Sermons by Mark Sweetnam

Sermons by Mark Sweetnam

When God Makes Bitter Waters Sweet (26 min)

Mark Sweetnam preaches on the significance of the incident at the waters of Marah where Moses threw in a tree and the bitter waters were made sweet. Reading: Exod 15:21-26. (Recorded at Lurgan Gospel Hall, May 2024)

The Presence of the Kingdom (42 min)

Mark Sweetnam expounds the biblical and premillennial view of the kingdom of God. Contrary to widely held opinion, the Kingdom has not been manifested yet and awaits the coming of Christ to set it up. Readings: Psa 8:1-9, Heb 2:5-9, 1 Cor 15:20-28. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 25th Oct 2023) Complete series: The Power of the Kingdom The Promises of the Kingdom The Presence of the Kingdom

The Promises of the Kingdom (47 min)

Mark Sweetnam expounds the covenant programme of God by which He will restore all that was lost through the Fall in Eden. The condescension, calm, certainty and coherence of the covenants is discussed, and the 6 main covenants of the Bible are outlined: 1. Noahic (Gen 6), Abrahamic (Gen 12-17), Mosaic (Exod 19-24), Levitical (Num 25), Davidic (2 Sam 7) and New (Jer 31). Readings: Jer 31:31-40, 32:6-16, 25-27, 36-44, 33:19-22. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI,…

The Power of the Kingdom (43 min)

Mark Sweetnam commences a series of messages on the “Kingdom of God” by asking the question “Does the Lord Jesus have the power that is needed to carry out God’s Kingdom plan?” Solving the world’s problems, defeating His enemies and bringing about global restoration and peace, will take enormous power. The Lord has already shown His power over disease, death, the devil in His life on earth, which was a foretaste of the powers of the world to come. Readings:…

Do Not Despair: God is Still on the Throne (30 min)

Mark Sweetnam preaches on the scene and events described in Revelation Chs 4 and 5, examining 4 things found in heaven that come from earth, and highlighting the sovereignty and rule of the throne of God in heaven. (Message preached at Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 21st Oct 2023)

He Must Reign (42 min)

Mark Sweetnam preaches on the topic of the “Millennium”, answering two questions: “Why must there be a Millennium?” Divine purpose demands it! The glory of Christ demands it! And secondly, what does it mean to me? Readings: 1 Cor 15:21-27, Rev 20:1-7, Eph 1:7-12. (Message preached in Ballymena, 24th Nov 2018)

The Person of Christ (43 min)

Mark Sweetnam expounds Hebrews 1:1-4, the profound Christological opening sentence of the New Testament book that has so much to tell us about the high priesthood of the Man at God’s right hand (Message preached 2nd Oct 2021)

Exposition of 1 Timothy Ch 3 (47 min)

Mark Sweetnam expounds 1 Timothy Ch 3. The contents of this chapter (qualifications for overseers/servants), and the previous one (male/female roles in assembly) give us features of the “pattern” for the local assembly and are written so that we will know “how to behave” in the house of God (3:15), which functions as the pillar and ground of the truth. Mark deals with the issue of “the husband of one wife”, and also answers the question “What is a deacon?”…