Eternity – There Is No End (40 min)

Eternity – There Is No End (40 min)

Jim Flanigan takes up the subject of eternity. There is no end to the great eternity, either in heaven or the lake of fire. In which will you be? Reading: Revelation Ch 20:11-21:5. (Message preached in Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland)

Complete series of sermons on “The Book of Revelation”:

  1. The promise of His coming
  2. How to Understand the symbolism
  3. The seven lampstands
  4. The rainbow circled throne
  5. The Lamb and the Book
  6. The Great Tribulation
  7. Eternity
  8. The Beast (666)
  9. Babylon
  10. The reign of the King
  11. The Millennium
  12. The City foursquare