Sermons by Jim Baker

Sermons by Jim Baker

The Prophecy of the Coming Messiah (51 min)

PART 6 – Jim Baker preaches on Daniel Ch 9 and speaks about the pivotal prophecy of “Daniel’s 70 weeks”, an Old Testament passage that forms the backbone of Messianic prophecy. Mr Baker wrote the commentary on Daniel in the What the Bible Teaches series of commentaries published by John Ritchie Ltd. (Series preached in Redditch Gospel Hall, UK, Feb 1999) For a chart of Daniel’s prophecy click here. Complete series: Daniel Ch 1 – The prophet who became Prime Minister…

The Preservation of the People of God (50 min)

PART 5 – Jim Baker preaches on Daniel Chs 5-6 and speaks about the preservation of the people of God in the dark days when the Babylonian King Belshazzar was ruling, and then when the Medo-Persian King Darius put Daniel into the den of lions. Mr Baker wrote the commentary on Daniel in the What the Bible Teaches series of commentaries published by John Ritchie Ltd. (Series preached in Redditch Gospel Hall, UK, Feb 1999) For a chart of Daniel’s prophecy…

The Providence of God (48 min)

PART 4 – Jim Baker preaches on Daniel Ch 4 and speaks about the providence of God in the humbling experience of Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian King who played such a pivotal role in the history of God’s dealings with Israel. Mr Baker wrote the commentary on Daniel in the What the Bible Teaches series of commentaries published by John Ritchie Ltd. (Series preached in Redditch Gospel Hall, UK, Feb 1999) For a chart of Daniel’s prophecy click here. Complete series: Daniel…

The Persecution of Israel (51 min)

PART 3 – Jim Baker preaches on Daniel Ch 3 and speaks about the persecution of Israel from the story of the “burning fiery furnace” of Nebuchadnezzar. Mr Baker wrote the commentary on Daniel in the What the Bible Teaches series of commentaries published by John Ritchie Ltd. (Series preached in Redditch Gospel Hall, UK, Feb 1999) For a chart of Daniel’s prophecy click here. Complete series: Daniel Ch 1 – The prophet who became Prime Minister Daniel Ch 2 –…

The Programme of the Times of the Gentiles (37 min)

PART 2 – Jim Baker preaches on Daniel Ch 2 and outlines the particulars and the dispensational interpretation of “Daniel’s image”, starting with the head of gold and ending with the feet of iron and clay. Mr Baker explains when these “times of the Gentiles” began, and how and when will they end. Mr Baker wrote the commentary on Daniel in the What the Bible Teaches series of commentaries published by John Ritchie Ltd. (Series preached in Redditch Gospel Hall, UK,…

The Prophet who Became Prime Minister (38 min)

PART 1 – Jim Baker opens up a series of ministry sessions on the book of Daniel by introducing the prophecy as a whole and dealing with the material in Chapter 1. Mr Baker wrote the commentary on Daniel in the What the Bible Teaches series of commentaries published by John Ritchie Ltd. (Series preached in Redditch Gospel Hall, UK, Feb 1999) For a chart of Daniel’s prophecy click here. Complete series: Daniel Ch 1 – The prophet who became…

Glory in the Millennial Temple (60 min)

PART 6 – Jim Baker (1934-2016) concludes his series on the Temples of Scripture by taking a broad overview of events from the rapture, through the tribulation, to the manifestation of Christ and into the Millennial Kingdom, in which time Ezekiel’s temple will be in operation with the return of the glory of the Lord. Reading: 1 Thess 4:13-18 (Message preached in Redditch, UK). (Photo: model of Herod’s temple). For a book dealing in detail with Ezekiel’s Temple, it’s construction,…

Apostasy and the Antichrist’s Temple (45 min)

PART 5 – Jim Baker (1934-2016) continues his series on the Temples of Scripture by taking a look at the temple that will be built in Jerusalem after the rapture, what he calls “antichrist’s temple”. He links the apostasy of the Jewish nation in the tribulation with events recorded in the gospels during the first coming of Christ. Reading: Matt 11:20-21, 24, 12:6, 41-42 (Message preached in Redditch, UK). (Photo: model of Herod’s temple).

