Sermons by Fred Cundick
Fred Cundick – Josiah the Royal Revivalist (33 min)
Mr Fred Cundick (1907-1975) visited Bicester often in the early days and was a big help to us. Leaving school at 14 years of age, he followed his father down “the pit” into the coal mines of the Rhondda Valley in Wales. Saved at 16, he was severely persecuted at home, but proved the reality of his conversion through his perseverance in faith. He later moved to Luton, Bedfordshire, for work, and eventually at the age of 39, just after…
Fred Cundick – Lessons from the Problems in Corinth (48 min)
Fred Cundick (1907-1975) preaches on lessons from the 5 assembly problems at Corinth. Mr Cundick was a masterly expositor of the word and preached around the world for many years (Message preached in Bicester, 26th Dec 1973) (Photo: Mr & Mrs Fred Cundick, 1968)
PART 1 – Daniel’s Image (52 min)
PART 1 of 5 – In the first of a series of 5 messages entitled “A Divine Foreview” Mr Fred Cundick (1907-1975) preaches on the image in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel Ch 2, which outlines the whole of the times of the Gentiles from the Babylonian captivity until the second coming of Christ. A vital message for the understanding of the whole Bible. (Preached in Bicester in 1973)
PART 2 – The Character of God’s Present Rule (50 min)
PART 2 of 5 – In the second of a series of 5 messages entitled “A Divine Foreview” Mr Fred Cundick (1907-1975) preaches on the parables of the Kingdom from Matthew Ch 13 which outlines the course of the kingdom during the absence of the King from earth. (Preached in Bicester in 1973)
PART 3 – God’s present unique work in the Church (50 min)
PART 3 of 5 – In the third of a series of 5 messages entitled “A Divine Foreview”, Mr Fred Cundick (1907-1975) preaches on the unique place the church has in God’s prophetic programme, as distinct from Israel. This is one of the vital keys to understanding Scripture. (Preached in Bicester in 1973)
PART 4 – The Judgment Seat of Christ (51 min)
PART 4 of 5 – In the fifth of a series of 5 messages entitled “A Divine Foreview” Mr Fred Cundick (1907-1975) preaches on the timing, the event and the purpose of the ‘bema’ or the judgment seat of Christ. (Preached in Bicester in 1973)
PART 5 – The Millennium (55 min)
PART 5 of 5 – In the last of a series of 5 messages entitled “A Divine Foreview of Gentile Domination” Mr Fred Cundick (1907-1975) preaches on the 1,000 year reign of Christ, known as the coming kingdom age. There is much confusion today about the millennium and the future of the nation of Israel. This message makes the Biblical position very clear. (Preached in Bicester in 1973)
The Transfiguration of Christ (48 Min)
Fred Cundick expounds on the theme of the Lord’s Transfiguration on the mount, when Moses and Elijah appeared with Him in glory (Message preached in Bicester in 1973)
Order in the Assembly of God (44 min)
Mr Fred Cundick speaking on order in the assembly of God. A vital exposition showing that the local assembly operates according to the principles of godly order and Biblical rule (Message preached in Bicester 26th Dec 1972)