Frequent Downloads
An Empty Chair At Christmas (22 min)
Is this the time of year when you feel the loss of your loved one most keenly? Take a listen to Jim Flanigan (1931-2014) who gives a very touching word of encouragement to those feeling the loss of loved ones and who know something of the hymn writer’s words: “when sorrows like sea billows roll”. This recording closes with a rendition of the hymn “We’ll all gather home in the morning”. Readings: Psa 107.29, 127.2, 147.3. (Recorded in Belfast, Northern…
I’m Not Brainwashed – I’m Saved! (41 min)
Paul Thomas grew up in a Christian family. He went to church meetings every week. But Paul wasn’t the type to just blindly follow his parents. He experimented. First cigarettes, then drink, then drugs…eventually the rave scene and the Glastonbury Festival (see photo above). But God pursued him. A near heroin overdose…his two brothers becoming saved…and finally, his beloved grandfather’s passing, whose funeral brought Paul to a crisis. Then it happened. He was saved by the amazing grace of God.…
The Lord Has Something Better in Mind (27 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on occasions in Scripture when people were not saved from troubles, but saved through them. Why? Because the Lord had something better in mind. Readings: John 11:1-6, 14-15, 21, 32-37, 40-41, 43-45. (Recorded at the Roseisle Gospel Hall conference, MB, Canada, on 28th Sept 2024)
Spiritual Survival in a Secular Society (29 min)
Sandy Higgins preaches on spiritual survival in a secular society from the epistle of Jude, where believers are urged to keep themselves in the love of God and are divinely preserved from stumbling. Reading: Jude 1:1-4, 17-25. (Recorded at the Larne Bible Conference, Northern Ireland, Aug 2024)
God Wants Your Heart (41 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on “God wants your heart”, based on the direct and powerful challenge of God to the people of Israel in Isaiah 66:1-5. (Recorded in Sarnia Gospel Hall, 27th May 2018) Get in touch:
There’s Something Very Wrong with This Place: What Am I Doing Here? (14 min)
Steve Faviere started taking drugs at the tender age of 12. He soon became a party-loving young man with a fast lifestyle. Every now and then he was given pause for thought, by the premature death of a friend, or by people sharing the gospel with him. Watch to find out how Steve finally became saved. Readings: Rom 3:19, John 3:16, Rev 20:11-15. (Recorded in Newmarket Gospel Hall, Ontario, Canada, on 21st April 2024) To listen to Steve preaching in…
Be Still and Know That I Am God (27 min)
Phil Coulson preaches on peace in the soul, peace in the sanctuary and peace in the storm. “Be silent before the Lord Thy God, and let Him mould thee.” Reading: Psalm 46. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Nov 2007)
I Don’t Like Your Rules Dad. See You Later. (20 min)
Jim McCandless relates the story of the grace of God in his life after he rebelled against his Christian upbringing and headed off on his motorbike to experience what the world had to offer. But God always goes after prodigals. 2,000 miles away in Mexico, the gospel crossed Jim’s path. Then his girlfriend got saved. Watch to find out the rest of the story. (Recorded in Jackson, MI, USA, 7th April 2024)
Guidance on Taking Public Part in Meetings (55 min)
John Fleck preaches on the topic of taking public part in assembly gatherings. The problems of taking part, the principles of taking part, and pointers in relation to taking part. Readings: Rom 12:3-6, 1 Thess 5:16-21, 1 Pet 4:10-11, 1 Cor 14:1, 3-4, 7-9, 14, 16-20, 23-27, 33-34, 39-40. (Recorded in Ballymena on 3rd Feb 2024)
Away, Apart and Alone (43 min)
David Gilliland preaches on “away”, “apart” and “alone” from Matthew 14:23 as a pattern set by Christ for believers to find a deeper spiritual life in Him. Readings: Matt 14:1, 10-14, 19-20, 22-24. (Recorded in Midland Park Gospel Hall, NJ, USA, 17th Sept 2023)
Christ is the End of Your Own Efforts (44 min)
Michael Penfold explains that it is possible to be active in your religion, to have religious status, and even to be a religious enthusiast, but still not be a Christian. How come? Because without Christ, it’s all just “your own righteousness”. You need to see Christ, in His death and resurrection for sinners, as the end of all your own efforts to find acceptance with God. Reading: Romans 10:1-4. (Recorded at Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 25th Feb 2024) Contact…
With Christ in the Storms of Life (46 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the storms through which the disciples passed in the Gospel of Mark, and draws lessons for us in the storms of life through which we pass. Readings: Mark 4:37-41, 5:1-2, 6:45-52, 8:13-18, 21.
