Sermons on Verse by Verse Exposition
But We See Jesus (38 min)
Colin Lacey preaches on the profound words of Hebrews 2:9, “But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that He by the grace of God should taste death for every man.” (Recorded in Helions Gospel Hall, 25th Mar 2018).
A Bride, a Groom and a Nurse (48 min)
Harold Paisley (1924-2015) preaches on Ruth Ch 4 and develops three themes: Boaz as a picture of Christ, Ruth as a picture of the church, and Naomi as a picture of a nurse to the family of God. (Recorded in North America) Complete series: Ruth 1:1-18 Ruth 1:19-2:1 Ruth 2 Ruth 3 Ruth 4
How to Commune with Your Redeemer (49 min)
Harold Paisley (1924-2015) preaches on the necessity of preparation for being in the presence of our Redeemer, the Lord Jesus, from the story of Ruth in Ruth Ch 3 – wash yourself, anoint yourself, put on your raiment, and mark the place where he lies. (Recorded in North America) Complete series: Ruth 1:1-18 Ruth 1:19-2:1 Ruth 2 Ruth 3 Ruth 4
Where Have You Gleaned Today? (45 min)
Harold Paisley (1924-2015) preaches on the dispensational pictures, the doctrinal pictures, and the devotional material available in Ruth Ch 2. This is a chapter of three questions: Whose damsel is this? Why have I found grace in your eyes? Where have you gleaned today? (Recorded in North America) Complete series: Ruth 1:1-18 Ruth 1:19-2:1 Ruth 2 Ruth 3 Ruth 4
Scenes from Bethlehem (47 min)
Harold Paisley (1924-2015) preaches on the last four verses of Ruth Ch 1. He links them with the books of the Pentateuch, and then looks at Ruth’s links with Bethlehem. (Recorded in North America) Complete series: Ruth 1:1-18 Ruth 1:19-2:1 Ruth 2 Ruth 3 Ruth 4
Going All The Way With Christ (36 min)
Harold Paisley (1924-2015) begins a series of sermons on the book of Ruth by looking at 4 sets of 3 in Chapter 1: three men and their graves, three women and their decisions, 3 titles of God and their meaning, and 3 beautiful pictures of the Lord Jesus Christ. Ruth the Moabitess is a picture of a Christian going all the way with Christ. (Recorded in North America) Complete series: Ruth 1:1-18 Ruth 1:19-22 Ruth 2 Ruth 3 Ruth 4
The Tower of Babel and the Origin of Languages (55 min)
Ian Jackson preaches on the topic of the Tower of Babel. He includes comments on the gift of tongues, ecumenism and the history of Babylonian religion. Reading: Gen 11:1-9. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 9th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6a – Ian Jackson…
How the World Was Divided After the Flood (37 min)
Jack Hay preaches on the division of the world into the children of Shem, Ham and Japheth after the flood, and highlights the influence of Nimrod on the post-deluvian age. Reading: Gen 10:1-32. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 8th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch…
Why Abstain? The Christian and Alcohol (36 min)
Ian Jackson sets out a case for Christians to remain totally abstinent from alcohol. His passage is Genesis Ch 9:18-29 which records the time after the flood when Noah became drunk. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 8th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6a –…
A Chapter For Our Times (38 min)
Ian Jackson preaches on the new order of things that God introduced after Noah’s flood, which touches on contemporary issues such as the nature of government, voting, animals rights, vegetarianism, veganism, abortion, assisted dying, euthanasia and capital punishment. Reading: Genesis Ch 9:1-7. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 7th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack…
The Prophetic Significance of the Ark and the Flood (34 min)
Jack Hay preaches on the prophetic significance of the events surrounding the ark of Noah and the worldwide flood, as well as the details of the dove and the raven and the ark resting on Mount Ararat. Reading: Genesis Ch 8. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 7th Sept 2005) (Photo above: Mount Ararat) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch…
The Worldwide Flood in the Days of Noah (38 min)
Jack Hay preaches on the making of Noah’s ark and the flood that God sent upon the whole earth to destroy all flesh. The ark is a picture of Christ and of salvation. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 6th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch…
The Sons of God and the Days Before the Flood (33 min)
Ian Jackson preaches on the narrative about the “sons of God” in Genesis 6:1-13, explaining who they are and what was the nature of the particular wickedness they brought into the world before the flood. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 6th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson…
This Man Walked with God (40 min)
Ian Jackson preaches on Enoch, from Genesis 5, the man who walked with God and has this testimony that he “pleased God”. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 5th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6a – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6b-7 – Jack Hay Genesis…
The Beginning of the World System (36 min)
Jack Hay preaches on the “system of the world” that came into being in Genesis 4:16-26 as Cain rebelled against God and began city building. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 5th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6a – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6b-7 –…
