Sermons on Prophetic Topics

Sermons on Prophetic Topics

I Will Come Again – Maranatha (29 min)

Tom West preaches on the rapture of the church. Its preview in the translation of Enoch, its promise, its transformational change and its glorious hope. Readings: John 14, 1 Thess 4. (Recorded in Hanslope Gospel Hall, Bucks, UK, Dec 2024)

Jerusalem’s Hope: God’s Enduring Promise Amidst Conflict (41 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on God’s covenantal plan to rule the world, in a future kingdom age, through His Son Jesus Christ, during which time a restored nation of Israel will be “the head not the tail”, and Jerusalem will be the centre of the world geographically, politically and spiritually. Readings: Gen 12:1-3, Rom 11:25-27, Eph 1:9-10. (Recorded in Parkview Gospel Hall, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, 1st Oct 2024) (Photo: 57187596 | Iron Dome © Irina Opachevsky |

The Prophetic Key of “Jew, Gentile and Church of God” (15 min)

Phil Coulson explains that God’s programme for the ages revolves around His dealings with three distinct groups of people: the Jews, the Gentile nations, and the church of God. Grasping this fact will provide the key to understanding the revelation of God’s overarching purposes in history and prophecy. Mr Coulson points out the three groups from four Bible books: (1) Acts 15:12-18, (2) 1 Cor 10:31, (3) John 12:1-2, 12-15, 20, (4) Matt 13:44-50. (From a message delivered in David Street Gospel…

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem (15 min)

Harold Paisley (1924-2015) preaches on the city of Jerusalem, the nerve centre of God’s purposes for the earth and the city with a unique past, present and future. Readings: Judges 1:8, Psa 137:5-6, Matt 23:37-39, Rev 20:9. (Recorded at the Toronto Easter Conference, March 1991)

The Coming Peace Settlement in the Middle East (38 min)

Jim Allen preaches on the coming peace settlement in the Middle East as prophesied in the Bible in Daniel 9:27. He traces God’s purposes for the nation of Israel from its beginning in Genesis to its future in the coming Kingdom age. Readings: Gen 12:1-3, 15:18-21, 22:16-18, 2 Sam 7:12-16, Dan 9:1-4a, 20-27. (Recorded in 2002 shortly after the events of 9/11)

The Coming 1,000 Year Kingdom of Christ (50 min)

Eric Parmenter preaches on the coming millennial reign of the Lord Jesus Christ under three headings (A.B.C.) – The Advent of the King, the Basis of His rule, and the Character of HIs kingdom. (Recorded in Helions Gospel Hall, 28th May 2016)

The Great Kingdom Psalm (30 min)

Sandy Higgins expounds Psalm 72, the great Millennial Psalm, in which the Messiah’s Kingdom in the age to come is outlined. The rule of the Lord Jesus over a regenerated earth, with Israel regathered to the “Promised Land” and restored to be the head of the nations, is the final chapter in earth’s history. (Recorded in North America)

The Presence of the Kingdom (42 min)

Mark Sweetnam expounds the biblical and premillennial view of the kingdom of God. Contrary to widely held opinion, the Kingdom has not been manifested yet and awaits the coming of Christ to set it up. Readings: Psa 8:1-9, Heb 2:5-9, 1 Cor 15:20-28. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 25th Oct 2023) Complete series: The Power of the Kingdom The Promises of the Kingdom The Presence of the Kingdom

The Promises of the Kingdom (47 min)

Mark Sweetnam expounds the covenant programme of God by which He will restore all that was lost through the Fall in Eden. The condescension, calm, certainty and coherence of the covenants is discussed, and the 6 main covenants of the Bible are outlined: 1. Noahic (Gen 6), Abrahamic (Gen 12-17), Mosaic (Exod 19-24), Levitical (Num 25), Davidic (2 Sam 7) and New (Jer 31). Readings: Jer 31:31-40, 32:6-16, 25-27, 36-44, 33:19-22. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI,…

The Power of the Kingdom (43 min)

Mark Sweetnam commences a series of messages on the “Kingdom of God” by asking the question “Does the Lord Jesus have the power that is needed to carry out God’s Kingdom plan?” Solving the world’s problems, defeating His enemies and bringing about global restoration and peace, will take enormous power. The Lord has already shown His power over disease, death, the devil in His life on earth, which was a foretaste of the powers of the world to come. Readings:…

