10, 10:16-22, 31, 14:16-19, 23a. (Message preached in Ballymena, 2017)
The New Believer (52 min)
John Fleck begins a series of helpful messages for new believers by taking up the themes of assurance, sanctification, the flesh and the spirit, the old and the new man, and the need to set our affections on things above. Readings: Rom 4:24b-5:1, 6:3-5, 11, Gal 2:20, 5:16-18, 24, Eph 4:20-30, Col,3:1-4. (Message preached in Ballymena, 2017)
God Moves In Mysterious Ways (30 min)
John Fleck relates his story of conversion as a boy growing up in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. In addition to hearing the gospel regularly preached, John was spoken to by a number of events, including the funeral of a neighbour, and a dream about the Lord’s coming. He sought salvation and found rest and peace in Christ one cold February night alone in his room pondering the work of the Saviour on the cross for him (Testimony given 5th Jul…
“Salvator Mundi” (48 min)
John Fleck preaches from John 4, and in particular v42, on Christ as “the Saviour of the world”, a title used by Leonardo da Vinci in 1500AD for one of his famous paintings. Andrew Steele follows with a contrast between heaven and hell, the two destinies that lie before humanity. Quote: “The worst thing about hell is to have missed heaven.” (Messages preached 28th June 2019)
Resting on Christ (45 min)
John Fleck preaches on the topic of “rest”. The Requirement, Expense, Simplicity and Time of rest, from Isa 57:20-21, Matt 11:28, Heb 3:3 and Rev 14:9-11. Andrew Steele follows with a look at three “unexpected happenings”: someone privileged who perished; Someone perfect but pierced, and someone poor but pardoned. Note especially the three things the man in hell learnt in Luke Ch 16 (Recorded 25th June 2019)
Salvation, the Gift of God (46 min)
John Fleck preaches from Acts 16 – the narrative of the Philippian jailer – on the subject of salvation. What we need to be saved from, why we need to be saved and how we can be saved. Andrew Steele follows with a message on “the gift of God” from Romans 6:23. The opposite of the gift, the origin of the gift and the offer of the gift (Messages preached in Bicester 22nd June 2019)
Hold Thou Me Up and I Shall Be Safe (39 min)
John Fleck gives a reminder of the Christian’s great need of divine help, as he preaches on the text “Hold Thou me up, and I shall be safe” (Psa 119:117). He outlines the various provisions of the Lord for “the safety that saved people need” amid the many perils that abound in an evil world without God. (Recorded 26th Mar 2016)