Sermons on Historical Recordings

Sermons on Historical Recordings

Sidney J. Saword – Spiritual Exercise (38 min)

Sidney Saword (1894-1988) was born in Thornton Heath, England. Saved on 7th February 1909, he emigrated to Canada with his parents and siblings in 1912, where they set up home in 953 Banning Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba. There Sidney found work as a stenographer with the Canadian Pacific Railway. When conscription came to Canada during World War 1, Sidney refused the draft and was taken to court. As a conscientious objector, he was assigned a non-combatant administrative role with the Canadian…

Harold St John – Judge Not That You Be Not Judged (25 min)

Harold St John (1876-1957) was converted to Christ at 18. Employed in a Bank, he spent much of his spare time and his holidays preaching the gospel and working among the street people of London: “When I was quite young, I used to go down to the slums of London. I would go into a common lodging house on a Sunday night dressed in a frock coat and a silk top hat and I would stand there with a Testament…

God is Working a Work in Your Day (17 min)

Albert Ramsay (1913-1993) preaches on “your day” from Acts 13:41. God is doing a mighty work in “your day”, but will you part of it by being saved by grace through faith? (Recorded at the Larne Conference, Northern Ireland, in Sept 1985)

My 5-Month Visit to New Zealand (20 min)

Frank Knox (1884-1975) gives a missionary report of his 5-month visit to New Zealand to preach the gospel in many towns and cities. Mr Knox was no ordinary preacher, and this is no ordinary report. (Recorded at the Belfast Easter Conference, Northern Ireland)

Many Sorrows Shall Be to the Wicked (19 min)

Jim Martin (1925-2017) preaches on God’s warning in Psalm 32 that “many sorrows shall be to the wicked”, and points his audience to Christ the Saviour who on the cross endured sin-atoning sorrow and suffering that you might be saved. Readings: Psa 32:1-11, Lam 1:12-13. (Recorded in Northern Ireland in 2009)

God Sends Us All to School (22 min)

David Kane (1922-2015) preaches on the experiences of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath, who learnt things in their humble difficult circumstances that made them into people through whom God could do a great work. Reading: 1 Kings 17:7-17, 21-24. (Recorded at the Belfast Easter Conference)

Norman Turkington – Consecration (35 min)

Norman Turkington (1926-2008) grew up in a Christian family in Northern Ireland. Saved at the age of 18, he was baptised and received into the assembly in Lurgan Gospel Hall. Mr Turkington was a cabinet maker by trade, and early in his Christian life he ploughed his energy into gospel work. His brother Mr Joe Turkington went to Venezuela as a missionary. For a good number of years, Norman sat under the Bible teaching and the godly influence of Mr…

Sam Curran – The Mind of Christ (32 min)

Born in Northern Ireland, Sam Curran (1921-1987) was saved in 1938 under the preaching of evangelists Joe Stewart and Fred Bingham. He married Miss Eleanor Alexander in 1944 and set up home in Mullavilly, near Portadown. In their 30’s, desiring to dedicate their lives to the Lord, the Currans developed a burden for full time service. Through prayer, and the encouragement of Mr John McCann Snr., they felt led to go to Brazil as missionaries in June 1958, settling in…

James McClelland – Three Musts in John Ch 3 (20 min)

James McClelland (1949-2016) was born in Northern Ireland and saved as a boy of 11 in 1960. Later in life, he went into the furniture and carpet business with his two brothers. However, his interest in the preaching of the gospel eventually led him into full time service for the Lord. He and his wife Amy moved to Nova Scotia, Canada, in 1981 where, from his base in Clementsvale, Mr. McClelland preached the gospel far and wide for 35 years.…

Eric Hughes – A Bundle of Myrrh (43 min)

Eric Hughes (1930-2020) was born and raised in Liverpool, England. Coming from a home where the Lord was not known, he first heard the gospel in Sunday School. Saved in a gospel meeting at the age of 15, Eric would go on to be baptised and received into fellowship in an assembly of Christians, gathering in David Street, Liverpool. There he remained for the rest of his life, faithfully serving the Lord. He was a highly respected overseer and was…

John Hawthorne – A Meditation on Psalm 22 (8 min)

John Hawthorne (1920-1995) was born in England, but moved to Northern Ireland as a child. He was saved at 9 through an understanding of John 3:16, and later was a founder member of the assembly meeting in Bloomfield Gospel Hall, Belfast. In 1945, he married an evangelist’s daughter, Miss Sally McCracken, and together the Hawthornes were heavily involved in the work of the gospel from the start. In 1968 Mr Hawthorne left his employment to serve the Lord full time…

Preaching Christ in West Virginia (43 min)

Bob Surgenor (1928-2024) tells the story of his labours in the gospel in West Virginia, USA, beginning in 1970 to the present day. He pioneered the work there and, often helped by other preachers, saw the Lord save souls and an assembly planted in the town of New Creek. Using a Gospel Tent and hiring various buildings (including the historic Pine Church  in Purgitsville), series of gospel meetings were held in Keyser, Burlington, Fairmont, Petersburg, Birch River, Whitmer, Buckhannon and…

How God Saved Me and Called Me To Venezuela (32 min)

In a recording from 1983, Mr Eddie Fairfield (1902-1994) tells a number of stories about his conversion, baptism, service and call to the mission field of Venezuela. In the group photograph, taken in Venezuela in 1957, Mr Fairfield is 4th from the left on the row of seated men. 5th from the left is William Williams, author of “It Can Be Done”, a book relating the spread of the gospel in Venezuela in the early 20th Century. The lady in…