Learning from Cain and Abel (33 min)
Jack Hay preaches on the story of Cain and Abel from Genesis Ch 4:1-15 and draws lessons from this pivotal passage of Scripture. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 4th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6a – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6b-7 – Jack Hay…
An Exposition of the Fall of Man (32 min)
Ian Jackson preaches on the fall of man in Genesis Ch 3. Here at the beginning of creation began “the conflict of the ages” as sin entered the world, and the promise was given of a Seed that would bruise the Serpent’s head. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 4th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b –…
A Real Man in a Real Garden (33 min)
Jack Hay preaches on Genesis Ch 2 and highlights 4 issues about Adam, the father of the human race. His composition (made from dust), his conditions (the Garden of Eden), his commission (tend the garden etc), and his companion (Eve). (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 3rd Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis…
God Created the Heavens and the Earth (37 min)
Ian Jackson expounds Genesis 1 and looks at the divine record of the creation of the world in six days. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 3rd Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6a – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6b-7 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 8…
Tracing the Pentateuch Through 1 Peter (33 min)
Dan Rudge preaches through 1 Peter and traces the parallels with Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Readings: 1 Pet 1:1, 7, 13, 18-19, 2:4-9, 11, 16, 21-23. (Recorded at the Cork Conference, Ireland, on 17th Mar 2023)
The Rebellion of Absalom and the Return of David (35 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the rebellion of Absalom – its cause, its course and its characters. Mr Grant divides the chapters under consideration into 4 parts: Absalom’s revolt, David’s retreat, Absalom’s reign, and David’s return. Reading: 2 Sam 15:1-19:43. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the…
Thou Art the Man (34 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the silence and sorrow of David after his sin with Bathsheba in 2 Samuel Ch 12. He also looks at two Psalms written by David after he was brought to repentance. Reading: 2 Sam 12:1-31. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the…
David and Bathsheba (36 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the sad story of David’s adultery with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah the Hittite, and outlines lessons from the tragic consequences that flowed from it. Readings: 2 Sam 11:1-27. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us 1 Sam 8-9…
Grace Accepted: Grace Rejected (34 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches the back to back stories of Mephibosheth (2 Sam 9) and Hanun King of the Ammonites (2 Sam 10). In the former it was grace accepted by one whose father was David’s enemy: in the latter it was grace rejected by one whose father was David’s friend. Readings: 2 Sam 9:1-13. 10:1-19. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1…
Beware of the New Cart (37 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on King David bringing the ark back to Jerusalem under 4 headings: desire for the divine presence, departure from divine principles, delight in divine progress, and displays of divine power. Reading: 2 Sam 6:1-23. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped…
How Are the Mighty Fallen (30 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) outlines the 2nd book of Samuel in three sections: triumph, followed by tragedy, followed by trouble. Then he preaches on the first couple of chapters of the book, dealing with: the death of the Amalekite, the distress of David and the death of Asahel. Readings: 2 Sam 1:1-27, 2:1-32, 3:1. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 –…
The 4 Great Victories of David the Fugitive (34 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the victories of David while a fugitive. A victory against the Philistines regarding sustenance, a victory over Saul regarding conscience, a victory over Saul regarding patience, and a victory over the Amalekites regarding negligence. Readings: 1 Sam 23:1-6, 24:1-22, 26:1-25, 30:1-31. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam…
The Failures of David the Fugitive (33 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the fugitive years of David and draws lessons from his various failures in connection with Ahimelech the priest, King Achish of Gath, and Nabal the husband of Abigail. Reading: 1 Sam 21:1-15, 22:9-23, 25:1-44. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord…
David in the Cave of Adullam (41 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the experience of David in the Cave of Adullam, when he fled from the jealous persecution of King Saul. A great company of people came to him, who were discontented, in debt and distressed and David became a captain over them. Reading: 1 Sam 22:1-5. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory…