Do You Ever Feel Like Everything Is Against You? (7 min)
Andrew Ussher preaches on the words in Romans 8:31 – “God is for us”. When everything is against us, we have the comfort from this passage of knowing the Father is for us, Christ is for us, and the Spirit is for us. Reading: Rom 8:26, 31-35, 37. (Recorded at the Tampa Gospel Hall conference, 14th Jan 2024)
They Never Told Us There Was a God (18 min)
Harry Chen was born the year the cultural revolution started in China. He grew up chanting “Long live the Communist Party” and “Long live Chairman Mao”. He had zero knowledge of the Bible or God. Here is the incredible story of how he heard about eternal life and how he found it in the Lord Jesus Christ through the Bible. (Testimony given in Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, Vancouver, Canada, 8th Jan 2024)
I Ran Away from a Hutterite Colony (37 min)
Derek Hofer was raised on a Hutterite Colony in Manitoba, Canada. He ran away from the Colony in his teens to enjoy the pleasures of the world, but the Lord intervened in his life to bring him to salvation. Derek grew up believing a person can never truly know they are saved – but he learned differently through the preaching of the gospel from the Bible. Reading: John 19:30. (Recorded in Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 7th Jan 2024)
You Will Hear a Voice Behind You (31 min)
David Gilliland preaches on people in the Bible who heard the voice of the Lord behind them. From Isaiah 30 “a voice for your ears”, from John 20 “a voice for your tears”, and from Revelation 1 “a voice for your fears”. Readings: Isa 30:18-21, John 20:11-17, Rev 1:9-13, 17-19. (Message preached in Lurgan, Northern Ireland, May 2023)
I Don’t Believe in Being Born Again (42 min)
Bert Snippe didn’t like being told he needed to be born again. An ambitious businessman who liked to have a good time, Bert had grown up going to church and saying his prayers. He was a good person, and was definitely not going to hell, so he thought. But at 25 years of age the unthinkable happened – Bert became born again by the grace of God. Listen or watch to find out how. (Recorded in Windsor Gospel Hall, Ontario,…
Honouring the Lord Even When You’re Hurting (35 min)
Andrew Ussher preaches on the importance, possibility and need to honour the Lord even when we are hurting from slander and false accusation. Instead of defending yourself, fighting back and trying to reset the narrative, keep your eyes on the Lord, who “when He was reviled, reviled not again.” Reading 1 Peter 2:19-24. (Message preached at Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, Nov 2019)
Little Is Much If God Is In It (22 min)
Philip Tinsley preaches on some of the little things in Scripture – a little cake, a little cloud, a little call, a little captive and a little child. The lesson? Little is much if God is in it. 1 Kings 17:1, 8-16, 24, 18:42-46, 19:12, 2 Kings 5:1-5, 13-15, Mark 9:33-37. (Recorded in Winnipeg, MC, Canada, 4th July 2023)
The World’s Gone Mad – Here’s Why (35 min)
It’s common nowadays to hear people exclaim “The world’s gone mad”. In recent years the religious, political, family and community narratives the older generation grew up with have all pretty much collapsed. How did this happen? What’s going on? Michael Penfold explains that the character of the present madness is nothing new. It has the same character as the madness that overwhelmed the world at the beginning of human history. Readings: Gen 3:1-6, Rom 5:12-14, 18-21. (Message preached in Chalfont…
Is This The Most Avoided Doctrine in the Bible? (38 min)
Michael Penfold gives a basic introduction to the topic of separation from the world, one of the most avoided doctrines in the Bible. The Bible outlines a path of separation for the believer in Christ – ecclesiastical, social, political, marital and financial. Readings: John 12:31, Gal 6:14, 1 John 2:15-17, 2 Cor 6:14-18. (Sermon preached in Burnaby Gospel Hall, Vancouver, Canada, 14th May 2023) Click here for accompanying handout (Letter size) Complete series on Bible basics: Why Christians Need to be…
Forwards not Backwards; Heaven not Earth; Others not Self (33 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on the three key Christological paragraphs of the New Testament epistles and draws the main lesson flowing from each: Hebrews 1 – forwards not backwards, Colossians 1 – heaven not earth, and Philippians 2 – others not self. (Recorded in Chalfont St Peter, 4th June 2023)
I Hit Absolute Rock Bottom (41 min)
