Sermons by John Grant

Sermons by John Grant

The Rebellion of Absalom and the Return of David (35 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the rebellion of Absalom – its cause, its course and its characters. Mr Grant divides the chapters under consideration into 4 parts: Absalom’s revolt, David’s retreat, Absalom’s reign, and David’s return. Reading: 2 Sam 15:1-19:43. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the…

Thou Art the Man (34 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the silence and sorrow of David after his sin with Bathsheba in 2 Samuel Ch 12. He also looks at two Psalms written by David after he was brought to repentance. Reading: 2 Sam 12:1-31. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the…

David and Bathsheba (36 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the sad story of David’s adultery with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah the Hittite, and outlines lessons from the tragic consequences that flowed from it. Readings: 2 Sam 11:1-27. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us 1 Sam 8-9…

Grace Accepted: Grace Rejected (34 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) preaches the back to back stories of Mephibosheth (2 Sam 9) and Hanun King of the Ammonites (2 Sam 10). In the former it was grace accepted by one whose father was David’s enemy: in the latter it was grace rejected by one whose father was David’s friend. Readings: 2 Sam 9:1-13. 10:1-19. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1…

Beware of the New Cart (37 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on King David bringing the ark back to Jerusalem under 4 headings: desire for the divine presence, departure from divine principles, delight in divine progress, and displays of divine power. Reading: 2 Sam 6:1-23. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped…

How Are the Mighty Fallen (30 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) outlines the 2nd book of Samuel in three sections: triumph, followed by tragedy, followed by trouble. Then he preaches on the first couple of chapters of the book, dealing with: the death of the Amalekite, the distress of David and the death of Asahel. Readings: 2 Sam 1:1-27, 2:1-32, 3:1. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 –…

The 4 Great Victories of David the Fugitive (34 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the victories of David while a fugitive. A victory against the Philistines regarding sustenance, a victory over Saul regarding conscience, a victory over Saul regarding patience, and a victory over the Amalekites regarding negligence. Readings: 1 Sam 23:1-6, 24:1-22, 26:1-25, 30:1-31. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam…

The Failures of David the Fugitive (33 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the fugitive years of David and draws lessons from his various failures in connection with Ahimelech the priest, King Achish of Gath, and Nabal the husband of Abigail. Reading: 1 Sam 21:1-15, 22:9-23, 25:1-44. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord…

David in the Cave of Adullam (41 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the experience of David in the Cave of Adullam, when he fled from the jealous persecution of King Saul. A great company of people came to him, who were discontented, in debt and distressed and David became a captain over them. Reading: 1 Sam 22:1-5. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory…

David Slays Goliath the Champion of the Philistines (30 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the contest between David and Goliath. The fear that prevented victory, the faith that gained the victory, and the fruit that came from victory. Reading: 1 Sam 17:1-58. (Recorded in Scotland – the quality of this recording isn’t great, but we have included it to ensure this sermon series is complete) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 –…

The Lord Looks On The Heart (36 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the selection and anointing of David, the shepherd boy, to be the King of Israel. The lesson is, “The Lord does not look on the outward appearance but the Lord looks on the heart.” Reading: 1 Sam 16:1-23. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer:…

Why Saul Was Rejected as King of Israel (34 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on how Saul was tried and tested by God in the early years of his reign. Saul’s reaction to God’s testing – impatience, disobedience and failure – led to God’s rejection of him as King. Reading: 1 Sam 13:1-15:34. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer:…

King Saul…If Only (33 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on three chapters about Saul, the disappointing disobedient King in 1st Samuel: signs from the Lord (Ch 10), triumph in the battle (Ch 11) and blessing despite disobedience (Ch 12). Reading: 1 Sam 10:1-12:25. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped…

Make Us A King Like the Other Nations (34 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the request of Israel for a King to judge them, lead them and fight their battles, so that they could be like the Gentile nations around them. Reading: 1 Sam 8:1-9:27. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us 1…

Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us (35 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the return of the ark to Israel from the land of the Philistines and the subsequent spiritual revival of the nation under Samuel the prophet. Reading: 1 Sam 6:1-7:13. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us 1 Sam 8-9…

