The Tower of Babel and the Origin of Languages (55 min)

The Tower of Babel and the Origin of Languages (55 min)

Ian Jackson preaches on the topic of the Tower of Babel. He includes comments on the gift of tongues, ecumenism and the history of Babylonian religion. Reading: Gen 11:1-9. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 9th Sept 2005)

Complete series:

  1. Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson
  2. Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay
  3. Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson
  4. Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay
  5. Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay
  6. Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson
  7. Genesis Ch 6a – Ian Jackson
  8. Genesis Ch 6b-7 – Jack Hay
  9. Genesis Ch 8 – Jack Hay
  10. Genesis Ch 9a – Ian Jackson
  11. Genesis Ch 9b – Ian Jackson
  12. Genesis Ch 10 – Jack Hay
  13. Genesis Ch 11 – Ian Jackson