Sermons by Eugene Higgins

Sermons by Eugene Higgins

VIDEO: An Appointment with the Almighty (48 min)

In the twelfth part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) presents a message about the final judgment of all the wicked dead at “the great white throne” (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA).  Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:

VIDEO: Earth’s Future Golden Age (47 min)

In the eleventh part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) explains what ‘the Millennium’ – the 1,000 year reign of Christ – is all about. (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA). Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:

VIDEO: The King is Coming Back (46 min)

In the tenth part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) explains the great event known as the second advent of Christ – when He returns to earth to inaugurate His kingdom and reign supreme over the world that presently ignores and rejects Him. (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA). Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:

VIDEO: Spotlight on Babylon (46 min)

In the ninth part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) highlights the two notable end-time cities – Babylon and the New Jerusalem – and contrasts their history, occupants and destinies. (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA). Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:

VIDEO: Galloping Global Grief (44 min)

In the seventh part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) outlines the incredible details – from Matthew’s gospel and John’s Revelation – of the catastrophic events that will hit the earth at the end of the age. (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA). Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:

VIDEO: War in the Middle East (48 min)

In the sixth part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) speaks on the topic of “war in the Middle East” and explains how that Israel will be attacked in the tribulation but will ultimately be delivered by the returning Messiah. (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA). Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:

VIDEO: Israel: Past, Present and Future (43 min)

In the fifth part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) speaks on the topic of “Israel”. He explains how Israel began, and how in 1948, after nearly 2,000 years Israel became a nation again. Mr Higgins then describes the wars of 1948, 1967 and 1973, before jumping forward to the greatest battle of all, the battle of Armageddon. When Christ appears at the battle…

VIDEO: The Rapture (38 min)

In the fourth part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) speaks on the topic of “the rapture”, the moment when the Lord Jesus returns from heaven to take believers up to meet him in the air, and then go the “the Father’s house” (heaven). Will you be taken up, or left behind to face the wrath of God during the great tribulation? (Preached in…

VIDEO: Heaven and Hell (36 min)

In the third part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) speaks on the only two destinies facing humanity – heaven or hell – from two back to back chapters in the Bible: Luke 15 and 16. Where will you spend eternity? Readings: Luke 15:1-7, 9-10, 22-24, 32. (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA). Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:

VIDEO: What’s Wrong with the World? (37 min)

In the second part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) takes up the subject of “what’s wrong with the human race”, in which he looks at the root problem of sin, speaking from Romans 5:12 and 1 Timothy 1:15. (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA). Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:

VIDEO: It’s The Road, Not Your Religion (32 min)

In the first part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) takes up the subject of “the 2 roads and the 2 destinies”. The Lord Jesus Christ revealed the fact that all of us are either on the broad road to hell or the narrow road to heaven. Which road are you on? When did you start on the narrow road? (Preached in Jackson, Michigan,…

Who Is Willing? (23 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches a message on King David’s question “Who then is willing to consecrate his service this day unto the LORD?” (1 Chron 29:5). Consecration is like signing a blank piece of paper and giving it to God to fill in as He will, but will you sign it? (Message preached at the Toronto Easter Conference 1990).

Bible Ships – Lordship (29 min)

PART 5 – In the fifth message of a series on “Bible Ships” (fellowship, worship, discipleship, leadership, lordship), Eugene Higgins takes up the subject of Christ’s “Lordship”. Mr Higgins points out that the Lordship of Christ applies in our personal, business, assembly, and family lives. His two headings are: 1. the exalted name, and 2. the exclusive claim. He builds the bulk of his message around a number of people in the Bible who used the expression “My Lord” and…

Bible Ships – Leadership (37 min)

PART 4 – In the fourth message of a series on “Bible Ships” (fellowship, worship, discipleship, leadership, lordship), Eugene Higgins takes up the subject of “assembly leadership” and gives challenging and insightful exhortations to elders from the Word of God. Using a number of Biblical illustrations, Mr Higgins looks at the danger of elders being stern but not scriptural; soft instead of sympathetic; and secluded instead of sensitive. Plenty of food for thought as helpful guidance is given for effective…

Bible Ships – Discipleship (40 min)

PART 3 – In the third message of a series on “Bible Ships” (fellowship, worship, discipleship, leadership, lordship), Eugene Higgins takes up the subject of “discipleship” under three headings: its commencement, its characteristics and its culmination. A disciple is “one who follows in order to learn”. Are you a disciple of the Lord Jesus? An insightful challenging message. Readings: Luke 6:13, 14:25-33, Acts 9:10, 23-26, 36, 16:1-2, 21:15-16 (Message preached in Phoenix, USA, Jan 2005)

