Sermons by Frank Knox

Sermons by Frank Knox

My 5-Month Visit to New Zealand (20 min)

Frank Knox (1884-1975) gives a missionary report of his 5-month visit to New Zealand to preach the gospel in many towns and cities. Mr Knox was no ordinary preacher, and this is no ordinary report. (Recorded at the Belfast Easter Conference, Northern Ireland)

Frank Knox Quoting His H.A.T.H. Poem (2 min)

The evangelist Frank Knox (1884-1975) preached annually for many years in a large Tent in Belfast to thousands of people. His labours were blessed with many souls being awakened and delivered, even when World War 2 raged on. In the 18th year of his Belfast Tent meetings, Mr Knox recounted his story of conversion. Towards the end of his testimony he quoted, likely from memory, most of his own poem H.A.T.H., which summarises how he was saved on the roof…

Frank Knox’s Testimony – H.A.T.H. spells “Hath”! (70 min)

The evangelist Frank Knox (1884-1975) preached annually for many years in a large Tent in Belfast to thousands of people. His labours were blessed with many souls being awakened and delivered, even when World War 2 raged on. His own story of conversion, recounted by Mr Knox in this old recording in the 18th year of the Tent, is full of interest and power. Awakened to see he was “condemned already” – under the preaching of David Rea and Alex…