The public proclamation of the gospel is seldom engaged in today, even in “evangelical churches”. Gospel preaching has become a thing of the past – an unthinkable situation only a few decades ago. In this message, Mr Dan Shutt makes the biblical case for the intentional, distinct, and regular public preaching of the gospel. He also outlines the three essential features of the gospel: the enormity of human guilt, the necessity of a definite conversion, and the centrality of Christ and His cross. Readings: Mark 1:4, 6-7a, 13-14, 37-39, 45, 16:14-16, 1 Cor 1:23- 15:1-5, 11. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, on 25th June 2024)
The Unthinkable Has Happened (44 min)