Sermons from October 2023

Sermons from October 2023

I’ve Always Believed, Yet I Cannot Say I’m Saved (23 min)

Thomas Francey grew up on a farm on the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. He heard the way of salvation from childhood. As a youth, the premature deaths of a number of acquaintances spoke to him loudly about the fact of eternity. He wanted to be right with God, but though he “always believed” he could not say “I am saved”. Is that you? Readings: John 3:16, 36, Acts 16:30-31. (Testimony given in Ballykeel Gospel Hall,…

Come Near to Christ…Now (8 min)

Frank Sona preaches on the words of Joseph to His brothers, “Come near to me.” After all the failures, regret and difficulties of our lives, the Lord still graciously invites us to come near to Him now. Reading: Gen 44:18-45:8. (Message preached at Blue River Conference, WI, USA, 2023)

The Christian’s Confidence (17 min)

Brandon Doll preaches on Caleb’s confidence in God. He stilled the people, he rent his clothes, but through faith in the person and promises of God he wholly followed the Lord into old age, Readings: Num 13:30-33, 14:6, 24, 30, Josh 14:6-15. (Message preached Lancaster, WI, USA, in 2019)

Exploring the History and Meaning of the Passover (63 min)

John Grant preaches on the topic of the Passover under 4 headings: servitude, salvation, separation and service. A thorough exposition of all aspects of this feast of the LORD. Reading: Exodus 12. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel hall, Livonia, MI, USA, on 14th Jan 2006)

The King of Persia’s Appreciation of God’s House (36 min)

Robert Plant preaches on the epistle of Artaxerxes, King of Persia, to Ezra the Jewish scribe, in which the King sets out his amazing appreciation for God’s house in Jerusalem: the preparations for the house, the place of the house, priority of the house, the privilege of the house etc. Do you share the same appreciation? Reading: Ezra 7:10-24 (Message preached at Bridgewater Conference, NS, Canada, Easter 2023) (Photo: The remains of Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem)

A Lesser Known Type of Christ (51 min)

After a brief introduction to the subject of typology, Michael Penfold preaches on Daniel as a clear – though lesser-known – type of Christ, particularly from the story of the den of lions. Reading: Dan 6:1-3. (Message preached in Winnipeg Gospel Hall, MB, Canada, 6th Oct 2023) Photo of oil painting of “Daniel’s Answer to the King” by Briton Riviere (1890) from the Manchester Art Gallery.

Beneficial Things (30 min)

David Gilliland preaches on three things described as good or beneficial in Scripture: “It is good to be here” (a summit worth remembering), “It is good to bear the yoke in one’s youth” (a shoulder worth yielding), and “It is good to draw near to the Lord” (a sanctuary worth visiting). Readings: Matt 17:1-5, Lam 3:22-32, Psa 73:1-3, 16-19, 28 (Message preached at Midland Park Gospel Hall, NJ, USA, 15th Sept 2023)

The Resurrection of Christ (21 min)

John Meekin preaches on the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, looking at the topic historically, personally doctrinally etc. Reading: 2 Tim 2:4-8. (Message preached in Roseisle, MB, Canada, 30th Sept 2023)

He Bears our Burdens (22 min)

Dan Rudge preaches on two of the four burdens that Christ, our great High Priest, bears on our behalf. Reading: Exodus 28 (Message preached in Roseisle, MB, Canada, 30th Sept 2023)

It Is a Thing Most Wonderful – Hymn (3 min)

The hymn “It is a thing most wonderful”, beautifully sung by young people from Roseisle Gospel Hall in Manitoba, Canada. I cannot tell how God could love A child so weak and full of sin; His love must be most wonderful If He could die my love to win. It is a thing most wonderful, Almost too wonderful to be, That God’s own Son should come from heaven, And die to save a soul like me. And yet I know…

The City Foursquare (44 min)

Jim Flanigan concludes his Revelation series of sermons by preaching on the New Jerusalem, known as “the city foursquare”. Reading: Revelation Chs 21 and 22. (Message preached in Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland) Complete series of sermons on “The Book of Revelation”: The promise of His coming How to Understand the symbolism The seven lampstands The rainbow circled throne The Lamb and the Book The Great Tribulation Eternity The Beast (666) Babylon The reign of the King The…