Daniel’s 70 Weeks Explained in Less Than 15 Minutes

Phil Coulson introduces the pivotal subject of Daniel’s 70 weeks. It is the backbone of all prophetic Scripture, and holds the key to understanding the great purpose and plan of God for Israel past, present and future. Reading: Daniel 9. (Message preached in Mount Sterling, WI, USA, Spring 2023)

How To Interpret and Understand Bible Prophecy (50 min)

Phil Coulson preaches on the key issues every believer needs to be aware of in order to understand future events. This is what theologians would call a “biblical eschatological hermeneutic”, or in simpler terms “How to go about interpreting and understanding what the Bible says about the future in books like Daniel and Revelation”. Without these keys, you will be at the mercy of a host of conflicting views (pre-trib , mid-trib, post-trib, pre-mill, a-mill, post-mill etc). Readings: Rev 19:10,…

The 7 Dispensations Explained in 35 Minutes

Harry Bell (1905-1976) explains the 7 dispensations all the way from the Garden of Eden to the Millennial Kingdom. The 7 dispensations are 1. Innocence, 2. Conscience, 3. Human government, 4. Promise, 5. Law, 6. Grace, 7. Kingdom. (Message preached in Plas Menai, Llanfairfechan, North Wales, 1961) An edited transcript of this sermon is available here.

It Will Be a Great Day When HE Comes (42 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the day when God will vindicate His Son, His Word, His ways and His honour – in the “regeneration” when Christ returns to earth to reign. Then the nations will be blessed, as redeemed Israel becomes the centre of the earth geographically, the head of the nations governmentally and the light of the nations spiritually. Readings: Eph 1:9-10, Titus 3:4-5, Matt 19:28. (Recorded in Huyton Gospel Hall, Liverpool, 19th Apr 2019)

The Spirit of Lawlessness (51 min)

Tom Bentley (1924-2011) preaches on the spirit of lawlessness that will be seen in the days of the Antichrist, which is already in evidence in the world, and which is pictured in the life and death of Absalom in the Old Testament. Reading: 2 Sam 15:10-13. (Message preached in Ballymena 29th Jan 1983).

The Worship, the Wedding, the War (27 min)

Norman Mellish preaches on the events surrounding the return of Christ to earth as recorded in Revelation Ch 19 – the 4 Alleluias, the marriage of the Lamb, the battle of Armageddon, the beast and the false prophet cast into the lake of fire, and the judgement of the living nations – all of which precede the inauguration of the 1,000 reign of Christ in His kingdom. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 24th Oct 1998)

The Rapture of the Church (28 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on the next event in God’s prophetic programme – the rapture of the church prior to the beginning of “the tribulation”, outlining its characteristics and its sequence. Readings: John 14:1-3, 1 Cor 15:51-58, 1 Thess 4:13-18. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 4th Nov 2013)

He Must Reign (42 min)

Mark Sweetnam preaches on the topic of the “Millennium”, answering two questions: “Why must there be a Millennium?” Divine purpose demands it! The glory of Christ demands it! And secondly, what does it mean to me? Readings: 1 Cor 15:21-27, Rev 20:1-7, Eph 1:7-12. (Message preached in Ballymena, 24th Nov 2018)

Antichrist – When and Where? (42 min)

Tom Bentley preaches on “Antichrist, when and where?”. Is the antichrist the first or second beast of Revelation 13? When will the antichrist appear, and from what part of the globe? Readings: 1 John 2:18-22, 4:3, Dan 7:7-8, 8:9-12, 11:36, Rev 13:1-2, 11. (Message preached in Ballymena Gospel Hall,  23rd Oct 1982)

The Second Coming of Christ (49 min)

John  Fleck preaches on the second coming of Christ for the church and to Israel and distinguishes between these two aspects of the return of Christ as revealed in Scripture. Readings; John 14:1-3, 1 Cor 15:51, 1 Thess 1:9-10, 4:13-5:9, 2 Thess 1:7-10, 2:1-3. (Message preached in Ballymena 26th Oct 2019)

God Always Finishes What He Starts (44 min)

Looking at creation, the cross, the church, the prophetic calendar and the Christian, Michael Penfold preaches on the truth that “God always finishes what He starts”. Reading: Phil 1:6. (Message preached in the Gospel Hall, Blackburn, 21st Jan 2023).

