Sermons by Frank Sona

Sermons by Frank Sona

Brave New World (33 min)

Frank Sona preaches on what the Bible calls “the world system”, one of the three chief enemies of the Christian. The world’s introduction, its seduction, its motivation and its crucifixion. Readings: 1 John 2:15-17, 4:1-4, Jas 4:4, Rev 11:15, Gal 6:14. (Recorded at Stout Gospel Hall conference April 2023)

Divine Order in the Local Assembly (32 min)

Frank Sona preaches on the subject of divine order in the local assembly, using the bread, the table and the lampstand in the Old Testament by way of illustration. Readings: Exod 25:31, 27:20, 40:4-5, 22, Lev 24:1-4, 8, 1 Cor 11:34, 14:40, 15:23, 16:1, Col 2:5, 2 Thess 3:1, 6-7, 11. (Recorded in Canada, Thanksgiving weekend 2018)

Have You Ever Questioned God? (48 min)

Frank Sona preaches on the almost unbelievable trials of Job, recorded in the book that carries his name. Job never knew of the reason for his trial, but in the midst of total darkness and despair – with fear and questioning thrown in – He clung on to God and left an example for our comfort and instruction. (Recorded at Stout Gospel Hall Conference, April 2023)

Come Near to Christ…Now (8 min)

Frank Sona preaches on the words of Joseph to His brothers, “Come near to me.” After all the failures, regret and difficulties of our lives, the Lord still graciously invites us to come near to Him now. Reading: Gen 44:18-45:8. (Message preached at Blue River Conference, WI, USA, 2023)

How to Obtain Righteousness from God (23 min)

The key issue between God and you is righteousness. In your natural human condition, you are unrighteous. Says the Bible, “There is none righteous, no not one.” Religion cannot change this basic fact. Righteousness is not obtainable by law, works or human effort. However, as Frank Sona explains, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God can declare you righteous, without works on your part. Place your faith for salvation in Jesus Christ alone and God will credit righteousness…

The Right Thing in the Right Place (37 min)

Frank Sona takes up the truth of the local assembly from Genesis Ch 22, where Abraham goes to “the place” out of “obedience to God’s Word”. He draws out many lessons from this pivotal day in the life of Abraham – a day that began with obedience and ended with worship (Message preached Apr 22nd 2019)

Ask For The Old Paths (34 min)

Frank Sona preaches on the Lord’s words in Jeremiah 6:16, “Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, wherein is the good way and walk therein”. He highlights the four verbs in the verse and urges his audience to follow the path of obedience to the Word of God, not the “drive at your own risk road” (Message preached 22nd April 2019)

I Sought for a Man (32 min)

Frank Sona brings a challenge from Ezekiel 22:30 where God says “I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me.” God is looking for holy, separated, dedicated men and women to stand for him in times of difficulty and danger. Will you be that person? (Message preached 21st April 2019)

Wilt Thou Not Revive Us Again (39 min)

Frank Sona preaches on Psalm 85:6 – “Wilt thou not revive us again?” He highlights the need for revival and revival’s main features – including obedience to the Word of God, repentance, prayer and reliance on the Lord (Message preached Apr 20th 2019)

The Unrepentant Man in Hell (48 min)

Frank Sona preaches on three voices. The voice of creation (Rom 8:22), the voice of the law (Rom 3:19) and the voice of the blood of Christ (Heb 12:24-25), each of which have a notable message to tell us. Andrew Steele continues with a solemn look at the narrative of “the unrepentant man in hell” from Luke Ch 16 (Messages preached in Bicester 11th July 2016)

Enoch Walked with God (38 min)

Frank Sona delivers a searching message on walking with God. He works his way through the Biblical narrative about Enoch in Genesis 5 and draws powerful and edifying lessons from the life of this great man of faith (Recorded 9th April 2012)

Moses in the School of God (47 min)

Frank Sona preaches a discerning message about Moses, the student of God in the school of God from Exodus 3. He highlights the three sections of Moses’s life in which he learnt powerful lessons, as God dealt with him and moulded him into a mighty servant (Message preached 8th April 2012)

How I Found the Assembly (43 min)

Frank Sona relates his journey from one church to another until he eventually found, through his own study of the Bible, the pattern of New Testament assembly order and practice, and took his place in such a gathering in Iowa, USA. An interesting and helpful message (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 7th April 2012)

“Should not perish” (25 min)

Frank Sona didn’t grow up in a Christian family. Being born and raised in a Jewish area of the state of New Jersey, USA, Frank developed a childhood fascination with Judaism and sometimes attended the local synagogue. Frank’s parents decided to take him to Sunday School where he finally heard about the Lord Jesus Christ for the first time. During a special week of children’s meetings Frank discovered his need of salvation – “my sin became real to me” –…