Sermons by Eric Parmenter
Christ “The Word” in John’s Gospel (49 min)
Eric Parmenter preaches on the Lord Jesus Christ as “the Word” in the Gospel of John. The Word was God, but wonder of wonders, the Word became flesh. (Recorded at Helions Bumpstead Gospel Hall, Essex, UK, 31st May 2016)
When Life Doesn’t Seem Fair (30 min)
Eric Parmenter passes on a word of encouragement from John Ch 11, a chapter in which two sisters, Mary and Martha, are mourning the death of their brother. Their experience highlights 4 problems believers often face in life: the problem of suffering, the problem of delayed answers to prayer, the problem of ‘inequalities’ (perceived unfairness), and finally, the problem of the silence of God. Reading: John 20:30-31 (Message preached at the Vancouver Thanksgiving Conference 2007)
The False Religious System of Babylon (42 min)
Eric Parmenter preaches from Revelation 17 on the false religious system of Babylon. This was a powerful address and showed a keen level of discernment for what was happening in the ecumenical movement at that time (Message preached in Bicester 26th Dec 1973)