Sermons from December 2023

Sermons from December 2023

Is Infant Baptism Biblical? (19 min)

Jim Bergsma preaches on the topic of baptism and clears up from the Bible the issues of: Infant baptism (paedobaptism, by sprinkling or pouring) Household baptism Double baptism Baptism for salvation (baptismal regeneration) He then shows the positive teaching of baptism as obedience to Christ’s command, and as a picture of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Reading: Matt 18:18-20. (Message preached in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, 5th April 2021)

Christ in Romans (49 min)

Jim Flanigan preaches on Paul’s portrayal of Christ in his epistle to the Romans. Christ in relation to the world (Chs 1-8), to Israel (Chs 9-11) and to the Church (Chs 12-16). Readings: Rom 1:1-4, 8:31-39. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series: The Presentation of Christ in the Gospels The Presentation of Christ in the Acts of the Apostles The Presentation of Christ in Romans The Presentation of Christ in Hebrews The Presentation of Christ in the Revelation

Christ in the Acts of the Apostles (47 min)

Jim Flanigan preaches on how Christ is portrayed in the Acts of the Apostles, in particular drawing attention to 7 references to “Jesus of Nazareth” in the book. Reading: Acts 2:22-24, 6:13-15, 7:54-60. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series: The Presentation of Christ in the Gospels The Presentation of Christ in the Acts of the Apostles The Presentation of Christ in Romans The Presentation of Christ in Hebrews The Presentation of Christ in the Revelation

Christ in the Gospels (52 min)

Jim Flanigan preaches on how the 4 Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John – present the Lord Jesus Christ. He links each gospel to a different aspect of of the person of Christ, and links the authors of each Gospel to their particular Gospel in fascinating ways. Reading: John 20:30-31, 21:25. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series: The Presentation of Christ in the Gospels The Presentation of Christ in the Acts of the Apostles The Presentation of Christ…

Cancer Wasn’t Supposed to Knock at My Door (16 min)

Al Christopherson preaches on the cure for times when your “chin is on the cement”. When we are under oppressing circumstances, or have been offended by others, or are anxious and worried about life, then we need a glimpse of Christ – like the one they got in Luke 24:21-31. (Message preached at LaCrosse Conference, Wisconsin, USA, Autumn 2023) Click here for more audio sermons on encouragement Get in touch:

One Red Hot Christian Can Do Exploits (14 min)

Albert Ramsay (1913-1993) preaches from the book of Jonah about the impact that one man can have for good or for bad. We all bring an atmosphere with us wherever we go. Are you an enthusiastically infectious Christian, or one who has no energy for the service of the Lord? (Message preached in North America)

What Are You Bringing to Christ? (27 min)

Albert Hull (1936-2015) preaches on “bringing sheaves to Christ” in gospel service, on bringing ourselves to Christ in consecration, and on God bringing sons to glory through it all. Readings: Psa 126.1-6, Rom 12.1-2, Heb 2.8-10. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel hall, Livonia, Michigan, USA, 21 Oct 1995).

You’re Saving Others, But You’re Not Saving Me. How Come? (11 min)

Jim Smith was raised Roman Catholic. He drifted from the church to enjoy the pleasure of youth culture. When the true gospel finally crossed his path he found it irritating. He stormed out of a meeting once when he found out the Bible viewed him as a sinner on his way to hell. Listen to find out how Jim was saved by the grace of God at the age of 27. (Testimony given in Ontario, Canada, in 2020)

A Christian Background, but as Dark as Midnight (47 min)

Michael Penfold grew up familiar with the Bible and the gospel, but when it actually came to getting saved, he found he was as dark as midnight. Listen to discover how the preaching of the gospel brought light and salvation to him. It will bring the same to you too. Reading: 1 Pet 3:22-24. (Recorded in Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 17th Dec 2023)

I Kept Trying to Believe But Nothing Was Happening (9 min)

Phil Warren’s parents were saved just before he was born. As he grew up, the death of people close to him caused him to want to be sure he was right with God. He tired and tried to believe, but nothing happened. Listen to find out how Phil found salvation through a verse in Isaiah that speaks about a cloud. (Testimony given in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 22nd May 2020)