Ichabod: The Glory is Departed (36 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the defeat of Israel by the Philistines (and the loss of the ark) under three headings: the delusion under which Israel laboured, the death which they endured, and the departure which they suffered. Reading: 1 Sam 4:1-5:12. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto…

The Call of Samuel (34 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the early years of the life of Samuel the prophet. Conditions in Shiloh, the character of Samuel, and Samuel’s call. Readings: 1 Sam 2:11-21, 3:1-21. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us 1 Sam 8-9 – Make Us A…

The Home of Samuel – Character, Crisis and Consecration (38 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) introduces a series of sermons on 1st and 2nd Samuel, and expounds events in 1 Samuel Ch 1, dealing with the character, crisis and consecration in Samuel’s childhood home. Reading: 1 Sam 1:1-28. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us 1…

Exploring the History and Meaning of the Passover (63 min)

John Grant preaches on the topic of the Passover under 4 headings: servitude, salvation, separation and service. A thorough exposition of all aspects of this feast of the LORD. Reading: Exodus 12. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel hall, Livonia, MI, USA, on 14th Jan 2006)

Our Saviour – Sinless, Silent and Selfless (22 min)

John Grant preaches on three aspects of Christ from 1 Peter 2 – sinless in his character, silent in his trial, selfless in his death. Readings: 1 Pet 1:1-5, 2:21-25. (Message preached at Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, Nov 2011)

Christ Supreme (32 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on “Christ supreme” from Hebrews Chapter 1. This glorious chapter sets out Christ’s unique relationship, His unbroken relationship, and His undisputed relationship. Then follows details of the power, permanence and pre-eminence of Christ’s kingdom. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, Nov 2011)

Run Well (27 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on running the Christian race well, highlighting the contest of the race, chastening in the race, the course of the race and the climax of the race in Hebrews Ch 12. (Message preached at the Stark Road Gospel Hall conference, Livonia, MI, USA, Nov 2011)

What Happened When You Were Saved? (35 min)

John Grant preaches on some of the things that happened when you were saved – in relation to sin, the world, and the law. From Paul’s New Testament epistles he looks at the stronghold of sin, separation from the world, and security and salvation in Christ. (Message preached in the USA in 2011)

PROVERBS: The Simple Man and His Innocence (53 min)

PART 3 – John Grant preaches on another major character in the book of Proverbs – the “simple” man who lacks discernment and wanders into by path meadow. Beware the “innocence” of the simple man. Readings: Prov 1:22, 32, 7:7-23, 8:1, 5-7, 9:4-6, 13-18, 14:15, 18, 19:25-26, 27:12. (Message preached in Cameron Highlands Conference, Malaysia 2004) Full series: The senseless man and his ignorance (David Gilliland) The slothful man and his indolence (Tom Bentley) The simple man and his innocence…

Feasts in Fulfillment (66 min)

PART 3 – John Grant (1942-2020) looks at the first 4 of the 7 feasts of Jehovah and explains how they were fulfilled in the New Testament. Pentecost and its unity, Passover and Unleavened bread and their purity, and firstfruits and its security. Readings: Acts 2:1-8, 38, 41-47, 1 Cor 5:1-8, 15:20-26, 1 Pet 1:14-15. (Message preached in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, 2002) (Photo: Israel)

The Dangers of the Media and Entertainment Industry (44 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) preaches a fearless and powerful message on the dangers posed to the Christian by the multi-billion pound media and entertainment industry. After a brief history lesson on the origins of the industry, Mr Grant discusses the dangers to my stewardship, my separation and my service posed by films, rock music, soap operas, the internet, and computer games etc. This is a much needed and challenging message, rarely heard in our day. Readings: 1 Cor 9:24-27, Rom 12:1-2…

No More Mediocre Christianity (33 min)

Be sure to take 32 minutes of your day now to listen intently to John Grant preaching a powerful, challenging and stirring message on the urgent need for all of us to be done with shallow, mediocre Christianity and give our lives wholeheartedly to the Lord. It’s time to stop going down the slippery slope of conformity to the world and to be, instead,  transformed to be like Christ. Our bodies should be presented to God (Rom 12.1-3), and pressed…

Why Some Christians Don’t Make It (27 min)