David Slays Goliath the Champion of the Philistines (30 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the contest between David and Goliath. The fear that prevented victory, the faith that gained the victory, and the fruit that came from victory. Reading: 1 Sam 17:1-58. (Recorded in Scotland – the quality of this recording isn’t great, but we have included it to ensure this sermon series is complete) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 –…
The Lord Looks On The Heart (36 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the selection and anointing of David, the shepherd boy, to be the King of Israel. The lesson is, “The Lord does not look on the outward appearance but the Lord looks on the heart.” Reading: 1 Sam 16:1-23. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer:…
Why Saul Was Rejected as King of Israel (34 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on how Saul was tried and tested by God in the early years of his reign. Saul’s reaction to God’s testing – impatience, disobedience and failure – led to God’s rejection of him as King. Reading: 1 Sam 13:1-15:34. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer:…
King Saul…If Only (33 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on three chapters about Saul, the disappointing disobedient King in 1st Samuel: signs from the Lord (Ch 10), triumph in the battle (Ch 11) and blessing despite disobedience (Ch 12). Reading: 1 Sam 10:1-12:25. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped…
Make Us A King Like the Other Nations (34 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the request of Israel for a King to judge them, lead them and fight their battles, so that they could be like the Gentile nations around them. Reading: 1 Sam 8:1-9:27. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us 1…
Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us (35 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the return of the ark to Israel from the land of the Philistines and the subsequent spiritual revival of the nation under Samuel the prophet. Reading: 1 Sam 6:1-7:13. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us 1 Sam 8-9…
Ichabod: The Glory is Departed (36 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the defeat of Israel by the Philistines (and the loss of the ark) under three headings: the delusion under which Israel laboured, the death which they endured, and the departure which they suffered. Reading: 1 Sam 4:1-5:12. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto…
The Call of Samuel (34 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the early years of the life of Samuel the prophet. Conditions in Shiloh, the character of Samuel, and Samuel’s call. Readings: 1 Sam 2:11-21, 3:1-21. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us 1 Sam 8-9 – Make Us A…
The Home of Samuel – Character, Crisis and Consecration (38 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) introduces a series of sermons on 1st and 2nd Samuel, and expounds events in 1 Samuel Ch 1, dealing with the character, crisis and consecration in Samuel’s childhood home. Reading: 1 Sam 1:1-28. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us 1…
Leviticus: A Quick Overview (25 min)
David Vallance gives a quick overview of the Bible book of Leviticus, with special emphasis on the 5 major offerings in the early chapters, and including a discussion of what “atonement” means. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Summer 2023)
Christ “The Word” in John’s Gospel (49 min)
Eric Parmenter preaches on the Lord Jesus Christ as “the Word” in the Gospel of John. The Word was God, but wonder of wonders, the Word became flesh. (Recorded at Helions Bumpstead Gospel Hall, Essex, UK, 31st May 2016)
The Entrance Hallway to the Gospel of John (25 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the first 18 verses of John Chapter 1, which he calls the “entrance hallway” to the 21 rooms of the Gospel of John. He outlines the designations, the divisions, the diction, the distinctions, the doctrine and the denials of this pivotal section of Holy Scripture. (Recorded at the Belfast Christmas Conference)
God is Close in the Storm (23 min)
Kory Crawford preaches on the affliction Jonah endured in the storm when he was swallowed by the whale. God sympathises with the afflicted, He supports those who are drowning, and He saves those who are overwhelmed. Reading: Jonah 2. (Recorded at Alkeny, Iowa, USA, Sept 2023) Two part sermon series: God is in Control of the Storm God is Close in the Storm
God is in Control of the Storm (30 min)
Kory Crawford preaches on the storm experience of Jonah, a man who refused to deliver the message of God, but saw a manifestation of God and knew the mercy of God in the storm. Reading: Jonah 1. (Recorded at Alkeny, Iowa, USA, Sept 2023) Two part sermon series: God is in Control of the Storm God is Close in the Storm
Pathway, Past and Problem (31 min)
Sandy Higgins preaches on the sad end of Solomon’s life, which was marked by departure and compromise, and ultimately led to the division of his Kingdom into two rival entities. Reading: 1 Kings 10-11. (Recorded in North America). Complete series on Solomon: Introduction – The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived Old, Bold and Uncontrolled (1 Kings 1) Competitive, Calculating and Cruel (1 Kings 2) Character, Choices and a Crisis (1 Kings 3) Fact, Foreshadowing and Framework (1 Kings 4) Mercy,…
