Sermons by Alex McLean
Rescued from Drowning at Sea (13 min)
Alex McLean (1932-2019) spent his life as a deep sea fisherman in the waters around Scotland. After retiring, he engaged in evangelism among fishermen, especially on the many Russian ships that visited Peterhead. In this recording Alex looks back at his years at sea and tells some of the most memorable stories of those decades, including the time when he was washed overboard and nearly drowned. (Recorded in Ballymena in 1998). Further recordings: Alex McLean’s conversion and life at sea…
Man Overboard! – Stories of the Sea (51 min)
Deep sea fisherman Alex McLean (1932-2019) recounts how he was saved in Stornoway, Scotland, in 1954 in his early 20’s. He had tried boxing, dancing, smoking and drinking, but discovered that life is empty without Christ. John Noble Steven showed kindness to Alex and shared the gospel with him. Taken to a gospel meeting the Lord saved Alex the very first time he heard the gospel preached. There follows an incredible account of Alex’s life at sea, which includes the…
Alex McLean – The Godly Man (44 min)
Alex McLean (1932-2019) preaches a powerful message on the need for godly men, referencing three prayers in the Bible: “Help Lord” (Psa 12:1), “Speak Lord” (1 Sam 3:9) and “What, Lord?” (Acts 9:6). Alex was a preacher who came across in his delivery with fervour and earnestness as he pressed the claims of Christ on the lives of believers. He weaves into his message a number of telling anecdotes and references from his own experience with the Lord (Message recorded…
Alex McLean – The Gospel to Russian Fishermen (33 min)
Alex McLean (1932-2019) from Peterhead, on the North East coast of Scotland, spent his life at sea catching fish. In the 1990’s, after the fall of communism in Eastern Europe, opportunities opened up for Alex to take the gospel to Russian fishermen whose boats were frequenting Scottish ports like Peterhead and Fraserburgh. In the mercy of God, Alex started to catch men – men who had never heard the gospel or seen a Bible in all of their lives. In…