W.J. Nesbitt – How I Was Saved (28 min)

William John Nesbitt (1927-2017) was born into a farming family in Northern Ireland, the seventh in a family of ten. After School he joined the Police. When he was sent to serve in a Police Station in Rosslea, Co Fermanagh, he met sergeant John Thompson who was mightily used of the Lord at that time to see several of his colleagues saved including Mr Nesbitt, who he took to hear the gospel preached by Harold Paisley (to hear the “Rosslea…

Pioneering the Gospel in Nova Scotia (36 min)

In 1930, Lennon Knox McIlwaine (1898-1984) and his beloved wife Sarah, arrived in Nova Scotia from Northern Ireland, having been called by God to preach the gospel to the Maritime people of Canada. Robert McIlwaine (1925-2021), their son, visited the UK in 1987 and related the stirring story of the faith-filled labours of his parents, himself and others who, during the years of the great depression and through World War 2 and beyond, laboured in all weathers, against much opposition,…

Frank Knox Quoting His H.A.T.H. Poem (2 min)

The evangelist Frank Knox (1884-1975) preached annually for many years in a large Tent in Belfast to thousands of people. His labours were blessed with many souls being awakened and delivered, even when World War 2 raged on. In the 18th year of his Belfast Tent meetings, Mr Knox recounted his story of conversion. Towards the end of his testimony he quoted, likely from memory, most of his own poem H.A.T.H., which summarises how he was saved on the roof…

Are God’s Moral Principles Negotiable? (37 min)

A.M.S. Gooding (1915-1999) preaches on the non-negotiable moral principles of God, whether in the Old or the New Testament, and relates them to our personal, family, business and assembly lives. Reading: Exod 20:1-17. (Message preached in Ballymena 3rd Oct 1981)

The Grace and Duty of Continuing (30 min)

Andrew Bergsma (1930-2013) preaches on the topic of “continuing” in worship and service for the Lord, starting in Daniel 6 and moving through the Scriptures on this challenging topic. (Message preached Jan 1992 in Winnipeg, Canada)

Your Fortune is Made for Eternity (19 min)

Evangelist Sydney Maxwell (1919-1993) preached the Word in the UK and North American for many years. He was a warm-hearted teacher and exhorter and a great story teller too. In September 1993 in Larne, Northern Ireland, he related the story of his life and labours. The stories from that message have been extracted and put along with photographs in this video.

Stories from My Life (16 min)

Bible teacher and evangelist Harold Paisley (1924-2015) served the Lord full time for well over 60 years. His many years of labour for the Lord yielded a unique store of unforgettable stories. In a message given in Larne, Northern Ireland, in 1983, Mr Paisley reminisced about the past and told a number of touching, poignant and often humorous anecdotes. The stories from that message have been extracted and put along with photographs in this video.

John Thompson – Gospel: “Salvation or Deception” (23 min)

John Thompson (1921-2008) grew up in Northern Ireland and was saved at the age of 16, on 26th Feb 1937. A Policeman, Mr Thompson was used mightily of the Lord, while stationed in Rosslea, Co Fermanagh, to see some of his colleagues saved, among whom were John Rowe, Ernest Gribben and William Nesbitt (to hear the “Rosslea story”, and Mr Thompson’s testimony, click here). In 1951 Mr Thompson turned down promotion in the Royal Ulster Constabulary and went out full…

The Love of God (5 min)

Albert Hull (1936-2015), from Northern Ireland, preached the gospel and taught the truth of God for several decades mainly in Nova Scotia and other parts of Canada and North America. He was a warm-hearted, earnest and much loved servant of the Lord, who was never happier than when he was preaching the gospel of Christ to perishing sinners. Here he is, preaching on “the love of God”, in a video produced by his family soon after his home-call. More about…

John McCracken – Bible Superlatives (18 min)

John McCracken was born in Northern Ireland, and went to serve the Lord in “the Maritimes” (Eastern Canada) in 1937, preaching the gospel in Nova Scotia and elsewhere along with his brother Robert and other gospel preachers. In this message on “Bible Superlatives”, given during a visit back to his home country of in Northern Ireland, he preaches on the oldest promise, the greatest work, the sweetest kiss, the darkest doom and the brightest morning. Mr & Mrs McCracken’s dates:…

John Wells – “The Eternal State” (15 min)

Mr & Mrs John Wells were commended from Bleary, Northern Ireland, to serve the Lord in Venezuela, leaving home in 1929 to join William Williams in pioneer gospel work in that South American country. John Wells (1898-1989) came from an unsaved background and was converted to Christ in a gospel mission in 1920, to which he had been invited by his newly converted friend Eddie Fairfield. The young Mr Fairfield, who had recently found his way into assembly fellowship in…

The Gospel in Brazil – Wilfred Glenn (30 min)

Wilfred Glenn was a missionary from Northern Ireland who served the Lord in Brazil from 1970 to his unexpected sudden homecall to heaven in 1987. During his 17 years of labour in Brazil, Wilfred and his wife Kathleen left their mark on the work, in particular in a place called San Gabriel in the Rio Grande do Sul. Very small beginnings had been made in the work there, and our brother and his wife moved there to press on with…

When 40 Were Baptised in Gander Bay (23 min)