Born in Iraq, Bachar Mouchi’s persecuted family fled to Lebanon and finally ended up in Canada. There young Bachar became involved in drugs and crime, hitting rock bottom in prison. Out on parole and working in a metal factory, Bachar’s boss invited him to the Gospel Hall in Richmond, British Columbia, where he heard a message that transformed his life. (Recorded in Parkview Gospel Hall, Abbotsford, BC, Canada, 11th June 2023)
Knowing For Sure You Are Saved (46 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on the assurance of salvation – how to know you are truly saved. The Bible states clearly that a person can know, but many struggle with doubts. After looking are a few common unreliable indicators of assurance, Mr Penfold outlines the biblical way to know you are saved. Reading: 1 John 5:5-13. (Recorded in Langley, BC, Canada, 10th May 2023) Complete Series – What every Christian should know Knowing for sure you are saved Knowing you are…
Why Are Head Coverings in Only One Chapter? (52 min)
PART 2 – The present-day use of head coverings is sometimes questioned because “they are only in one chapter of the Bible”. Michael Penfold addresses this issue as he sets out the order, meaning, operation and symbols of the biblical doctrine of “headship”. Readings: 1 Cor 11:1-17, 1 Tim 2:8-15. (Recorded in Manchester, CT, USA, 25th Mar 2023) Complete series on “critical assembly issues”: The evangelical revolution (Ownership and Lordship) Why are head coverings in only one chapter? (Headship) What’s…
When Life Doesn’t Turn Out The Way You Had Hoped (34 min)
Andrew Ussher preaches on the Christian’s confidence, which can sometimes be shaken by the experiences of life. He finds the answer in 2 Tim 1:12, where Paul says in effect “I have not lost my confidence”. The difficult experiences of the prison-bound Paul had not put him to shame. Why? Because of the Person whom he had believed; because of his relationship with that Person; and because of the truth about that Person (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia,…
A Species Unique Among Creatures (54 min)
Opening a series of messages entitled “Distinctive doctrines that divide and decide”, David Gilliland preaches on “a species unique among creatures”. The creation of man was deliberate, divine, dignified, designed, dual and double. Readings: Gen 1:24-31, 2:7, 9, 19-20. (Message preached in Northern Ireland in 2005) Complete series: A species unique among creatures A period unique among the ages A gathering unique among meetings A book unique among volumes A nation unique among peoples
My mother came running with a broken foot! (27 min)
Brandon Doll (Wisconsin, USA) tells how he came to Christ for salvation in his late teens after quite a struggle with how to know for sure he was saved. The reaction of his overjoyed parents reflects the priority they put on his salvation. Readings: 1 John 5:9-13, Titus 3:4-5a. (Recorded in Ballymena 27th Jan 2023)
Never Cut Corners, Never Look Back, Never Give Up (42 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on 3 biblical exhortations for the believer running the marathon of the Christian life: “Never cut corners, never look back, never give up.” Readings: 1 Cor 9:24-26a, 2 Tim 2:5, Phil 3:13-14, Heb 12:1-3, 2 Tim 4:6-8. (Message preached in the Gospel Hall, Newbury, 14th Jan 2023)
There is a Way Back (28 min)
Andrew Ussher preaches an encouraging message on the topic of restoration, for believers away from the Lord. Readings: Luke 15:11-24, 2 Sam 11:27b-12:13, Psa 51:1-10 (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA).
Saved in Tesco’s Car Park (31 min)
Steve West tells the story of how the Lord first saved his wife Lucy, whose life was beset by an alcohol addiction, and then, through the transformation Steve witnessed in her, eventually brought Steve to salvation too – a husband and wife united in Christ. (Testimony given in Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 3rd Dec 2023)
Never, Never, Never Give Up (50 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the need for perseverance in the Christian life and the need for believers in Christ to press on rather than give in. Readings: Heb 1:10-12, 6:18-20, 12:2, 12-13, 27-29, 13:7-9. (Message preached in Northern Ireland).
God’s Answer for Stress (61 min)
David Gilliland preaches on “God’s answer for stress”. He takes up the subject under various headings: the commonness of stress, the causes of stress, the complexity of stress, the categories of stress and the control of stress. Readings: John 16:33, Psa 4:1-8 (Message preached in Northern Ireland).
“Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re saved. You get it for yourself.” (11 min)
David Yoder grew up in the home of parents who had been saved from an Amish background, but his wholesome upbringing wasn’t enough to save him. Noticing the attention that was paid to people who profess to be saved, David too made a profession – but it wasn’t real. Listen to find out how he discovered his need and trusted in Christ. Readings: Psa 37:4, Isa 53:5-6 (Testimony given in Blue River, Wisconsin, 2021) (Photo: Farm in Wisconsin)
“I’m a sister. What can I do?” (44 min)
What is a sister’s ministry and what role can sisters play in the service of the Lord? Living, as we do, in a culture that promotes feminism and much else that is contrary to Scripture, it is vital for us to understand exactly what the Bible says on this issue and why. Michael Penfold outlines 5 particular avenues of service that are open to and designed for Christian women and seeks to strengthen and encourage sisters in fulfilling their potential…
7 Items of Tabernacle Furniture (48 min)
Mervyn Hall speaks on the 7 items of furniture in the Tabernacle of Moses. Three that give us a backward look to the crucified Christ, and 4 that give us an upward look to a glorified Christ. The brazen altar (justification); the laver (regeneration); the mercy seat (propitiation); the lampstand (illumination); the table of showbread (provision); the altar of incense (communication) and the ark of the covenant (Recorded 13th May 2021)
Albert Aiken – The Judgment Seat of Christ (31 min)
Albert Aiken (1932-2014) grew up in the glens of Antrim, Northern Ireland, the youngest of 15 children. He was taught in Sunday School by Leonard Mullan. Saved in Feb 1945 under the preaching of Harold Paisley, Albert threw himself wholeheartedly into gospel work in his spare time, until, in 1973, he was commended to preach the Word, much influenced by a message by David Craig. For the following three decades, Albert Aiken was much used in his homeland and further…
Bill Bingham – Holding forth the Word of life (25 min)
Bill Bingham (1929-2004) was born in Edenderry, Northern Ireland. Saved at 21, he shortly afterwards moved to British Columbia, Canada, in 1954. He worked as a construction contractor until 1968, when he moved to Nova Scotia, having been commended to the work of the Lord full time. He laboured for over 3 decades, preaching with the likes of Albert Hull, Bert Joyce and Wallace Buckle, all over East Coast (Labrador, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia etc.), and, because of his past experience,…
Saved through a verse on a pen! (19 min)
Jonas Miller tells of his Amish upbringing in Pennsylvania, USA, with household chores, animals and attending the Amish Church. When he was 12 years old, his Dad, John Miller, got saved (in 2005) and the gospel, and a Bible in English, entered the home. In 2009, the Miller family attended a Bible Conference in Matoaca, and a few days later Jonas was saved…through a verse on a pen. (Message preached in Crandon Gospel Hall, USA, 2021)
Help for Depressed and Discouraged Christians (44 min)
Jim Allen preaches helpfully on the twin issues of depression and discouragement in the Christian life. He gives ministry to address these needs from the epistle to the Philippians, where Paul has much to say concerning the mind. Readings: Phil 1:19-24, 27-30, 2:1-11, 17-25 (Message preached Fortwilliam Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland, 1984)
What is our hope? (54 min)
PART 4 of 4 – In the last of a series of 4 messages on big Bible questions, David Gilliland preaches on the question “What is our hope?” and takes up the topic of the Christian’s sure hope from various parts of the New Testament. Reading: 1 Thess 2:17-20 (Message preached in Dundonald, 2006) Complete series: 1. What is man? – The question of identity 2. What is truth? – The question of reality 3. What is your life? –…
What is man? (49 min)
PART 1 of 4 – In the first of a series of 4 messages on big Bible questions, David Gilliland preaches on the question “What is man?” He looks at man in his dignity, a unique and purposeful creation of God. Then, man in his depravity – a creature who now worships the gods of money, sex and power. Then man in his deliverance, his development and ultimately his destiny. Readings: Job 7:17-21, 15:14-16, Psa 8:3-9, Psa 144:3-4, 11-12, Heb…
Jim Flanigan – “For me, it was like a second conversion” (43 min)
Jim Flanigan (1931-2014) tells the story of how he came from an evangelical denomination into a scripturally gathered local assembly. As a member of his church growing up in Belfast, young Jim just accepted the denominational world around him as normal. He says “I had no idea that assemblies existed”. However, when he learnt the truth of gathering to the Lord’s name, Mr Flanigan says, “For me it was like second conversion”. In this message he outlines, under 4 headings,…
The Teaching in the Trees (52 min)
