Born into a Christian family in Nova Scotia, Canada, Oswald McLeod (1902-2002) was saved during World War 1. At the Pugwash Junction (Nova Scotia) conference in 1915 a number of preachers shared the ministry, one of whom was Mr. John Ferguson. He had intended to leave straight after the conference to take Tent meetings elsewhere, but he felt led to stay for an immediate series of gospel meetings in Pugwash, believing the Holy Spirit to be at work. The following Wednesday, on the third night of what turned into a 6-week series in which 20 professed salvation, an 18 year old girl got saved. Two nights later found Oswald deeply troubled and in tears about his soul. He spoke with Mr Ferguson who pointed him to Isaiah 53:5-6. Oswald could see nothing that he did not already know. He was fixated on “how to believe”, and how he would know when he had believed enough or in the right way. He was also looking for some kind of feeling, but Mr Ferguson told him that assurance does not come from feelings. Oswald’s darkness deepened almost into despair. He got up from the sofa and, heading upstairs, tried once again to believe, but nothing happened. It finally dawned upon him that he was lost, and all hope of ever being saved left him. As he walked across the bedroom his thoughts were turned to the cross. He had always known that Christ had died for sinners, but at that moment it broke in upon his soul for the first time that Christ had died for him. He forgot about believing and about feelings; it was enough that Jesus died and that He died for Oswald McLeod! Thus he started for heaven on 9th July 1915.
In 1924 Mr McLeod moved to the Bryn Mawr, Philadephia, USA. He engaged in gospel labour with various preachers, until in 1928 he was himself commended into work full time. In a series with Sam Rea the following year, the Hatboro assembly was formed. The in 1934 Mr McLeod went to Hickory, North Carolina, and started Tent meetings. The present Hickory assembly was planted in 1950 through the labours of Mr. McLeod over many years, supported by his dear wife Sarah Jane.
In this message, preached in Detroit in 1986, Mr. McLeod speaks on three young men who God used: King Josiah, Daniel and Timothy.