In the 1970’s Marvin Derksen left Ontario and went east to help in the work in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. He entered into the labours of men like Albert Joyce, Herb Harris and George Campbell. Marvin tells of the early days, but also of his own labours in various places, especially in Gander Bay where, after a year of work, 40 believers were baptised and an assembly was formed.  Reading: John 4:31-38. (Preached at the Belfast Easter Conference, Northern Ireland…

Albert Aiken – The Judgment Seat of Christ (31 min)

Albert Aiken (1932-2014) grew up in the glens of Antrim, Northern Ireland, the youngest of 15 children. He was taught in Sunday School by Leonard Mullan. Saved in Feb 1945 under the preaching of Harold Paisley, Albert threw himself wholeheartedly into gospel work in his spare time, until, in 1973, he was commended to preach the Word, much influenced by a message by David Craig. For the following three decades, Albert Aiken was much used in his homeland and further…

Bill Bingham – Holding forth the Word of life (25 min)

Bill Bingham (1929-2004) was born in Edenderry, Northern Ireland. Saved at 21, he shortly afterwards moved to British Columbia, Canada, in 1954. He worked as a construction contractor until 1968, when he moved to Nova Scotia, having been commended to the work of the Lord full time. He laboured for over 3 decades, preaching with the likes of Albert Hull, Bert Joyce and Wallace Buckle, all over East Coast (Labrador, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia etc.), and, because of his past experience,…

Jim Martin – “We Must Be Saved” (19 min)

Jim Martin (1925-2017) (Life story here) was a much used gospel preacher. In series after series of gospel meetings, each lasting a number of weeks, Mr Martin would preach warm, incisive and direct messages nightly, and many look back to such meetings as times when God spoke to them and they were saved. In this message from one such series, Mr Martin holds forth on the text “We must be saved” (Acts 4:12) and leaves his audience in no doubt…

Harry Wilson – My Salvation and Call (16 min)

Harry Wilson (1929-2023) grew up a respectable religious lad, believing he was going to heaven on the basis of his good life. But attending gospel meetings in his teens, Harry learned he was a sinner who needed to be saved, and on 1st March 1945 he trusted alone in Christ for salvation. 7 years later, on 13th Feb 1952, he left the UK for the land of Brazil to preach the gospel. 60 years later, at the Larne conference in…

Memorising Whole Books (53 min)

Sam Jennings (1928- ) was saved in 1944. You can hear that story here. Now, in this recording, Mr Jennings tells the rest of the story: how he and other young men memorised the New Testament epistles, how he was called to the Lord’s work and how the Lord guided and blessed him over 50 years of service in the UK and in various other parts of the world. Reading: Acts 16:16-23. (Message given in Kingsmoss, Northern Ireland).

Gordon Williams – “What am I doing with my life?” (35 min)

Gordon Williams (1942-2018) was saved in 1973. At that time, he was a 31 year old scientist who had issues with creation, evolution and the accuracy and reliability of the Bible. Then two ladies from the local Gospel hall in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, knocked on the WIlliams’s door. Gordon’s wife Doreen was soon saved, but Gordon was a “terrible sceptic” and it took him a long time to be convinced. God worked in his heart and he was eventually brought…

“When I read the book of Acts I was shaken” (21 min)

Alexander Lyttle (1912-1976) was the youngest of 13 children. Saved at 22, Mr Lyttle credits his praying mother and a godly Sunday School teacher with laying a foundation that God later used in his salvation. After his conversion, on 16th Jan 1934, Mr Lyttle was associated with the Baptist Church. After 12 years, he became a Baptist Pastor and for 8 years looked after three Baptist congregations in his homeland of Northern Ireland. However, as he read and studied his…

Jim Flanigan – “For me, it was like a second conversion” (43 min)

Jim Flanigan (1931-2014) tells the story of how he came from an evangelical denomination into a scripturally gathered local assembly. As a member of his church growing up in Belfast, young Jim just accepted the denominational world around him as normal. He says “I had no idea that assemblies existed”. However, when he learnt the truth of gathering to the Lord’s name, Mr Flanigan says, “For me it was like second conversion”. In this message he outlines, under 4 headings,…

Philip Harding – “Let not your heart be troubled” (27 min)

Philip Harding (1932-2017) grew up in a godly home in South Wales, but in his teen years he learned to gamble, to drink and to dance, though he kept up a respectable image and continued to attend church. But God intervened in his life in January 1951, when a stranger approached young Philip and his friends and challenged them about their sin and danger of judgement. God used this incident to convict Philip of his need of salvation. He was…

Will Penfold – Kings who Did Right (26 min)

Will Penfold (1922-2001) was saved in May 1933 in Ruislip, Middlesex. After a few years in the south east of England, he moved to Bicester in 1964. The assembly in Bicester commenced a year later in 1965 in Will and his wife Ruth’s house in Wendlebury, moving to the Bicester town in 1968. Here’s a recording of Will Penfold from the early 1970’s preaching on “the Kings who did that which was right in the sight of the Lord”. The…

Andrew Bergsma – The early days in Holland (22 min)

Andrew Bergsma (1930-2013), whose whole family was “reached through a rice pudding”, tells the thrilling story of the early days of gospel labour in the Netherlands in the 1960’s where large numbers attended gospel meetings, souls were saved and assemblies planted. Andrew was a true evangelist, with an evangelist’s heart, full of infectious gospel fervour and willing to labour both on and off the platform. You will be stirred as you listen to the stories of these early days. (Report…

Uel Ussher – My Conversion, and Call to Venezuela (49 min)