David Gilliland preaches on 4 Bible trees and draws a wealth of teaching from them. The fruit tree and the separated life; the palm tree and the serviceable life; the cedar tree and the steadfast life: and the olive tree and the spiritual life. Readings: Psa 1:1-4, 52:2, 7-9, 92:7, 12-15 (Message preached at the Lurgan Conference 2018)
“The same message all these years, but I only saw it now” (34 min)
Ronnie Johnston (1929-2007) tells the remarkable and touching story of his father’s and his own salvation. Ronnie’s Dad was saved through the hymn “Trust and obey”, a hymn he learnt from his children as they sang it on Sunday afternoon walks. But Ronnie didn’t get saved until he was 27. While his Dad used to break bread in Cregagh Street Gospel Hall, Ronnie was 6 streets away playing cards. Ronnie would ‘borrow’ money off his godly father but confessed, “I…
The Gospel among the Hutterite Colonies (31 min)
Jack Gould tells the wonderful story of the progress of the gospel among the Hutterite colonies of Manitoba, Canada. Hutterites are religious group who share a common European ancestry with the Mennonites and Amish, differing with them in that they believe in sharing their possessions in common and thus living in ‘colonies’. Jack Gould has been labouring among the Hutterites for a number of years and here tells the thrilling story of souls being saved and lives being transformed. (Report…
Uel Ussher – My Conversion, and Call to Venezuela (49 min)
To leave the UK and head to Venezuela in the 1960’s was a big move for a 25 year old young man and his wife. How were Uel and Rae Ussher to know that this was really the will of God for them? How could they be sure? Listen to the wonderful way God is able to guide those who are open and ready to obey His call to serve, even in far off lands. Uel Ussher tells of his…
35 Years old. 4 in the morning. Saved. (19 min)
Desmond Gilpin (1943-2021) grew up in Bangor, Co Down, with a knowledge of the Bible and the gospel: but until he was 35 years old, that was all he had. He says people thought he was saved, though he had never been born again. On 5th March 1979 he came to a crisis point, where he could no longer continue pretending. Desmond finally found peace at 4.00am through faith in Christ and His finished work.
Revival at Rosslea – When God Saved 4 Policemen (60 min)
John Thompson (1921-2008) was saved on 22nd February 1937. He joined the Police as a young man and, on being promoted to sergeant in 1945, moved to Rosslea in Co Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. What happened over the next few years was nothing less than a remarkable work of the Spirit of God. Sergeant Thompson witnessed to his colleagues, resulting in four R.U.C. constables getting saved. First John Rowe, then Norman Workman, and finally, on the same night – 17th May…
Jim Martin – 51 Years in the Lord’s Work (39 min)
Jim Martin (1925-2017) was saved in Banbridge on 1st April 1941 in the 5th week of gospel meetings being held by evangelist David Craig. In this recording, given in Ballymena in 2002, shortly after the homecall of his dear wife Elizabeth, Mr Martin tells both his testimony and how the Lord called him to preach the gospel. In 1951 he went out full time and in this message he recalls many interesting and encouraging stories from 51 years of service.…
“We’re only playing at church” (54 min)
Albert Hull (1936-2015) preaches an urgent message on the character and cost of discipleship, taking up the subject under 7 headings: the meaning of it, the magnetism of it, the molding of it, the making of it, the mandate of it, the marks of it, and the manifestation of it. Mr Hull presses home the concept of following, pursuing and imitating Christ in a message that will stir your soul and refocus your mind. At the time this message was…
Bert Joyce – The Early Days in Newfoundland and Labrador (33 min)
Bert Joyce (1927-2017) was saved on 16th April 1939 as a 12 year old boy, sitting at the back of a Hall observing the breaking of bread meeting. As he listened to the singing of When I Survey the Wondrous Cross he pondered its deep significance to the believers sitting in the circle. Opening his Bible to Isaiah 53:6, he was saved as he understood for the first time that he was the stray sheep whose sins the Lord had…
Robert McIlwaine – “What is your life?” (24 min)
When a man, who has been saved for 81 years, stands to his feet at the age of 90 to speak softly and solemnly on the powerful question “What is your life?”, one has to sit up and listen. Robert McIlwaine (1925-2021) takes up this searching question from James 4:14 as he reminisces about his long life; its challenges, triumphs, discouragements and regrets. This is a touching message that will speak to your heart and cause you to reassess your…
Jack Lennox – Stories about Hymns (36 min)
Jack Lennox (1924-2016) grew up in Curran, Co Londonderry, Northern Ireland. He served in the Royal Air Force during World War 2, and was saved in Magherafelt some time after the war ended. In 1971 Mr Lennox was commended to full-time service and laboured in the gospel through a number of decades of faithful service. Mr Lennox had a great interest in hymns and often wove details about hymns and their writers into his messages. He was invited to speak…
