Robert McIlwaine – Gospel Work in Nova Scotia (60 min)

Robert McIlwaine – Gospel Work in Nova Scotia (60 min)

L.K. and Sarah McIlwaine

In 1930, Lennon Knox McIlwaine (1898-1984) and his beloved wife Sarah, arrived in Nova Scotia from Northern Ireland, having been called by God to preach the gospel to the Maritime people of Canada. Robert McIlwaine (1925-2021), their son, visited the UK in 1987 and related the incredible, stirring and heart-warming story of the faith-filled labours of his parents, himself and others who, during the years of the great depression and through World War 2 and beyond, laboured in all weathers, against much opposition, and through considerable hardship, to see souls saved and assemblies commenced. The full story of this work is told in a book called Our Fathers Have Told Us. This is a report that will impact your thinking and challenge your heart.

The McIlwaine family in British Columbia, Canada, in 1948. Sadie, Mr & Mrs McIlwaine, Robert (L), Joan and Anne.