To leave the UK and head to Venezuela in the 1960’s was a big move for a 25 year old young man and his wife. How were Uel and Rae Ussher to know that this was really the will of God for them? How could they be sure? Listen to the wonderful way God is able to guide those who are open and ready to obey His call to serve, even in far off lands. Uel Ussher tells of his…

Sam Ferguson – “There is a lad here” (26 min)

Sam Ferguson (1927-2017) grew up in a godly family in a country area of Northern Ireland. Attending the meetings of the local assembly often involved a 13-mile bicycle ride, such was the family’s commitment. Moving to Belfast, Sam was saved at the age of 15 during WW2. Later, once married to Pearl (Jackson) and living in Bangor with their family, Sam was commended in 1970 to serve the Lord full-time. He was a much used evangelist and God blessed his…

Colin Stewart – The Lordship of Christ (36 min)

Colin Stewart (1933-2014) grew up in a Christian family. His parents were in fellowship in the assembly meeting in Abernethy, Scotland, which meant the young Colin Stewart grew up under the ministry of the poet and hymn writer Isaac Ewan. Saved in his 20’s, Colin went into the RAF where he stood boldly for Christ. After his marriage to Marion, he spent a few years in Perth before moving to Bicester in 1968 and staying for the next 40 years.…

James Last – “Grace be with you all” (35 min)

James Last (1911-1985) from Suffolk, England, was saved as a young lad. He began preaching in his teens and was used of the Lord, during and after WW2, to see a new assembly planted in Coltishall, Norfolk. Some years after the homecall of his first wife Gertrude (Ribbans), James married Elizabeth (Munro) and moved to Scotland, being in fellowship in Bannockburn for the rest of his life and continuing to be used both in ministry and gospel. In this recording,…

Lou Swaan – Preaching Christ in the Netherlands (24 min)

Lou Swaan (1930-2017) was known for his warm-hearted gospel fervour. Lou moved to Canada in 1948 from the Netherlands and was saved in Vancouver at the age of 21. He found his way to a local assembly by conviction from the truth of Scripture. Answering the call of the Holy Spirit, through the instrumentality of Andrew Bergsma to take the gospel to the Netherlands, Lou headed back to the land of his birth in 1948. There, with the Bergsmas, Lou…

Joe Turkington – Venezuela Report (22 min)

Joe Turkington (1918-1982) was saved as a boy of 10. Later, while a member of the Baptist Church, he met Mr John McCann in the factory where the two men worked. Through Mr McCann, Joe Turkington learnt New Testament assembly truth and came into fellowship with the believers meeting in Lurgan Gospel Hall. In 1947 he was commended to serve the Lord in Venezuela. Along with his wife, Miss Ruth Saword, Joe Turkington laboured and toiled in Venezuela with dedication…

Revival at Rosslea – When God Saved 4 Policemen (60 min)

John Thompson (1921-2008) was saved on 22nd February 1937. He joined the Police as a young man and, on being promoted to sergeant in 1945, moved to Rosslea in Co Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. What happened over the next few years was nothing less than a remarkable work of the Spirit of God. Sergeant Thompson witnessed to his colleagues, resulting in four R.U.C. constables getting saved. First John Rowe, then Norman Workman, and finally, on the same night – 17th May…

Old-Time Gospel Preaching (76 min)

Albert Hull (1936-2015) and Harold Paisley (1924-2015) preach the gospel in November 1997 at the Stark Road Gospel Hall annual conference, in Livonia, Michigan, USA. For related recordings, see: Albert Hull’s story of conversion “God wants your heart” message by Albert Hull Harold Paisley’s testimony of salvation Harold Paisley – 50 years in the Lord’s work    

David Craig – “A man shall be an hiding place” (34 min)

David Craig (1902-1977), affectionately known as “Scotch Davey”, was born and raised in Scotland. Saved in Baillieston near Glasgow as a 12 year old boy, Mr Craig began to preach at the age of 16. 10 years or so later in 1929 Mr Craig went out full time in the Lord’s work, and became a mighty evangelist and Bible teacher. Here in this powerful message given in 1971, Mr Craig speaks of a day when men will call on the…

Thomas Campbell – Anticipating Heaven (16 min)

Hear the voice of a preacher who was born in 1873! Thomas Campbell (1873-1964) first heard the gospel in Dublin while training to be a Policeman. Soon after, he was saved – on 14th April 1899 – through Isaiah 53:5. Later, when he saw the truth of gathering to the Lord’s name, he came into fellowship with the assembly meeting in the Gospel Hall in Letterkenny. He served the Lord for many years as an evangelist and saw many hundreds…

Jim Martin – 51 Years in the Lord’s Work (39 min)

Jim Martin (1925-2017) was saved in Banbridge on 1st April 1941 in the 5th week of gospel meetings being held by evangelist David Craig. In this recording, given in Ballymena in 2002, shortly after the homecall of his dear wife Elizabeth, Mr Martin tells both his testimony and how the Lord called him to preach the gospel. In 1951 he went out full time and in this message he recalls many interesting and encouraging stories from 51 years of service.…

Albert Hull – Pugwash Conference gospel message (25 min)

In 2002, in the big Tent in Pugwash Junction conference in Nova Scotia, Canada, Albert Hull (1936-2015) preached the gospel powerfully, majoring on the theme of “the precious blood of Christ”. He read 4 scriptures and heralded the gospel to those who are “without strength” (Rom 5:6), “without excuse” (Rom 1:20), who will die “without mercy” (Heb 10:28-29), unless the are saved through the precious blood of Christ, for “without the shedding of blood” is no remission of sins (Heb…

The Influence of a Godly Mother (19 min)

Frank Tornaquindici (1934-2019) was saved as a teenager on March 8th 1948. In a recording from 1998 he tells of the remarkable influence of his godly mother in his conversion and his life. The godly influence of Frank’s parents is told here with warmth and effectiveness, an influence that no doubt served as the foundation for a truly well-rounded effective life as a Christian, husband, father, assembly elder and businessman. Reading: 2 Tim 1:5. (Message preached in Larne, Northern Ireland).