Man Overboard! – Stories of the Sea (51 min)
Deep sea fisherman Alex McLean (1932-2019) recounts how he was saved in Stornoway, Scotland, in 1954 in his early 20’s. He had tried boxing, dancing, smoking and drinking, but discovered that life is empty without Christ. John Noble Steven showed kindness to Alex and shared the gospel with him. Taken to a gospel meeting the Lord saved Alex the very first time he heard the gospel preached. There follows an incredible account of Alex’s life at sea, which includes the…
50 Years in Africa – The Legges (47 min)
Scottish missionary Jim Legge (1938-2020) served the Lord in Botswana for more than 5 decades with his wife Irene. On a visit back ‘home’ to Scotland in 2008 he felt a burden to share a word of testimony about how the Lord had called him and his wife into full time missionary service and had worked through them to see souls saved and assemblies planted in Africa. This recording of that meeting will touch your heart and stir your soul…
From Drugs to Christ | Peter Orasuk’s Testimony (55 min)
Raised in a strict home and taught traditional values as a child, Peter Orasuk (1948-2005) got in with a rough crowd in his youth and ended up a drug addict and dealer, and eventually behind bars. His was the party lifestyle, constantly flirting with danger, always knowing his next fix could be his last. But, in 1976, by a remarkable series of events, light came into Peter’s darkness. Through the gospel message in the Bible he was completely and miraculously…
The 1859 Ulster Revival (21 min)
Wilbert Crawford (1928-2018) tells the story of how the “1859 Revival” in Ulster (now Northern Ireland) led to the formation of numerous assemblies in the area where he lived (Co Antrim). He tells how the Lord gathered believers together as churches of God in Kells, Clonkeen, Crosskeys and Ballybolan in those early days of gospel blessing late in the 19th century. One of the 4 young men who met to pray in the Old Schoolhouse in Kells, Northern Ireland, where…
“I Chose Never To Attend Another Gospel meeting” (38 min)
Albert Hull (1936-2015) tells the thrilling and heart-warming story of how God saved him “on the roadside” in 1957 listening to the gospel through the open window of a gospel meeting. As a preacher’s son, Albert knew the gospel well, but a point came in his teens when he made a choice never to attend another gospel meeting. Off he went to enjoy the pleasures of the world. Yet, even when he was drunk, he was still able to preach…
“I thought the gospel was a big joke” (37 min)
Born in Canada in 1933, Max McLean grew up on a small farm in a house with no electricity. He moved to the “big town” of Oil Springs in Dec 1945 where his shrewd father bought a business. Sadly Max’s father had a fondness for drinking and gambling, ruinous habits he passed to his son. At age 18, Max moved to Sarnia to work in the Polysar rubber plant. There he met a man called Dave Kember. Dave was known…
A Wild Night on Mount Rushmore (36 min)
Mr Ward, an alcoholic purple heart WW2 veteran, used to beat his wife and get his 8 year old son Art (pictured right) drunk, much to the amusement of the men at the tavern. Small wonder that Art’s tragic childhood turned into a wild adulthood filled with drink, drugs, violence and fast motorbikes. Art heard the gospel message as a young man, but it made little impact on him. Then God intervened in his life. On a bike trip to…
If there’s a God, why is there all the suffering in the world? (19 min)
Born in 1948 in “industrial Scotland” (Govan, Glasgow), Matt Reid left School at 15 to become an apprentice in the Glasgow shipyards. His Presbyterian upbringing quickly fell away as Matt got into drink and drugs and soon became a hardened foul-mouthed cynic, very bitter against God. His reasoning? – “If there’s a God why is there all the suffering in the world?” He had a strong antipathy towards organised religion. That was his “pet peeve”. Emigrating to Canada, Matt ended…
Beaten, bitter and bruised…then Jesus came” (19 min)
Norman Mellish grew up in the slums of Moss Side, in Manchester, England, during the 1930’s and 40’s. His description of those nightmarish childhood days is heart-breaking; but, by the grace of God, Norman was sent to Sunday School at the local Gospel Hall, where he heard the way of salvation. The bitterness of life turned him towards atheism as he grew into adulthood and moved into employment, but a Christian gentleman at his place of work was used by…
Jim Allen – Living Contrary to the Culture (25 min)
Jim Allen grew up in Lurgan, Northern Ireland. As a young man raised under the preaching of the gospel he became quite indifferent to it. He would sit at the back of the Gospel Hall near the heater and sleep through gospel meetings. Then in his own words: “When Mr. Harold Paisley and Mr. Joe Poots began gospel meetings in a little hut in Dollingstown, two miles from Lurgan, N. Ireland, an older cousin persuaded me to miss the cinema…
Trusting God When He Can’t Be Traced (42 min)