Houses in Mark’s Gospel (35 min)

Colin Hutchison preaches on houses in Mark’s gospel, and draws lessons from each one relative to Christian doctrine and practice. Readings: Mark 3:13-19, 7:14-17, 24-26, 9:28, 33-37, 10:5-12. (Message preached at Cork Conference, Ireland, March 2023)

Q&A with Harry Bell (40 min)

Harry Bell (1905-1976) gives spontaneous answers to live questions posed to him in 1964 at a Bible Conference held in Plas Menai, Llanfairfechan, North Wales. List of questions: What does “If thine eye offend thee cut it out” mean? Who are the two witnesses in Revelation Ch 11? Did the Lord Jesus die on a cross or a stake? Did the Lord Jesus die on a Friday? Are the last 12 verses of Mark 16 part of Mark’s original gospel?…

I Was Taught That God Didn’t Love the Whole World (10 min)

Jim Bergsma grew up in a Christian church. Going through Catechism at the age of 12, he was taught that Christ did not die for the whole world, and God did not love the whole world. For years he was stumbled by this teaching, until Jim Beattie showed him from the Bible that Christ did indeed die for the whole world. Listen to find out how that truth led to Jim’s salvation. (Testimony given in Ontario, Canada, 19th May 2020)

Zen Buddhism Didn’t Satisfy Me (14 min)

Larry Perkins was a jazz band player who looked for peace and happiness in drink, drugs and the party lifestyle. Feeling a certain emptiness, Larry took a look at some of the world’s religions. He embraced Zen Buddhism, and even taught it to others, but still he was empty. An older lady for whom he did odd jobs got Larry’s confidence and shared the Bible with him. Listen to find out how 25-year-old Larry Perkins finally found peace in Christ.…

The Best is Yet to Come (38 min)

Alastair Sinclair preaches on God’s word to His people through Haggai’s 2nd, 3rd and 4th visions, leaving him to conclude that “the best is yet to come”. Reading: Haggai 2. (Message preached at Cork Conference, Ireland, 17th Mar 2023) Complete Series: I am with you (Haggai’s first vision – Build) The best is yet to come (Haggai’s second, third and fourth visions – Behold, behave and believe)

I Am With You (30 min)

Alastair Sinclair preaches on God’s promise to His people through Haggai’s first vision “I am with you” (as you rebuild the Temple). Reading: Haggai 1. (Message preached at Cork Conference, Ireland, 17th Mar 2023) Complete Series: I am with you (Haggai’s first vision – Build) The best is yet to come (Haggai’s second, third and fourth visions – Behold, behave and believe)

How a Head Choir Boy Was Saved (15 min)

Malcolm Stanley grew up in Birmingham, England, in a devoutly religious home. At his church he became a head choir boy and a server to the priest. He thought he was going to heaven. However, one day at a Christian youth meeting in a nondescript Nissen hut, he learned for the first time, from Romans 3:23, that he was a sinner. Malcolm was shocked. Listen to find out how he found forgiveness through Jesus Christ. (Testimony given in Manitoba, Canada,…

Pragmatism or Principle in God’s Assembly? (15 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the subject of God being a “God of order”. Whether it be creation, history, prophecy, government or family, all that God does is both governed by principle and marked by order. It is no surprise then to discover that how an assembly of God functions is also a matter of principle. Readings: 1 Cor 3:10, 14:33-40, 1 Tim 2:15. (Message preached in Oxbow, Saskatchewan, Canada, 7th Oct 2023)

I Was Just Living a Big Pretence (43 min)

Tom West saw the reality of God’s life-changing salvation in his parents’ lives – and he wanted what they had. So one day he knelt down and asked God to save him, and presumed everything was alright. But deep down nothing had changed. Despite later being baptised and even “breaking bread”, Tom says “it was all just an outward show for everyone else to see”. But Tom now has what his parents have. Listen to find out how he became…

The Tabernacle is a Picture of the Local Assembly (38 min)