A Nation Unique Among Peoples (58 min)

David Gilliland preaches on “a nation unique among peoples”. In an easy to follow and comprehensive panoramic view of the past, present and future of the nation of Israel, Mr Gilliland shows their uniqueness as a nation, and their place in God’s plan for the ages. Readings: Exod 19:1-7, Rom 9:1-7, 11:12, 25-26a, 29. (Recorded in Northern Ireland in 2005). Photo above: Jaffa, Israel. Complete series: A species unique among creatures A period unique among the ages A gathering unique…

The Prophetic Days of Scripture (57 min)

Phil Coulson preaches on the prophetic days of Scripture: the day of man, the day of the Lord, the day of Christ and the day of God. He traces the history of the Gentile nations, the nation of Israel and the Church, in the various stages of the dealings of God with mankind from the Tower of Babel to the new heavens and the new earth. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 2nd June 2022)

The Drama of Redemption (24 min)

Phil Coulson preaches on the great “drama of redemption” whereby God purposes to undo the works of Satan (in causing the fall through the first Adam’s sin in Eden), by bringing in redemption and restoration through the last Adam, the Man Christ Jesus. Reading: Heb 2:1-4. (Message preached at the Garnavillo Conference, Iowa, USA, 2022)

The Millennium and Fulness of Times (66 min)

THE WORLD’S 7 GREAT CRISES Jeffrey Harrison (1909-1990) preaches closes his series on the world’s 7 great crises by looking at the seals, trumpets and vials of the tribulation, followed by the Millennium, the final rebellion of Gog and Magog, and the great white throne judgment, all of which precede the day of God. Reading: Rev 20:1-21:4 (Message preached in King’s Square Gospel Hall, King’s Square, Gloucester, UK, 18th Feb 1965). Complete series: Part 1 – The Survey of God’s…

The Judgment Seat and the Tribulation (43 min)

THE WORLD’S 7 GREAT CRISES Jeffrey Harrison (1909-1990) preaches on the subject of “the judgment seat of Christ” and the “great tribulation”. The events on earth during the tribulation form the 6th great crisis in the Bible (1. The Fall, 2. The Floor, 3. Babel, 4. Egypt, 5. The Cross, 6. The tribulation. (Message preached in King’s Square Gospel Hall, King’s Square, Gloucester, UK, 17th Feb 1965). Complete series: Part 1 – The Survey of God’s Purpose Part 2 –…

The Coming of the Lord (42 min)

THE WORLD’S 7 GREAT CRISES Jeffrey Harrison (1909-1990) preaches on the subject of “the coming of the Lord”. He distinguishes between the coming of the Lord for His own, the church, and His coming as the Son of Man to deliver Israel and judge the nations. Readings: John 14:1-7, 1 Thess 4:13-18 (Message preached in King’s Square Gospel Hall, King’s Square, Gloucester, UK, 16th Feb 1965). Complete series: Part 1 – The Survey of God’s Purpose Part 2 – Gospel…

God’s Present Work (47 min)

THE WORLD’S 7 GREAT CRISES Jeffrey Harrison (1909-1990) preaches on the subject of “God’s present work”. Following the 5th great crisis in world history, the cross, what is God doing now? He is gathering out a people for his name from all the nations, through the work of the Holy Spirit in the world. Readings: Acts 2:37-47 (Message preached in King’s Square Gospel Hall, King’s Square, Gloucester, UK, 15th Feb 1965). Complete series: Part 1 – The Survey of God’s…

The Passover (46 min)

THE WORLD’S 7 GREAT CRISES Jeffrey Harrison (1909-1990) preaches on the subject of “the Passover” and the 4th great crisis in world history, as God delivers His people out of Egypt through the blood of the lamb. (Message preached in King’s Square Gospel Hall, King’s Square, Gloucester, UK, 13th Feb 1965). Complete series: Part 1 – The Survey of God’s Purpose Part 2 – Gospel meeting – The Problem of Peace (not recorded) Part 3 – The Two Seeds Part…

The Call of Abram (44 min)

