Sermons on Bible Teaching - Various speakers
What is Your Choice? (49 min)
Tom Armstrong preaches on the choice that Moses made, to suffer with God’s people rather than enjoy the comfort of Pharoah’s Palace. He is an example for all Christians to follow. (Recorded in Growell Gospel Hall, 11th Jan 2025)
Pursued, Overtaken and Apprehended (48 min)
Ian Jackson preaches on the ultimate purpose of the Christian life – to know Christ. This is why Paul says he was pursued, overtaken and apprehended by the Lord. If knowing Christ is what the Christian life is all about, that means ‘being’ is bigger than ‘doing’, and character is more important than activity. Reading: Philippians 3. (Recorded in Sarnia Gospel Hall, 26th May 2024)
He Restoreth My Soul (20 min)
Highlighting the story of Joseph and his brothers in the book of Genesis, Jon Procopio preaches on the way in which God restores His people when they stray from Him. When the brothers honestly faced their sin and confessed it, they were fully restored to genuine fellowship with Joseph. (Recorded at the Sussex Gospel Hall conference, NB, Canada, 6th Oct 2024)
Winning the Battle with Temptation (33 min)
John Dennison preaches on the Christian and temptation. He explains how temptation works, what its effects are and how to effectively overcome in the power of the Spirit and the Word of God. Readings: Prov 31:1, 4-6, 23:26, 29-35. (Recorded at Stark Road Gospel Hall conference, Livonia, MI, USA, 19th Oct 2024)
Keys to Enjoying Fellowship with God (33 min)
Dan Shutt preaches on how to enjoy deeper fellowship with God, outlining biblical, practical keys to maintaining a close ongoing relationship with Him. Readings: 1 Cor 1.9, 1 John 1.3. (Recorded at the Toronto Easter Conference, March 2024)
What Do You Do When God Says Arise and Go? (45 min)
Ian Jackson preaches on the command of God, given to three men in the Bible “Book of Acts”, telling them to “arise and go”. The command was given to Philip in Acts 8.26-27, to Ananias in Acts 9.11-17 and to Peter in Acts 10.20-21. All three of them went. What would you do if God asked you to arise and go? (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, on 30th May 2024)
Leviticus: A Quick Overview (25 min)
David Vallance gives a quick overview of the Bible book of Leviticus, with special emphasis on the 5 major offerings in the early chapters, and including a discussion of what “atonement” means. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Summer 2023)
What is the Glory of God? (25 min)
Dan Shutt preaches on the majestic topic of the glory of God, setting out what the Bible teaches on the subject, while acknowledging the impossibility of “defining the undefinable”. Readings: Psa 115:1-3, 1 Cor 10:31. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 10th Mar 2024)
Our Generation Has a Unique Opportunity (24 min)
Our present era of mass migration provides an opportunity like never before to fulfil the Lord’s command to take the gospel to every nation. We just need to open our eyes and our hearts. People you could previously never have dreamt of reaching with the gospel have now come to you! Readings: Matt 28.18-20, Mark 16.15-16, 20, Luke 4.46-48. (Recorded in Jackson, MI, USA, 17th Feb 2024)
The Promises of the Kingdom (47 min)
Mark Sweetnam expounds the covenant programme of God by which He will restore all that was lost through the Fall in Eden. The condescension, calm, certainty and coherence of the covenants is discussed, and the 6 main covenants of the Bible are outlined: 1. Noahic (Gen 6), Abrahamic (Gen 12-17), Mosaic (Exod 19-24), Levitical (Num 25), Davidic (2 Sam 7) and New (Jer 31). Readings: Jer 31:31-40, 32:6-16, 25-27, 36-44, 33:19-22. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI,…
What Are You Bringing to Christ? (27 min)
Albert Hull (1936-2015) preaches on “bringing sheaves to Christ” in gospel service, on bringing ourselves to Christ in consecration, and on God bringing sons to glory through it all. Readings: Psa 126.1-6, Rom 12.1-2, Heb 2.8-10. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel hall, Livonia, Michigan, USA, 21 Oct 1995).
The Call of Christ – “Follow Me” (16 min)
David Herlihy preaches on the challenging call of Christ – “Follow Me”. David highlights the call, the cross and the cost of discipleship from Luke 9.23-25, 57-62 and 14.25-35. (Message preached 30th Sept 2023 in Sussex, New Brunswick, Canada, at the annual Sussex Gospel Hall conference).
