The Power of the Kingdom (43 min)

The Power of the Kingdom (43 min)

Mark Sweetnam commences a series of messages on the “Kingdom of God” by asking the question “Does the Lord Jesus have the power that is needed to carry out God’s Kingdom plan?” Solving the world’s problems, defeating His enemies and bringing about global restoration and peace, will take enormous power. The Lord has already shown His power over disease, death, the devil in His life on earth, which was a foretaste of the powers of the world to come. Readings: Rev 4:5, Matt 8:1-22, 10:1, 7-8, 11:2-6. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 23rd Oct 2023)

Complete series:

  1. The Power of the Kingdom
  2. The Promises of the Kingdom
  3. The Presence of the Kingdom