THE WORLD’S 7 GREAT CRISES Jeffrey Harrison (1909-1990) preaches on the subject of “the call of Abram”. Abram’s call and sojourn takes place between crisis 3 (Babel) and crisis 4 (Egypt) and sees the beginning of the nation of Israel, who will be pivotal to all of God’s dealings ever after. Readings: Heb 11:8-22. (Message preached in King’s Square Gospel Hall, King’s Square, Gloucester, UK, 11th Feb 1965). (Photo: Beersheba, Israel) Complete series: Part 1 – The Survey of God’s…

The Tower of Babel (53 min)

THE WORLD’S 7 GREAT CRISES Jeffrey Harrison (1909-1990) preaches on the subject of the “the Tower of Babel”. This is the world’s 3rd great crisis. In the 1st crisis, man lost God’s presence and his flesh was enslaved by Satan. In the 2nd crisis, man lost possession of the earth after an effort was made by Cain to refine man’s flesh. In the 3rd crisis, man loses relationship with his fellow man when languages are confused, after Nimrod had sought…

The Deluge (36 min)

THE WORLD’S 7 GREAT CRISES Jeffrey Harrison (1909-1990) preaches on the subject of the “the Deluge”, more commonly known as “Noah’s flood”. This is the world’s 2nd great crisis. He outlines the reasons for the flood and gives his view that the sons of God in Genesis Ch 6 were not angels. Readings: Genesis 4:17-25, 5:15-32, 6:1-8 (Message preached in King’s Square Gospel Hall, King’s Square, Gloucester, UK, 9th Feb 1965). Complete series: Part 1 – The Survey of God’s…

The Two Seeds (44 min)

THE WORLD’S 7 GREAT CRISES Jeffrey Harrison (1909-1990) preaches on the subject of the “two seeds” in Scripture, the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman. These seeds were spoken of by the Lord just after the world’s first great crisis in Eden. The two seeds are seen in Cain and Abel’s lives, which set the tone for the battle of the ages that runs through the Bible. The “darnel” Mr Harrison refers to is the weed…

A Survey of God’s Prophetic Programme (48 min)

THE WORLD’S 7 GREAT CRISES Jeffrey Harrison (1909-1990) preaches on God’s programme for the ages (see original flyer below). Starting with creation and the rebellion of Lucifer, Mr Harrison proceeds to explain how biblical history can only be understood when Israel, the church and the nations are clearly distinguished (Message preached in King’s Square Gospel Hall, King’s Square, Gloucester, UK, 5th Feb 1965). Complete series: Part 1 – The Survey of God’s Purpose Part 2 – Gospel meeting – The…

Christ’s Appearing and Kingdom (56 min)

PART 5 – Jack Hunter (1916-1994) preaches on the topic of the appearing of Christ in glory and the millennial kingdom that He will set up and reign over for 1,000 years. Israel restored, the world regenerated and the church ruling and reigning with Christ; this is the future promised in Scripture. Reading: Revelation 19:11-21 (Preached in Ayr, Scotland, in 1982)

The One World Church of the End Times (52 min)

PART 4 – Jack Hunter (1916-1994) preaches on the “one world church” of the end times, mystery Babylon the Great. He traces Babylon through Scripture from Genesis to Revelation and gives pertinent warnings about the present ecumenical movement, the precursor to the “Mother of Harlots” of the period known as the great tribulation. Reading: Revelation 17-18. (Preached in Ayr, Scotland, in 1982)

The Coming World Superman (52 min)

PART 3 – Jack Hunter (1916-1994) preaches on the coming world superman, the antichrist, and various other personages who will be prominent in the end times, such as the false prophet and the King of the North. The antichrist’s number will be 666 and no man will be able to buy or sell without that number in their forehead or in their right hand. Reading: Revelation 13:1-18. (Preached in Ayr, Scotland, in 1982)

The Great Tribulation (55 min)

PART 2 – Jack Hunter (1916-1994) preaches on the subject of “the great tribulation”, the period of time between the rapture of the church and Christ’s appearing in glory to set up His kingdom. Mr Hunter outlines the unveiling of the seals in Revelation Ch 6 and the events of the period from Matthew Ch 24. Reading: Luke 13:22-30 (Preached in Ayr, Scotland, in 1982)

The Morning After the Rapture (33 min)