Do Not Despair: God is Still on the Throne (30 min)
Mark Sweetnam preaches on the scene and events described in Revelation Chs 4 and 5, examining 4 things found in heaven that come from earth, and highlighting the sovereignty and rule of the throne of God in heaven. (Message preached at Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 21st Oct 2023)
Changes, Charges and Controls in Colossians (30 min)
John Stubbs preaches on a three-fold change, a three-fold charge, and a three-fold control from Colossians 3:1-18. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, in Oct 1996)
Bethany as the Local Assembly (20 min)
Harold Paisley (1924-2015) preaches on the village of Bethany as a picture of the local assembly. Bethany was the place of His person, His precepts and His sympathy. Readings: Luke 9:51-56, 10:38-39, 24:50-51, John 11:33-36, 12:2-3, Acts 1:10-11. (Message preached at Stark Road Gospel Hall conference in Livonia, MI, USA).
The Hand of the Lord was Upon Me (25 min)
Tom Bentley (1924-2011) preaches on the seven times “the hand of the Lord was upon me” occurs in the book of Ezekiel. In captivity in Babylon, Ezekiel was conscious of the Lord’s hand upon him in significant ways. (Message preached at the Stark Road Gospel Hall Conference, Livonia, MI, USA, October 1997)
Is Your All On The Altar? (51 min)
Ian Jackson challenges his audience with Paul’s call to “present your bodies a living sacrifice to God” (Rom 12:1-2). “All this I did for thee, what hast thou done for me?” (Message preached in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, 18th Nov 2022)
The Tests of Teenagers (37 min)
Sandy Higgins preaches on the tests faced by John the Baptist and the Lord Jesus in the early chapters of Luke’s gospel. Life is a series of tests: the test of loneliness, expectations, being different, submission, rejection and patience. Readings: Luke 1:32-33, 38, 66, 76-80, 2:19, 39-40, 46-52, 3:21.23. (Message preached in Tampa, Florida, USA, Jan 2023) Complete series: Learning from Luke Chapters 1 and 2 The Wonder of the Word: Prophecies Fulfilled – John Dennison The Supremacy of the…
The Model for Marriage (32 min)
Dr. A.J. Higgins preaches on “the model for marriage” from the story of Zacharias and Elizabeth in Luke’s gospel. Theirs was a “model marriage” marked by piety, unity, consistency, permanency, ministry, difficulty, adversity and prosperity. Readings: Luke 1:5-9, 11-14, 18-20, 23-25, 57-64, 76-79. (Message preached in Tampa, Florida, USA, Jan 2023) Complete series: Learning from Luke Chapters 1 and 2 The Wonder of the Word: Prophecies Fulfilled – John Dennison The Supremacy of the Sovereign: Divine Control of Circumstances –…
5 Principles of Assembly Participation (45 min)
Dan Rudge expounds 1 Corinthians 14 and outlines 5 key New Testament principles that govern participation in the assembly gatherings of God’s people. (Message preached in Sarnia Gospel Hall, 16th Sept 2022).
Now is Christ Risen from the Dead (47 min)
Dan Rudge preaches on the resurrection of Christ from the key New Testament chapter of 1 Corinthians Ch 15, expounding all the key themes of Paul’s argument. (Message preached in Sarnia Gospel Hall, 17th Sept 2022).
What Legacy Are You Leaving Behind? (29 min)
Albert Hull (1936-2015) preaches on the challenging topic of legacy. In his final epistle, written in jail to Timothy, Paul urges him to be a devoted soldier, a disciplined athlete, a diligent farmer and a dedicated workman. What legacy are you leaving behind? Readings: 2 Tim 2:1-15, 19-26. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel hall, Livonia, Michigan, USA, 21 Oct 1995).
How Did We Get Here? (61 min)
David Vallance asks “How did we get here?” in reference to the morally corrupt state of affairs in Western culture. He traces history from pre-modern, through modern, to the postmodern/woke era, examining the lives and philosophies of Rousseau, Marx, Darwin, Nietzsche and Freud along the way. He covers issues such as tolerance, identity politics, intersectionality, gender dysphoria, homosexuality and transgenderism, bringing biblical teaching to bear on each. Reading: Gen 1:26-28 (Message given 13th July 2022 in Stark Road Gospel Hall,…
The Shepherd of Psalm 23 (39 min)
Robert McIlwaine (1925-2021) preaches an encouraging and practical word of exhortation on the Shepherd of Psalm 23 (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, Michigan, USA, Feb 28, 1997)