Bible Ships – Worship (44 min)

PART 2 – In the second message of a series on “Bible Ships” (fellowship, worship, discipleship, leadership, lordship), Eugene Higgins takes up the subject of “worship”, emphasising the priesthood of all believers, and that “worship is not a gift”! He highlights the privilege, the priority and the place of worship, before giving 4 lovely pictures of worship in the Bible. Mr Higgins give a lot of practical help in this message to help us when we are gathered together to…

Bible Ships – Fellowship (39 min)

PART 1 – In the first message of a series on “Bible Ships” (fellowship, worship, discipleship, leadership, lordship), Eugene Higgins takes up the subject of “fellowship”. While “friendship” is based around the concept of “like”, the Biblical concept of “assembly fellowship” is based on “likeness”. That is, fellowship is a sharing in common in doctrine and practice. It isn’t something we agree to have; it’s something we have because we agree. In this helpful message, Eugene outlines the meaning, measure…

Hold Fast Till I Come (22 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches a powerful message on the exhortation in Revelation 2:25, “Hold fast till I come”. In a day of difficulty and “temptation to let go” Eugene presses the exhortation to hold fast to the truth, to strengthen our grip, not to weary in battle, not to relinquish anything. Don’t let go…don’t let go…don’t let go! (Message preached Nov 2014 in Newington, Connecticut, USA)

Surprised by Salvation (33 min)

“Salvation was completely different to how I imagined it would be.” Eugene Higgins explains the way of salvation from the last verse of John’s Gospel chapter 3, which reads: “He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him” (Jn 3.36). He develops his presentation of the gospel around 4 contrasts in this verse: “Whom”, not “How” “Him”, not “you” “Having”,…

Crossing, Conquering, and Claiming (44 min)

Egypt to Canaan (Part 6) – Eugene Higgins closes the series of messages on Egypt to Canaan with a look at crossing the Jordan (and what that event typifies); conquering the land (overcoming intimidation, temptation, deception ad amalgamation); and claiming the land (with examples from Caleb, Achsah, the daughters of Zelophehad and Levi). Readings: Josh 3:14-17, 4:6-9, 5:10-6:2, 13:14, 33, 14:6-12, 17:3-4 (Message preached 6th Oct 2019) Here’s a photo of the chart Mr Higgins used during this series:

Faithfulness and Failure in the Wilderness (46 min)

Egypt to Canaan (Part 5) – Eugene Higgins preaches on 4 stand-out instances of Israel’s failure in the wilderness, each of which sees some individuals marked by faithfulness instead. A failure in obedience (the spies), a failure in submission (Korah), a failure in separation (Baal-Peor), and a failure in wholeheartedness (the 2.5 tribes who stayed east of Jordan). Some challenging lessons lie in these things that were “written for our learning”. Readings: Num 13:33, 14:1-9, 16:1-7, 25:1-5, 26:9-11, 32:1-8 (Message…

How to Live Until He Returns (42 min)

Egypt to Canaan (Part 4) – Eugene Higgins looks at the incident of the golden calf at Horeb, and the building of the Tabernacle – the twin issues of worship and work. Moses is a picture of an absent Saviour, and a preserved believer, and a consecrated leader, all at the same time. Mr Higgins draws out powerful lessons from this part of Israel’s journey to the promised land. Readings: Exod 19:24-25, 25:1, 32:108, 17-19a, 30-35, 35:20-29, 39:42-43 (Message preached…

Provision for the Desert Pathway (42 min)

Egypt to Canaan (Part 3) – Eugene Higgins preaches on the “manna from heaven” which was God’s provision for Israel in the wilderness. The manna is a “double type”: it typifies both the incarnate Word (the Lord Jesus) and the inspired Word (the Bible). Mr Higgins brings out many lessons about our daily need for the Word of God from the history of the manna. He closes by looking at Israel’s enemy Amalek, which is a picture of the flesh.…

Redemption from Egypt and Its Implications (41 min)

Egypt to Canaan (Part 2) – Eugene Higgins preaches on stage 1 of Israel’s journey, when they left Egypt, crossed the Red Sea, and started following the cloud. He emphasises separation from the world and draws lessons from Pharoah’s 4 attempts to persuade Israel not to leave. He distinguishes between crossing the Red Sea and crossing the Jordan. Finally he applies the spiritual lessons to be seen in the cloud that guided them through the wilderness. Readings: Exod 5:1-2, 13:1-3,…

Egypt to Canaan Introduction (39 min)

Egypt to Canaan (Part 1) – Introduction – Eugene Higgins introduces the subject of typology and how to approach it properly so as to avoid misinterpretation and misapplication, but while still benefitting from it. Mr Higgins explains the difference between a picture, a symbol and a type and then outlines 3 reasons why God uses these Old Testament features. Finally he lists numerous themes that will be encountered as this series of messages proceeds – themes full of practical import…

