A conference on the topic of dispensationalism was held in Sarnia, Ontario, in 2015, with Dan Shutt, David Vallance and Ian Jackson sharing 5 preaching sessions between them.
PART 4 – David Vallance preaches on dispensationalism and salvation. If history and prophecy consists of a succession of different ages and dispensations, are there different ways of getting saved in those dispensations? David answers with an emphatic “no”. In every dispensation the source of salvation is grace, its basis is the cross and its object is God. The finished work of Christ on the cross is retroactively valid for those who lived before it and proactively valid for those who live after it. Noah was not saved by building an ark; Abraham was not saved by offering Isaac; Israelites in the Old Testament Israelites were not saved by bringing a sacrifice to the tabernacle or temple. An important message answering a crucial question. Readings: Matt 4:23-24a, Rom 1:16, Rev 14:6-7.