The Millennial Kingdom of Christ (46 min)

Jim Flanigan preaches on the subject of the millennial reign of Christ in His kingdom. He takes a premillennial view of the Lord’s return in glory, and teaches the return and recovery of God’s earthly people Israel to the Lord, and to the land promised to Abraham. Reading: Revelation Ch 20. (Message preached in Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland) Complete series of sermons on “The Book of Revelation”: The promise of His coming How to Understand the symbolism…

The Glory of the Return and Reign of the King (46 min)

Jim Flanigan preaches on the subject of the return and the reign of the Lord Jesus Christ. Reading: Revelation Chs 19. (Message preached in Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland) Complete series of sermons on “The Book of Revelation”: The promise of His coming How to Understand the symbolism The seven lampstands The rainbow circled throne The Lamb and the Book The Great Tribulation Eternity The Beast (666) Babylon The reign of the King The Millennium The City foursquare

Babylon in History and Prophecy (50 min)

Jim Flanigan preaches on the subject of the city and system of Babylon in history and prophecy, and how that city relates to the beast of the end times. Reading: Revelation Chs 17 and 18. (Message preached in Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland) Complete series of sermons on “The Book of Revelation”: The promise of His coming How to Understand the symbolism The seven lampstands The rainbow circled throne The Lamb and the Book The Great Tribulation Eternity…

The Beast – 666 (44 min)

Jim Flanigan preaches on “the beast” of the book of Revelation, the end time global ruler with the number 666. His designation, his domination and his doom. Readings: Rev 13:1-18, 17:7-18. (Message preached in Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland) Complete series of sermons on “The Book of Revelation”: The promise of His coming How to Understand the symbolism The seven lampstands The rainbow circled throne The Lamb and the Book The Great Tribulation Eternity The Beast (666) Babylon…

Eternity – There Is No End (40 min)

Jim Flanigan takes up the subject of eternity. There is no end to the great eternity, either in heaven or the lake of fire. In which will you be? Reading: Revelation Ch 20:11-21:5. (Message preached in Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland) Complete series of sermons on “The Book of Revelation”: The promise of His coming How to Understand the symbolism The seven lampstands The rainbow circled throne The Lamb and the Book The Great Tribulation Eternity The Beast…

Will the Church go through the Great Tribulation? (51 min)

Jim Flanigan takes up the subject of the Great Tribulation, and proves from Scripture that the church, which is Christ’s body, will not pass through any part of that period, which is known as “Jacob’s trouble”. Reading: Revelation Ch 7. (Message preached in Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland) Complete series of sermons on “The Book of Revelation”: The promise of His coming How to Understand the symbolism The seven lampstands The rainbow circled throne The Lamb and the…

The Lamb and the Book (48 min)

Jim Flanigan expounds Revelation Ch 5, the chapter about the 7-sealed book. He outlines the waiting document, the wondering universe, the weeping apostle, the worthy Lamb, the worshipping host and the watching cherubim. (Message preached in Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland) Complete series of sermons on “The Book of Revelation”: The promise of His coming How to Understand the symbolism The seven lampstands The rainbow circled throne The Lamb and the Book The Great Tribulation Eternity The Beast…

The Rainbow-Circled Throne (42 min)

Jim Flanigan expounds Revelation Ch 4, a chapter about the rainbow-circled throne in heaven. This is really an exposition of the doctrine of the sovereignty of God. (Message preached in Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland) Complete series of sermons on “The Book of Revelation”: The promise of His coming How to Understand the symbolism The seven lampstands The rainbow circled throne The Lamb and the Book The Great Tribulation Eternity The Beast (666) Babylon The reign of the…

The 7 Lampstands of Revelation (45 min)

Jim Flanigan expounds Revelation Chs 2 and 3, and takes up the topic of the letters to the 7 churches of Asia. He looks at them historically, prophetically and practically. He gives his view on what the angel of each church is. (Message preached in Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland) Complete series of sermons on “The Book of Revelation”: The promise of His coming How to Understand the symbolism The seven lampstands The rainbow circled throne The Lamb…

How to Understand the Symbolism (42 min)