Mercy, Materials and Methods (41 min)
Sandy Higgins preaches on the building of Solomon’s Temple and looks at the materials and the methods used and draws lessons on building for God in local churches today. Reading: 1 Kings 5-8. (Recorded in North America). Complete series on Solomon: Introduction – The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived Old, Bold and Uncontrolled (1 Kings 1) Competitive, Calculating and Cruel (1 Kings 2) Character, Choices and a Crisis (1 Kings 3) Fact, Foreshadowing and Framework (1 Kings 4) Mercy, Materials…
Fact, Foreshadowing and Framework (37 min)
Sandy Higgins preaches on Solomon’s Kingdom as a picture of the future Millennial reign of Christ. “Israel dwelt safely, every man under his vine and under his fig tree.” Reading: 1 Kings 4. (Recorded in North America). Complete series on Solomon: Introduction – The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived Old, Bold and Uncontrolled (1 Kings 1) Competitive, Calculating and Cruel (1 Kings 2) Character, Choices and a Crisis (1 Kings 3) Fact, Foreshadowing and Framework (1 Kings 4) Mercy, Materials…
Character, Choices and a Crisis (35 min)
Sandy Higgins preaches on three issues in Solomon’s life from 1 Kings Ch. 3. His character, his choices, and how he dealt with the crisis of the two mothers and the baby. (Recorded in North America). Complete series on Solomon: Introduction – The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived Old, Bold and Uncontrolled (1 Kings 1) Competitive, Calculating and Cruel (1 Kings 2) Character, Choices and a Crisis (1 Kings 3) Fact, Foreshadowing and Framework (1 Kings 4) Mercy, Materials and…
Competitive, Calculating and Cruel (40 min)
Sandy Higgins preaches on three characters in 1 Kings Ch. 2: competitive Adonijah who wanted to be King, calculating Joab the shrewd political operator, and cruel Shimei. All were removed as Solomon took the throne. (Recorded in North America). Complete series on Solomon: Introduction – The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived Old, Bold and Uncontrolled (1 Kings 1) Competitive, Calculating and Cruel (1 Kings 2) Character, Choices and a Crisis (1 Kings 3) Fact, Foreshadowing and Framework (1 Kings 4)…
Old, Bold and Uncontrolled (38 min)
Sandy Higgins preaches on the three main characters in 1 Kings Ch. 1: King David, who was old, Nathan who was bold, and Adonijah who was uncontrolled, and brings out pertinent lessons from each one. (Recorded in North America). Complete series on Solomon: Introduction – The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived Old, Bold and Uncontrolled (1 Kings 1) Competitive, Calculating and Cruel (1 Kings 2) Character, Choices and a Crisis (1 Kings 3) Fact, Foreshadowing and Framework (1 Kings 4)…
The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived (40 min)
Sandy Higgins introduces a series of sermons on King Solomon by looking at every reference to him in the Bible outside the Old Testament books of Kings and Chronicles. He highlights Solomon and: a sovereign God, the Son of God, the Saviour, the Scriptures, the sinner, the saint, the sanctuary and supplication. Readings: Neh 13:25-26, Psa 72:1, 18-20, Prov 1:1-2, Ecc 1:1-2, 12, Song of Songs 1:1, Matt 1:1, 6-7a, 6:28-33, 12:42, Luke 12:27-28, Acts 7:47-50. (Recorded in North America).…
The River and the Division of the Land in Ezekiel’s Prophecy (41 min)
Albert McShane preaches on the river that flows out of Ezekiel’s Temple (“waters to swim in”) and of the division of the land of Israel into the 12 tribes during the Millennium, as the promise of God to give Abraham the land is finally and completely fulfilled. Reading: Ezek 47:1-13, 48:9, 11-12, 15-21, 35. (Recorded in Lisburn, Northern Ireland) Complete series: Introduction to Ezekiel’s Temple The Temple’s Perimeter, the Porch, and the Outer and Inner Courts The Altar, the Temple…
The Persons Who Will Use Ezekiel’s Temple (43 min)
Albert McShane preaches on the various people who will enter and use the Temple of Ezekiel’s prophecy in the Millennium. The Lord Himself, and “the Prince”, and the Priests are all discussed. Readings: Ezek 43:1-2, 4-7, 12, 44:2-3, 15-16, 18, 20-24. (Recorded in Lisburn, Northern Ireland) Complete series: Introduction to Ezekiel’s Temple The Temple’s Perimeter, the Porch, and the Outer and Inner Courts The Altar, the Temple proper, and some of the Chambers The People who Use the Temple The…
The Altar, The Holy Places and the Chambers of Ezekiel’s Temple (44 min)
Albert McShane preaches on the altar, the holy places and the chambers connected with Ezekiel’s Temple. He deals with the important issue of sacrifices in a future temple. Readings: Ezek 41:1-4, 15, 18-19, 22, 42:1-2, 14, 43:13-17, 44:14. (Recorded in Lisburn, Northern Ireland) Complete series: Introduction to Ezekiel’s Temple The Temple’s Perimeter, the Porch, and the Outer and Inner Courts The Altar, the Temple proper, and some of the Chambers The People who Use the Temple The River, and the…
The Perimeter, Porch and Courts of Ezekiel’s Temple (47 min)
Albert McShane preaches on the outer perimeter of the Millennial Temple, and the entrance porch, the steps and the outer and inner courts and draws practical and doctrinal lessons therefrom. Readings: Ezek 40:5-6, 13-16a, 42:15-16, 43:4, 7, 10-11a, 12. (Recorded in Lisburn, Northern Ireland) Complete series: Introduction to Ezekiel’s Temple The Temple’s Perimeter, the Porch, and the Outer and Inner Courts The Altar, the Temple proper, and some of the Chambers The People who Use the Temple The River, and…