Looking back over many years of Christian experience, John Grant (1942-2020) ponders why so many Christians he knew in his youth “didn’t make it”. So, why didn’t they become useful, fruitful, effective Christians? From the book of Exodus Mr Grant speaks on 4 things the devil wants every Christian to do, before turning to Acts 2 and contrasting that with 4 things God wants every Christian to do. This is a very challenging and helpful message, full of practical exhortation…

Egypt to Canaan (Part 7)

PART 7 of 7 – In the final part of this series, John Grant preaches a message on the group of tribal kings that set out to try and stop Israel entering the land. The king of Edom, Sihon king of the Amorites, Og king of Bashan and others. These kings represent enemies that try to defeat us in our Christian walk and progress, enemies such as the flesh, materialism, ease and strife. Another powerful and helpful study from author…

Egypt to Canaan Part 6 (52 min)

PART 6 of 7 – John Grant takes up the story of Korah’s rebellion in Numbers 16, the only incident recorded in the 38 years between Israel’s refusal to enter the land, and their eventual recommencing of the journey to Canaan. How solemn. 38 years with nothing of value for God. Mr Grant warns of the danger of prayerless, worshipless and powerless Christians in our own day and draws numerous practical lessons from this important passage of Scripture. Reading: Num…

Egypt to Canaan – Part 5 (47 min)

PART 5 of 7 – Another mighty message from John Grant in his series dealing with the journey of Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land. In this session he takes up the heart-breaking story of Israel’s refusal to go into the land, even though they saw the grapes and heard the exhortations of Caleb and Joshua. They did not go in because of fear and unbelief, more influenced by the 10 other spies. Mr Grant draws out the lessons…

Egypt to Canaan – Part 4 (58 min)

PART 4 of 7 – John Grant continues his series of sermons on the journey of Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land by looking at the “preparations for the journey” that God outlined for Moses and the people in the early chapters of Numbers. God gave them a number of responsibilities as follows: Numbers Ch 1 – The responsibility for combat; Ch 2 the responsibility to camp; Chs 3-4 the responsibility to carry; Chs 5-8 the responsibility to be…

Egypt to Canaan – Part 3 (58 min)

PART 3 of 7 – John Grant continues his series on the journey of Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land. On night 1 Israel doubted the promise of God. Night 2 Israel doubted the provision of God. Now on night 3, John preaches on Massah and Meribah where Israel murmured and doubted the presence of God. Says Mr Grant: “There’s nothing worse in an assembly than a bunch of murmurers”! Lessons are drawn from the smiting of the rock,…

Egypt to Canaan – Part 2 (57 min)

PART 2 of 7 – John Grant takes up the story of the “manna from heaven”, that came at the 7th of 44 stopping places on the way from Egypt to Canaan. As Israel moved through their journey, God repeatedly tested their faith. The test this time was “Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?”. When your resources dry up, and when you stand in need of help, do you believe that God can meet that need? Mr Grant…

Egypt to Canaan – Part 1 (49 min)

PART 1 of 7 – John Grant begins a series of messages on the journey of the children of Israel “from Egypt to Canaan”. After looking generally at a number of journeys in Scripture he introduces his subject. Deliverance from Egypt (the penalty of sin) was followed by the crossing of the Red Sea (the power of sin). Israel’s journey began with a song of redemption but also with an impossible situation into which God put them to prove them…

John Grant – How I Found the Assembly (35 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) was from Scotland and travelled widely preaching the Word of God with clarity and energy. A wonderful character, John had a strong sense of humour that was never far away even in the pulpit! Here in this message/testimony John tells the story of his early years, how he was saved and how he found his way to an assembly gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus. (Message preached April 2008)

The Vow of the Nazarite (35 min)

John Grant preaches on the vow of the Nazarite from Numbers 6. He urges separation unto the Lord as he outlines the cause, the character, the conditions and the conclusion of the Nazarite’s vow. A warm hearted exhortation to dedication to the Lord (Message preached in Bicester 1st April 2013)

Victory Over Human Wisdom (40 min)

John Grant preaches on overcoming the enslaving and oppressive power of human wisdom. From the narrative of Deborah’s victory over Jabin in Judges 4 and 5, which includes Jael’s deadly dealing with the scourge of Sisera, Mr Grant applies powerful and necessary lessons about progress and victory in the lives of God’s people (Message preached in Bicester 1st Apr 2013)

The Danger of Perishing (42 min)