Albert McShane (1914-2002) preached on lessons to be learned from unexplained trials. Taking up the story of Job, Mr. McShane describes a man who wished he’d never been born, or at least wished he could now be finished with life. The thing that he feared had arrived – tragedy, and unexplained loss of family, possessions and health. Added to this were the wounds inflicted by his friends. Yet, having lost everything, Job exclaims, “Though He slay me, still I will…
What Has God Ever Done For Me? (54 min)
Robert Surgenor (1928-2024) (photos below) tells the amazing story of God’s grace and mercy to him during the first 24 years of his life when, first as a mischievous child and then as a reckless youth, he had repeated brushes with death but was spared every time. He was later saved through the witness of his wife and the preaching of the gospel, all in answer to his mother’s heartfelt prayer when Robert had pneumonia as a child. Robert’s wife…
Albert Leckie – Which Church? (45 min)
Albert Leckie (1920-1988) came from Airdrie in Scotland. Saved early in life, he grew up in a godly Bible-centred home. At fourteen he took employment in a lawyer’s office while attending night classes in Latin and Greek. Albert never married, but devoted his life to the full time study and teaching of the Word of God throughout the UK and further afield. He was well known for leading many Bible Readings in Trimsaran, Largs, Eastbourne, Ayr and London. In this…
Harold Paisley – 50 Years in the Work (57 min)
Harold Spurgeon Paisley (1924-2015) tells his testimony elsewhere on this site (HSP testimony) but here in this recording he recalls 50 years of labour in the gospel and in the ministry of the Word. Starting in 1945, the year after he was saved, in Carnlough, Enniskillen and Fivemiletown, Mr Paisley launched out in gospel work. In the early days he worked with men like Thomas Campbell, Joe Stewart and Thomas Wallace. He tells how in 1949 he preached in Mullahara,…
Albert McShane – Men Who Influenced Me (22 min)
Mr Albert McShane (1914-2002) was a mighty expositor of the Word of God and a much used gospel preacher. Awakened to his need of salvation in a prayer meeting in January 1929, he sought salvation at once. After a struggle that same evening, his thoughts finally turned to John 3:36 “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life”. Considering the death of Christ he realised, “Now if the Son has satisfied God for me, and what He has done…
To God Be The Glory Great Things He Has Done (50 min)
Matthew Brescia (1938- ) from Connecticut, USA, relates the thrilling story of how God worked in his family in the first half of the 20th Century as the gospel flourished among the Italian immigrant community in New England through the preaching of men like Luigi Rosania and Cesare Patrizio. You will be gripped from the beginning to the end of this recording (made in the UK in 2009) as Matt Brescia relates the story of God’s grace in the conversion…
Harry Bell – Separation from the World (41 min)
Harry Bell (1905-1976, PHOTOS BELOW) was disabled from birth with poor eye sight and was lame on one foot, Harry was saved while sitting in an RE lesson at School the same year WW1 broke out (1914). An academic career was beyond his parents’ means so, leaving school, he began work in his father’s barber’s shop. A keen follower of football, entering a cinema at the age of 17 he was convicted of his worldly ways and committed his life…
Robert McIlwaine – Gospel Work in Nova Scotia (60 min)
In 1930, Lennon Knox McIlwaine (1898-1984) and his beloved wife Sarah, arrived in Nova Scotia from Northern Ireland, having been called by God to preach the gospel to the Maritime people of Canada. Robert McIlwaine (1925-2021), their son, visited the UK in 1987 and related the incredible, stirring and heart-warming story of the faith-filled labours of his parents, himself and others who, during the years of the great depression and through World War 2 and beyond, laboured in all weathers,…
David Craig – Christ the Only Foundation (37 min)
David Craig (1902-1977), affectionately known as “Scotch Davey”, was a gifted earnest evangelist, Bible teacher and author. He travelled the length and breadth of the UK serving the Lord, as well as making numerous trips abroad preaching the Word. During the Belfast Easter Conference in April 1969, before a large crowd in the Grosvenor Hall (Photographs below), David Craig preached the gospel. Falling ill before the conference, Mr Craig anticipated not being able to fulfill the engagement, but the Lord…
David’s Mighty Men – Robert McPheat (34 min)
Scottish evangelist and Bible teacher Robert McPheat (1933-1990) was an eloquent preacher with a unique delivery – able to convey spiritual truth with winsomeness, directness and power. This message on “David’s Mighty Men” was recorded in Vancouver in April 1979 (age 46). After reading “Lovest Thou me?” from John 21:17, Mr McPheat illustrated devotion to Christ from the men and women of 1 and 2 Samuel, in particular the list of ‘mighty men’ in 2 Samuel Ch 23.
