Sermons by David West
What Happens If You Remove Genesis 3 From the Bible? (45 min)
David West preaches on one of the most important chapters in the Bible, Genesis Ch 3. This chapter is to be taken historically and literally and is shown to be foundational to the rest of Scripture. Readings: Genesis 3:1-24, 2 Corinthians 11:2-3, 1 Timothy 2:11-14. (Recorded in Northampton, 26th Aug 2006)
6 Good-Looking Young Men Who Said “No” (36 min)
David West preaches on a number of young men in the Bible who wisely and courageously said “No” in situations of temptation to sin or to compromise. Joseph was tested morally, Daniel socially, Moses politically and Daniel’s three companions religiously. Readings: Gen 39:1-15, Dan 1:8-15, 3:16-18, Heb 11:24-26. (Recorded in Northampton, UK, on 23rd Oct 1999)
7 Parables of the Kingdom (36 min)
David West speaks on the 7 parables of the Kingdom of Heaven in Matthew Ch 13. The sower, the wheat and the tares, the mustard seed, the leaven in the meal, the treasure in the field, the pearl of great price and the dragnet. Mr West sets the context of the passage and explains how these parables should be understood dispensationally. (Message preached 27th May 2021)
Growing Old Gracefully (37 min)
David West preaches a weighty and encouraging message on the value, virtue and veneration of old age. He reminds his audience that how we grow old is more important than how old we grow. Readings: Prov 4:18, 16:31, 20:29, 23:22, Ecc 11:7-12:7. (Message preached at the Lurgan Conference 2016)
Depression – Its Causes and Its Cure (40 min)
David West speaks on some of the causes for, and also the cure for, depression. After looking at a number of relevant proverbs of Solomon, Mr West traces numerous cases of pain, loss and depression in the Bible. Gleaning helpful lessons from the experiences of others, Mr West then looks at the cure for depression as he discusses what the Bible has to say about the Christian mind, especially from Paul’s epistle to the Philippians. Readings: Prov 3:7, 4:23, 5:8-12,…
Sign No 2 – The Nobleman’s Son (37 min)
PART 3 – David West preaches on the second sign in John’s gospel, the “healing at a distance” of the nobleman’s son (4:43-54). After some introductory remarks about the fact that the 8 signs in John’s gospel are written as an inversion of 4 pairs, David points out the main features of the sign. David believes 1. the nobleman was a Gentile, and 2. all Gentiles are healed at a distance (Centurion’s servant, Syrophenician’s daughter etc.). The sign is a…
Let This Mind Be In You (41 min)
David West expounds Phil 2:1-11 a key Christological passage that outlines the nature of the person of our Lord Jesus Christ; His stoop down to the cross, and His exaltation back to the throne in heaven. Why does Paul introduce this into the Philippian epistle at this point? Because of a lack of unity in Philippi, and the need for the Philippians to have the same attitude as Christ if unity is to be restored (Message preached 13th Dec 2018)
A Forbidden Friendship (37 min)
David West preaches on the command of 1 John 2:15 – “love not the world”. In expounding this topic he poses three questions: 1. What does the Bible mean by the expression “the world”? 2. What are “the things that are in the world”? and 3. What is the relationship of the believer to the world? Explaining that the Greek word “kosmos” indicates “the world system”, David answers the three questions and sounds a call for Christian not to “love…
The Baptism and the Filling of the Holy Spirit (33 min)
David West preaches on the difference between the baptism and the filling of the Holy Spirit. ‘Spirit baptism’ is not a ‘second’ experience subsequent to salvation. In fact, the baptiser is the Lord; He baptises ‘in’ the Spirit. This is true of every believer positionally. The ‘filling’ of the Spirit does not mean one person can have more of the Holy Spirit than another. It simply means that a believer should be controlled by the Holy Spirit and thus fitted…
“It’s time you were saved” (17 min)
David West tells of his conversion to Christ in 1959 in Essex, England. Though greatly influenced by Sunday School teachers in his childhood, it wasn’t until his late teens that David was saved, by which time sport had become “an idol in my life”. Challenged one evening by the words, “Young man, it’s about time you were saved” David trusted Christ shortly thereafter (Testimony given 21st July 2013)
King Jehoshaphat (38 min)