Ezekiel’s Temple Introduction – with Charts (46 min)
Albert McShane gives an introduction to the topic of Ezekiel’s temple. He examines when Ezekiel prophesied, when he received the vision, what the concept of a “Temple” involves, what the various measurements signify, whether or not the Temple is literal and still future, and a number of other considerations. Reading: Ezek 40:1-16. (Recorded in Lisburn, Northern Ireland) Complete series: Introduction to Ezekiel’s Temple The Temple’s Perimeter, the Porch, and the Outer and Inner Courts The Altar, the Temple proper, and…
The Best is Yet to Come (38 min)
Alastair Sinclair preaches on God’s word to His people through Haggai’s 2nd, 3rd and 4th visions, leaving him to conclude that “the best is yet to come”. Reading: Haggai 2. (Message preached at Cork Conference, Ireland, 17th Mar 2023) Complete Series: I am with you (Haggai’s first vision – Build) The best is yet to come (Haggai’s second, third and fourth visions – Behold, behave and believe)
I Am With You (30 min)
Alastair Sinclair preaches on God’s promise to His people through Haggai’s first vision “I am with you” (as you rebuild the Temple). Reading: Haggai 1. (Message preached at Cork Conference, Ireland, 17th Mar 2023) Complete Series: I am with you (Haggai’s first vision – Build) The best is yet to come (Haggai’s second, third and fourth visions – Behold, behave and believe)
Barometer of an Assembly (34 min)
Sandy Higgins preaches on the mentions in 1 Corinthians of the word “love”. He takes up the remedy of love and the realms of love in an assembly, highlighting the great “love chapter” of Ch 13. Readings: 1 Cor 4:14-21, 8:1-3, 13:1-13, 16:13-14, 21-24, 2 Cor 11:10-11, 12:14-15. (Message preached in Waterloo, Iowa, USA, in 2005). Complete series on “Repetition and Reinforcement to Deal with the Chaos in Corinth”: Blemishes in an Assembly: mentions of “among you” in Corinthians Boundaries in…
Blots in an Assembly (45 min)
Sandy Higgins preaches on the mentions in 1 Corinthians of the word “shame”. His outline: The shame of ingratitude (Ch 4); the shame of inadequacy (Ch 6); the shame of inconsistency (Ch 11); the shame of inconsideration (Ch 11); the shame of indecency (Ch 14); the shame of ignorance (Ch 15). Readings: Gen 2:25, Exod 32:25, 1 Cor 4:14-16, 6:5-7, 11:6, 22, 14:33-38, 15:33-34, 1 Tim 2:1-2, 8-15. (Message preached in Waterloo, Iowa, USA, in 2005). Complete series on “Repetition…
Blindness in an Assembly (35 min)
Sandy Higgins preaches on the mentions in 1 Corinthians of the word “judge”. His outline: Premature judgment (Ch 4); postponed judgment (Ch 5); prohibited judgment (Ch 6); providential judgment (Ch 11); permissible judgment (Ch 11). Readings: 1 Cor 4:1-5, 8, 5:1-3, 6-8, 11-13, 6:1-3, 5, 11:13, 29-32. (Message preached in Waterloo, Iowa, USA, in 2005). Complete series on “Repetition and Reinforcement to Deal with the Chaos in Corinth”: Blemishes in an Assembly: mentions of “among you” in Corinthians Boundaries in an…
Burdens in an Assembly (49 min)
Sandy Higgins preaches on the mentions in 1 Corinthians of “every man” or “any man”. His outline: Contributing my labour (Ch 3); Conduct in light of the Bema (Ch 4); Consecrating myself to God (Ch 7); Considering the welfare of others (Ch 10); Cultivating gift (Ch 12); Communicating materially (Ch 16). Readings: 1 Cor 3:8, 13, 4:3-5, 7:7, 17, 20, 24, 29-31, 10:24, 12:7, 11, 18, 16:1-3. (Message preached in Waterloo, Iowa, USA, in 2005). Complete series on “Repetition and…
Be Subject in an Assembly (34 min)
Sandy Higgins preaches on the mentions in 1 Corinthians of “subjection/submission”. His outline: Personal submission (Ch 9); doctrinal submission (Ch 11); practical submission (Ch 14); vocal submission (Ch 14); governmental submission (Ch 16); universal submission (Ch 15). Readings: 1 Cor 9:19-21, 23-27, 11:1-10, 14:29-34, 15:24-28, 16:10, 12-16. (Message preached in Waterloo, Iowa, USA, in 2005). Complete series on “Repetition and Reinforcement to Deal with the Chaos in Corinth”: Blemishes in an Assembly: mentions of “among you” in Corinthians Boundaries in an…
Biases in an Assembly (33 min)
Sandy Higgins preaches on the mentions in 1 Corinthians of the verb “think” in 1 Corinthians. His outline: How I think and how I build (Ch 3); How I think and how I behave (Ch 8); How I think and how I boast (Ch 10); How I think and my brother (Ch 12); How I think and the Bible (Ch 14). Readings: 1 Cor 3:1-3, 9-13, 18-20, 8:1-2, 10:12, 12:22, 14:36-38. (Message preached in Waterloo, Iowa, USA, in 2005) Complete…
Boundaries in an Assembly (48 min)
Sandy Higgins preaches on mentions in 1 Corinthians of the word “fellowship”. After looking at the principle, purpose and peril of boundaries, Dr Higgins outlines 5 implications of fellowship (Ch 1), 5 inconsistencies in fellowship (Ch 5), and 5 incompatibilities in fellowship (2 Cor 6). Readings: 1 Cor 1:10, 10:14-22, 31-33, 2 Cor 6:11-7:1. (Message preached in Waterloo, Iowa, USA, in 2005). Complete series on “Repetition and Reinforcement to Deal with the Chaos in Corinth”: Blemishes in an Assembly: mentions of…
Blemishes in an Assembly (50 min)