Hawthorne Baillie – Abraham the Friend of God (16 min)

This historic recording from November 1950 on the topic of “Abraham the friend of God” by Hawthorne Baillie (1884-1964), is the oldest recording on our site. Mr Baillie was born into a godly home in Northern Ireland. He grew up to be a noted footballer with little interest in the things of God. However, God spoke to him through his sister’s death. He was awakened and saved and immediately showed a deep interest in the things of God. In 1913,…

Three Days’ Journey (25 min)

This message will do your heart good! Seven years after he was saved, Peter Orasuk, still clearly wondering at the grace of God in his life, preached in his home assembly, gathered in the Charlottetown Gospel Hall, Prince Edward Island, Canada, on the “three days’ journey” Israel took as they left Egypt. He links the three days’s distance from Egypt with salvation, baptism and fellowship in Acts 2:42. Are you willing to go all three days or accept one of…

We Need to be Stirred Up (33 min)

In 1957, at the age of 74, three years before his homecall, Oliver Smith (1883-1960) rose to his feet on the Sunday afternoon of the Manchester Conference (Iowa, USA) and preached on Paul’s words to Timothy, urging him to stir up the gift that was in him. In a conversational message, Oliver tells numerous memorable stories and incidents to illustrate simple but powerful truth. Look out for him saying “I’m happier now when I’m not happy, than I was before…

We Shall See His Glory – “Maranatha” (41 min)

One of John Glenville’s (1920-2013) favourite occupations was to exclaim “Maranatha” when he met another believer. Mr Glenville really seemed to live in a genuine and daily expectation of the imminent return of Christ, as should we all. In this message, given at the Belfast Easter Conference many years ago, Mr Glenville speaks on “beholding the glory of the Lord” and, of course, speaks in anticipation of the day when, caught up all together, we shall see Him and be…

What Vision Do You Have for Reaching the World with the Gospel? (50 min)

Gaius Goff tells the story of the labours of Herb Harris, who was instrumental in the planting of 15 assemblies in Newfoundland, Canada. He then tells how he himself got involved in the work as a young man and was used to see the work expand and blessing abound. The emphasis in his message is on “vision”. What vision do we have for taking the gospel to a lost and dying world? This is a fascinating and stirring account of…

Albert Joyce – “Come unto Me or Depart from Me” (14 min)

This recording, made in 1956 at a Bible Conference gospel meeting in Vancouver, Canada, features the voice of the late esteemed evangelist Albert Joyce (1897-1982). Mr Joyce was saved in May 1905, in Portobello, near Edinburgh, Scotland. Troubled about his soul, he looked at numerous gospel verses but wondered how he could get saved. “I knew all these verses, and I always believed they were true. How could I believe any differently?” Turning to Isaiah 53:5 and 6 he said,…

Fred Whitmore – “Lost in Sight of Home” (3 min)

Fred Whitmore (1903-1980) was saved as a lad in Birmingham. He became busy in open air work in his teens, and, at the young age of 21, launched forth into full-time service in England. He was mightily used in gospel preaching in his 20’s and was instrumental in seeing a number of assemblies established, including Ossett in 1926 and Skelmanthorpe in 1927. With a godly committed wife (Dorothy), Fred laboured tirelessly for many decades. In 1948, he was one of…

Harold Paisley – Report on High Street Tent (21 min)

When Frank Knox came to the end of his preaching days in the big Gospel Tent in Belfast, Mr Harold Paisley took on the responsibility of the work. In the early 1960’s, Harold gave a report at the Belfast Easter Conference about those first of his High Street Tent meetings which had upwards of 2,300 attendees on one night. (The singing was raised by David Kane). During the weeks many were saved. When the Tent was burned to the ground.…

William Bunting – 40 Years in the Work (11 min)

William Bunting (1903-1966) was saved under the preaching of Dr. W.J. Matthews in 1919. Baptised and received into fellowship in the assembly meeting in Wallace Avenue Gospel Hall in Lisburn, Northern Ireland, Mr Bunting threw himself early into gospel work. At the young age of 21, he went out to serve the Lord full time, being known at that time as “the boy preacher”. He travelled widely preaching and teaching, being an orderly, careful preacher, as well as a kind,…

Tom Meekin – The Time is Short (20 min)

Tom Meekin (1947-2017) was saved as a young lad. Growing in the Lord, it was soon clear that the Lord had given Tom a gift to communicate the Word of God both in ministry and the gospel. From 1972 to 1981, Tom and his wife Sally served the Lord in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Upon returning to Northern Ireland, Tom continued to be used as an assembly overseer and one who travelled widely ministering the truth of God. At…

Tommy Thompson – God at Work in Alaska (29 min)

Tommy Thompson (1925-2010) came from Belfast, Northern Ireland, and was converted to Christ in his homeland. He was a godly, committed, warm-hearted gospel pioneer. He married Sadie Scott in 1945, and together they immigrated to South Africa. But in 1954, they heard the call to serve the Lord in the cold far off land of Alaska. For the next 50 years, they laboured and toiled through oft-times lonely years, but saw many souls saved and some assemblies established. The story…

