Sermons on Matthew

Sermons on Matthew

Harold St John – Judge Not That You Be Not Judged (25 min)

Harold St John (1876-1957) was converted to Christ at 18. Employed in a Bank, he spent much of his spare time and his holidays preaching the gospel and working among the street people of London: “When I was quite young, I used to go down to the slums of London. I would go into a common lodging house on a Sunday night dressed in a frock coat and a silk top hat and I would stand there with a Testament…

15 Hours: 15 Words (50 min)

Jim Flanigan (1931-2014) preaches on Christ as the Man of Sorrows. He takes 15 words from the 15 hours of Christ’s suffering as the basis of his meditation: silver, sweating, spitting, smiting, stripping, scourging, sentence, shame, spiking, superscription, sin-bearing, sponge, spear, sepulchre and stone. Reading: Matt 26-27. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete series on “Titles of the Lord Jesus”: Son – 10 Aspects of Christ’s Sonship Servant – 7 Features of Christ as Servant Man of Sorrows – 15 Hours, 15…

What Only Matthew Says About the Crucifixion (38 min)

Jonathan Procopio preaches on the unique contribution of Matthew to the story of the Christ in Gethsemane, Gabbatha, and at Golgotha. Readings: Matt 26:36, 39, 47, 50-54, 27:3-11, 14-15, 19, 21, 23-25, 27-28, 35-36, 50-54, 57, 62-66. (Recorded in North America, 7th Apr 2013)

All This Was Done (14 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the 3 mentions of the fascinating expression “all this was done” in the Gospel of Matthew. Readings: Matt 1:20-23, 21:2-5, 26:51-56. (Recorded in Mount Sterling Gospel Hall, WI, USA)

Away, Apart and Alone (43 min)

David Gilliland preaches on “away”, “apart” and “alone” from Matthew 14:23 as a pattern set by Christ for believers to find a deeper spiritual life in Him. Readings: Matt 14:1, 10-14, 19-20, 22-24. (Recorded in Midland Park Gospel Hall, NJ, USA, 17th Sept 2023)

The Power of the Kingdom (43 min)

Mark Sweetnam commences a series of messages on the “Kingdom of God” by asking the question “Does the Lord Jesus have the power that is needed to carry out God’s Kingdom plan?” Solving the world’s problems, defeating His enemies and bringing about global restoration and peace, will take enormous power. The Lord has already shown His power over disease, death, the devil in His life on earth, which was a foretaste of the powers of the world to come. Readings:…

Christ in the Gospels (52 min)

Jim Flanigan preaches on how the 4 Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John – present the Lord Jesus Christ. He links each gospel to a different aspect of of the person of Christ, and links the authors of each Gospel to their particular Gospel in fascinating ways. Reading: John 20:30-31, 21:25. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series: The Presentation of Christ in the Gospels The Presentation of Christ in the Acts of the Apostles The Presentation of Christ…

The Character Required of Genuine Disciples (33 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on the beatitudes from Matthew’s Gospel, highlighting the attitude, appetites, and actions of a genuine disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, Reading: Matt 4:1-5:16. (Message preached in Chalfont St Peter, 10th Sept 2023)

Is Christ Enough? (25 min)

Peter, the disciple, asked the Lord one day “What shall we have?”, in return for forsaking everything and following Christ. Brandon Doll takes a look at this narrative and asks “Is Christ enough?” Reading: Matt 19:26-20:16. (Message preached at LaCrosse Conference, Wisconsin, USA, in 2019)

The Old Testament in Matthew (59 min)

David Gilliland preaches on allusions to Old Testament Scripture, and accomplishments of OT Scripture, and answers to OT Scripture in the Gospel of Matthew. Readings: Matt 1:1, 21-23, 21:1-7, 26:47-48, 51-56. (Message preached in North America) Complete series: How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Matthew How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Mark How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Luke How the Lord uses the Old Testament in John

The Great Tribulation (55 min)

PART 2 – Jack Hunter (1916-1994) preaches on the subject of “the great tribulation”, the period of time between the rapture of the church and Christ’s appearing in glory to set up His kingdom. Mr Hunter outlines the unveiling of the seals in Revelation Ch 6 and the events of the period from Matthew Ch 24. Reading: Luke 13:22-30 (Preached in Ayr, Scotland, in 1982)

The Church and Its Construction (45 min)

The Church from Eternity to Eternity – Part 1 – John Riddle preaches on the construction of the church from the well-known passage in Matthew 16 which is the first mention of the church in the New Testament. The church is built upon “this rock”, but what is the rock? Reading: Matt 16:13-20 (Message preached in Forres, Scotland, 2010)

7 Parables of the Kingdom (36 min)

David West speaks on the 7 parables of the Kingdom of Heaven in Matthew Ch 13. The sower, the wheat and the tares, the mustard seed, the leaven in the meal, the treasure in the field, the pearl of great price and the dragnet. Mr West sets the context of the passage and explains how these parables should be understood dispensationally. (Message preached 27th May 2021)

Part 2 – The Temptation of Christ (45 min)

PART 2 – David Vallance continues on the theme of the temptation of Christ in the wilderness, but in this second message, after examining the character of each of the three temptations, he shows how Satan uses these same temptations with us. Satan tempts us to be something, to do something and to gain something. He works with the lust of the flesh, the pride of life and the lust of the eyes. This insightful message will open your understanding…

Part 1 – The Temptation of Christ (26 min)

PART 1 – David Vallance preaches a most interesting and instructive message on the temptation of Christ in the wilderness. He explains the three temptations of Christ by Satan and traces their character through Scripture. He tackles the difficult questions of 1. Could Christ have sinned? and 2. If not, in what way was the temptation real? Although only 26 minutes long, this message is packed full of sound and weighty doctrinal content, and will repay repeated listening. Reading: Matthew…

