Jim Flanigan (1931-2014) was saved as a boy of 11 in Belfast, shortly after his mother’s homecall. When his family home was destroyed in the air blitz of May 1941, the motherless young Jim was evacuated from the city. Back in Belfast 2 years later he was taken by a friend to Parkgate Avenue Gospel Hall where he grasped the principle of gathering to the name of the Lord in accordance with the pattern of the New Testament. In 1946 his parents, who were members of the Baptist Church, gave him permission to follow his convictions into fellowship into the assembly. Leaving School at 14 he found employment in the retail trade until in 1972 he resigned his employment to devote all his time to the work of the Lord. Jim travelled widely, throughout the UK, Ireland, Australia, USA, Canada, South Africa and the land of Israel, ministering the Word of God and preaching the gospel. He was thoughtful, orderly, accurate and lucid both in his speaking and in his writings. He had a special gift for speaking on the person of Christ, and his devotional ministry that touched the hearts of many. In this message he speaks on three last things connected with the Lord Jesus. Christ’s last garment, Christ’s last gift (the tomb), and the last glimpse His own had of Him before the stone was rolled over mouth of the tomb. A memorable meditation on the Saviour. (Message preached in Northern Ireland)
Also by Mr Flanigan:
How I came into assembly fellowship
The Pre-tribulation rapture