Jack Gamble – Paul’s Advice to Young Men (36 min)

Jack Gamble (1925-1994) from Glasgow, Scotland, was saved at 14, and then baptised and received into the assembly that met in Plantation Street (later Harley Street) in the Ibrox area of the city. He spent his whole working life at Rolls Royce, but ploughed his energies and time into the local assembly, and the study and preaching of the Word. Much loved and widely used, Jack Gamble was a powerful preacher who spoke with authority and zeal. He’s pictured to…

Bert Joyce – The Early Days in Newfoundland and Labrador (33 min)

Bert Joyce (1927-2017) was saved on 16th April 1939 as a 12 year old boy, sitting at the back of a Hall observing the breaking of bread meeting. As he listened to the singing of When I Survey the Wondrous Cross he pondered its deep significance to the believers sitting in the circle. Opening his Bible to Isaiah 53:6, he was saved as he understood for the first time that he was the stray sheep whose sins the Lord had…

Harold Paisley – What Shall I Do With Jesus? (34 min)

Harold Paisley (1924-2015) preaches on the haunting question of Pontius Pilate: “What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?” (The photo above is of The Pilate Stone, held in the Israel Museum, Jerusalem). This is a question you cannot avoid: what will you do – receive or reject the Son of God? Preaching in a Gospel Tent many years ago, this is Mr Paisley in full flow, telling out the same gospel that so radically changed his…

Norman Crawford – On 66 Years in Assembly Fellowship (27 min)

Norman Crawford (1927-2017) stood up at the Stark Road conference (Livonia, Michigan, USA) in 2008 and spoke on the preciousness of the local assembly, after 66 years in assembly fellowship. Mr Crawford had seen a number of assemblies planted during his long life of gospel preaching and Bible teaching and held assembly truth very close to his heart. Even on a big conference occasion, and after having spoken on it for many years, Mr Crawford never missed an opportunity to…

Jim Burnett – The House of God (41 min)

Jim Burnett (1935-2005) was born and brought up in Fife, Scotland. Sent to Egypt on national service, he met a young man who witnessed to him and soon after took him to his first gospel meeting. Jim sat with 200 other servicemen and listened to the gospel. He was saved that very evening. Back in Scotland, Jim was baptised and received into fellowship with the believers in Hospital Hill Gospel Hall in Dunfermline. Jim went on to become a mighty…

Robert McIlwaine – “What is your life?” (24 min)

When a man, who has been saved for 81 years, stands to his feet at the age of 90 to speak softly and solemnly on the powerful question “What is your life?”, one has to sit up and listen. Robert McIlwaine (1925-2021) takes up this searching question from James 4:14 as he reminisces about his long life; its challenges, triumphs, discouragements and regrets. This is a touching message that will speak to your heart and cause you to reassess your…

Albert Ramsay – Have You Lost Your Song? (18 min)

Asaph was a singer, but in Psalm 73 he seems to have lost his song. Have you lost yours? Albert Ramsay (1913-1993) takes up the Psalm in three sections: “out of the sanctuary”, “in the sanctuary” and “after the sanctuary”, and concludes that “sanctuary men are singing men”. Reading: Psalm 73 (Message preached in Larne in the late 1980’s)

Jack Lennox – Stories about Hymns (36 min)

Jack Lennox (1924-2016) grew up in Curran, Co Londonderry, Northern Ireland. He served in the Royal Air Force during World War 2, and was saved in Magherafelt some time after the war ended. In 1971 Mr Lennox was commended to full-time service and laboured in the gospel through a number of decades of faithful service. Mr Lennox had a great interest in hymns and often wove details about hymns and their writers into his messages. He was invited to speak…

7 Wonders about the Church (42 min)

Joe Merson (1921-1996) grew up in a Christian family, the youngest of 9 children, in the picturesque coastal village of Sandend (pictured above), Scotland, but sadly he rebelled against his godly upbringing. Returning home drunk one night, he nearly drowned – an experience that awakened him to his danger of perishing, soon after which he was converted to Christ. He was later commended to the Lord’s work full time and gave the rest of his life in gospel endeavour and…

John Glenville – I Am Crucified with Christ (15 min)

John Glenville (1920-2013) preaches on “I am crucified with Christ”. Not many recordings of Mr Glenville are available, but those who remember him will appreciate hearing again the unique delivery and content of this godly, prayerful, saintly man as he brings a powerful but warm challenge to his audience from Galatians Ch 2 as to what it means to live the life of a crucified man. Originally recorded in Northern Ireland.

