Sermons by Robert Plant

Sermons by Robert Plant

The Day Two Men Were Born For (21 min)

Robert Plant preaches on the character and actions of Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea the two men who came forward to bury the body of the Lord Jesus. Reading: John 19:38-42. (Recorded at Nineveh Gospel Hall conference, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2023)

The King of Persia’s Appreciation of God’s House (36 min)

Robert Plant preaches on the epistle of Artaxerxes, King of Persia, to Ezra the Jewish scribe, in which the King sets out his amazing appreciation for God’s house in Jerusalem: the preparations for the house, the place of the house, priority of the house, the privilege of the house etc. Do you share the same appreciation? Reading: Ezra 7:10-24 (Message preached at Bridgewater Conference, NS, Canada, Easter 2023) (Photo: The remains of Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem)

Sunday School Work (41 min)

Based on over 25 years of experience in full time work mainly among children and young people, Robert Plant gives helpful guidance about how to conduct Sunday Schools and ‘children’s meetings’. Most importantly, Robert emphasises that our foundation must be the Word of God, with the salvation of the young as the ultimate goal. Then, among other things, Robert gives tips on behaviour management, on maintaining children’s attention, and on the use of object lessons. Readings: Joel 3:3, 1 Sam…

The Christian and Personal Testimony (41 min)

Robert Plant preaches on the topic of “witnessing for Christ by life and by lip”. He takes up three roles of the Christian from the New Testament – a soldier, an evangelist and an ambassador – and draws various lessons as to how we should conduct ourselves before the world and how we can effectively evangelise among our work colleagues and neighbours (Message preached 8th Mar 2018)

A Changed Life (45 min)

Robert Plant relates his life story and his conversion to Christ. Raised without religion, Robert’s main interests were Cricket (he is a Yorkshireman) and Country & Western Music. A friend at School, who was mocked and ridiculed for his Christian beliefs, spoke to Robert about salvation and gave him gospel booklets to read. Listen to the wonderful story of the grace of God to Robert as the Holy Spirit moved to open his understanding to see that Christ is the…

The Cave of Adullam (49 min)

Robert Plant preaches on the Cave of Adullam from 1 Sam 22 and likens it to the local assembly. He brings many practical and profitable truths out of the Cave narrative to enlighten and instruct his audience relative to local assembly order and practice (Message preached 23rd Jan 2014)

The Lily on the Mountain (47 min)

Robert Plant introduces the Messianic Psalms, before preaching through the glorious Psalm 45, the Maschil Psalm of the lily on the mountain. He draws out the various Messianic themes in this glorious Psalm about our glorious King, the Lord Jesus Christ (Message preached in 2011).

The Death of Christ (48 min)

DEATH OF CHRIST – Robert Plant preaches a rich devotional word of ministry on Psalm 69. He takes up the “lily” in the Psalter and draws his audience into a fresh appreciation of the sufferings of Christ (Message preached 12th March 2009)