Sermons on Expositions in Genesis - J Hay, I Jackson

Sermons on Expositions in Genesis - J Hay, I Jackson

The Tower of Babel and the Origin of Languages (55 min)

Ian Jackson preaches on the topic of the Tower of Babel. He includes comments on the gift of tongues, ecumenism and the history of Babylonian religion. Reading: Gen 11:1-9. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 9th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6a – Ian Jackson…

How the World Was Divided After the Flood (37 min)

Jack Hay preaches on the division of the world into the children of Shem, Ham and Japheth after the flood, and highlights the influence of Nimrod on the post-deluvian age. Reading: Gen 10:1-32. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 8th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch…

Why Abstain? The Christian and Alcohol (36 min)

Ian Jackson sets out a case for Christians to remain totally abstinent from alcohol. His passage is Genesis Ch 9:18-29 which records the time after the flood when Noah became drunk. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 8th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6a –…

A Chapter For Our Times (38 min)

Ian Jackson preaches on the new order of things that God introduced after Noah’s flood, which touches on contemporary issues such as the nature of government, voting, animals rights, vegetarianism, veganism, abortion, assisted dying, euthanasia and capital punishment. Reading: Genesis Ch 9:1-7. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 7th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack…

The Prophetic Significance of the Ark and the Flood (34 min)

Jack Hay preaches on the prophetic significance of the events surrounding the ark of Noah and the worldwide flood, as well as the details of the dove and the raven and the ark resting on Mount Ararat. Reading: Genesis Ch 8. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 7th Sept 2005) (Photo above: Mount Ararat) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch…

The Worldwide Flood in the Days of Noah (38 min)

Jack Hay preaches on the making of Noah’s ark and the flood that God sent upon the whole earth to destroy all flesh. The ark is a picture of Christ and of salvation. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 6th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch…

The Sons of God and the Days Before the Flood (33 min)

Ian Jackson preaches on the narrative about the “sons of God” in Genesis 6:1-13, explaining who they are and what was the nature of the particular wickedness they brought into the world before the flood. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 6th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson…

This Man Walked with God (40 min)

Ian Jackson preaches on Enoch, from Genesis 5, the man who walked with God and has this testimony that he “pleased God”. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 5th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6a – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6b-7 – Jack Hay Genesis…

The Beginning of the World System (36 min)

Jack Hay preaches on the “system of the world” that came into being in Genesis 4:16-26 as Cain rebelled against God and began city building. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 5th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6a – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6b-7 –…

Learning from Cain and Abel (33 min)

Jack Hay preaches on the story of Cain and Abel from Genesis Ch 4:1-15 and draws lessons from this pivotal passage of Scripture. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 4th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6a – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6b-7 – Jack Hay…

An Exposition of the Fall of Man (32 min)

Ian Jackson preaches on the fall of man in Genesis Ch 3. Here at the beginning of creation began “the conflict of the ages” as sin entered the world, and the promise was given of a Seed that would bruise the Serpent’s head. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 4th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b –…

A Real Man in a Real Garden (33 min)

Jack Hay preaches on Genesis Ch 2 and highlights 4 issues about Adam, the father of the human race. His composition (made from dust), his conditions (the Garden of Eden), his commission (tend the garden etc), and his companion (Eve). (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 3rd Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis…

God Created the Heavens and the Earth (37 min)

Ian Jackson expounds Genesis 1 and looks at the divine record of the creation of the world in six days. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 3rd Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6a – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6b-7 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 8…