Harold Paisley – The Power of the Enemy (25 min)

Harold Paisley (1924-2015) preaches a short message on the powerful and dangerous influence of Satan, the enemy of God. Mr Paisley makes reference to various manifestations in society that evidence the power of the devil in our day, as he actively seeks to deceive and damn the souls of men. As the world becomes morally and spiritually darker, what effect is this having on us as Christians? As we draw closer to the Lord’s coming, the need for a “closer…

Man Overboard! – Stories of the Sea (51 min)

Deep sea fisherman Alex McLean (1932-2019) recounts how he was saved in Stornoway, Scotland, in 1954 in his early 20’s. He had tried boxing, dancing, smoking and drinking, but discovered that life is empty without Christ. John Noble Steven showed kindness to Alex and shared the gospel with him. Taken to a gospel meeting the Lord saved Alex the very first time he heard the gospel preached. There follows an incredible account of Alex’s life at sea, which includes the…

How the Lord Led Me (42 min)

Harold Paisley (1924-2015) sets out what the Bible teaches about the nature, purpose and order of the local assembly. Mr Paisley grew up in Ballymena, the oldest child of Reverend James Kyle Paisley. Hear him explain how the Lord revealed New Testament church truth to him, and how he followed the Lord’s leading. Readings: Matt 16:17-18, 18:17-20, Acts 2:41-42, 1 Cor 3:16-17, 12:12, 27, Heb 8:5. (Message preached in Ballymena October 1993) Further listening: Harold Paisley’s testimony of salvation Harold…

50 Years in Africa – The Legges (47 min)

Scottish missionary Jim Legge (1938-2020) served the Lord in Botswana for more than 5 decades with his wife Irene. On a visit back ‘home’ to Scotland in 2008 he felt a burden to share a word of testimony about how the Lord had called him and his wife into full time missionary service and had worked through them to see souls saved and assemblies planted in Africa. This recording of that meeting will touch your heart and stir your soul…

Tom Bentley and Bob Neill – Reminiscences (52 min)

After labouring faithfully for the Lord in Africa for 50 years, Mr Bob Neill (1920-2006) was invited to a meeting in Northern Ireland (Mr Neill’s homeland) to speak about his 5 decades of missionary service. Before Mr Neill spoke, one of his close friends, another missionary called Tom Bentley (1924-2011) – who served the Lord for over 50 years in Malaysia – stood to his feet and reminisced about “the early days” both men had enjoyed in Ebenezer Gospel Hall…

Robert Walker – Diligence (34 min)

Robert Walker (1919-1990) was saved on 2nd Jan 1931. Born into an evangelist’s home in Aberdeen, Scotland, he himself would also eventually become a full-time evangelist, commended to the Lord’s work in April 1957. As you can hear on this recording, made in Scotland in 1979, Mr Walker had a deep fatherly voice, and a kind, sincere delivery. He was a diligent servant of the Lord, faithful in seeking the lost and visiting the sick. Mr Walker passed away at…

The Rest of Peter Orasuk’s Life Story (49 min)

Parties, drugs, violence, debt, jail…”then Jesus came and bade his darkness flee”. Peter Orasuk’s (1948-2005) remarkable story of conversion has gone all around the world and been used by God to bless many people. But what happened next? How did life turn out for the former conman and chronic addict from Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada? Is God’s salvation real? Does it really change people from the inside out? Does it last? In this recording, from October 1997, Peter tells…

Alex McLean – The Godly Man (44 min)

Alex McLean (1932-2019) preaches a powerful message on the need for godly men, referencing three prayers in the Bible: “Help Lord” (Psa 12:1), “Speak Lord” (1 Sam 3:9) and “What, Lord?” (Acts 9:6). Alex was a preacher who came across in his delivery with fervour and earnestness as he pressed the claims of Christ on the lives of believers. He weaves into his message a number of telling anecdotes and references from his own experience with the Lord (Message recorded…

How I Study My Bible (47 min)

A.M.S. Gooding (1915-1999) was a mighty expositor of the Word of God. Considering he left school at 15, never attended University, and was advised by his cousin, Professor David Gooding, not to spend much time with the “original Hebrew and Greek” unless he was going to make a lifetime study of it, one might wonder how on earth he became so knowledgeable and so able. In this message he explains the story of how he learned to study his Bible,…

T. Ernest Wilson – Two Ordinances (33 min)

Saved in early life, T Ernest Wilson (1902-1996) grew up in a godly home in Belfast, attending the meetings at Donegal Road Gospel Hall. Called to missionary service while working as a carpenter at the Belfast shipyards, at the age of 21 he headed to Africa soon after World War 1, taking the gospel to the land of Angola. Mr Wilson endured the primitive conditions of Angola early in the 20th Century and learned one of the local languages. Through…

Hugh Scott – Door Keeping in the House of God (50 min)

Hugh Scott (1911-1986), from Whitburn in Scotland, was a much-used teacher of the Word of God. In the non-combatant Corps during WW2, Mr Scott was then for many years the manager of a grocery store. It is said that his ministry was very much like the layout of his shop; everything was in order and neatly packaged. A master of his subject, he spoke with great authority and fervour, pouring forth material at a rate difficult to keep up with,…

Walter Gustafson – The One Name (25 min)

Walter Gustafson (1921-2020) was saved in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, on 2nd November 1941 at the age of 20 (See below for how he was saved, in his own words). Commended in 1954 to preach the gospel and teach the Word of God, he continued faithfully right into his 90’s. A brother with a distinctive Boston accent and a photographic memory, to hear him once was never to forget him. He kept a meticulous diary of every detail of his labours,…

Norman Mellish – How I Learned the Truth of the Assembly (38 min)

Norman Mellish was saved as a teenager. You can hear him tell the story of his conversion here. In this recording, he tells the story of his life after God saved him, and how he learnt the truth of the local assembly. In his 20’s Norman got caught up in the Pentecostal movement, and in a dramatic meeting one evening he had an experience of “speaking in tongues”. He then spend 5 years mixed up in charismaticism. However, one day,…

The 1859 Ulster Revival (21 min)