Dan Rudge preaches on the subject of the Tabernacle of testimony in the wilderness. A picture of Christ, a picture of heaven, but also a picture of the local assembly. Readings: Exod 25:8-9, 40:17-35). (Message preached at Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 23rd Oct 2023)

Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane (28 min)

David Vallance speaks doctrinally and devotionally about the experience of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 28th Feb 2015) Complete series: The deity of Christ The virgin birth and humanity of Christ The impeccability of Christ The atonement of Christ Christ’s death, resurrection and ascension Christ at the right hand of God and returning Christ in the garden of Gethsemane

Christ at the Right Hand of God and Returning (40 min)

David Vallance expounds Philippians 2:5-11, and outlines Christ’s steps down and His steps back up to heaven. Then he explains the current high priestly work of Christ in heaven. Finally he looks at the topic of the rapture of the church. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 28th Feb 2015) Complete series: The deity of Christ The virgin birth and humanity of Christ The impeccability of Christ The atonement of Christ Christ’s death, resurrection and ascension Christ at the right hand…

The Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ (34 min)

David Vallance preaches on the events recorded in the last few chapters of the Gospel of John concerning the death, burial, resurrection, appearances, and ascension of Christ back to heaven. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 28th Feb 2015) Complete series: The deity of Christ The virgin birth and humanity of Christ The impeccability of Christ The atonement of Christ Christ’s death, resurrection and ascension Christ at the right hand of God and returning Christ in the garden of Gethsemane

The Atonement of Christ (22 min)

David Vallance preaches on the atoning work of Christ, outlining and explaining 4 of the main associated terms: propitiation, redemption, reconciliation and justification. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 28th Feb 2015) Complete series: The deity of Christ The virgin birth and humanity of Christ The impeccability of Christ The atonement of Christ Christ’s death, resurrection and ascension Christ at the right hand of God and returning Christ in the garden of Gethsemane

The Impeccability of Christ (46 min)

David Vallance preaches on the childhood development of Christ, and then takes up the subjection of His temptations in the wilderness and Christ’s impeccability. Could Christ have sinned? If not, how were His temptations real, and how can He truly sympathise with Christians? Reading: Luke 2:39-52. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 28th Feb 2015) Complete series: The deity of Christ The virgin birth and humanity of Christ The impeccability of Christ The atonement of Christ Christ’s death, resurrection and ascension…

The Virgin Birth of Christ (38 min)

After some introductory information about the deity and eternal sonship of Christ from Hebrews 1, Colossians 1 etc., David Vallance preaches about the virgin birth and the humanity of Christ. Reading: Heb 1:1-4. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 28th Feb 2015) Complete series: The deity of Christ The virgin birth and humanity of Christ The impeccability of Christ The atonement of Christ Christ’s death, resurrection and ascension Christ at the right hand of God and returning Christ in the garden…

The Deity of Christ (42 min)

David Vallance preaches on the deity of Christ. He takes up Christ’s pre-existence, His title “only begotten” and “first-begotten”, and the “I am” titles in John’s gospel. Reading: John 1:1-18. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 28th Feb 2015) Complete series: The deity of Christ The virgin birth and humanity of Christ The impeccability of Christ The atonement of Christ Christ’s death, resurrection and ascension Christ at the right hand of God and returning Christ in the garden of Gethsemane  

The Call of Christ – “Follow Me” (16 min)

David Herlihy preaches on the challenging call of Christ – “Follow Me”. David highlights the call, the cross and the cost of discipleship from Luke 9.23-25, 57-62 and 14.25-35. (Message preached 30th Sept 2023 in Sussex, New Brunswick, Canada, at the annual Sussex Gospel Hall conference).

The 7 Dispensations Explained in 35 Minutes

Harry Bell (1905-1976) explains the 7 dispensations all the way from the Garden of Eden to the Millennial Kingdom. The 7 dispensations are 1. Innocence, 2. Conscience, 3. Human government, 4. Promise, 5. Law, 6. Grace, 7. Kingdom. (Message preached in Plas Menai, Llanfairfechan, North Wales, 1961) An edited transcript of this sermon is available here.