Sandy Higgins preaches on the mentions in 1 Corinthians of the expression “among you” and links them to a blemish in the Corinthians’ identity (Ch 1), a blemish in their maturity (Ch 3), a blemish in their purity (Ch 5), a blemish in their harmony (Ch 6), a blemish in their unity (Ch 11) and a blemish in their theology (Ch 15). Readings: 1 Cor 1:1-3, 5, 9-13, 3:1-3, 5:1-2, 6:5-6, 11:17-18, 20-22, 27, 30, 15:12. (Message preached in Waterloo,…
The City Foursquare (44 min)
Jim Flanigan concludes his Revelation series of sermons by preaching on the New Jerusalem, known as “the city foursquare”. Reading: Revelation Chs 21 and 22. (Message preached in Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland) Complete series of sermons on “The Book of Revelation”: The promise of His coming How to Understand the symbolism The seven lampstands The rainbow circled throne The Lamb and the Book The Great Tribulation Eternity The Beast (666) Babylon The reign of the King The…
The Millennial Kingdom of Christ (46 min)
Jim Flanigan preaches on the subject of the millennial reign of Christ in His kingdom. He takes a premillennial view of the Lord’s return in glory, and teaches the return and recovery of God’s earthly people Israel to the Lord, and to the land promised to Abraham. Reading: Revelation Ch 20. (Message preached in Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland) Complete series of sermons on “The Book of Revelation”: The promise of His coming How to Understand the symbolism…
The Glory of the Return and Reign of the King (46 min)
Jim Flanigan preaches on the subject of the return and the reign of the Lord Jesus Christ. Reading: Revelation Chs 19. (Message preached in Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland) Complete series of sermons on “The Book of Revelation”: The promise of His coming How to Understand the symbolism The seven lampstands The rainbow circled throne The Lamb and the Book The Great Tribulation Eternity The Beast (666) Babylon The reign of the King The Millennium The City foursquare
Babylon in History and Prophecy (50 min)
Jim Flanigan preaches on the subject of the city and system of Babylon in history and prophecy, and how that city relates to the beast of the end times. Reading: Revelation Chs 17 and 18. (Message preached in Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland) Complete series of sermons on “The Book of Revelation”: The promise of His coming How to Understand the symbolism The seven lampstands The rainbow circled throne The Lamb and the Book The Great Tribulation Eternity…
The Beast – 666 (44 min)
Jim Flanigan preaches on “the beast” of the book of Revelation, the end time global ruler with the number 666. His designation, his domination and his doom. Readings: Rev 13:1-18, 17:7-18. (Message preached in Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland) Complete series of sermons on “The Book of Revelation”: The promise of His coming How to Understand the symbolism The seven lampstands The rainbow circled throne The Lamb and the Book The Great Tribulation Eternity The Beast (666) Babylon…
Eternity – There Is No End (40 min)
Jim Flanigan takes up the subject of eternity. There is no end to the great eternity, either in heaven or the lake of fire. In which will you be? Reading: Revelation Ch 20:11-21:5. (Message preached in Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland) Complete series of sermons on “The Book of Revelation”: The promise of His coming How to Understand the symbolism The seven lampstands The rainbow circled throne The Lamb and the Book The Great Tribulation Eternity The Beast…
Will the Church go through the Great Tribulation? (51 min)
Jim Flanigan takes up the subject of the Great Tribulation, and proves from Scripture that the church, which is Christ’s body, will not pass through any part of that period, which is known as “Jacob’s trouble”. Reading: Revelation Ch 7. (Message preached in Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland) Complete series of sermons on “The Book of Revelation”: The promise of His coming How to Understand the symbolism The seven lampstands The rainbow circled throne The Lamb and the…
The Lamb and the Book (48 min)
Jim Flanigan expounds Revelation Ch 5, the chapter about the 7-sealed book. He outlines the waiting document, the wondering universe, the weeping apostle, the worthy Lamb, the worshipping host and the watching cherubim. (Message preached in Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland) Complete series of sermons on “The Book of Revelation”: The promise of His coming How to Understand the symbolism The seven lampstands The rainbow circled throne The Lamb and the Book The Great Tribulation Eternity The Beast…
The Rainbow-Circled Throne (42 min)
Jim Flanigan expounds Revelation Ch 4, a chapter about the rainbow-circled throne in heaven. This is really an exposition of the doctrine of the sovereignty of God. (Message preached in Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland) Complete series of sermons on “The Book of Revelation”: The promise of His coming How to Understand the symbolism The seven lampstands The rainbow circled throne The Lamb and the Book The Great Tribulation Eternity The Beast (666) Babylon The reign of the…
The 7 Lampstands of Revelation (45 min)
