“We’re only playing at church” (54 min)

“We’re only playing at church” (54 min)

Albert Hull (1936-2015) preaches an urgent message on the character and cost of discipleship, taking up the subject under 7 headings: the meaning of it, the magnetism of it, the molding of it, the making of it, the mandate of it, the marks of it, and the manifestation of it. Mr Hull presses home the concept of following, pursuing and imitating Christ in a message that will stir your soul and refocus your mind. At the time this message was given, it had a defining impact in the lives of some who would later dedicate their lives to the full time service of the Lord. Readings: Matt 4:18-22, 10:42, 11:28-29, 28:18-20, Mark 3:13-14, John 13:34-35, Luke 18:26-30 (Message preached in Ballymena in Nov 1999).