Sermons by Bill Lavery

Sermons by Bill Lavery

Bible Calves (20 min)

Bill Lavery (1932-2024) preaches on the golden calf, the calves of our lips and the fatted calf and draws lessons from each for Christian service. Readings: Exod 32:1-4, 17-18, 33:7-8, Hos 14:1-2, Luke 15:3-8, 11-12, 20-29. (Recorded at Roseisle Conference, Manitoba, Canada in 2019)

Enjoying and Valuing Our Inheritance (22 min)

Bill Lavery preaches on enjoying and valuing our inheritance, in particular the treasure of truth we have been given in the Word of God. Reading: 1 Kings 21:1-10. (Message preached in Roseisle, Manitoba, Canada, 2017)

I Thought I Had it All (14 min)

Born in Ireland, William “Bill” Lavery (1932-2024) turned his back on God as a teenager. He thought he “had it all”, as drinking, gambling and ballroom dancing filled his spare time. After marriage, he emigrated to the USA (in 1961), settling in Michigan. He secured a good job in Detroit and enjoyed a “cocktail party” lifestyle into his early thirties. But God began to work in his life, eventually bringing him and his wife to repentance and faith in Christ.…