David Gilliland preaches a powerful and pointed warning message on the danger of perishing and the divine rescue provided in Christ. John Grant closes with a fresh look at John 3:16, assuring sinners of a welcome for the whosoever will (Messages preached in Ambrosden 31st Mar 2013)

The Devotion of the Hebrew Servant (38 min)

John Grant preaches on the devoted Hebrew servant of Exod 21 and applies it to his audience as an illustration of the devotion that should mark present day Christians. The narrative provides a challenging line of ministry on our bond-service to Christ, the best of Masters (Message preached in Bicester 30th Mar 2013)

Godly Assembly Leadership (47 min)

John Grant preaches a powerful message on “Godly assembly Leadership” from Paul’s message in Acts 20, using Moses, Jacob and David as examples of how to lead and feed the flock of God (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 24th March 2008)

Separation from the World (54 min)

John Grant preaches on “Separation from the world” from Romans 12:1-2. A weighty and inspiring call to sanctification in the Christian life from an experienced and esteemed servant of the Lord who proved the value of his ministry over many decades. (Preached in Bicester, Easter 24th March 2008)

Keeping Love Alive in Marriage (45 min)

Marriage and the Family (Part 5) – Keeping love alive in a marriage can be difficult, given our differing personalities! John Grant issues a challenge to couples to work hard to keep sweetness in the home and to “keep love alive” (Message preached 27th April 2007)

Overcoming Marriage Difficulties (43 min)

Marriage and the Family (Part 4) – John Grant preaches on how to overcome marriage difficulties and maintain a loving and meaningful relationship between husband and wife (Message preached 26th April 2007)

Raising Children (45 min)

Marriage and the Family (Part 3) – John Grant gives guidance from the Word of God about the challenging task of raising children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Message preached 25th April 2007)

The Biblical Marriage Blueprint (45 min)

Marriage and the Family (Part 1) – John Grant opens this series with a message laying out the foundation of marriage from the Bible under the heading “The Biblical Marriage Blueprint” (Message preached 23rd April 2007)

Acts Chapter 20 (53 min)

John Grant closes this series of ministry meetings in Acts 20, drawing pertinent and powerful lessons for assembly overseers from Paul’s address to the Ephesian elders (Message preached Friday 22nd June 2006)

Acts Chapter 13-19 (54 min)

John Grant very helpfully explains “how to preach the gospel” using the example of the substance and delivery of the sermons of the apostle Paul as revealed in Acts chapters 13-19 (Message preached Thursday 21st June 2006)

Acts Chapter 13 (52 min)

John Grant preaches on the commendation of Paul to the Lord’s work and the character of the man as revealed in the Acts and the epistles (Message preached Wednesday 20th June 2006)

Acts Chapter 9 (53 min)

John Grant recounts the background, circumstances and results connected with the conversion of Saul of Tarsus in Acts 9. This is a most interesting and inspiring message (Message preached Tuesday 19th June 2006)

Acts Chapter 6 (49 min)

John Grant warns, from Acts 6, against murmuring and complaining in a local assembly, as well as outlining the function and character of deacons. He also gives a sketch of the martyrdom of Stephen (Message preached Monday 18th June 2006)

Acts Chapter 5 (45 min)

John Grant expounds on Acts 5 where the first sin of the church age occurs. Serious practical lessons are drawn from the solemn narrative of Ananias and Sapphira (Message preached Friday 15th June 2006)

Acts Chapter 3 (50 min)

John Grant uses the narrative of the lame man at the beautiful gate in Acts 3 to expound on the nature of the gift of healing and the difference between confirmation gifts and continuing gifts (Message preached Thursday 14th June 2006)

Acts Chapter 2b (57 min)

John Grant draws pertinent lessons from Peter’s address on the day of Pentecost and the formation of the first local assembly in the church age at Jerusalem (Message preached Wednesday 13th June 2006)

Acts Chapter 2a (52 min)

John Grant outlines the truth of the baptism in the Spirit, the filling with the Spirit and what it means to speak in tongues, from the first half of Acts 2 (Message preached Tuesday 12th June 2006)

Acts Chapter 1 (46 min)

John Grant begins a series of ministry meetings on the Acts of the Apostles by setting the scene in Chapter 1 and giving an outline of the whole book (Message preached Monday 11th June 2006)