PART 1 – Jack Hunter (1916-1994) preaches on what it will be like the morning after the rapture, when millions will be missing and you might be left behind. Are you ready for the Lord to return? Reading: Luke 13:22-30 (Preached in Ayr, Scotland, in 1982)

The Role of Russia in Bible Prophecy (+ printable notes) (59 min)

Dan Rudge speaks on “the role of Russia in Bible prophecy”, looking at the attack against Israel that will be launched by Russia during the “great tribulation”. This message was given during the conflict in 2022 between Russian and Ukraine. Reading: Eze 38:1-23. Click here for Mr Rudge’s notes. (Message preached 12th Mar 2022) (Photo: Kremlin Wall, Red Square, Moscow, Russia).

God Will Keep His Promises to Israel (and to you) (43 min)

What is the greatest example in the Bible of God keeping a promise? Working from Ezekiel Ch 20, this sermon sets out to prove that God’s ancient promise to Abraham of a nation and a land “for an everlasting possession” has still to be fulfilled, and will be so when Christ returns and sets up His millennial Kingdom. If God does not keep that promise, how can you be sure He will keep His New Covenant promises of salvation and…

The 2nd Coming of Christ (39 min)

Harold Paisley (1924-2015) preaches on the second coming of Christ. He outlines a “9-point programme”, from the rapture of the Church to the Kingdom age, in a wide-ranging message. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall in Livonia, Michigan, USA, Oct 1997)

The Shout the World Won’t Hear (20 min)

Jonathan Procopio preaches on a number of the “shouts” of the Lord Jesus. “If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink”…”Lazarus come forth”…”It is finished.” But there’s going to be a “last shout”, the shout the world won’t hear. A stirring message, focussing on the coming of the Lord. Reading: 1 Cor 15:51-58, 1 Thess 4:12-17 (Message preached at “The Island Conference”, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 2015)

The King is Coming! (29 min)

John Fleck sets out the course of events that precede the Millennial Kingdom – the rapture, the tribulation and the second advent of Christ – after which the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdom of our God and His Christ. From Psalm 72, John preaches on the standard, the scope and the splendour of Christ’s kingdom. (Message preached at Sussex Conference, Canada, 2017)

The Mark of the Beast (41 min)

Sam Jennings preaches on the topic of what the Bible calls “the mark of the beast” (666), which is mentioned 8x in the book of Revelation. This mark will be introduced in the tribulation period after the rapture of the church, once the antichrist is on the scene. Mr Jennings asks two questions: 1. What is the mark of the beast? and 2. Why will there be a mark of the beast? He suggests it is a literal visible mark…

PART 5 – Overview of Dispensationalism (46 min)

A conference on the topic of dispensationalism was held in Sarnia, Ontario, in 2015, with Dan Shutt, David Vallance and Ian Jackson sharing 5 preaching sessions between them. PART 5 – In the closing message of the conference, Ian Jackson gives a ‘prophetic overview’ from a dispensational viewpoint. He starts with the goal of God’s plan from Ephesians 1:10 (everything to be headed up in Christ in the Millennium), moving on to outline the programme of Daniel’s 70 weeks, and then…

PART 4 – Salvation in Dispensationalism (27 min)

A conference on the topic of dispensationalism was held in Sarnia, Ontario, in 2015, with Dan Shutt, David Vallance and Ian Jackson sharing 5 preaching sessions between them. PART 4 – David Vallance preaches on dispensationalism and salvation. If history and prophecy consists of a succession of different ages and dispensations, are there different ways of getting saved in those dispensations? David answers with an emphatic “no”. In every dispensation the source of salvation is grace, its basis is the cross…

PART 3 – Dispensationalism and the Church (58 min)

A conference on the topic of dispensationalism was held in Sarnia, Ontario, in 2015, with Dan Shutt, David Vallance and Ian Jackson sharing 5 preaching sessions between them. PART 3 – Ian Jackson makes a solid scriptural case for the need to draw a very clear distinction between Israel and the Church – as to origin, character and destiny. Israel is God’s earthly people; the church is His heavenly people. Israel has been set aside for now – while the kingdom…

PART 2 – Dispensationalism vs. Covenant Theology (56 min)

