Albert McShane – Men Who Influenced Me (22 min)

Albert McShane – Men Who Influenced Me (22 min)

Mr McShane (l) & Mr O. Smith (in Iowa, USA)

Mr Albert McShane (1914-2002) was a mighty expositor of the Word of God and a much used gospel preacher. Awakened to his need of salvation in a prayer meeting in January 1929, he sought salvation at once. After a struggle that same evening, his thoughts finally turned to John 3:36 “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life”. Considering the death of Christ he realised, “Now if the Son has satisfied God for me, and what He has done is enough for God…well, if it is enough for God then it’s enough for me”. Later commended to full time service, Mr McShane laboured tirelessly for decades helping the Lord’s people. Not known to ever repeat himself, he had a mind full of material, always suitable for the occasion. He led the Saturday night Bible Reading meeting in Lurgan, Northern Ireland, where many thousands learned the truth of the Word over a period of 53 years. In this recording Mr McShane looks back over 5 decades of preaching and recalls numerous godly men that had an influence on him in spiritual things – men like Dr Matthews, Robert Curran, Eddie Fairfield, Bertie Douglas, Eddie Allen, James McCormick, William McCracken, William Rodgers, Tom McKelvey and William Bunting. He also explains the debt he owed to authors such as William Hoste and Sir Robert Anderson from whom he learnt divine truth as he studied and searched the Scriptures. An author himself, Mr McShane’s writings leave behind an enduring legacy:

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