Jim Flanigan expounds Revelation Chs 2 and 3, and takes up the topic of the letters to the 7 churches of Asia. He looks at them historically, prophetically and practically. He gives his view on what the angel of each church is. (Message preached in Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland) Complete series of sermons on “The Book of Revelation”: The promise of His coming How to Understand the symbolism The seven lampstands The rainbow circled throne The Lamb…
How to Understand the Symbolism (42 min)
Jim Flanigan starts in Revelation Ch 1 and gives an introduction to the book of Revelation, explaining why it should be studied and how its symbolism should be interpreted. Reading: Rev Ch 1. (Message preached in Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland) Complete series of sermons on “The Book of Revelation”: The promise of His coming How to Understand the symbolism The seven lampstands The rainbow circled throne The Lamb and the Book The Great Tribulation Eternity The Beast…
The Promise of His Coming (43 min)
Jim Flanigan inherited David Craig’s large wall chart on the book of Revelation. Mr Craig had used it for Bible teaching for 40 years, and Mr Flanigan then made use of it for many more years, so much so that he became known as “Mr Revelation”. In this 12-part series, Mr Flanigan expounds the book of Revelation from a pre-tribulational, pre-millennial viewpoint. In this first installment he speaks on the promise, purpose, and some of the problems associated with the…
7-Fold Old Testament Proof of the Superiority of the Son of God (50 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the 7 Old Testament quotations in Hebrews 1 that prove the supremacy of the Son of God and His superiority over angels. 1. “Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten Thee.” 2. “I will be to Him a Father, and He shall be to me a Son.” 3. “Let all the angels of God worship Him.” 4. “Who maketh His angels spirits, and His ministers a flame of fire.” 5. “Thy throne, O God,…
7-Fold Statement of the Deity of the Son of God (42 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the seven-fold statement of the deity of the Son of God in Hebrews 1:1-4. The Son is the established heir, the creator of the universe, the effulgence of glory, the image of God, the upholder of all things, the sin-purger, and the seated one. Reading: Hebrews 1. (Message preached in the Gospel Hall, Osborne Road, Northampton, UK, 15th Oct 2019) Complete series: The 7-Fold Statement of the Deity of the Son of God in Hebrews 1…
Christ Supreme (32 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on “Christ supreme” from Hebrews Chapter 1. This glorious chapter sets out Christ’s unique relationship, His unbroken relationship, and His undisputed relationship. Then follows details of the power, permanence and pre-eminence of Christ’s kingdom. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, Nov 2011)
Exposition of Genesis Ch 5 (37 min)
Sandy Higgins expounds Genesis chapter 5 and highlights the story of the life and translation of Enoch, the man who walked with God, but who “was not” because God took Him. Reading: Genesis 5. (Message preached in North America) Complete series: Exposition of Genesis 1 Exposition of Genesis 2 Exposition of Genesis 3 Exposition of Genesis 4 Exposition of Genesis 5
Exposition of Genesis Ch 3 (37 min)
Sandy Higgins expounds the crucial and critical chapter 3 of Genesis, which outlines the fall of mankind and all that flows from it. This chapter contains the first prophecy in the Bible, of the seed (Christ) who would crush the serpent’s head. Reading: Genesis 3. (Message preached in North America) Complete series: Exposition of Genesis 1 Exposition of Genesis 2 Exposition of Genesis 3 Exposition of Genesis 4 Exposition of Genesis 5
Exposition of Genesis Ch 2 (34 min)
Sandy Higgins summarises the first 5 books of the Bible before giving an exposition of Genesis chapter 2, a chapter in which the creation of Adam and the formation of Eve, and their placing in the Garden of Eden, are outlined. Reading: Genesis 2. (Message preached in North America) Complete series: Exposition of Genesis 1 Exposition of Genesis 2 Exposition of Genesis 3 Exposition of Genesis 4 Exposition of Genesis 5
Exposition of Genesis Ch 1 (44 min)
Sandy Higgins introduces Genesis and gives an exposition of Chapter 1, a chapter that is divinely inspired and must be taken literally. Reading: Genesis 1. (Message preached in North America) Complete series: Exposition of Genesis 1 Exposition of Genesis 2 Exposition of Genesis 3 Exposition of Genesis 4 Exposition of Genesis 5
The Old Testament in John (63 min)
David Gilliland preaches on how the Lord Jesus expounds the Old Testament Scripture in the Gospel of John. He highlights the finality of Scripture, the function of Scripture and the fulness of Scripture in this Gospel. Readings: John 2:20-22, 7:37-39, 10:33-36, 12:14-16, 20:8-10. (Message preached in North America) Complete series: How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Matthew How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Mark How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Luke How the Lord…
The Old Testament in Luke (60 min)
David Gilliland preaches on how the Lord Jesus expounds the Old Testament Scripture in the Gospel of Luke. He who fulfils Scripture in Matthew, and applies it in Mark, expounds it in Luke. Readings: Luke 4:3-4, 16-21, 5:1, 5-6, 6:47-48, 7:2, 6-7, 8:11, 15, 9:35, 10:38-39, 24:25-27, 44-49 (Message preached in North America) Complete series: How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Matthew How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Mark How the Lord uses the Old Testament…