A conference on the topic of dispensationalism was held in Sarnia, Ontario, in 2015, with Dan Shutt, David Vallance and Ian Jackson sharing 5 preaching sessions between them. PART 2 – David Vallance looks at the ramifications of a person’s eschatology (their view of future events). Why did Oliver Cromwell go into battle singing the Psalms, and crushing his enemies in spirit of a Joshua who conquered the Canaanites? Why was Luther anti-Semitic? Why do some churches have ornate sanctuaries and…

PART 1 – Dispensationalism Introduction (53 min)

A conference on the topic of dispensationalism was held in Sarnia, Ontario, in 2015, with Dan Shutt, David Vallance and Ian Jackson sharing 5 preaching sessions between them. PART 1 – Dan Shutt introduces the biblical concept of a “dispensation” and explains how history, from Eden to the Millennium, is divided into numerous ages in which God administers His dealings with men in different ways to fulfil His ultimate purpose. After some introductory remarks, Dan works his way through Scripture…

Will the Church Go Through the Tribulation? (46 min)

Jim Flanigan (1931-2014) expounds 7 reasons from the book of Revelation why the church will not go through any part of the 7-year tribulation. Mr Flanigan takes the pre-tribulation view of the Lord’s coming which indicates that the church will be raptured to heaven before the 7 year period known as “Daniel’s 70th week” begins.

The Practical Kingdom Parables (37 min)

PART 5 – David Gilliland considers the parable of the nobleman from Luke 19:11-27. This key parable reveals that though the kingdom was not restored to Israel at the time of Christ’s first coming, it most certainly will be at His second. In the mean time, believers are to “occupy” until He returns. Faithfulness in little things during the time of the King’s rejection and absence will lead to larger responsibilities being given when the kingdom is inaugurated. What kingdom…

The Glorious Kingdom Promises (60 min)

PART 4 – David Gilliland considers the programme of God’s kingdom from the captivity in Babylon through to the second coming of Christ. God sent prophets – Isaiah to Malachi – to sustain and encourage His people in dark days. Despite the disaster of the captivity and the tragedy of the cross, God’s original plan to have a kingdom headquartered in Jerusalem with the son of David on the throne of the Lord has not been abandoned. The present postponement…

The Historical Kingdom Picture (47 min)

PART 3 – In a sweeping address that covers over 1,500 years of history, David Gilliland traces the course of God’s dealings on the earth from the tower of Babel all the way through to the captivity in Babylon. The Kings of “this world” (Nimrod, Pharoah, Nebuchadnezzar etc.) have always opposed God’s rule, but in the nation of Israel, in particular under the rule of Solomon, God gave a preview of what the Kingdom of Christ will eventually look like…

The Original Kingdom Pattern (30 min)

PART 2 – From Genesis Chs 1-3, David Gilliland explains that at the beginning God delegated rule over creation to Adam, who was crowned with glory and honour and given dominion over God’s works. This was the “original kingdom pattern”. All of this came under subtle attack from Satan. (Due to a recording malfunction, 15 minutes is missing at the 28.10 mark. At that point, Mr Gilliland outlined the results of the fall, and how those results will be reversed…

The Ultimate Kingdom Psalm (58 min)

PART 1 – David Gilliland introduces his series of 5 messages on “the kingdom of God in human history” with a look at Psalm 145, which he calls the ultimate kingdom psalm. The 7+1 psalms of King David bunched together from Psalm 138 to 145 Mr Gilliland likens to the 7 future years of tribulation, that give way to the great day of Christ’s millennial glory. This message is full of fascinating insights into the mathematical structure of the Psalter…

Where Do The Dead Go? (36 min)

Michael Penfold takes up the subject of man’s future state under three headings: Where do people go at death? Where did Christ go at death? What is the future resurrection programme for the Church, Israel and the “wicked dead”? He deals with a number of false ideas such as annihilation, reincarnation, purgatory, soul-sleep and universalism and refutes them all from scripture. He also critiques the two-compartment theory. A wide ranging message that includes a look at the first and second…

Pre, Post or A-Millennialism? (45 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the subject of the Millennium, the 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth in His Kingdom. He outlines Old Testament prophecies about the Millennium, how the Millennium fits into the future, its purpose, the people who will be in it, how it will be administered, what it will be like and how it will end. He explains the weaknesses of the a-millennial and post-millennial views and argues in favour of a pre-millennial view of prophecy (Message…

