Sermons by Dan Shutt

Sermons by Dan Shutt

The Unthinkable Has Happened (44 min)

The public proclamation of the gospel is seldom engaged in today, even in “evangelical churches”. Gospel preaching has become a thing of the past – an unthinkable situation only a few decades ago. In this message, Mr Dan Shutt makes the biblical case for the intentional, distinct, and regular public preaching of the gospel. He also outlines the three essential features of the gospel: the enormity of human guilt, the necessity of a definite conversion, and the centrality of Christ…

Size is Not the Measure of Significance (22 min)

Dan Shutt preaches on the biblical truth of “the remnant”, and expounds the fact that size and numerical strength are not the true measure of significance. A wake up call in the present megachurch era. Readings: Ezra 9:5-15, Isa 10:20-23, Rom 11:2-5. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 23rd June 2024)

What is the Glory of God? (25 min)

Dan Shutt preaches on the majestic topic of the glory of God, setting out what the Bible teaches on the subject, while acknowledging the impossibility of “defining the undefinable”. Readings: Psa 115:1-3, 1 Cor 10:31. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 10th Mar 2024)

Our Generation Has a Unique Opportunity (24 min)

Our present era of mass migration provides an opportunity like never before to fulfil the Lord’s command to take the gospel to every nation. We just need to open our eyes and our hearts. People you could previously never have dreamt of reaching with the gospel have now come to you! Readings: Matt 28.18-20, Mark 16.15-16, 20, Luke 4.46-48. (Recorded in Jackson, MI, USA, 17th Feb 2024)

You’re Only A Christian Because Your Family is Christian (30 min)

Dan Shutt relates the story of his father and mother’s conversion to Christ, which happened just before he was born. The gospel transformed the Shutt home. Listen to hear how Dan, one of 9 children, also came to trust in Christ for salvation. Reading: Eph 2:8-9. (Recorded in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, on 9th Feb 2024)

The Finish of a Faithful Man (31 min)

Dan Shutt preaches on the last day of the life of Moses and challenges his audience to finish their Christian journey well. Readings: Deut 31:1-2, 14, 32:48-50, 33:1, 26-29a, 34:1-10. (Recorded at Jackson Conference, Michigan, USA, 3rd Mar 2024)

How to Listen to Ministry (10 min)

Dan Shutt opened a conference some years ago with a sobering word of ministry on “how we should listen to ministry”. When the Word of God is opened and expounded, we need God to speak to us; and our attitude when listening can be summed up in the question in Matt 26:22, “Lord, is it I?” Dan was saved under the preaching of Archie Stewart, and he references him in this helpful message on listening to the voice of God…

The Significance of the Lord’s Supper (28 min)

Dan Shutt preaches on the importance and significance of the Lord’s Supper. In a practical message, Dan speaks on three aspects of the supper. It is 1. dispensational, 2. periodical (once a week on the Lord’s Day), and 3. Christological. Readings: Matt 26:26-29, Acts 2:41-42, 1 Cor 11:23-26 (Message preached at Toronto Easter Conference 2013)

PART 1 – Dispensationalism Introduction (53 min)

A conference on the topic of dispensationalism was held in Sarnia, Ontario, in 2015, with Dan Shutt, David Vallance and Ian Jackson sharing 5 preaching sessions between them. PART 1 – Dan Shutt introduces the biblical concept of a “dispensation” and explains how history, from Eden to the Millennium, is divided into numerous ages in which God administers His dealings with men in different ways to fulfil His ultimate purpose. After some introductory remarks, Dan works his way through Scripture…

Overcoming Temptation: Maintaining Holiness (28 min)

Dan Shutt preaches a vital, helpful and dignified message on the subject of holiness in the face of sexual temptation. Working from the narrative of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife, Mr Shutt outlines the danger of moral failure facing all of us – online, in the media, at work – and gives pertinent warnings and exhortations for us to “be holy, for I the Lord am holy”. Readings: Gen 39:1-4, 7-12, 20-23, 41:38-40, 1 Cor 6:18-20 (Message preached at the Toronto…

Bringing Forth Fruit in Old Age (26 min)

Dan Shutt preaches a tender and heart-warming word for older Christians, to encourage them to continue to bring forth fruit into old age. Are you feeling tired after decades of service? Feeling useless after being able-bodied and busy for the Lord for so long? Well, here’s a word from the Psalms to strengthen your faith and steady your soul. After some introductory remarks Dan uses the life story of Mordecai to illustrate his ministry. Readings: Psa 71:5-9, 14, 17-18, 20-21,…

3 Tools for a Successful Christian Life (25 min)

Dan Shutt preaches on three essential tools for a successful Christian life. 1. Living daily in the presence of God (Gen 5:21-24); 2. Having a low view of self (Heb 12:1-2), and 3. Making the Word of God central to one’s life (Psa 119:9-11). (Message preached in Stout, Iowa, 2011)

Christianity in the Information Age (30 min)

Dan Shutt speaks on Christianity in the information age. “Is technology good or bad?” is the wrong question: the issue is how we handle the technology that comes our way. Mr Shutt acknowledges that the internet has brought some good possibilities, but he then highlights 5 specific problems. These are: the theological issue, the time issue, the truth issue, the temptation issue, and the too-much-information issue. This is a powerful and relevant message for old and young, parents and children,…

Gospel Work (35 min)

Dan Shutt preaches on “gospel work”. He highlights the necessity of public preaching, the superiority of preaching, the need for a discreet gospel meeting rather than a “family Bible hour” that confuses teaching for Christians with preaching the gospel. He also includes sound advice to help us bring others to hear the gospel and suggest ways in which we can influence our neighbours for Christ (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 31st Mar 2016) (Painting: Paul preaching at Mars Hill in…

The Rest of Our Time (38 min)

Dan Shutt preaches a stirring message on the topic of “the rest of our time” and challenges his audience to dedicate the remainder of their lives to the Lord, using illustrations from the lives of Caleb, Mordecai, Moses, Paul and David. He closes his message with a look at the life of Christ and the perfect way in which He lived for His God (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 28th Mar 2016)

Why This Waste? (34 min)

Dan Shutt challenges his audience not to waste their lives on self, but to “waste their lives” for Christ. Others thought that breaking the box of costly ointment on Christ (in Mark Ch 14) was “a waste” – but any sacrifice for Christ is highly valued and eternally significant. “What the world calls waste, God values highly”. How will you spend the life God has given you? (Message preached 27th Mar 2016)

Raising the Next Generation for God (41 min)

“I am convinced that strong assemblies are built on strong families.” With this opening statement, Dan Shutt begins an overview of the vital topic of raising the next generation for God. Look out for the exercise, the example and the environment that promotes the salvation of families. In closing, Dan gives three answers to the question “What should I do if my child asks how to be saved?” (Message preached 24th Mar 2016)