Hudson Taylor – “The Finished Work of Christ” (40 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on “the finished work of Christ”. That is to say, when the Lord Jesus died, He offered to God a full, final and faultless sacrifice for sins…and in so doing “finished the work” that His Father gave Him to do. Now salvation is available “without works” to the person who trusts in Christ. Mr Higgins uses the life story of Hudson Taylor as the springboard for this message. Click here for the handout (Message preached July 2nd…

William Tyndale – God’s Trustworthy Word (40 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on “God’s faithful and trustworthy Word”, the Bible (Rev 22:6, 1 Tim 1:15). You can be sure of an eternal destiny in heaven by believing what God says in His word! Mr Higgins emphasises three characteristics of God’s trustworthy Word – its simplicity, its immediacy and its certainty. He uses the life story of William Tyndale as the springboard for this message, Click here for the handout (Message preached July 1st 2017)

C.H. Spurgeon – “Look and Live” (41 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on Isaiah 45:22. There’s a very helpful section in this message where Mr Higgins runs through typical objections to salvation and provides insightful Biblical answers. Mr Higgins uses the life story and conversion of C.H. Spurgeon as the springboard for this message. Click here for the handout (Message preached June 30th 2017)

Jim Elliot – God’s Love for His Enemies (40 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on “God’s love for His enemies” from Rom 5:6-10. When Christ came to earth He was “hated without a cause”, rejected and slain. All of us, from birth, are at enmity with God due to the miserable and sinful state we find ourselves in by nature – a nature that manifests itself in wicked words, thoughts and deeds. Yet, God loved us even when we were enemies! Mr Higgins uses the story of Jim Elliot as the…

Fanny Crosby – Words of a Wonderful Saviour (39 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on the loving, living and lasting words of Christ – the wonderful Saviour. The words of Christ teach us what is of ultimate value, what is life’s ultimate peril, and provide – to those who rest on them by faith – ultimate assurance. Mr Higgins uses the life story of Fanny Crosby as the springboard for this message. Click here for the handout (Message preached June 26th 2017)

John Bunyan – Barriers and Burdens (37 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on the barriers a sinner faces in coming to Christ (deterrents, despair, deception, death), and “the burdens that Calvary removes”. He uses the life story of John Bunyan and his book Pilgrim’s Progress as the springboard for this message. The challenge? “Will you leave your sin and go to heaven; or will you have your sin and go to hell?” Click here for the handout (Message preached 23rd June 2017)

John Wesley – A Brand from the Burning (40 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches a soul-searching message based on an expression in the Bible (from Zech 3:2) which he applies to people who have been saved – they are “brands plucked from the burning”. Have you ever been saved from going to hell? Ending up in hell is a real danger, an imminent danger, an extreme danger and an irreversible danger. Mr Higgins uses the life story of John Wesley as the springboard for this message. Click here for the handout…

F.S. Arnot – “Whosoever” (36 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on 4 mentions of “whosoever” in the Bible. The whosoever that once meant me (John 8:34); the whosoever that would have been me (Rev 20:15); the whosoever that now means me (John 3:16), and the whosoever that still means you (Rev 22:17). He uses the life story of F.S. Arnot as the springboard for this message. Click here for the handout (Message preached June 18th 2017)

Isaac Watts – The Wondrous Cross (40 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches about the death of Christ at “the wondrous cross” – an event which provided both the greatest revelation of our ruin as sinners, and the strongest repudiation of our own righteous efforts to save ourselves. Why did Christ have to suffer and die if we could get to heaven by our own efforts? He uses the life story of Isaac Watts as the springboard for this message. Click here for the handout (Message preached Jun 17th 2017)

Hugh Latimer – “Believe in the Light” (36 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on “Christ as the light of the world” and urges his audience to “believe in the light” while they have the light (John 12:36). In a searching message Mr Higgins describes the light of God’s holiness exposing the corrupt heart of man, both in time and at the final judgment. He uses the life story of Hugh Latimer as the springboard for this message. Click here for the handout (Message preached June 16th 2017)

Martin Luther – “Jesus Only” (36 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on salvation through “Jesus only” (Matt 17:8), through “faith only” (Luke 8:50), resting on God’s “word only” (Matt 8:8). He presses the uniqueness of Christ as the only Saviour and the importance of resting on what God says – not on your own personal feelings – for the possession and assurance of salvation. Mr Higgins uses the conversion of Martin Luther as the springboard for this message. Click here for the handout (Message preached June 12th 2017)