Apathy and the Temple of Herod (48 min)

PART 4 – Jim Baker (1934-2016) continues his series on the Temples of Scripture by taking a look at the Temple of Herod, the temple that existed when the Lord was on earth. The nation of Israel at that time was marked by apathy and had made the house of prayer into a house of merchandise. Reading: Mal 1:6-13 (Message preached in Redditch, UK). (Photo: model of Herod’s temple).

Recovery and the Temple of Zerubbabel (51 min)

PART 3 – Jim Baker (1934-2016) continues his series on the Temples of Scripture by taking a look at the temple rebuilt under Zerubbabel. This is a practical message highlighting timeless principles of recovery in assembly testimony. Readings: Ezra 1:1-11 (Message preached in Redditch, UK). (Photo: model of Herod’s temple).

Fervency and the Temple of Solomon – Part 2 (29 min)

PART 2 – Jim Baker (1934-2016) continues his series on the Temples of Scripture by taking a second look at Solomon’s temple. Mr Baker looks at the fervour and interest of David, Solomon and the people in the building of the temple and draws lessons therefrom. Readings: 2 Sam 7:1-3, 12-13, 1 Chron 28:1-10, 29:1-3 10-11 (Message preached in Redditch, UK). (Photo: model of Herod’s temple).

Fervency and the Temple of Solomon – Part 1 (32 min)

PART 1 – Jim Baker (1934-2016) begins a series on the Temples of Scripture by looking at the concept of God dwelling among His people from Jacob’s experience in Gen 28 and from Paul’s 3rd chapter in 1 Timothy. He then speaks of Solomon’s original temple: divinely chosen, enabled, possessed and guided (Message preached in Redditch, UK). (Photo: model of Herod’s temple)

Jim Baker – The Christian Life (29 min)

Jim Baker (1934-2016), originally from Liverpool, Jim spent most of his life in Scotland. Saved as a boy of 8, Jim soon developed a deep interest in the Scriptures and went on to become a very effective minister of the Word and much loved servant of the Lord. A warm-hearted brother with an infectious smile, Jim is fondly remembered and widely missed. He travelled all over the world preaching and teaching the Word, and leading profitable and clear Bible Readings…

The Millennial Reign of Christ (42 min)

Jim Baker teaches on the millennial reign of Christ, expounding on four great reasons for this unique 1,000 year period and linking it with the events that occurred on the mount of transfiguration (Message preached 2006)

The Second Advent of Christ (40 min)

Jim Baker teaches on the ‘manifestation’ of Christ at the second advent from Revelation, 2 Thessalonians and Zechariah, including what happens to the beast, the false prophet and Satan. (Message preached 2006)

The Great Tribulation (36 min)

Jim Baker teaches on the great tribulation, the sequence of events in the book of Revelation, the four horsemen, the antichrist and the covenant of Daniel 9. He helpfully compares Matthew 24 to Revelation 6. (Message preached 2006)

The Judgment Seat of Christ (32 min)

Jim Baker teaches on the next event to take place in heaven after the rapture – the judgment seat of Christ. He explains what will happen when believers from this present dispensation stand before the Lord ‘in that day’. (Message preached 2006)

The Pre-Tribulation Rapture (38 min)

Jim Baker teaches on the pre-tribulation rapture of the church. He explains why neither the church nor the rapture are mentioned in the Old Testament and touches on 1 Thess 4, 1 Cor 15 and other related passages. (Message preached 2006)

The Times of the Gentiles (40 min)

Jim Baker teaches on the ‘Times of the Gentiles’. He outlines Israel’s history and the image of Daniel and explains how these relate to one another. This is foundational ministry to help us understand the broad outline of God’s prophetic plan. (Message preached 2006)