Jim Flanigan starts in Revelation Ch 1 and gives an introduction to the book of Revelation, explaining why it should be studied and how its symbolism should be interpreted. Reading: Rev Ch 1. (Message preached in Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland) Complete series of sermons on “The Book of Revelation”: The promise of His coming How to Understand the symbolism The seven lampstands The rainbow circled throne The Lamb and the Book The Great Tribulation Eternity The Beast…

The Promise of His Coming (43 min)

Jim Flanigan inherited David Craig’s large wall chart on the book of Revelation. Mr Craig had used it for Bible teaching for 40 years, and Mr Flanigan then made use of it for many more years, so much so that he became known as “Mr Revelation”. In this 12-part series, Mr Flanigan expounds the book of Revelation from a pre-tribulational, pre-millennial viewpoint. In this first installment he speaks on the promise, purpose, and some of the problems associated with the…

7-Fold Old Testament Proof of the Superiority of the Son of God (50 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on the 7 Old Testament quotations in Hebrews 1 that prove the supremacy of the Son of God and His superiority over angels. 1. “Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten Thee.” 2. “I will be to Him a Father, and He shall be to me a Son.” 3. “Let all the angels of God worship Him.” 4. “Who maketh His angels spirits, and His ministers a flame of fire.” 5. “Thy throne, O God,…

7-Fold Statement of the Deity of the Son of God (42 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on the seven-fold statement of the deity of the Son of God in Hebrews 1:1-4. The Son is the established heir, the creator of the universe, the effulgence of glory, the image of God, the upholder of all things, the sin-purger, and the seated one. Reading: Hebrews 1. (Message preached in the Gospel Hall, Osborne Road, Northampton, UK, 15th Oct 2019) Complete series: The 7-Fold Statement of the Deity of the Son of God in Hebrews 1…

I Don’t Believe in Being Born Again (42 min)

Bert Snippe didn’t like being told he needed to be born again. An ambitious businessman who liked to have a good time, Bert had grown up going to church and saying his prayers. He was a good person, and was definitely not going to hell, so he thought. But at 25 years of age the unthinkable happened – Bert became born again by the grace of God. Listen or watch to find out how. (Recorded in Windsor Gospel Hall, Ontario,…

Is Your Life Different? (36 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on the walk of the believers from Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians. My walk needs to be consistent with what God has done and is doing in my life. Is your life different to what it was before you were saved, and different to the world around you? (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 29th Oct 2017)

Does Grace Mean I Can Live As I Like? (48 min)

Michael Penfold explains from Scripture that what Christians say they believe must be reflected in the way they live. This is what the Bible expects. In Romans, justification leads to sanctification; in Ephesians, grace leads to godliness; in Titus, doctrine leads to duty; in James, faith leads to works, and in 1st John, the new birth leads to new behaviour. (Coleford Gospel Hall, Somerset, 21st Nov 2020)

I Kept Putting Salvation Off (19 min)

Brody Thibodeau had opportunity after opportunity to be saved, but at each point he always found a reason to put it off. Whether as a sports following teen, or a partying University student, or a busy married man, there was always something made him kick the issue of salvation down the road. But God in grace pursued him and Brody was eventually saved at 23 years of age through reading the book Safety Certainty and Enjoyment (Testimony given in Canada…

Roseisle Conference Singing (30 min)

Hymn singing from Roseisle Gospel Hall conference, Manitoba, Canada. Hymns: Rock of ages cleft for me I’m but a stranger here Our Lord is now rejected When I survey the wondrous cross Just as I am without one plea Praise God from whom all blessings flow My redeemer O what beauties Christians go and tell of Jesus The gospel of Thy grace O Christ He is the fountain Man of sorrows O Christ in Thee my soul has found Recorded…

Jacob’s Well Compared to the Lord Jesus’s Well (59 min)

“Drawing Water from Bible Wells” – Part 6 – David Gilliland preaches on the story of the Lord Jesus, weary with His journey, sitting on Jacob’s well and revealing Himself to the woman of Samaria. After a look at the theme of water in the Gospel of John. Mr Gilliland draws contrasts between Jacob’s well and “Jesus’s well” – the living water that springs up on the inside of believers in Christ. Reading: John 4:1-7. (Message preached in Portavogie, Northern…