Wilbert Crawford (1928-2018) tells the story of how the “1859 Revival” in Ulster (now Northern Ireland) led to the formation of numerous assemblies in the area where he lived (Co Antrim). He tells how the Lord gathered believers together as churches of God in Kells, Clonkeen, Crosskeys and Ballybolan in those early days of gospel blessing late in the 19th century. One of the 4 young men who met to pray in the Old Schoolhouse in Kells, Northern Ireland, where…

Peter Orasuk – Restoration (35 min)

Peter Orasuk (1948-2005) is best known for his testimony, but he was also a gifted encourager in ministry! Murray McCandless wrote of him: “After conversion, Peter became an avid student of the Word and continued until his health started to steal his ability to concentrate. He spent hours in it, enjoyed it, shared it, and became a channel of blessing to those who listened to his ministry. I understand the Word of God reveals itself to our hearts, but I…

Having the Courage to say “No” (28 min)

During the 1960’s, in a landmark address at the large Easter Conference in the Grosvenor Hall in Belfast, before over 2,000 people, Mr Eddie Fairfield (1902-1994), a missionary home on furlough from Venezuela, preached a message called “having the courage to say no”. He made this claim: “If you are going to be anything for God you will have to learn to say no”. Mr Fairfield cited Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Naboth, Daniel and his 3 friends, and Zerubbabel and Jeshua…

Alex McLean – The Gospel to Russian Fishermen (33 min)

Alex McLean (1932-2019) from Peterhead, on the North East coast of Scotland, spent his life at sea catching fish. In the 1990’s, after the fall of communism in Eastern Europe, opportunities opened up for Alex to take the gospel to Russian fishermen whose boats were frequenting Scottish ports like Peterhead and Fraserburgh. In the mercy of God, Alex started to catch men – men who had never heard the gospel or seen a Bible in all of their lives. In…

John Stubbs – Christ is the Answer (49 min)

John Stubbs went home to heaven in 2019 after spending decades in the service of the Lord, teaching the Word and preaching the gospel. As a newborn baby, John was not expected to live…but God spared his life and we are all the richer for that intervention of the Lord. Overcoming physical disabilities, John fervently served, studied, preached and wrote – leaving behind a rich and worthwhile ministry of Christ. In this message, John takes the hearer on a journey…

Oswald McLeod – Young Men God Used (22 min)

Born into a Christian family in Nova Scotia, Canada, Oswald McLeod (1902-2002) was saved during World War 1. At the Pugwash Junction (Nova Scotia) conference in 1915 a number of preachers shared the ministry, one of whom was Mr. John Ferguson. He had intended to leave straight after the conference to take Tent meetings elsewhere, but he felt led to stay for an immediate series of gospel meetings in Pugwash, believing the Holy Spirit to be at work. The following…

Jim Allen – Living Contrary to the Culture (25 min)

Jim Allen grew up in Lurgan, Northern Ireland. As a young man raised under the preaching of the gospel he became quite indifferent to it. He would sit at the back of the Gospel Hall near the heater and sleep through gospel meetings. Then in his own words: “When Mr. Harold Paisley and Mr. Joe Poots began gospel meetings in a little hut in Dollingstown, two miles from Lurgan, N. Ireland, an older cousin persuaded me to miss the cinema…

Frank Pearcey – Encouragement (32 min)

Frank Pearcey (1913-1994) grew up in Toronto, Canada. While he respected his parent’s beliefs and attended meetings, his greatest ambition was to play professional hockey. In 1934, Mr. Herb Harris and Mr. Albert Joyce began a series of gospel meetings in the Brock Avenue Gospel Hall and Frank attended out of duty to his mother. Mr. Harris gave out the hymn Eternity, Time Soon Will End at every meeting, and Frank soon became convicted of his need of salvation. The…

Trusting God When He Can’t Be Traced (42 min)

Albert McShane (1914-2002) preached on lessons to be learned from unexplained trials. Taking up the story of Job, Mr. McShane describes a man who wished he’d never been born, or at least wished he could now be finished with life. The thing that he feared had arrived – tragedy, and unexplained loss of family, possessions and health. Added to this were the wounds inflicted by his friends. Yet, having lost everything, Job exclaims, “Though He slay me, still I will…

Archie Stewart – “As for Me” (26 min)

Archie Stewart (1885-1977) emigrated from Ireland to the USA as an 18 year old unsaved lad. However, in Philadelphia, a gospel tract called Good Tidings to the Anxious soon came into his possession, which was used in his salvation. He was baptised in the famous Moody Memorial Church in Chicago but later saw the truth of the local assembly pattern from his New Testament and joined with the believers in Central Hall, Detroit. He was commended to full time service…

Isaac Cherry – Last of All and Servant of All (42 min )

Isaac Cherry (1921-1967) came from Ayrshire in Scotland. He ran a construction firm while at the same time dedicating himself to the teaching of the Word of God and the service of the Lord in connection with “Loan Hall” in the town of Stevenston. He was a master expositor of the Scriptures as you can hear in this message on the Lord’s teaching in Capernaum in Mark 9:33-50. “Verse by verse” ministry may not appeal to some because it can…

Not Far from the Kingdom (51 min)

In 1983, Sydney Maxwell (1919-1993) and Harold Paisley (1924-2015) shared a very large Sunday night gospel meeting in a public meeting hall in the town of Larne, Northern Ireland, during the annual conference meetings there. Their messages paralleled one another as they both spoke about being “near the kingdom” and warned their audience that it’s not enough to know all about the blessings of salvation and heaven – if you end up remaining “outside the door”. It was a solemn,…
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