The Rapture – Pre, Mid or Post-Tribulation? (39 min)

Mervyn Hall looks at the subject of the rapture of the Church and asks will it be before, in the middle or at the end of Daniel’s 70th week, that period sometimes called “the 7-year tribulation”? Mervyn works his way through Ch 4 and Ch 5 of 1st Thessalonians and looks at the timing, the terminology and the teaching connected with this event and concludes that Scripture teaches a “pre-tribulation rapture”. (Message preached 8th Nov 2015)

Is the Lord’s Day the Christian Sabbath? (40 min)

Although aware that they are “not under law”, the question of whether or not to keep the Sabbath is an issue that still poses problems for many believers. Mervyn Hall addresses this problem by tracing Paul’s argument though Colossians Ch 2, showing that we are not legally bound to keep the Sabbath, nor are we required to treat the Lord’s Day as the “Christian Sabbath”. However, he urges caution against treating the Lord’s Day as any other day, by drawing…

What is the Believer’s Rule of Life? (43 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the question, “What is the believer’s ‘rule of life’?” Believers today are “under grace”, not “under law”. That is to say, the Mosaic law, in all its aspects – ceremonial, civil and moral – has no connection with Christians in the Church age. They are neither under the law for justification nor for sanctification. Are believers then “lawless”? Is dispensationalism antinomian? Does “grace” mean Christians are free to do what they please? These and other related…

What is the Difference Between Israel and the Church? (41 min)

Dan Rudge speaks on a foundational issue in the interpretation of Scripture: the difference between Israel and the Church. He contends that when the Bible speaks of Israel it always means Israel. The Church is neither a replacement of nor an expansion of Israel. Mr Rudge discusses both Replacement theology and Covenant [Reformed] theology’s views on the subject. He contends that God has a future for the nation of Israel to which He has irrevocably committed Himself. (Message preached 18th…

An Overview of the 7 Dispensations (38 min)

Michael Penfold defines the critical terms “age” and “dispensation” before working his way through history from creation to the new heavens and new earth outlining the 7 Biblical dispensations as he proceeds. The 4 basic, always-repeated characteristics of each dispensation – revelation, responsibility, rebellion and retribution – are delineated in detail. (Message preached 20th Sept 2015)

An Overview of Bible Covenants (43 min)

Mervyn Hall gives an overview of the Covenants of the Bible. He lists five: Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic and Messianic (New). He explains that these Covenants are God’s programme to restore everything that was lost in the fall. The culmination of God’s Covenant programme will be seen in “the Millennium”, the 1,000 year reign of Christ in a literal kingdom on earth. The Dispensational view of the Covenants differs greatly from the Reformed “Covenant Theology” view, making this a pivotal…

What are the Laws of Interpretation? (39 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on the basic principles of Bible interpretation. How should the Bible be approached and studied? To rightly divide the word – to cut a straight course through Scripture – what principles should guide us? Mervyn outlines 5: the synthesis principle; the historical principle; the literal principle; the grammatical principle and the practical principle. (Recorded 6th Sept 2015)

Great Prophetic Chapters – Revelation 20 (67 min)

Ian Jackson expounds Revelation 20 under the heading “The Decisive Fulfilment of God’s Plans for Israel and the Church”. A wide-ranging exposition of the millennium, the final judgment and the eternal state (Message preached 25th October 2008)

Great Prophetic Chapters – Matt 24 (67 min)

Ian Jackson expounds Matthew 24 under the heading “The Difficult Time of Jacob’s Trouble.” He outlines the events of the great tribulation commenting on its antichrist deception and outpoured wrath of God (Message preached 23rd October 2008)

Great Prophetic Chapters – Revelation 4 & 5 (60 min)

Ian Jackson expounds Revelation Chs. 4 and 5 under the heading “The Dramatic Unfolding of the Tribulation”. He concentrates on the Throne, the Lamb and the Book, which he calls the “title deeds of the universe” (Message preached 22nd October 2008)

Great Prophetic Chapters – 1 Thess 4 (66 min)

Ian Jackson expounds 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 under the heading “The Detailed Account of the Rapture of the Church”. He painstakingly but thrillingly works his way through the verses to their glorious conclusion (Message preached 21st October 2008)

Great Prophetic Chapters – Matthew 13 (57 min)