The Old Testament in Mark (57 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the beginning, the boundaries and the breadth of the Lord’s ministry in the gospel of Mark as it relates to the Old Testament. Readings: Mark 1:1-4, 9-11, 7:10-3, 5-8, 10:1-9, 11:15-18, 12:10-12, 24-27, 35-37. (Message preached in North America) Complete series: How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Matthew How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Mark How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Luke How the Lord uses the Old Testament in…
The Old Testament in Matthew (59 min)
David Gilliland preaches on allusions to Old Testament Scripture, and accomplishments of OT Scripture, and answers to OT Scripture in the Gospel of Matthew. Readings: Matt 1:1, 21-23, 21:1-7, 26:47-48, 51-56. (Message preached in North America) Complete series: How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Matthew How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Mark How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Luke How the Lord uses the Old Testament in John
Bird’s Eye View of Paul’s Church Epistles (30 min)
Michael Penfold takes a tour through the church epistles of Paul from Romans to 2nd Thessalonians, giving a bird’s eye view of each: Romans – The Power of the Gospel of God Corinthians – The Greatness of the Wisdom of God Galatians – The Authority of the Truth of God Ephesians – The Wonder of the Grace of God Philippians – The Prize of the High Calling of God Colossians – The Glory of the Christ of God Thessalonians –…
A Meditation on Psalm 144 (40 min)
Jim Flanigan (1931-2014) authored numerous books in his lifetime, one of which was a notable 640-page commentary on the book of Psalms. In his travels around the world, teaching the Word of God, Mr Flanigan also preached series of messages on the Psalms. Here, looking at Psalm 144, Mr Flanigan outlines the new song of deliverance, and the happy people whose God is the Lord. (Message preached in Ayr, Scotland, 1984) Complete series: Psalm 1 Psalm 2 Psalm 8 Psalm 19 Psalm…
A Meditation on Psalm 139 (40 min)
Jim Flanigan (1931-2014) authored numerous books in his lifetime, one of which was a notable 640-page commentary on the book of Psalms. In his travels around the world, teaching the Word of God, Mr Flanigan also preached series of messages on the Psalms. Here, looking at Psalm 139, Mr Flanigan outlines God’s omniscience and omnipresence and His fearfully and wonderfully made creation. (Message preached in Ayr, Scotland, 1984) Complete series: Psalm 1 Psalm 2 Psalm 8 Psalm 19 Psalm 22 Psalm 24 Psalm…
A Meditation on Psalm 110 (60 min)
Jim Flanigan (1931-2014) authored numerous books in his lifetime, one of which was a notable 640-page commentary on the book of Psalms. In his travels around the world, teaching the Word of God, Mr Flanigan also preached series of messages on the Psalms. Here, looking at Psalm 110, Mr Flanigan outlines the high priestly position and ministry of David’s Lord. (Message preached at the Eastbourne Bible Readings, 1995) Complete series: Psalm 1 Psalm 2 Psalm 8 Psalm 19 Psalm 22 Psalm 24…
A Meditation on Psalm 84 (44 min)
Jim Flanigan (1931-2014) authored numerous books in his lifetime, one of which was a notable 640-page commentary on the book of Psalms. In his travels around the world, teaching the Word of God, Mr Flanigan also preached series of messages on the Psalms. Here, looking at Psalm 84, Mr Flanigan expounds the Psalmist’s longing for the house of God and makes applications to his audience. (Recorded in Ayr, Scotland, 1984) Complete series: Psalm 1 Psalm 2 Psalm 8 Psalm 19 Psalm 22…
A Meditation on Psalm 51 (37 min)
Jim Flanigan (1931-2014) authored numerous books in his lifetime, one of which was a notable 640-page commentary on the book of Psalms. In his travels around the world, teaching the Word of God, Mr Flanigan also preached series of messages on the Psalms. Here, looking at Psalm 51, Mr Flanigan takes up the themes of repentance and restoration based on the life of King David. A section of Mr Flanigan’s message has had to be cut out due to distortion on the…
A Meditation on Psalm 24 (53 min)
Jim Flanigan (1931-2014) authored numerous books in his lifetime, one of which was a notable 640-page commentary on the book of Psalms. In his travels around the world, teaching the Word of God, Mr Flanigan also preached series of messages on the Psalms. Here, looking at Psalm 24, Mr Flanigan outlines the prophesied rule over the Millennial earth by the returning “King of glory”, the Lord Jesus Christ. (Message preached at the Eastbourne Bible Readings, 1995) Complete series: Psalm 1 Psalm 2…
A Meditation on Psalm 22 (53 min)
Jim Flanigan (1931-2014) authored numerous books in his lifetime, one of which was a notable 640-page commentary on the book of Psalms. In his travels around the world, teaching the Word of God, Mr Flanigan also preached series of messages on the Psalms. Here, looking at Psalm 22, Mr Flanigan outlines the prophetic foreview that the psalmist gives of the sufferings of Christ on the cross, as He was forsaken by His God. (Message preached at the Eastbourne Bible Readings, 1995) Complete…