Sermons by Andrew Steele

Sermons by Andrew Steele

What a Servant, What a Song! (28 min)

Andrew Steele preaches on the 5 stanzas of Isaiah 53 and highlights a Servant who was wise, watched, wounded, worthy and willing. Reading: Isa 52:13-53:12. (Recorded at the Lurgan Gospel Hall conference, May 2022)

Am I a Soldier of the Cross? (47 min)

Andrew Steele preaches on the Christian soldier’s armour, attitude, attention, assurance and anticipation. Readings: 1 Cor 14:6-9, Eph 6:10-18, Phil 2:24-25, 4:4-7, 1 Thess 4:15-18 and 2 Tim 2:3-4. (Message preached in Ballymena, 4th Feb 2023)

The Death of the Cross (20 min)

Andrew Steele preaches the gospel from Philippians 2:5-11, and in particular the expression in v8 “the death of the cross”. The preaching of the cross, though foolishness to the world, is central to the gospel of the Bible and it is precious to those who know Christ as their Saviour. The cross showed the extent of man’s hatred; is the exhibition of God’s heart; and is the essence of the believer’s hope. Do you know the Christ of the cross?…

3 Gospel Object Lessons from Luke 13 (33 min)

Andrew Steele preaches from Luke Ch 13 on three object lessons that illustrate gospel truth. A tower that collapsed (“Except you repent you will all likewise perish”); a door that closed (Don’t be left outside); and a hen that called (“I would…but you would not”). The Lord Jesus is seen as the “prince of preachers” in this powerful chapter of the Bible (Message preached 6th July 2019)

“Salvator Mundi” (48 min)

John Fleck preaches from John 4, and in particular v42, on Christ as “the Saviour of the world”, a title used by Leonardo da Vinci in 1500AD for one of his famous paintings. Andrew Steele follows with a contrast between heaven and hell, the two destinies that lie before humanity. Quote: “The worst thing about hell is to have missed heaven.” (Messages preached 28th June 2019)

Resting on Christ (45 min)

John Fleck preaches on the topic of “rest”. The Requirement, Expense, Simplicity and Time of rest, from Isa 57:20-21, Matt 11:28, Heb 3:3 and Rev 14:9-11. Andrew Steele follows with a look at three “unexpected happenings”: someone privileged who perished; Someone perfect but pierced, and someone poor but pardoned. Note especially the three things the man in hell learnt in Luke Ch 16 (Recorded 25th June 2019)

Salvation, the Gift of God (46 min)

John Fleck preaches from Acts 16 – the narrative of the Philippian jailer – on the subject of salvation. What we need to be saved from, why we need to be saved and how we can be saved. Andrew Steele follows with a message on “the gift of God” from Romans 6:23. The opposite of the gift, the origin of the gift and the offer of the gift (Messages preached in Bicester 22nd June 2019)

The Unrepentant Man in Hell (48 min)

Frank Sona preaches on three voices. The voice of creation (Rom 8:22), the voice of the law (Rom 3:19) and the voice of the blood of Christ (Heb 12:24-25), each of which have a notable message to tell us. Andrew Steele continues with a solemn look at the narrative of “the unrepentant man in hell” from Luke Ch 16 (Messages preached in Bicester 11th July 2016)

Where will you spend eternity? (19 min)

Andrew Steele preaches on the ultimate question: heaven or hell for eternity? In the fog of daily life, news coverage and social media feeds, it’s easy to lose sight of the greatest reality of all – where will I be 5 seconds after I die? Where will I be a billion centuries from now? Readings: Luke 16:19-31, 18:9-14 (Recorded in June 2016)