Ian Jackson expounds Matthew 13, “The Dispensational Underpinning of Prophecy”. He gives a panoramic view of God’s dealings in the present age as seen in the 7 parables of the kingdom (Message preached 20th October 2008)

Great Prophetic Chapters – Daniel 9 (61 min)

Ian Jackson expounds Daniel Chapter 9 under the heading “The Divine Time Frame for God’s Prophetic Plan”. He explains the meaning of the pivotal subject of “Daniel’s 70 weeks” (Message preached 18th October 2008)

The Millennial Reign of Christ (42 min)

Jim Baker teaches on the millennial reign of Christ, expounding on four great reasons for this unique 1,000 year period and linking it with the events that occurred on the mount of transfiguration (Message preached 2006)

The Second Advent of Christ (40 min)

Jim Baker teaches on the ‘manifestation’ of Christ at the second advent from Revelation, 2 Thessalonians and Zechariah, including what happens to the beast, the false prophet and Satan. (Message preached 2006)

The Great Tribulation (36 min)

Jim Baker teaches on the great tribulation, the sequence of events in the book of Revelation, the four horsemen, the antichrist and the covenant of Daniel 9. He helpfully compares Matthew 24 to Revelation 6. (Message preached 2006)

The Judgment Seat of Christ (32 min)

Jim Baker teaches on the next event to take place in heaven after the rapture – the judgment seat of Christ. He explains what will happen when believers from this present dispensation stand before the Lord ‘in that day’. (Message preached 2006)

The Pre-Tribulation Rapture (38 min)

Jim Baker teaches on the pre-tribulation rapture of the church. He explains why neither the church nor the rapture are mentioned in the Old Testament and touches on 1 Thess 4, 1 Cor 15 and other related passages. (Message preached 2006)

The Times of the Gentiles (40 min)

Jim Baker teaches on the ‘Times of the Gentiles’. He outlines Israel’s history and the image of Daniel and explains how these relate to one another. This is foundational ministry to help us understand the broad outline of God’s prophetic plan. (Message preached 2006)

Daniel’s 70 Weeks Expounded (79 min)

Tom Ledger (1932-2015) gives an 80 minute exposition of Daniel’s ’70 weeks’ from Daniel Ch 9. This passage forms the backbone of prophetic truth, and an understanding of it opens up the whole scheme of prophecy to the Bible student. Mr Ledger gives a thorough explanation of the subject from a pre-tribulational pre-millennial position (Message given 26th Dec 1985)

PART 1 – Daniel’s Image (52 min)

PART 1 of 5 – In the first of a series of 5 messages entitled “A Divine Foreview” Mr Fred Cundick (1907-1975) preaches on the image in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel Ch 2, which outlines the whole of the times of the Gentiles from the Babylonian captivity until the second coming of Christ. A vital message for the understanding of the whole Bible. (Preached in Bicester in 1973)

PART 2 – The Character of God’s Present Rule (50 min)

PART 2 of 5 – In the second of a series of 5 messages entitled “A Divine Foreview” Mr Fred Cundick (1907-1975) preaches on the parables of the Kingdom from Matthew Ch 13 which outlines the course of the kingdom during the absence of the King from earth. (Preached in Bicester in 1973)

PART 3 – God’s present unique work in the Church (50 min)

PART 3 of 5 – In the third of a series of 5 messages entitled “A Divine Foreview”, Mr Fred Cundick (1907-1975) preaches on the unique place the church has in God’s prophetic programme, as distinct from Israel. This is one of the vital keys to understanding Scripture. (Preached in Bicester in 1973)

PART 4 – The Judgment Seat of Christ (51 min)

PART 4 of 5 – In the fifth of a series of 5 messages entitled “A Divine Foreview” Mr Fred Cundick (1907-1975) preaches on the timing, the event and the purpose of the ‘bema’ or the judgment seat of Christ. (Preached in Bicester in 1973)

PART 5 – The Millennium (55 min)

PART 5 of 5 – In the last of a series of 5 messages entitled “A Divine Foreview of Gentile Domination” Mr Fred Cundick (1907-1975) preaches on the 1,000 year reign of Christ, known as the coming kingdom age. There is much confusion today about the millennium and the future of the nation of Israel. This message makes the Biblical position very clear. (Preached in Bicester in 1973)