Charles Wesley – Immense Mercy (37 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on God’s immense mercy, His amazing love and His infinite grace (from Gal 2:20). He ponders how much we all deserve wrath, how little we deserve mercy, but how greatly indebted we are to the mercy of God in Christ. Mr Higgins uses the life story of Charles Wesley, author of the hymn And Can It Be, as the springboard for this message. Click here for the handout (Message preached June 11th 2017)

John Newton – “Christ – A Great Saviour” (36 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on “Christ a great Saviour”. Reading in 1 Chron 17:16-17 and 1 Tim 1:12-15, Mr Higgins expounds the grace of God to sinners. He weaves his comments around the words of the aged John Newton (author of “Amazing Grace“) who said “I remember two things – I am a great sinner; but Christ is a great Saviour”. The free grace gospel is objectionable to self-righteous people, but it is the only way to heaven! Click here for…

Polycarp – No Friend Like Christ (28 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on greatest friend you can know. The Lord Jesus “loveth at all times” (Prov 17:17). Christ loved sinners from heaven, and during His life, and in His death at the cross. He loves sinners now, in their need and in their danger of perishing in hell. Mr Higgins uses the life story of the martyr Polycarp as the springboard for this message. Click here for the handout (Message preached June 9th 2017)

Adoniran Judson – The Reality of Being Lost (40 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches a searching and solemn message on a number of “pressing realities” that you need to face. The reality of death, of being deceived, of being lost, of being awakened to your danger…and of being saved (based on 2 Cor 4:3-6). In addition to telling parts of his own testimony of salvation, Mr Higgins uses the life story of Adoniram Judson as the springboard for his message. Click here for the handout (Message preached June 6th 2017)

Sir James Simpson – Christ My Substitute (42 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches a powerful message on Christ – a substitute required, provided and received. The hopelessness and helplessness of the sinner’s situation is laid bare; then Christ is introduced as the substitute who experiences and accomplishes what the sinner never could. Mr Higgins uses the life story of Sir James Simpson as the springboard for his message. Click here for the handout (Message preached June 5th 2017)

When I See the Blood (40 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on the Passover as a picture of salvation. The blood of the lamb made the people safe; the word of the Lord made them sure. A clear gospel presentation (Message preached in Bicester 15th Apr 2011)

Run and Live, or Delay and Die (48 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches an earnest message of warning and entreaty, based on the “cities of refuge” in the Old Testament. He urges his audience to “run and live” or “delay and die” (Message preached 14th April 2011)

The Son of Man Lifted Up (37 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on the “serpent lifted up in the wilderness” as a picture of Christ on the cross. He explains why the dying people needed to look, what they looked at and how they looked. A helpful gospel message (Message preached 13th April 2011)

The Struggle to be Saved (38 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on the two sons and the one Son in the parables of Matthew 21. He delivers a message ideally suited to children of believers who struggle to find salvation (Message preached 9th April 2011)

The Stronger than the Strong Man (38 min)

In a message about the deceptive power of the evil one to delude and damn souls, Gene Higgins preaches on Christ as the One “stronger than the strong one”. (Satan) from Luke 11:21 (Recorded 7th April 2011)

Words of Warning (42 min)

Gene Higgins preaches a searching, solemn and powerful message on the Lord’s memorable and startling words: “Remember Lot’s wife” (Message preached in Ambrosden 12th Nov 2008).

What Must I Do To Be Saved? (37 min)

Gene Higgins preaches on the Philippian Jailor’s question, “What Must I Do To Be Saved?” from Acts 16 and delivers a helpful message pointing to Christ as the only way of salvation. (Recorded 16th Nov 2007).

How Long Will Your Journey Be? (42 min)

Gene Higgins preaches on the question, “How Long Will Your Journey Be?” from Nehemiah 2, using it as a springboard to warn about the brevity of life and the sobering reality of eternity (Preached in Bicester 15th Nov 2007).

What is Truth? (37 min)

Gene Higgins preaches on Pilate’s question, “What is Truth?” God is a God of truth and His gospel promises can be trusted for eternal assurance of salvation (Preached in Bicester 14th Nov 2007).

Who Shall Deliver Me? (38 min)

Gene Higgins preaches on the question, “Who Shall Deliver Me?” from Romans 7. He looks at the problem of sin under 4 metaphors and gives the answer through the delivering power of the gospel (Preached in Bicester 13th Nov 2007).

How Can I Be Born Again? (38 min)

Gene Higgins preaches on the question, “How Can I be Born Again?” from John 3. He outlines the essential need for and the Biblical nature of the salvation experience called the ‘new birth’ (Message preached 12th Nov 2007).