KINGS OF JUDAH Part 3 – David West preaches on King Jehoshaphat. He relates the tragic story of this great man’s compromises – in particular the various unequal yokes in which he engaged. An instructive message. (Message preached June 6th 2013)
Spiritual Gifts (44 min)
David West preaches on the use of spiritual gifts in the assembly. After an introduction, he looks at the nature of spiritual gifts, their diversity and the principles that govern their use. He also deals with the analogy of the human body employed by Paul in 1 Cor 12 (Message preached 24th May 2012)
Assembly Discipline (35 min)
David West preaches on the subject of assembly discipline – the maintenance of order in a local assembly. He outlines the meaning of discipline, its necessity, subjects, forms, aims and recognition. This is a sensitive yet faithful handling of a solemn and oft neglected subject (Message preached 17th May 2012)
Deacons (42 min)
David West preaches on the subject of deacons. He defines what deacons are, before outlining their qualifications, proving, selection, function and compensation. This exposition of 1 Tim 3:8-13 and Acts 6 1-7 highlights the fact that “deacon service” involves much more than just the practical needs of a local assembly (Message preached 10th May 2012)
Elders (44 min)
David West preaches on the subject of assembly leadership – “elders”. After introducing the Biblical concept of “rule”, he speaks on the appointment of elders, their qualifications and rewards, majoring on Titus Ch 1. He also touches on the responsibility of the flock towards its shepherds (Message preached 3rd May 2012)
The Role of Women (36 min)
David West preaches on the subject of “the role of women in a New Testament assembly”. After setting the context, David West works his way through 1 Tim 2:9-15 line by line, and outlines the Bible’s teaching on sisters’ sobriety, silence, subjection and salvation (Message preached 26th Apr 2012)
Baptism and Assembly Reception (41 min)
David West preaches on the subjects of baptism and reception to assembly fellowship. He also deals with the subject of letters of commendation and give some helpful scriptural advice about their use. In his introduction he outlines 9 different baptisms in the Bible (Message preached 19th April 2012)
The Church and the Churches (43 min)
David West preaches on the subject of “the church and the churches”. He takes time to lay out the clear Biblical differences between a local church – composed of those who have been saved, baptised and received into fellowship in a specific locally gathered company – and “the church which is His body”, composed of all believers from Pentecost to the rapture. A vital message on an often misunderstood subject (Message preached 12th Apr 2012)
The Discipline of Worship (37 min)
David West preaches on the spiritual discipline of worship. He defines worship, and outlines its motivation, meditation, preparation and presentation from Psalm 45. He gives a list of very helpful practical hints in relation to the conduct of the breaking of bread meeting (Message preached 28th April 2011)
The Omnicience of God (44 min)
THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD – David West speaks from Psalm 139 on the omniscience of God past, present and future. He explains that each person in the Godhead shares the characteristic of omniscience in equal measure (Message preached 21st Jan 2010)
Exposition of James Ch 5 (48 min)
David West expounds James Ch 5 – the patience of faith and the prayer of faith. He warns against the use of expressions such as “Good heavens” and “Goodness Me” in the passage on ‘swearing’ (Message preached 11th June 2009)
Exposition of James Ch 4 (41 min)
David West expounds James Ch 4. He challenges his audience in relation to humility and pride and brings to bear James’s warning not to leave God out of our words, our plans and our actions (Message preached 4th June 2009)
Exposition of James Ch 3 (43 min)
David West expounds James Ch 3 which deals with the power, potential, problem and paradox of the tongue. He gives very practical exhortations concerning gossip and the evil of sowing discord among brethren (Message preached 28th May 2009)
Exposition of James Ch 2 (47 min)
David West expounds James 2, developing the two main themes of the chapter, impartiality and the relationship between faith and works. He covers the difficult subject of “justification by works”. (Recorded 14th May 2009)
Exposition of James Ch 1 (45 min)
David West introduces the Epistle of James and develops the main themes of chapter 1 – the purpose, provision and promise of God to the believer who is enduring trials and difficulties (Message preached 7th May 2009)