Sermons by Jim Hutchinson
Jim Hutchinson – What Must I Do to Be Saved? (30 min)
On the last night of a series of gospel meetings in Buckinghamshire, England, in 1980, Mr Jim Hutchinson (1920-2011) preached a message on the Philippian jailer who started off asleep, was then awakened, became anxious and was finally assured of his salvation through the person and work of Christ, about which he heard from Paul and Silas in the prison. In over 500 series of gospel meetings, Mr Hutchinson was always the same – steady, simple and earnest in the…
Jim Hutchinson – 50 Years in the Lord’s Work (45 min)
Mr James G. Hutchinson (1920-2011), known to most as ‘Jim’, was an evangelist who laboured for the Lord for over 60 years mainly in Northern Ireland. In 1996, before a crowd of hundreds in Cambridge Avenue Gospel Hall, Ballymena, he related the Lord’s dealings with him during 50 years in the Lord’s work. This is a recording of Mr Hutchinson speaking on that occasion. Saved at the age of 14 in 1934 in Banbridge while attending Tent meetings conducted by…