A conference on the topic of dispensationalism was held in Sarnia, Ontario, in 2015, with Dan Shutt, David Vallance and Ian Jackson sharing 5 preaching sessions between them.
PART 5 – In the closing message of the conference, Ian Jackson gives a ‘prophetic overview’ from a dispensational viewpoint. He starts with the goal of God’s plan from Ephesians 1:10 (everything to be headed up in Christ in the Millennium), moving on to outline the programme of Daniel’s 70 weeks, and then on to discuss the rapture, the tribulation, the second advent and the Millennium. This is the biblical sequence of events. Right now we live in the period of time between Daniel’s 69th and Daniel’s 70th week during the postponement of the kingdom. Israel has been set aside and the gospel is going out to the nations. Ian sets out the two stages of the Lord’s return: 1. Christ’s coming to the air followed by the judgment seat of Christ, and then 2. seven years later Christ’s coming to the earth, followed by the judgment of the living nations. The great white throne judgment is separated from the Lord’s coming by 1,000 years and takes place once the old heaven and earth pass away. Then a new heaven and a new earth where in dwells righteousness. Reading: Hebrews 1:1-6.