Introduction to the Assembly (48 min)

PART 1 – John Dennison introduces a 3-part series of messages on the local assembly. In this introduction he looks at the first mention of the local assembly in the New Testament in Matt 18. He outlines the context of the passage, the concept of the assembly it contains, the crisis being resolved in the passage, and some characteristics of assembly found in the passage. Mr Dennison asks “What makes the local assembly unique?” He distinguishes it from the body…

Willie Trew – Forgiveness (43 min)

Willie Trew (1902-1971) was saved in Lanarkshire, Scotland, at the age of 17, and was commended to serve the Lord full time two years later. He laboured in the 1920’s and 30’s in South Wales with Walter Norris, often conducting series of meetings for 16 weeks or so, usually in pioneer areas where there was no assembly. In later years he devoted himself to the careful exposition of God’s Word. When a famous evangelical preacher came to the UK in…

Upon this Rock (39 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the Lord’s statement in Matt 16:18-19; “Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven”. Questions addressed in this message include, “When did the church begin?”, “Who is the rock upon which the church is built?” and “What are the keys of the Kingdom of heaven?”  (Message preached 11th Oct…

The Parable of the Sower (35 min)

Tom West preaches on the parable of the sower from Matt Ch 13. He explains the what, when and why of the Lord’s parables before outlining the parable under 5 headings: its significance, scene, sower, seed and soil. Tom gives 6 reasons why the Bible says one cannot understand the Lord’s other parables, unless one first understands the parable of the sower (Message preached 4th Oct 2018)

Christ in the Gospel of Matthew (44 min)

John Salisbury gives an overview of the whole of the gospel of Matthew, in which Christ is portrayed as “King”. The King and His credentials, the King and His kingdom, and the King and His cross are the headings that divide the gospel into three sections. The three titles – “Son of David”, “Son of Abraham” and “Son of Man” – are highlighted and expounded. (Message preached 7th Sept 2017).

Care-free Christianity (47 min)

John Salisbury expounds the secret of “care-free Christianity” from Matthew 6:1-7:11. Worry and anxiety seem to be part and parcel of our busy modern lives, yet the Lord Jesus in His Sermon on the Mount gives practical teaching on how to live care-free lives – lives lived in the enjoyment of a personal relationship with God as our Father. A most helpful and insightful exposition of Scripture (Message preached 18th May 2017)

Christ on the Mount of Olives (38 min)

Thomas West preaches on the topic of the Mount of Olives in relation to the Lord Jesus. The Mount of Olives is where the Lord “went apart”, was “alone”, was “arrested”, from where he “ascended” and to where He will “arrive” on His return. An instructive and practical look at this interesting subject. Readings: John 7, Matt 26, Acts 1 and Zech 14 (Message preached May 11th 2017)

Joseph and Mary (31 min)

Tom West preaches on Joseph and Mary, the mother of the Lord Jesus. He outlines the lineage, the leading and the legacy of this godly couple in whose home the Lord of glory was raised. The Lord’s links to King David through the two genealogies – Matthew Ch 1 and Luke Ch 3 – are traced and explained. Mary is given her proper place as a privileged woman, but nevertheless one who was a sinner in need of a Saviour…

Is Matthew 18:20 really about our “Ground of Gathering”? (39 min)

David Vallance preaches on Matthew 18:20 (“For where 2 or 3 are gathered together in My name…”) and defends the view of this verse which takes it to be foundational in relation to the gathering together of the local assembly throughout the church dispensation. This message is deliberately technical in some parts and includes an in depth examination of the Greek text behind the verse (Message preached 19th Apr 2014)

The Mystery of the Kingdom (25 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on the “mystery of the kingdom”. He distinguishes both between the kingdom and the church, and between the concepts of the “universal” and “mediatorial kingdom”. He takes a journey through the 8 parables of the kingdom in Matt 13 outlining their relevance to God’s kingdom programme. A helpful chart accompanies this message (Message preached 16th Feb 2014)

What is our Ground of Gathering? (25 min)

A back to basics message from Michael Penfold on what a local assembly is, how it comes to be and how it functions. From Matthew 18:20 we learn that an assembly is summoned by a divine call, submits to divine authority, and surrounds a divine person (Message given 8th Sept 2013)

The Body of Christ vs the Local Assembly (20 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the distinctions between the “church which is His body” (Matt 16, Eph 5) and the “church of God at…” (a local assembly, Matt 18, 1 Cor 1:2). These are the only two aspects of “the church” that the New Testament envisages and a clear understanding of this fact will preserve from denominational confusion (Message preached 7th April 2013)

Great Prophetic Chapters – Matt 24 (67 min)

Ian Jackson expounds Matthew 24 under the heading “The Difficult Time of Jacob’s Trouble.” He outlines the events of the great tribulation commenting on its antichrist deception and outpoured wrath of God (Message preached 23rd October 2008)

Great Prophetic Chapters – Matthew 13 (57 min)

Ian Jackson expounds Matthew 13, “The Dispensational Underpinning of Prophecy”. He gives a panoramic view of God’s dealings in the present age as seen in the 7 parables of the kingdom (Message preached 20th October 2008)

PART 2 – The Character of God’s Present Rule (50 min)

PART 2 of 5 – In the second of a series of 5 messages entitled “A Divine Foreview” Mr Fred Cundick (1907-1975) preaches on the parables of the Kingdom from Matthew Ch 13 which outlines the course of the kingdom during the absence of the King from earth. (Preached in Bicester in 1973)