Oliver Smith – “Two Whosoevers” (6 min)
In 1957, at the age of 74, three years before his homecall, Oliver Smith (1883-1960) rose to his feet at the Manchester Conference (Iowa, USA) and preached the gospel for six and a half minutes on “two whosoevers”, from John 3:16 and Rev 20:15. Mr Smith, “unknown yet well known”, was not a flowery orator. Indeed, he was often accused of “murdering the King’s English”. Yet he was a uniquely effective and tireless labourer in the gospel who saw many…
Albert Hull – “One Unique Unrivalled Man” (22 min)
Albert Hull (1936-2015) preached the gospel and taught the truth of God for several decades mainly in Nova Scotia and other parts of Canada and North America. He was a warm-hearted, earnest and much loved servant of the Lord, who was never happier than when he was preaching the gospel of Christ to perishing sinners. Here he is, just 2 years before his homecall, preaching the gospel to a large audience at the “Island Conference” (in Prince Edward Island, Canada)…
Jack Hunter – “Enoch Walked With God” (28 min)
Jack Hunter (1916-1994) from Kilmarnock, Scotland, was a gifted and much used preacher of the Word of God. A man short of stature, with a tiny Bible and no notes; yet to hear him was never to forget the challenge of the verses he expounded. In this classic sermon on the life of Enoch, Mr Hunter brings the challenge of living to this one standard – “pleasing God”. That was the secret of Enoch’s close walk with God. Are you…
Sydney Maxwell – My Salvation and Call (27 min)
[Photos below] One memorable day in September 1983, Mr Sydney Maxwell (1919-1993) stood to his feet in the Larne Conference and related the thrilling story of his salvation and how he saw the truth of baptism and gathering to the Lord’s name. Sydney was willing to go where the Word of God led him, no matter the cost, so when he learnt the truth of the local assembly (under the wing of a “Sunderland” in the Shorts aircraft factory in…
Harold Paisley’s Testimony and Call to the Work (83 min)
In Toronto, Canada, in 1956, on the final night of 5 weeks of gospel meetings, Harold Paisley (1924-2015) related how, when and where he was saved by the grace of God. At the outbreak of World War 2, at age 15, running from his godly upbringing, he joined the RAF, afterwards joining the Mercantile Navy. Then, coming home, he joined the Police in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, but was dismissed due to a lifestyle of drunk and disorderly behaviour. About to…
Frank Knox’s Testimony – H.A.T.H. spells “Hath”! (70 min)
The evangelist Frank Knox (1884-1975) preached annually for many years in a large Tent in Belfast to thousands of people. His labours were blessed with many souls being awakened and delivered, even when World War 2 raged on. His own story of conversion, recounted by Mr Knox in this old recording in the 18th year of the Tent, is full of interest and power. Awakened to see he was “condemned already” – under the preaching of David Rea and Alex…
I Was Only a Worthless Pebble (46 min)
In 1985 Mr Albert Ramsay (1913-1993) came from Canada to preach in various parts of the UK. While there he recounted the unforgettable story of his conversion to Christ back in June 1934 at “Gambles Corner” in Prince Edward Island under the preaching of Albert Joyce and the Harris brothers (Herb and Russell). Around 30 souls were saved during that series of Tent meetings and a New Testament assembly was formed on the island. From the start Albert became a…
God Moves In Mysterious Ways (30 min)
John Fleck relates his story of conversion as a boy growing up in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. In addition to hearing the gospel regularly preached, John was spoken to by a number of events, including the funeral of a neighbour, and a dream about the Lord’s coming. He sought salvation and found rest and peace in Christ one cold February night alone in his room pondering the work of the Saviour on the cross for him (Testimony given 5th Jul…
Escape from a Cult – Clive Barber’s testimony (62 min)
Clive Barber’s testimony Born in the UK, baptised as an 8 day old baby and given communion from 6 months old, Clive Barber spent the first 17 years of his life in a legalistic religious cult known as “the Exclusive Brethren”*, However, during that whole time, Clive never learned he was a lost sinner in need of God’s salvation. Excommunicated and told to leave his home at age 17 (for infringing the Exclusive Brethren’s rules), Clive turned against Christ, the…